
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole。
David: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 7. Don’t Be Late in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 因為香港人好憎遲到。 (jan1 wai6 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 hou2 zang1 ci4 dou3 。)
David: Yeah. So Nicole, we’ve got a dialogue with two people. One of them is in adventure and one is the business friend. What’s going on in this dialogue?
Nicole: 嗱,個 inventor 呢就遲哂大到喇!所以佢嘅朋友就非常之嬲。 ( naa4 ,go3 inventor ne1 zau6 ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 laa3!so2 ji5 keoi5 ge3 pang4 jau5 zau6 fei1 soeng4 zi1 nau1 。)
David: Right. How can you be late for this meeting, right?
Nicole: 冇錯啦! (mou5 co3 laa1 !)
David: Anyway, we are going to find out in the dialogue why he is late and what’s going to happen. This is casual Cantonese as always. Let’s get to it.
A:你搞乜呀,遲晒大到。 (A: nei5 gaau2 mat1 aa3, ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3.)
B:對唔住呀,我尋晚通頂趕論文呀。 (B: deoi3 m4 zyu6 aa3, ngo5 cam4 maan5 tung1 deng2 gon2 leon6 man2 aa3.)
A:你仲搞學術?你個學術委員會都想你發達㗎! (A: nei5 zung6 gaau2 hok6 seot6?nei5 go3 hok6 seot6 wai2 jyun4 wui5 dou1 soeng2 nei5 faat3 daat6 gaa2!)
B:但係... (B: daan6 hai6...)
A:如果我哋今次條橋可以做得成,到時候你想教邊個系都得啦!買起成個學院都得呀! (A: jyu4 gwo2 ngo5 dei6 gam1 ci3 tiu4 kiu2 ho2 ji5 zou6 dak1 seng4, dou3 si4 hau6 nei5 soeng2 gaau3 bin1 go3 hai6 dou1 dak1 laa1! maai5 hei2 seng4 go3 hok6 jyun2 dou1 dak1 aa3!)
B:我明... (B: ngo5 ming4...)
A:明你仲搞亂檔?我今朝打鑼咁搵你呀。條橋你諗出嚟㗎嘛! (A: ming4 nei5 zung6 gaau2 lyun6 dong3?ngo5 gam1 ziu1 daa2 lo2 gam2 wan2 nei5 aa3. tiu4 kiu2 nei5 lam2 ceot1 lei4 gaa1 maa3!)
B:不過我唔想我篇論文半途而廢喎。 (B: bat1 gwo3 ngo5 m4 soeng2 ngo5 pin1 leon4 man2 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 wo3.)
A:我哋要攞風投、並購。(A: ngo5 dei6 jiu3 lo2 fung1 tau4, bing3 kau3.)
B:但係... (B: daan6 hai6...)
A:信我啦。好快Google就會想收購我哋㗎喇! (A: seon3 ngo5 laa1. hou2 faai3 GOOGLE zau6 wui5 soeng2 sau1 kau3 ngo5 dei6 gaa3 laa6.)
A: What's wrong with you? Why are you so late?
B: I'm really sorry. I stayed up last night writing my thesis.
A: Why are you worried about academics? You think your committee doesn't want you to be rich?
B: Well...
A: If we commercialize this, you can teach at any department you want or buy one.
B: Well...I know that.
A: So why are you trying to tank this deal? I needed you this morning. You're the inventor!
B: I just don't want to stop writing my paper halfway through.
A: We'll get venture capital, get in talks for an acquisition.
B: But...
A: Trust me. In no time, we'll be purchased by Google.
David: So Nicole, what do you think? Do you think he should keep with his thesis or leave for the company?
Nicole: 梗係寫論文啦!仲使講。 (gang2 hai6 se2 leon6 man4 laa1 !zung6 sai2 gong2 。)
David: Nicole is not a quitter. Our vocab is about how not to be a quitter either.
Nicole: 冇錯。 ( mou5 co3 。)
David: Or how to take venture capital if you want. So let’s get to it.
Nicole: 通頂。(tung1 deng2.)
David: To pull an all-nighter.
Nicole: 通 頂, 通頂, 論文。 (tung1 deng2, tung1 deng2, leon6 man2.)
David: Thesis.
Nicole: 論 文, 論文, 學術。 (leon6 man2, leon6 man2, hok6 seot6.)
David: Academics.
Nicole: 學 術, 學術, 橋。 (hok6 seot6, hok6 seot6, kiu2.)
David: Idea.
Nicole: 橋, 橋, 搞亂檔。 (kiu2, kiu2, gaau2 lyun6 dong3.)
