
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 23. Do You Trust the Milk Powder from China? Hi everyone. Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Gabriella.
Olivia: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Olivia.
Gabriella: And we are here with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 23. Do You Trust the Milk Powder from China?
Olivia: 你信唔信大陸製嘅奶粉呢? (nei5 seon3 m4 seon3 daai6 luk6 zai3 ge3 naai5 fan2 ne1 ?)
Gabriella: The conversation takes place at a train station.
Olivia: 係喺火車站度,應該係一個住喺大陸嘅朋友同一個住喺香港嘅朋友之間嘅對話。 (hai6 hai2 fo2 ce1 zaam6 dou6 ,jing1 goi1 hai6 jat1 go3 zyu6 hai2 daai6 luk6 ge3 pang4 jau5 tung4 jat1 go3 zyu6 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 pang4 jau5 zi1 gaan1 ge3 deoi3 waa6 。)
Gabriella: It’s between two friends. One of them lives in Mainland China and is visiting Hong Kong and as usual, they will be speaking casual Cantonese. Let’s listen to the conversation.
A:又嚟香港買奶粉呀? (A: jau6 lei4 hoeng1 gong2 maai5 naai5 fan2 aa6?)
B:唔好講喇,今次淨係可以帶兩罐,我老婆仲鬧我冇用。 (B: m4 hou2 gong2 laa6, gam1 ci3 zing6 hai6 ho2 ji5 daai3 loeng5 gun3, ngo5 lou5 po4 zung6 naau6 ngo5 mou5 jung6.)
A:而家香港法例限制,淨係可以帶兩罐咋? (A: ji4 gaa1 hoeng1 gong2 faat3 lai6 haan6 zai3, zing6 hai6 ho2 ji5 daai3 loeng5 gun3 zaa4?)
B:係呀,斷奶之後,我個BB就唔夠食喇,又唔敢食大陸啲奶粉。 (B: hai6 aa6, tyun5 naai5 zi1 hau6, ngo5 go3 bi4 bi1 zau6 m5 gau3 sik6 laa6, jau6 m4 gam2 sik6 daai6 luk6 di1 naai5 fan2.)
A:其實...我聽人講最近啲大陸奶粉供應商都改良咗,應該冇乜問題。 (A: kei4 sat6... ngo5 teng1 jan4 gong2 zeoi3 gan6 di1 daai6 luk6 naai5 fan2 gung1 jing3 soeng1 dou1 goi2 loeng4 zo2, jing1 goi1 mou5 mat1 man6 tai4.)
B:但係一朝俾蛇咬,十年怕井繩,邊個敢將自己個BB當試驗品呀。 (B: daan6 hai6 jat1 ziu1 bei2 se4 ngaau5, sap6 nin4 paa3 zeng2 sing2, bin1 go3 gam2 zoeng1 zi6 gei2 go3 bi4 bi1 dong3 si3 jim6 ban2 aa6.)
A: You came to Hong Kong to buy milk powder again?
B: Don't mention it. I was only able to buy two cans this time. My wife said I was so incapable.
A: The current legal restriction only allows to bring two cans of powder?
B: That's right. But my baby really doesn't have enough to eat since weaning. And we're so worried about the milk powder in China.
A: Actually, I heard the industry in China is much better now, there shouldn't be any problem.
B: Once bitten, twice shy. Who would let their children take any risk?
Gabriella: So what happened? Why do people from Mainland China have to buy milk powder from Hong Kong?
Olivia: 咁係因為自從喺2003年發生劣質奶粉事件, 之後呢2008年又發生毒奶事件喎!所以佢哋真係唔敢再俾啲 BB 飲大陸奶粉啦! (gam2 hai6 jan1 wai6 zi6 cung4 hai2 ji6 ling4 ling4 saam1 nin4 faat3 sang1 lyut3 zat1 naai5 fan2 si6 gin2 , zi1 hau6 ne1 ji6 ling4 ling4 baat3 nin4 jau6 faat3 sang1 duk6 naai5 si6 gin2 wo3 !so2 ji5 keoi5 dei6 zan1 hai6 m4 gam2 zoi3 bei2 di1 bi4 bi1 jam2 daai6 luk6 naai5 fan2 laa1 ! )
Gabriella: Poisonous milk. You mean, someone is trying to poison the babies?
