
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 12. Going Premium in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 冇錯喇!喺香港用八達通卡, 獲取各種高級嘅待遇。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !hai2 hoeng1 gong2 jung6 baat3 daat6 tung1 kaat1 , wok6 ceoi2 gok3 zung2 gou1 kap1 ge3 doi6 jyu6 。)
David: Yes. This is also known as secrets of the MTR.
Nicole: 係呀!香港地鐵嘅秘密。 (hai6 aa3 !hoeng1 gong2 dei6 tit3 ge3 bei3 mat6 。)
David: Yeah. So we’ve got a dialogue which is between two friends who are waiting for a train.
Nicole: 因為而家係高峰期。 (jan1 wai6 ji4 gaa1 hai6 gou1 fung1 kei4 。)
David: Yes it's rush hour and one of them is a bit more casual than you’d expect. We are going to find out why and this dialogue of course is casual Cantonese as always. This is true. They have first class cabins on the MTR.
A:火車三分鐘之後先到,搵張長凳坐陣先。 (A: fo2 ce1 saam1 fan1 zung1 zi1 hau6 sin1 dou3, wan2 zoeng1 coeng4 dang3 co5 zan6 sin1.)
B:坐咩吖?上落班高峰期呀而家。如果一陣逼唔上車,又要等下一班喇。 (B: co5 me1 aa1? soeng5 lok6 baan1 gou1 fung1 kei4 aa3 ji4 gaa1. jyu4 gwo2 jat1 zan6 bik1 m4 soeng5 ce1, jau6 jiu3 dang2 haa6 jat1 baan1 laa6.)
A:你就要等。我有「高級八達通卡」。 (A: nei5 zau6 jiu3 dang2. ngo5 jau5 gou1 kap1 baat3 daat6 tung1 kaat1.)
B:又如何? (B: jau6 jyu4 ho4?)
A:即係我唔同你咁初級囉。 (A: zik1 hai6 ngo5 m4 tung4 nei5 gam3 co1 kap1 lo1.)
B:咩高級初級呀?未聽過。 (B: me1 gou1 kap1 co1 kap1 aa3? mei6 teng1 gwo3.)
A:咁你聽過學生卡、長者小童卡、旅行卡之類嘅卡未吖? (A: gam2 nei5 teng1 gwo3 hok6 sang1 kaat1, zoeng2 ze2 siu2 tung4 kaat1, leoi5 hang4 kaat1 zi1 leoi2 ge3 kaat1 mei6 aa1?)
B:梗係有啦。 (B: gang2 hai6 jau5 laa1.)
A:高級卡咪類似囉! (A: gou1 kap1 kaat1 mai6 leoi6 ci5 lo1.)
B:根本冇高級卡。 (B: gan1 bun2 mou5 gou1 kap1 kaat1.)
A:高級卡可以坐頭等艙。所謂嘅「核准八達通卡」呀。 (A: gou1 kap1 kaat1 ho2 ji5 co5 tau4 dang2 cong1. so2 wai6 ge3 hat6 zeon2 baat3 daat6 tung1 kaat1 aa3.)
B:只要嘟多次八達通,個個都坐得頭等艙㗎啦。 (B: zi2 jiu3 dyut1 do1 ci3 baat3 daat6 tung1, go3 go3 dou1 co5 dak1 tau4 dang2 cong1 gaa3 laa1.)
A: The train is going to arrive in 3 minutes. Let's sit on the bench.
B: Sit? It's currently rush hour. If we don't cram onto the train in a bit, we'll have to wait for the next one.
A: You would have to wait. I have a "premium Octopus card."
B: So what?
A: That means I'm not a basic user like you.
B: Basic? Premium? I've never heard of this.
A: Have you heard of student cards, cards for the elderly or for children, or tourist cards, those sorts of cards?
B: Of course...
A: Premium cards are like those.
B: There's no such thing as a premium card.
A: Premium cards get you into first class cabins. They are the sold-called "validated Octopus cards."
B: No, anyone can get in first class, you just have to swipe your card twice.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!每一個火車呢都會有頭等艙嘅。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !mui5 jat1 go3 fo2 ce1 ne1 dou1 wui2 jau5 tau4 dang2 cong1 ge3 。)
David: Yeah.
Nicole: 你坐過未吖? (nei5 co5 gwo3 mei6 aa1 ?)
David: Yes. Once accidentally I was new here. So I didn’t know.
Nicole: Really?
David: And I was – what you know these are nice seats.
Nicole: 係呀!同埋 ...... 同埋一般都冇人坐㗎!好闊落嘅。 (hai6 aa3 !tung4 maai4 ...... tung4 maai4 jat1 bun1 dou1 mou5 jan4 co5 gaa3 !hou2 fut3 lok6 ge3 。)
David: Yeah. Anyway, we’ve got vocab all about class distinctions. So let’s get to that.
Nicole: 長凳。 (coeng4 dang3.)
David: Bench.
Nicole: 長 凳, 長凳, 高峰期。 (coeng4 dang3, coeng4 dang3, gou1 fung1 kei4.)