David: To mess things up.
Nicole: 搞 亂 檔, 搞亂檔, 半途而廢。 (gaau2 lyun6 dong3, gaau2 lyun6 dong3, bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3.)
David: To stop something midway through.
Nicole: 半 途 而 廢, 半途而廢, 風投。 (bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3, bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3, fung1 tau4.)
David: Venture capital.
Nicole: 風 投, 風投, 並購。 (fung1 tau4, fung1 tau4, bing3 kau3.)
David: Acquisition.
Nicole: 並 購, 並購, 收購。 (bing3 kau3, bing3 kau3, sau1 kau3.)
David: To acquire.
Nicole: 收 購, 收購。 (sau1 kau3, sau1 kau3.)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is to pull an all-nighter.
Nicole: 通頂。 (tung1 ding2.)
David: And Nicole is very familiar with that.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!我成日通頂, 因為我要寫論文。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !ngo5 sing4 jat6 tung1 ding2 , jan1 wai6 ngo5 jiu3 se2 leon6 man4 。)
David: Thesis.
Nicole: 我要寫論文, 而且係寫學術論文。 (ngo5 jiu3 se2 leon6 man4 , ji4 ce2 hai6 se2 hok6 seot6 leon6 man4 。)
David: Right. And that’s an academic paper.
Nicole: 學術論文。 (hok6 seot6 leon6 man4 。)
David: Right. And so that’s both the graduate thesis as well as an academic paper.
Nicole: 冇錯, 就所有嘅統稱嚟嘅, 所有嘅 paper, 學術論文。 (mou5 co3 , zau6 so2 jau5 ge3 tung2 cing1 lei4 ge3 , so2 jau5 ge3 paper , hok6 seot6 leon6 man4 。)
David: Yeah. If someone goes into a program and then they stop doing it for whatever reason, the phrase in Cantonese for this is
Nicole: 半途而廢, 我哋就會話呢個人半途而廢,我哋就會叫佢哋半途而廢, 咁一般而家嘅大學呢 可能大概有兩成嘅學生左右都會半途而廢, 即係讀到一半然之後退學。 (bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 , ngo5 dei6 zau6 wui2 waa6 ni1 go3 jan4 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 ,ngo5 dei6 zau6 wui2 giu3 keoi5 dei6 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 , gam2 jat1 bun1 ji4 gaa1 ge3 daai6 hok6 ne1 ho2 nang4 daai6 koi3 jau5 loeng5 sing4 ge3 hok6 sang1 zo2 jau2 dou1 wui2 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 , zik1 hai6 duk6 dou3 jat1 bun3 jin4 zi1 hau6 teoi3 hok6 。)
David: Yeah. So it’s not just restricted to academics. You can use this with business as well. For instance, Google was thinking about an acquisition but abandoned the idea halfway through.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞! Google 本來想並購嘅,後來諗諗下又半途而廢。 (mou5 co3 laak3 ! Google bun2 loi4 soeng2 bing6 kau3 ge3 ,hau6 loi4 lam2 lam2 haa5 jau6 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 。)
David: Google was thinking about an acquisition but abandoned the idea halfway through.
Nicole: Google 本來想並購,後來半途而廢。 (bun2 loi4 soeng2 bing6 kau3 ,hau6 loi4 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 。)
David: And we’ve got those two words at the end both the noun for acquisition as well as the verb to acquire.
Nicole: 佢哋就係 “並購” 同埋 “收購”, 咁有時呢係可以交替咁樣使用嘅。 (keoi5 dei6 zau6 hai6 “bing6 kau3 ” tung4 maai4 “sau1 kau3 ”, gam2 jau5 si4 ne1 hai6 ho2 ji5 gaau1 tai3 gam2 joeng2 si2 jung6 ge3 。)
David: And those are both nouns.
Nicole: 並購, 收購都可以做名詞,亦都可以做動詞。 (bing6 kau3 , sau1 kau3 dou1 ho2 ji5 zou6 ming4 ci4 ,jik6 dou1 ho2 ji5 zou6 dung6 ci4 。)
David: And that brings us to the last two words on our vocab list. The first is acquisition.
Nicole: 並購 。 (bing6 kau3 。)
David: And this is also a merger.
Nicole: 冇錯喇!一間公司要收幾間公司,或者係幾間公司要合埋一齊。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !jat1 gaan1 gung1 si1 jiu3 sau1 gei2 gaan1 gung1 si1 ,waak6 ze2 hai6 gei2 gaan1 gung1 si1 jiu3 hap6 maai4 jat1 cai4 。)
David: Yes although when there is a merger, it’s usually one company that’s buying the other.