Olivia: 咁又唔係,其實係啲奶粉製造商加咗啲化工原料 “三聚青胺” 落啲劣質製品度,令到啲製品呢喺蛋白質檢測嘅時候顯示合格嘅數據喎! (gam2 jau6 m4 hai6 ,kei4 sat6 hai6 di1 naai5 fan2 zai3 zou6 soeng1 gaa1 zo2 di1 faa3 gung1 jyun4 liu2 “saam1 zeoi6 cing1 ngon1 ” lok6 di1 lyut3 zat1 zai3 ban2 dou6 ,ling6 dou3 di1 zai3 ban2 ne1 hai2 daan2 baak6 zat1 gim2 caak1 ge3 si4 hau6 hin2 si6 hap6 gaak3 ge3 sou3 geoi3 wo3 !)
Gabriella: So the dairy product manufacturer added melamine to the diluted milk in order to pass the protein level test. That’s insane.
Olivia: 係呀! 搞到啲 BB 生腎石甚至腎衰竭喎!最少呀有四個 BB 就係因為咁而死咗呀! (hai6 aa3 ! gaau2 dou3 di1 bi4 bi1 saang1 san6 sek6 sam6 zi3 san6 seoi1 kit3 wo3 !zeoi3 siu2 aa4 jau5 sei3 go3 bi4 bi1 zau6 hai6 jan1 wai6 gam1 ji4 sei2 zo2 aa3 !)
Gabriella: That’s tragic. I can’t imagine babies getting kidney stones from the milk they drink every day.
Olivia: 係呀!呢件事令到全國震驚呀!其他國家呢亦都即刻停止入口中國製嘅奶粉,搞到好大件事呀! (hai6 aa3 !ni1 gin6 si6 ling6 dou3 cyun4 gwok3 zan3 ging1 aa3 !kei4 taa1 gwok3 gaa1 ne1 jik6 dou1 zik1 hak1 ting4 zi2 jap6 hau2 zung1 gwok3 zai3 ge3 naai5 fan2 ,gaau2 dou3 hou2 daai6 gin6 si6 aa3 !)
Gabriella: Well I hope it never happens again. Now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Olivia: 奶粉。 (naai5 fan2.)
Gabriella: Milk powder.
Olivia: 奶 粉 , 奶粉。 (naai5 fan2, naai5 fan2.)
Gabriella: Next.
Olivia: 罐。 (gun3.)
Gabriella: A measure word for cans.
Olivia: 罐, 罐。 (gun3,gun3.)
Gabriella: And next.
Olivia: 冇用。 (mou5 jung6)
Gabriella: Incapable.
Olivia: 冇 用, 冇用。 (mou5 jung6, mou5 jung6.)
Gabriella: The next word is
Olivia: 限制。 (haan6 zai3.)
Gabriella: Limit.
Olivia: 限 制, 限制。 (haan6 zai3, haan6 zai3.)
Gabriella: Next.
Olivia: 淨係 。 (zing6 hai6.)
Gabriella: Only.
Olivia: 淨 係, 淨係。 (zing6 hai6, zing6 hai6.)
Gabriella: Then we have
Olivia: 斷奶。 (tyun5 naai5.)
Gabriella: Weaning.
Olivia: 斷 奶, 斷奶。 (tyun5 naai5, tyun5 naai5.)
Gabriella: Next.
Olivia: 大陸 。 (daai6 luk6.)
Gabriella: Mainland.
Olivia: 大 陸, 大陸。 (daai6 luk6, daai6 luk6.)
Gabriella: And the last word is.
Olivia: 改良。 (goi2 loeng4.)
Gabriella: Improved.
Olivia: 改 良, 改良。 (goi2 loeng4, goi2 loeng4.)
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of these words and phrases. Our first word is Mainland.
Olivia: 大陸。 (daai6 luk6 。)
Gabriella: I noticed that you use it a lot when referring to Mainland China.
Olivia: 係呀!其實呢個係中國大陸嘅簡稱。 (hai6 aa3 !kei4 sat6 ni1 go3 hai6 zung1 gwok3 daai6 luk6 ge3 gaan2 cing1 。)
Gabriella: But can I use the same term for Mainland in other countries?
Olivia: 都得㗎!但係就會加個國家名喺前邊,例如俄羅斯大陸。 (dou1 dak1 gaa3 !daan6 hai6 zau6 wui2 gaa1 go3 gwok3 gaa1 meng2 hai2 cin4 bin1 ,lai6 jyu4 ngo4 lo4 si1 daai6 luk6 。)
Gabriella: Mainland Russia.