David: Rush hour.
Nicole: 高 峰 期, 高峰期, 八達通。 (gou1 fung1 kei4, gou1 fung1 kei4, baat3 daat6 tung1.)
David: Octopus.
Nicole: 八 達 通, 八達通, 長者。 (baat3 daat6 tung1, baat3 daat6 tung1, zoeng2 ze2.)
David: Elder person.
Nicole: 長 者, 長者, 小童。 (zoeng2 ze2, zoeng2 ze2, siu2 tung4.)
David: Child.
Nicole: 小 童, 小童, 類似。 (siu2 tung4, siu2 tung4, leoi6 ci5.)
David: That category.
Nicole: 類 似, 類似, 根本。 (leoi6 ci5, leoi6 ci5, gan1 bun2.)
David: Basically.
Nicole: 根 本, 根本, 頭等艙。 (gan1 bun2, gan1 bun2, tau4 dang2 cong1.)
David: First class.
Nicole: 頭 等 艙, 頭等艙, 核准。 (tau4 dang2 cong1, tau4 dang2 cong1, hat6 zeon2.)
David: To validate.
Nicole: 核 准, 核准, 嘟。 (hat6 zeon2, hat6 zeon2, dyut1.)
David: To swipe.
Nicole: 嘟, 嘟。 (dyut1, dyut1.)
David: You loved the last one.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: It’s a word.
Nicole: It is “嘟”, 因為你擦卡嗰陣係有個聲出嚟嘅,”嘟”,所以你就可以直接講。 (“dyut1 ”, jan1 wai6 nei5 caat3 kaat1 go2 zan6 hai6 jau5 go3 seng1 ceot1 lai4 ge3 ,”dyut1 ”,so2 ji5 nei5 zau6 ho2 ji5 zik6 zip3 gong2 。)
David: Yeah. So we translated this as swipe because in English, swiping a card, you know it’s the same thing. In Cantonese, it’s not exactly swiping.
Nicole: 你係拍過去,嘟一聲。 (nei5 hai6 paak3 gwo3 heoi3 ,dyut1 jat1 seng1 。)
David: Right. It’s just – it’s taking the card and you put it up against the machine and there is this beeping noise of authorization.
Nicole: 嘟, 我每次搭地鐵都要嘟一下我張八達通卡。 ( dyut1 , ngo5 mui5 ci3 daap3 dei6 tit3 dou1 jiu3 dyut1 jat1 haa5 ngo5 zoeng1 baat3 daat6 tung1 kaat1 。)
David: Yeah. And that brings us to our next word which is Octopus.
Nicole: 八達通。 (baat3 daat6 tung1 。)
David: Octopus.
Nicole: 八達通。 (baat3 daat6 tung1 。)
David: This is not the animal.
Nicole: 唔係呀!如果係 animal 嘅話,個名應該叫 八爪魚。 (m4 hai6 aa3 !jyu4 gwo2 hai6 animal ge3 waa2 ,go3 meng2 jing1 goi1 giu3 baat3 zaau2 jyu4 。)
David: Right which is the fish with eight arms.
Nicole: 唔,八爪魚, 八達通。 (m4 ,baat3 zaau2 jyu4 , baat3 daat6 tung1 。)
David: Yeah. So you will hear this sometimes as the three character.
Nicole: 八達通。 (baat3 daat6 tung1 。)
David: And sometimes as the fourth character.
Nicole: 八達通卡。 (baat3 daat6 tung1 kaat1 。)
David: In our dialogue, we also had referenced to rush hour.
Nicole: 高峰期, 咁高峰期呢係可以形容上班高峰期,或者落班高峰期。 (gou1 fung1 kei4 , gam2 gou1 fung1 kei4 ne1 hai6 ho2 ji5 jing4 jung4 soeng5 baan1 gou1 fung1 kei4 ,waak6 ze2 lok6 baan1 gou1 fung1 kei4 。)
David: Right which is the rush hour when you are going to work and the rush hour when you are coming back.
Nicole: 唔,上班高峰期, 落班高峰期。 (m4 ,soeng5 baan1 gou1 fung1 kei4 , lok6 baan1 gou1 fung1 kei4 。)
David: And normally, you hear it in those six character compounds.
Nicole: 上落班高峰期。 (soeng5 lok6 baan1 gou1 fung1 kei4 。)

Lesson focus

David: So that’s our vocab. We’ve got a grammar point that’s going to talk about categories of objects. Let’s get to it. It’s grammar time. Okay Nicole, our grammar point today is ways of talking about categories of objects.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!我哋喺 dialogue 入邊見到兩次咁樣嘅用法嘅,第一次就係, “咁你聽過學生卡、長者小童卡、旅行卡之類嘅卡未吖?” (mou5 co3 laak3 !ngo5 dei6 hai2 dialogue jap6 bin1 gin3 dou2 loeng5 ci3 gam2 joeng2 ge3 jung6 faat3 ge3 ,dai6 jat1 ci3 zau6 hai6 , “gam2 nei5 teng1 gwo3 hok6 sang1 kaat1 、zoeng5 ze2 siu2 tung4 kaat1 、leoi5 hang4 kaat1 zi1 leoi2 ge3 kaat1 mei6 aa1 ?”)