Nicole: 唔, 冇錯, 有錢啲嘅就買負債嗰間。 (m4 , mou5 co3 , jau5 cin2 di1 ge3 zau6 maai5 fu6 zaai3 go2 gaan1 。)
David: Yeah. So that’s both a verb and a noun.
Nicole: 唔, 係非常之靈活,係可以做動詞,可以做名詞。 (m4 , hai6 fei1 soeng4 zi1 ling4 wut6 ,hai6 ho2 ji5 zou6 dung6 ci4 ,ho2 ji5 zou6 ming4 ci4 。)
David: Yeah. Our next word is also a verb and a noun.
Nicole: 收購。 ( sau1 kau3 。)
David: To acquire.
Nicole: 收購。 (sau1 kau3 。)
David: Right. Is there a difference between these in Cantonese?
Nicole: 對於我嚟講,我做學術嘅我覺得無乜區別嘅,但係可能行業嚟講呢就會覺得有少少區別喇! (deoi3 jyu1 ngo5 lei4 gong2 ,ngo5 zou6 hok6 seot6 ge3 ngo5 gok3 dak1 mou4 mat1 keoi1 bit6 ge3 ,daan6 hai6 ho2 nang4 hong4 jip6 lei4 gong2 ne1 zau6 wui2 gok3 dak1 jau5 siu2 siu2 keoi1 bit6 laak3 !)
David: Yeah. You are going to run into both of them in the news though.
Nicole: 唔,你成日會喺新聞度睇到。 (m4 ,nei5 sing4 jat6 wui2 hai2 san1 man4 dou6 tai2 dou2 。)

Lesson focus

David: Huh! Anyway that’s our vocab for this week. With that, let’s move on to our grammar point. It’s grammar time. Okay Nicole, our grammar point is actually vocab focus this week as well.
Nicole: 係!冇錯,今次我哋會介紹大家幾個常用嘅詞語。 (hai6 !mou5 co3 ,gam1 ci3 ngo5 dei6 wui2 gaai3 siu6 daai6 gaa1 gei2 go3 soeng4 jung6 ge3 ci4 jyu5 。)
David: Yeah. We’ve got this expression in the first line of the dialogue.
Nicole: 遲晒大到, 我哋呢喺dialogue入面呢係喺呢個句子度聽到嘅, “你搞咩呀, 遲晒大到。” (ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 , ngo5 dei6 ne1 hai2 dialogue jap6 min6 ne1 hai6 hai2 ni1 go3 geoi3 zi2 dou6 teng1 dou2 ge3 , “nei5 gaau2 me1 aa3 , ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 。”)
David: What’s wrong with you? Why are you so late?
Nicole: 你搞咩呀,遲晒大到。 (nei5 gaau2 me1 aa3 ,ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 。)
David: Right. Now we could just say, why are you late?
Nicole: 遲到,你點解要遲到? (ci4 dou3 ,nei5 dim2 gaai2 jiu3 ci4 dou3 ?)
David: Right. So Nicole, what are we doing?
Nicole: 因為呢個人可能唔係只係遲到5分鐘,唔係遲到 10分鐘,佢係遲到兩個鐘,所以我哋話佢 遲晒大到。 (jan1 wai6 ni1 go3 jan4 ho2 nang4 m4 hai6 zi2 hai6 ci4 dou3 ng5 fan1 zung1 ,m4 hai6 ci4 dou3 sap6 fan1 zung1 ,keoi5 hai6 ci4 dou3 loeng5 go3 zung1 ,so2 ji5 ngo5 dei6 waa6 keoi5 ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 。)
David: Literally we are adding the words complete and big into the middle of our verb.
Nicole: 係呀!”晒” 同埋 “大”。 (hai6 aa3 !”saai3 ” tung4 maai4 “daai6 ”。)
David: Yeah. So it’s really, really, really late. It’s about as late as you can get.
Nicole: 冇錯,兩個鐘,三個鐘。 (mou5 co3 ,loeng5 go3 zung1 ,saam1 go3 zung1 。)
David: Yeah. So again, the expression is
Nicole: 遲晒大到。 (ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 。)
David: This is really common. We also hear this with a few other verbs.
Nicole: 譬如話 亂晒大龍。 (pei3 jyu4 waa6 lyun6 saai3 daai6 lung4 。)
David: To make a big mess.
