
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: And we are here today with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 20. These Relics Belong in a Hong Kong Museum.
Nicole: 冇錯啦!香港博物館應該有嘅文物。 ( mou5 co3 laak3 !hoeng1 gong2 bok3 mat6 gun2 jing1 goi1 jau5 ge3 man4 mat6 。)
David: Yeah. So we’ve got kind of an Indiana Jones style lesson today. We’ve got Grave Robbing.
Nicole: 盜墓。 (dou6 mou6 。)
David: We’ve got ghosts and curses. Nicole, who is in this dialogue?
Nicole: 一隊考古文物隊嘅成員,包括長官同埋下屬。 (jat1 deoi6 haau2 gu2 man4 mat6 deoi2 ge3 sing4 jyun4 ,baau1 kut3 zoeng5 gun1 tung4 maai4 haa6 suk6 。)
David: Yeah and they are speaking casual Cantonese as always. Let’s just get right to the show.
A:過多一個禮拜我哋就可以完成今次嘅考古任務。 (A: gwo3 do1 jat1 go3 lai5 baai3 ngo5 dei6 zau6 ho2 ji5 jyun4 sing4 gam1 ci3 ge3 haau2 gu2 jam6 mou6.)
B:係如果我哋仲可以撐得到一個禮拜嘅話。尋晚又有人嚟盜墓喇。 (B: hai6 jyu4 gwo2 ngo5 dei6 zung6 ho2 ji5 caang1 dak1 dou2 jat1 go3 lai5 baai3 ge3 waa6. cam4 maan5 jau6 jau5 jan4 lei4 dou6 mou6 laa6.)
A:又有賊?佢哋有冇破壞文物呀? (A: jau6 jau5 caak2? keoi5 dei6 jau5 mou5 po3 waai6 man4 mat6 aa6?)
B:保鏢趕走咗啲賊,但係情況好唔樂觀,而且,傳聞仲有個詛咒。 (B: bou2 biu1 gon2 zau2 zo2 di1 caak2, daan6 hai6 cing4 fong3 hou2 m4 lok6 gun1, ji4 ce2, cyun4 man4 zung6 jau5 go3 zeoi2 zau3.)
A:詛咒? (A: zeoi2 zau3?)
B:當地村民話呢個墓係由十二隻魔獸守護。 (B: dong1 dei6 cyun1 man4 waa6 ni1 go3 mou6 hai6 jau4 sap6 ji6 zek3 mo1 sau3 sau2 wu6.)
A:十二生肖?吉祥嘅象徵。 (A: sap6 ji6 sang1 ciu3? gat1 coeng4 ge3 zoeng6 zing1.)
B:唔係,十二魔獸會付上人身,一個個殺死身邊嘅人。 (B: m4 hai6, sap6 ji6 mo1 sau3 wui5 fu6 soeng5 jan4 san1, jat1 go3 go3 saat3 sei2 san1 bin1 ge3 jan4.)
A:迷信啦! (A: mai4 seon3 laa1!)
B:直到所有入過墳墓嘅人都死晒。 (B: zik6 dou3 so2 jau5 jap6 gwo3 fan4 mou6 ge3 jan4 dou1 sei2 saai3.)
A:我哋係科學考古,振作啲啦你! (A: ngo5 dei6 hai6 fo1 hok6 haau2 gu2, zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 nei5!)
A: In another week, we'll finish this archaeological expedition.
B: If we can make it another week. There were more grave robbers last night.
A: More vandals? Did they disturb the relics?
B: The guards scared them off, but the situation is getting worse. And there is news of a curse.
A: A curse?
B: The villagers say that the tomb has twelve demon guardian beasts.
A: The twelve zodiac animals? Those are symbols of good fortune.
B: No. The twelve demons take the form of humans, and kill those round them one by one.
A: What superstitious nonsense!
B: Until all of those who disturb the tomb are dead.
A: This is a scientific excavation. Pull yourself together!
David: Okay, so we have all of the vocab that you need to talk about Robbing Graves and demonic beasts and basically kind of wild west Chinese stories.
