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What’s Awesome at CantoneseClass101? App Updates, New Lessons and $54 OFF

Click Here to Learn Cantonese in 6 Months for $66!

Hello Listener,

Where will your Cantonese be in 6 months? Successful students start now and don’t leave learning Cantonese to luck. So, when 2016 comes and most are just starting on their Cantonese goals, you’ll be 6 months ahead. With the 6-Month Challenge, you also get exclusive Inner Circle membership – tested learning methods and strategies for mastering Cantonese – to make sure you smash your learning goals. There’s even a BIG 45% discount!

In this month’s newsletter:

  1. Ends Friday! Click Here to Learn Cantonese in 6 Months for $66!
  2. Exclusive Inner Circle Membership Ends Friday
  3. App Users! 2 New Updates Made to Innovative Language 101
  4. Brand New CantoneseClass101 Series & Lessons Start July 6th

1. Ends Friday! Learn Cantonese in 6 Months with a BIG 45% Discount!
Learn to speak and understand Cantonese with real lessons from real teachers. Grab 6 months of Premium for $66 – that’s a BIG 45% OFF. Unlock the ENTIRE learning system – 110+ hours of audio and video lessons, PDF lesson notes, mobile apps, Premium tools and exclusive Inner Circle access! Get $54 in savings ‘til this Friday, June 26th, 2015.

Click Here to Get a BIG 45% OFF and Learn MORE Cantonese for LESS.
(Discounted prices ONLY available during the 6-Month Challenge Sale)

2. Exclusive Inner Circle Membership Closes On Friday!
How do successful Cantonese learners stay motivated and smash their goals? Welcome to the Inner Circle – an exclusive newsletter with audio lessons and PDF notes. You learn tested learning methods and success strategies that turn you into a consistent, high-performing Cantonese learner. The Inner Circle comes out at the end of every month (the next one is June 30th) and is for Challenge subscribers ONLY. If you’d like to join, take advantage of the 45% OFF to enroll.

Ends Friday! Click here to get 6 months of Premium & Inner Circle access.

3. More Video Lessons & More Lesson Control for App Users!
Learning Cantonese with the App? This past month, there were two new updates that you should know about. First, video lessons are finally on the Android App. That’s more lessons for you. And the iPhone and iPad version? It has powerful lesson player controls. Slow down the Cantonese that you hear, jump 10 seconds ahead or back, put your lessons on repeat and much more.

Click here to learn more about the updates to Innovative Language 101.

4. Ready to Master Cantonese with New Audio & Video Lessons?
Here’s how you master more Cantonese in 2015 – with brand new CantoneseClass101 lessons, every week. Starting July 6th, 2015, we’ll be publishing new seasons and lessons. They’re all made by real teachers and all designed to get you speaking and understanding more Cantonese. So, what’s new at CantoneseClass101 and what lessons can you expect?

Click here to see the CantoneseClass101 publishing schedule for 2015.

To your fluency,
Team CantoneseClass101

P.S. Ends Friday! Learn Cantonese in 6 Months with a BIG 45% Discount!
Time’s running out to get a BIG 45% OFF 6-Month Premium! Master Cantonese with the biggest discount of 2015. Unlock ALL CantoneseClass101 lessons (new lessons published weekly), PDF lesson notes, Premium tools, mobile App access, PLUS the exclusive Inner Circle newsletter! Just $11/month and $54 OFF! Ends Friday, 06/26/2015.

Click here to get 45% OFF 6-month Premium + Inner Circle access!
(Discounted prices ONLY available during the 6-Month Challenge!)

Click here to get 45% OFF 6-month Premium + Inner Circle access!