Olivia: 非洲大陸。 (fei1 zau1 daai6 luk6 。)
Gabriella: Mainland Africa. Okay now let’s look at the next phrase which I assume is an idiom.
Olivia: “一朝俾蛇咬,十年怕井繩。” 冇錯呀!係成語嚟㗎! (“jat1 ziu1 bei2 se4 ngaau5 ,sap6 nin4 paa3 zeng2 sing2 。” mou5 co3 aa3 !hai6 sing4 jyu5 lai4 gaa3 !)
Gabriella: The literal meaning is very interesting. Bitten by a snake one morning and become afraid of a well rope for 10 years. 10 years, that’s way more traumatic than it is in the English version, once bitten, twice shy.
Olivia: 係㗎! (hai6 gaa3 !)
Gabriella: Let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Gabriella: In this lesson, you will learn how to use the expression
Olivia: 淨係 ....... 咋。 (zing6 hai6 ....... zaa4 。)
Gabriella: Only or merely.
Olivia: 而同時呢我哋都會講少少 “咋” 呢個尾音嘅。 (ji4 tung4 si4 ne1 ngo5 dei6 dou1 wui2 gong2 siu2 siu2 “zaa4 ” ni1 go3 mei5 jam1 ge3 。)
Gabriella: Finally I’ve been waiting for a lesson about the final particles.
Olivia: 咁我哋就即刻開始啦! (gam2 ngo5 dei6 zau6 zik1 hak1 hoi1 ci2 laa1 !)
Gabriella: From the dialogue, we hear.
Olivia: 淨係可以帶兩罐咋? (zing6 hai6 ho2 ji5 daai3 loeng5 gun3 zaa4 ?)
Gabriella: You can only bring two cans.
Olivia:其實如果你講, ”淨係可以帶兩罐?” 都一樣意思嘅,不過就冇咗一種少少可惜嘅感覺。 (kei4 sat6 jyu4 gwo2 nei5 gong2 , ”zing6 hai6 ho2 ji5 daai3 loeng5 gun3 ?” dou1 jat1 joeng6 ji3 si1 ge3 ,bat1 gwo3 zau6 mou5 zo2 jat1 zung2 siu2 siu2 ho2 sik1 ge3 gam2 gok3 。)
Gabriella: So what you are saying is the final particle adds a hint of sympathy.
Olivia: 係呀!比多個例子你吖!呢個遊戲淨係准大人玩咋! (hai6 aa3 !bei2 do1 go3 lai6 zi2 nei5 aa1 !ni1 go3 jau4 hei3 zing6 hai6 zeon2 daai6 jan4 waan2 zaa4 !)
Gabriella: Only adults are allowed to play this game.
Olivia: 係喇!如果冇咗 “咋”呢個尾音呢, “呢個遊戲淨係准大人玩。” 咁就好似呢 一個人講緊一個規矩,冇任何感想嘅, 但係呢有咗 “咋” 呢個尾音呢, 就流露咗一絲嘅失望, 可能呢講呢句嘢嗰個人唔係大人,所以冇得玩啦! (hai6 laak3 !jyu4 gwo2 mou5 zo2 “zaa4 ”ni1 go3 mei5 jam1 ne1 , “ni1 go3 jau4 hei3 zing6 hai6 zeon2 daai6 jan4 waan2 。” gam2 zau6 hou2 ci5 ne1 jat1 go3 jan4 gong2 gan2 jat1 go3 kwai1 geoi2 ,mou5 jam6 ho4 gam2 soeng2 ge3 , daan6 hai6 ne1 jau5 zo2 “zaa4 ” ni1 go3 mei5 jam1 ne1 , zau6 lau4 lou6 zo2 jat1 si1 ge3 sat1 mong6 , ho2 nang4 ne1 gong2 ni1 geoi3 je5 go2 go3 jan4 m4 hai6 daai6 jan4 ,so2 ji5 mou5 dak1 waan2 laa1 !)
Gabriella: Right. The sentence sounds emotionless without the final particle. I am amazed just one character could change the tone of the whole sentence. Can you give us one more example.