Nicole: 冇錯啦!有好多關於中國,亦都有西方嘅一啲文化。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !jau5 hou2 do1 gwaan1 jyu1 zung1 gwok3 ,jik6 dou1 jau5 sai1 fong1 ge3 jat1 di1 man4 faa3 。)
David: Yeah. This stuff is all over Chinese literature. So let’s get right to the vocab.
Nicole: 考古。 (haau2 gu2.)
David: Archeology.
Nicole: 考 古, 考古, 墳墓。 (haau2 gu2, haau2 gu2, fan4 mou6.)
David: Tomb.
Nicole: 墳 墓, 墳墓, 盜墓。 (fan4 mou6, fan4 mou6, dou6 mou6.)
David: To rob a tomb.
Nicole: 盜 墓, 盜墓, 文物。 (dou6 mou6, dou6 mou6, man4 mat6.)
David: Cultural relic.
Nicole: 文 物, 文物, 詛咒。 (man4 mat6, man4 mat6, zeoi2 zau3.)
David: Curse.
Nicole: 詛 咒, 詛咒, 魔咒。 (zeoi2 zau3, zeoi2 zau3, mo1 zau3.)
David: Demon beast.
Nicole: 魔 咒, 魔咒, 守護。 (mo1 zau3, mo1 zau3, sau2 wu6.)
David: To guard.
Nicole: 守 護, 守護, 十二生肖。 (sau2 wu6, sau2 wu6, sap6 ji6 sang1 ciu3.)
David: The twelve zodiacs.
Nicole: 十 二 生 肖, 十二生肖, 吉祥。 (sap6 ji6 sang1 ciu3, sap6 ji6 sang1 ciu3, gat1 coeng4.)
David: Fortunate.
Nicole: 吉 祥, 吉祥, 象徵。 (gat1 coeng4, gat1 coeng4, zoeng6 zing1.)
David: Symbol.
Nicole: 象 徵, 象徵, 迷信。 (zoeng6 zing1, zoeng6 zing1, mai4 seon3.)
David: Superstition.
Nicole: 迷 信, 迷信, 振作。 (mai4 seon3, mai4 seon3, zan3 zok3.)
David: To pull oneself together.
Nicole: 振 作, 振作。 (zan3 zok3, zan3 zok3.)
David: This is fantastic vocab. I think the first thing that we need to commentary is the twelve zodiacs.
Nicole: 十二生肖。 (sap6 ji6 sang1 ciu3 。)
David: Right, because people will have seen the Jackie Chan movie.
Nicole: 我希望你唔好睇。 (ngo5 hei1 mong6 nei5 m4 hou2 tai2 。)
David: Right, and I think these are different zodiacs than the ones in the movie.
Nicole: 唔...... 唔係,個長官以為係嗰十二個生肖,但實際上唔係。 (m4 ...... m4 hai6 ,go3 zoeng5 gun1 ji5 wai4 hai6 go2 sap6 ji6 go3 sang1 ciu3 ,daan6 sat6 zai3 soeng6 m4 hai6 。)
David: Yeah. First though before we get into the demonic beasts that are these 12 zodiacs, Nicole, what are the twelve zodiacs?
Nicole: 其實十二生肖呢就係跟據你出生嘅年份所在嘅動物,一共有十二個動物, 每十二個就一個輪迴。 (kei4 sat6 sap6 ji6 sang1 ciu3 ne1 zau6 hai6 gan1 geoi3 nei5 ceot1 sang1 ge3 nin4 fan6 so2 zoi6 ge3 dung6 mat6 ,jat1 gung6 jau5 sap6 ji6 go3 dung6 mat6 , mui5 sap6 ji6 go3 zau6 jat1 go3 leon4 wui4 。)
David: Right. So you know, the snake, the rabbit.
Nicole: 老虎呀!牛呀!羊呀! (lou5 fu2 aa3 !ngau4 aa3!joeng4 aa3 !)
David: Yeah but in our dialogue, we don’t have these zodiacs. We have demonic beasts.
Nicole: 魔 獸。 (mo1 sau3 。)
David: Demonic beasts.