David: Have you heard of student cards, cards for the elderly or for children or tourist cards, those sorts of cards.
Nicole:咁你聽過學生卡、長者小童卡、旅行卡之類嘅卡未吖?咁第二次呢我哋係聽到, “高級卡咪類似囉!” (gam3 nei5 teng1 gwo3 hok6 sang1 kaat1 、zoeng5 ze2 siu2 tung4 kaat1 、leoi5 hang4 kaat1 zi1 leoi2 ge3 kaat1 mei6 aa1 ?gam2 dai6 ji6 ci3 ne1 ngo5 dei6 hai6 teng1 dou2 , “gou1 kap1 kaat1 mei6 leoi6 ci5 lo1 !”)
David: Premium cards are like those.
Nicole: 高級卡咪類似囉! (gou1 kap1 kaat1 mei1 leoi6 ci5 lo1 !)
David: Really we are saying cards in the premium class are like those.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!所以我哋會見到有兩個 structure 嘅。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !so2 ji5 ngo5 dei6 wui2 gin3 dou2 jau5 loeng5 go3 structure ge3 。)
David: The first is
Nicole: 列單加上 “之類”, 列單加上 “之類”。 (lit6 daan1 gaa1 soeng5 “zi1 leoi2 ”, lit6 daan1 gaa1 soeng5 “zi1 leoi2 ”。)
David: The second is
Nicole: “類似” 加上列單, “類似” 加上列單。 (“leoi6 ci5 ” gaa1 soeng5 lit6 daan1 , “leoi6 ci5 ” gaa1 soeng5 lit6 daan1 。)
David: It’s easy to get these mixed up.
Nicole: 列單加上 “之類”, “類似” 加上列單。 (lit6 daan1 gaa1 soeng5 “zi1 leoi2 ”, “leoi6 ci5 ” gaa1 soeng5 lit6 daan1 。)
David: And the key is just remembering that we put the list in different places as Nicole said.
Nicole: 冇錯嘞!用“之類” 嗰陣呢 列單係喺前面嘅。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !jung6 “zi1 leoi2 ” go2 zan6 ne1 lit6 daan1 hai6 hai2 cin4 min6 ge3 。)
David: Right. The list goes first.
Nicole: 譬如話 學生、長者小童之類都有折扣。 (pei3 jyu4 waa6 hok6 sang1 、zoeng5 ze2 siu2 tung4 zi1 leoi2 dou1 jau5 zit3 kau3 。)
David: Students, old people and children, these categories get discounts.
Nicole: 冇錯,呢個就係 “之類” 嘅用法,如果我哋用 “類似” 嘅話呢,列單就要放喺後面喇! (mou5 co3 ,ne1 go3 zau6 hai6 “zi1 leoi2 ” ge3 jung6 faat3 ,jyu4 gwo2 ngo5 dei6 jung6 “leoi6 ci5 ” ge3 waa2 ne1 ,lit6 daan1 zau6 jiu3 fong3 hai2 hau6 min6 laak3 !)
David: Right. The list goes last.
Nicole: 譬如話 類似學生、長者小童就有折扣。 (pei3 jyu4 waa6 leoi6 ci5 hok6 sang1 、zoeng5 ze2 siu2 tung4 zau6 jau5 zit3 kau3 。)
David: Students, old people and children get discounts. So there are two ways of talking about categories of objects.
Nicole: 冇錯。 (mou5 co3 。)
David: The first is
Nicole: 之類。 (zi1 leoi2 。)
David: The second is
Nicole: 類似。 (leoi6 ci5 。)
David: And the difference is that with the first, we put our categories first and with the second, we put the categories second.
Nicole: 千祈唔好掉轉。 (cin1 kei4 m4 hou2 diu6 zyun3 。)
David: Yeah.
Nicole: 所以記住 “之類” 嘅話,列單喺前面,“類似” 列單喺後面。 (so2 ji5 gei3 zyu6 “zi1 leoi2 ” ge3 waa2 ,lit6 daan1 hai2 cin4 min6 ,“leoi6 ci5 ” lit6 daan1 hai2 hau6 min6 。)


David: Right and with that, we are at the end of our show for today. Before we leave you, we do want to remind you.
Nicole: 記得去我哋嘅高級會員中心 (gei3 dak1 heoi3 ngo5 dei6 ge3 gou1 kap1 wui2 jyun4 zung1 sam1) download PDF.
David: Right. And it’s not just the PDFs, you also get access to the premium learning center and a lot more learning resources too.
Nicole: 一定會幫到你學廣東話嘅。(jat1 ding6 wui2 bong1 dou2 nei5 hok6 gwong2 dung1 waa2 ge3 。)
David: From Hong Kong, I am David.
Nicole: 我係 (ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.
Nicole: Bye bye.