Olivia: 好呀!”成個戲院淨係得兩個人”, 同埋 “成個戲院淨係得兩個人咋!” (hou2 aa3 !”seng4 go3 hei3 jyun2 zing6 hai6 dak1 loeng5 go3 jan4 ”, tung4 maai4 “seng4 go3 hei3 jyun2 zing6 hai6 dak1 loeng5 go3 jan4 zaa4 !”)
Gabriella: They both mean, there are only two people in this theater but the latter one sounds disappointed. Maybe the speaker is the movie director or theater manager.
Olivia: 冇錯啦!“咋”呢個尾音呢就係有呢個用處喇! (mou5 co3 laak3 !“zaa4 ”ni1 go3 mei5 jam1 ne1 zau6 hai6 jau5 ni1 go3 jung6 cyu3 laa1 !)
Gabriella: Cool. Oh I have another question. Is this final particle only used in questions?
Olivia: 都唔係㗎!其他唔係問題嘅句子都可以用㗎!不過呢個tone就會由 “咋” 變咗做 “咋”。 (dou1 m4 hai6 gaa3 !kei4 taa1 m4 hai6 man6 tai4 ge3 geoi3 zi2 dou1 ho2 ji5 jung6 gaa3 !bat1 gwo3 ne1 go3 tone zau6 wui2 jau4 “zaa4 ” bin3 zo2 zou6 “zaa3 ”。)
Gabriella: A change in the tone, oh no!
Olivia: 咁又唔使擔心,用用吓就慣㗎啦!比啲例子你吖!佢淨係會同我講㗎咋。 (gam2 jau6 m4 sai2 daam1 sam1 ,jung6 jung6 haa5 zau6 gwaan3 gaa4 laa4 !bei2 di1 lai6 zi2 nei5 aa1 !keoi5 zing6 hai6 wui2 tung4 ngo5 gong2 gaa3 zaa3 。)
Gabriella: He will only tell me.
Olivia: 呢個袋淨係要50蚊咋。 (ni1 go3 doi2 zing6 hai6 jiu3 ng5 sap6 man1 zaa3 。)
Gabriella: This bag only costs HKD50.
Olivia: 係喇!吖!仲有, 有時有啲好短嘅句子用咗 “咋” 做尾音嘅話呢,前面就可以唔使用 “淨係” 啦! (hai6 laak3 !aa1 !zung6 jau5 , jau5 si4 jau5 di1 hou2 dyun2 ge3 geoi3 zi2 jung6 zo2 “zaa4 ” zou6 mei5 jam1 ge3 waa6 ne1 ,cin4 min6 zau6 ho2 ji5 m4 sai2 jung6 “zing6 hai6 ” laak3 !)
Gabriella: Okay. So sometimes we can just use the final particle to express only and merely without the earlier part.
Olivia: 淨係 ....... (zing6 hai6 .......)
Gabriella: And this is only the case if everyone knows what the conversation is about right. Can you give us some other examples please?
Olivia: 好呀!要知道大家講緊咩嘅時候先用得,因為太簡短啦! 例如 “兩個咋” 同埋 “兩個咋” ( hou2 aa3 !jiu3 zi1 dou6 daai6 gaa1 gong2 gan2 me1 ge3 si4 hau6 sin1 jung6 dak1 ,jan1 wai6 taai3 gaan2 dyun2 laak3 ! lai6 jyu4 “loeng5 go3 zaa4 ” tung4 maai4 “loeng5 go3 zaa3 ” )
Gabriella: Only two and only two.
Olivia: 係嘞!有咩唔明就即管問我哋啦! ( hai6 laak3 !jau5 me1 m4 ming4 zau6 zik1 gun2 man6 ngo5 dei6 laa1 !)


Gabriella: Well that’s all for this lesson. Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular.
Olivia: It’s because they work.
Gabriella: We’ve taken this time tested studying tool and modernized with My Wordbank flashcards.
Olivia: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears.
Gabriella: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called My Word Bank.
Olivia: Master words in your My Word Bank by practicing with flashcards.
Gabriella: Words in My Word Bank come with audio so you learn proper pronunciation.
Olivia: While you learn to recognize words by sight.
Gabriella: Go to cantoneseclass101.com now and try my word bank and flashcards today. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Olivia: 今日就講住咁多先啦!下次見 。 ( gam1 jat6 zau6 gong2 zyu6 gam3 do1 sin1 laa1 !haa6 ci3 gin3 。)