Nicole: 魔 獸, 魔獸嘅意思即係佢係魔鬼,同時佢嘅形象係動物,所以叫魔獸。 ( mo1 sau3 , mo1 sau3 ge3 ji3 si1 zik1 hai6 keoi5 hai6 mo1 gwai2 ,tung4 si4 keoi5 ge3 jing4 zoeng6 hai6 dung6 mat6 ,so2 ji5 giu3 mo1 sau3 。)
David: Right. It’s a combination of demons and beasts.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞! (mou5 co3 laak3 !)
David: Demonic beasts.
Nicole: 唔,聽起上嚟好得人驚,同埋佢會有詛咒。 (m4 ,teng1 hei2 soeng5 lai4 hou2 dak1 jan4 geng1 ,tung4 maai4 keoi5 wui2 jau5 zeoi2 zau3 。)
David: Yeah and they are involved as you say with a curse.
Nicole: 詛咒。 ( zeoi2 zau3 。)
David: A curse.
Nicole: 詛咒, 當然啦呢啲全部都係迷信嚟嘅。 (zeoi2 zau3 , dong1 jin4 laa1 ni1 di1 cyun4 bou6 dou1 hai6 mai4 seon3 lai4 ge3 。)
David: And there is that tension in the dialogue between what is superstition and what is science. So we have a ton of words here as well for kind of the scientific nature of archeology starting with archeology.
Nicole: 考古。 (haau2 gu2 。)
David: Right and on the other side, we have you know less scientific archeology which would be Grave Robbing.
Nicole: 盜墓, 其實盜墓都好需要科學。 (dou6 mou6 , kei4 sat6 dou6 mou6 dou1 hou2 seoi1 jiu3 fo1 hok6 。)
David: Yeah and you know, in Chinese literature, it’s filled with tons of stories not about archeology but about Grave Robbing.
Nicole: 唔,好多中國文學都係關於盜墓,但係唔係關於考古嘅。 (m4 ,hou2 do1 zung1 gwok3 man4 hok6 dou1 hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 dou6 mou6 ,daan6 hai6 m4 hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 haau2 gu2 ge3 。)
David: Yes and there is always a curse and some demonic animals that are lurking in the tomb.
Nicole: 緊係要啦! (gan2 hai6 jiu3 laa1 !)
David: So and you are recommending a book to me.
Nicole: 盜墓筆記。 (dou6 mou6 bat1 gei3 。)
David: The diary of a tomb robber.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞! (mou5 co3 laak3 !)
David: Right. This is a mainland book.
Nicole: 係! (hai6 !)
David: But everyone in Hong Kong loves it. So this is technically a Mainland book but everyone in Hong Kong loves it too.
Nicole: 寫呢本書嘅作者,而家已經入咗精神病院。 (se2 ni1 bun2 syu1 ge3 zok3 ze2 ,ji4 gaa1 ji5 ging1 jap6 zo2 zing1 san4 beng6 jyun2 。)
David: Yeah. So if you are looking for a good read, check it out Nicole. You recommend it again, what’s the title?
Nicole: 盜墓筆記。 (dou6 mou6 bat1 gei3 。)
David: Yeah diary of a Grave Robber. With that, let’s get to our grammar point. It’s grammar time. Okay Nicole, what are we focusing on today?

Lesson focus

Nicole: 我哋今日會學到呢個句子, “振作啲啦你!” (ngo5 dei6 gam1 jat6 wui2 hok6 dou3 ni1 go3 geoi3 zi2 , “zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 nei5 !”)
David: Which we translated as pull yourself together man.
Nicole: 振作啲啦你! ( zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 nei5 !)
David: Pull yourself together my good sir, pull yourself together.
Nicole: 唔,呢個句子其實幾難嘅,因為時序係顛倒嘅。 (m4 ,ni1 go3 geoi3 zi2 kei4 sat6 gei2 naan4 ge3 ,jan1 wai6 si4 zeoi6 hai6 din1 dou2 ge3 。)
David: Right. The most straightforward word order for this is
Nicole: 你振作啲啦! (nei5 zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 !)
David: You pull yourself together a bit.