Nicole: 亂晒大龍。 (lyun6 saai3 daai6 lung4 。)
David: For instance, Google made a mess of its latest acquisition.
Nicole: Google 最近嘅並購亂晒大龍, 你都可以話佢篇論文亂晒大龍, 所以唯有半途而廢。 (zeoi3 gan6 ge3 bing6 kau3 lyun6 saai3 daai6 lung4 , nei5 dou1 ho2 ji5 waa6 keoi5 pin1 leon6 man4 lyun6 saai3 daai6 lung4 , so2 ji5 wai4 jau5 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 。)
David: Right. That would be he made a mess of his thesis and so dropped out.
Nicole: 佢篇論文亂晒大龍, 所以唯有半途而廢啦!呢個咁嘅情況我係從來都未遇到過嘅。 (keoi5 pin1 leon6 man4 lyun6 saai3 daai6 lung4 , so2 ji5 wai4 jau5 bun3 tou4 ji4 fai3 laa1 !ni1 go3 gam2 ge3 cing4 fong3 ngo5 hai6 cung4 loi4 dou1 mei6 jyu6 dou3 gwo3 ge3 。)
David: Right. So those two verbs are about bad things happening. You are either late or you are making a mess of something. Our third is if you are forced to wait in the line.
Nicole: 冇錯喇!排晒大隊。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !paai4 saai3 daai6 deoi2 。)
David: Right because everyone in Hong Kong loves lines and there are some very lengthy lines here.
Nicole: 冇錯,香港人好鍾意排隊嘅,而且你無論去食飯啦! (mou5 co3 ,hoeng1 gong2 jan4 hou2 zung1 ji3 paai4 deoi2 ge3 ,ji4 ce2 nei5 mou4 leon6 heoi3 sik6 faan6 laa1 !)
David: I don’t know.
Nicole: 全部都去排隊。 (cyun4 bou6 dou1 heoi3 paai4 deoi2 。)
David: I don’t know if people like waiting in line but you will have to do it and if there is an exceedingly long line, we call that
Nicole: 排晒大隊。 ( paai4 saai3 daai6 deoi2 。)
David: For instance
Nicole: 班學生排晒大隊去見教授。 (baan1 hok6 saang1 paai4 saai3 daai6 deoi2 heoi3 gin3 gaau3 sau6 。)
David: The group of students lined up to meet the professor.
Nicole: 班學生排晒大隊去見教授。 (baan1 hok6 saang1 paai4 saai3 daai6 deoi2 heoi3 gin3 gaau3 sau6 。)
David: Right. And there is one more expression that’s really commonly used.
Nicole: 離晒大譜!一般嚟講就係形容人做咗好過份嘅嘢,好離譜嘅嘢,所以離晒大譜! (lei4 saai3 daai6 pou2 !jat1 bun1 lai4 gong2 zau6 hai6 jing4 jung4 jan4 zou6 zo2 hou2 gwo3 fan6 ge3 je5 ,hou2 lei4 pou2 ge3 je5 ,so2 ji5 lei4 saai3 daai6 pou2 !)
David: Yeah. It’s not just ridiculous. It’s extremely ridiculous.
Nicole: 冇錯,譬如話成半年都冇上堂?離晒大譜! (mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 sing4 bun3 nin4 dou1 mou5 soeng5 tong4 ?lei4 saai3 daai6 pou2 !)
David: Not attending class for half a year? That’s ridiculous.
Nicole: 成半年都唔上堂?離晒大譜呀! (sing4 bun3 nin4 dou1 m4 soeng5 tong4 ?lei4 saai3 daai6 pou2 aa3 !)
David: Right. So we have these four common expressions.
Nicole: 遲晒大到, 亂晒大龍, 排晒大隊 同離晒大譜! (ci4 saai3 daai6 dou3 , lyun6 saai3 daai6 lung4 , paai4 saai3 daai6 deoi2 tung4 lei4 saai3 daai6 pou2 !)


David: Right. A really useful way of exaggerating the actions involved and with that, that’s the end of our lesson for today. Before we go Nicole, we did want to remind people of one thing.
Nicole: 記得過嚟 sign up呀!簽個 account 好快㗎咋! (gei3 dak1 gwo3 lei4 sign up aa3 !cim1 go3 account hou2 faai3 gaa3 zaa3 !)
David: It only takes about 5 seconds. You will be glad that you did. For now though, that is all the time we have. Coming to you from the heart of Kowloon, I am David.
Nicole: 我係 (ngo5 hai6) Nicole。
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you online.
Nicole: 下次見。 (haa6 ci3 gin3 。)