Nicole: 你振作啲啦!但係呢個聽起身就太過溫柔。 (nei5 zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 !daan6 hai6 ni1 go3 teng1 hei2 san1 zau6 taai3 gwo3 wan1 jau4 。)
David: Yeah and it doesn’t sound as casual either.
Nicole: 冇錯啦!因為佢強調嘅重點唔係想講嘅重點。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !jan1 wai6 keoi5 koeng4 diu6 ge3 zung6 dim2 m4 hai6 soeng2 gong2 ge3 zung6 dim2 。)
David: Right. So here instead of putting the emphasis on the subject, we are switching things around to put the emphasis on the action which goes first.
Nicole: 係喇!所以我哋就話, “振作啲啦你!” (hai6 laa1 !so2 ji5 ngo5 dei6 zau6 waa6 , “zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 nei5 !”)
David: Yeah and this is a general pattern. This is a general rearrangement we can use whenever we are dealing with this structure.
Nicole: 唔,你可以用其他嘅單詞都用同樣嘅方法,譬如話 科學啲啦你! (m4 ,nei5 ho2 ji5 jung6 kei4 taa1 ge3 daan1 ci4 dou1 jung6 tung4 joeng2 ge3 fong1 faat3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 fo1 hok6 di1 laa1 nei5 !)
David: You should really be more scientific.
Nicole: 科學啲啦你! (fo1 hok6 di1 laa1 nei5 !)
David: Or really it’s like scientific a bit more you.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!你可以用其他形容詞,譬如話 迷信啲啦你! (mou5 co3 laak3 !nei5 ho2 ji5 jung6 kei4 taa1 jing4 jung4 ci4 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 mai4 seon3 di1 laa1 nei5 !)
David: Yeah. If you are the villager, you could say, come on, be a bit more superstitious you.
Nicole: 可能你真係要迷信啲,特別係當啲村民話有十二隻魔獸會殺人。 (ho2 nang4 nei5 zan1 hai6 jiu3 mai4 seon3 di1 ,dak6 bit6 hai6 dong1 di1 cyun1 man4 waa6 jau5 sap6 ji6 zek3 mo1 sau3 wui2 saat3 jan4 。)
David: Yeah. So the pattern here again is that we are going to start instead of with the subject, we are going to start with the verb or adjective that we want someone to embrace more fully. We are going to follow this up by
Nicole: 動詞或者形容詞加“啲” , 加“啦”, 加”你”。 (dung6 ci4 waak6 ze2 jing4 jung4 ci4 gaa1 “di1 ” , gaa1 “laa1 ”, gaa1 ”nei5 ”。)
David: Right. Let’s hear these three examples one more time.
Nicole: 振作啲啦你!科學啲啦你!迷信啲啦你! (zan3 zok3 di1 laa1 nei5 !fo1 hok6 di1 laa1 nei5 !mai4 seon3 di1 laa1 nei5 !)
David: Use this pattern to emphasize that someone should be a bit more verb or a bit more adjective.
Nicole: 譬如話開心啲啦你!努力啲啦你! 食多啲啦你! ( pei3 jyu4 waa6 hoi1 sam1 di1 laa1 nei5 !nou5 lik6 di1 laa1 nei5 ! sik6 do1 di1 laa1 nei5 !)


David: Right and with that, we are at the end of our lesson for today. We hope you enjoyed it. We had fun putting this together. As always, we did want to remind you. We’ve got a ton of extra learning tools on the site. So if you are having trouble getting some of this higher vocab to stick, you can use things like our flashcards and just really it helps get them in your mind.
Nicole: 記得註冊一個高級會員嘅 account, 你就可以使用全部嘅工具啦! (gei3 dak1 zyu3 caak3 jat1 go3 gou1 kap1 wui2 jyun4 ge3 account, nei5 zau6 ho2 ji5 si2 jung6 cyun4 bou6 ge3 gung1 geoi6 laa3 !)
David: Right and with that, we are done. From our recording studio right next to Festival Walk, I am David.
Nicole: 我係 (ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you guys on the site.
Nicole: 下次見 。 (haa6 ci3 gin3 。)

