
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Nicole.
David: Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 11. Shipping Goods in Hong Kong.
Nicole: 冇錯啦!喺香港寄包裹, 搵速遞。 (mou5 co3 laak3 !hai2 hoeng1 gong2 gei3 baau1 gwo2 , wan2 cuk1 dai6 。)
David: Right and we are not talking about international trade here. We are talking about couriers, packages; you are sending them across the city.
Nicole: 唔,同城之間嘅快遞,或者呢係跨城市嘅速遞。 (m4 ,tung4 sing4 zi1 gaan1 ge3 faai3 dai6 ,waak6 ze2 ne1 hai6 kwaa1 sing4 si5 ge3 cuk1 dai6 。)
David: Yeah. Nicole, what’s happening in our dialogue today?
Nicole: 兩個同事商量緊點樣小心咁去送包裹。 (loeng5 go3 tung4 si6 soeng1 loeng6 gan2 dim2 joeng2 siu2 sam1 gam2 heoi3 sung3 baau1 gwo2 。)
David: Yeah and both of them are in the courier business. So they are sharing news and tips. This is casual Cantonese as always. So let’s get to our dialogue.
A: 唔該輕手小小,嗰個係易碎品嚟㗎。 (A: m4 goi1 heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2, go2 go3 hai6 ji6 seoi3 ban2 lei4 gaa3.)
B: 雞腸我唔識睇。 (B: gai1 coeng2 ngo5 m4 sik1 tai2.)
A: 嘆號嚟㗎。右邊係頭。 (A: taan3 hou6 lei4 gaa3. jau6 bin1 hai6 tau4.)
B: 有乜所謂吖。件件都話易碎。 (B: jau5 mat1 so2 wai6 aa1. gin6 gin6 dou1 waa6 ji6 seoi3.)
A: 爛咗我哋物流公司要負全責㗎。況且人哋包到咁密實,你點知入邊有咩嘢呀。 (A: laan6 zo2 ngo5 dei6 mat6 lau4 gung1 si1 jiu3 fu6 cyun4 zaak3 gaa3. fong3 ce2 jan4 dei6 baau1 dou3 gam3 mat6 sat6, nei5 dim2 zi1 jap6 bin1 jau5 me1 je5 aa6.)
B: 如果真係咁貴重,就唔好搵速遞啦。 (B: jyu4 go2 zan1 hai6 gam3 gwai3 zung6, zau6 m4 hou2 wan2 cuk1 dai6 laa1.)
A: 係,不過舊年有個速遞仔唔覺意整跌咗個快件,入面啲蛇行晒出嚟。 (A: hai6, bat1 go3 gau6 nin2 jau5 go3 cuk1 dai6 zai2 m4 gok3 ji3 zing2 dit3 zo2 go3 faai3 gin2, jap6 min6 di1 se4 haang4 saai3 ceot1 lai4.)
B: 蛇? (B: se4?)
A: 係呀。佢咪俾蛇咬囉,當場死亡。 (A: hai6 aa3. keoi5 mai6 bei2 se4 ngaau5 lo1, dong1 coeng4 sei2 mong4.)
B: 咁...我最多小心啲囉。 (B: gam2... ngo5 zeoi3 do1 siu2 sam1 di1 lo1.)
A: 咁最好啦。 (A: gam2 zeoi3 hou2 laa1.)
A: Please be careful, that one is fragile.
B: I don't read English.
A: There's an exclamation mark. The right side is the top.
B: What does it matter? All of them say they're fragile.
A: If it breaks our company has to take full responsibility. And people wrap it up so well you never know what you've got in there.
B: If they're really so valuable, people wouldn't send them by courier.
A: Yeah. But last year a courier wasn't careful and dropped a package. The snakes inside all came out.
B: Snakes?
A: Yup. He was bitten and died right there.
B: Oh... I'll be more careful.
A: That would be best.
David: Speaking of which, the Hong Kong botanical gardens, great place. They’ve got a giant python you can go and see.
Nicole: 哦!香港植物園有好大條蟒蛇。 (ngo4 !hoeng1 gong2 zik6 mat6 jyun4 jau5 hou2 daai6 tiu4 mong5 se4 。)
David: It’s really big and apparently they are native to Hong Kong.
Nicole: 係咩?香港大㗎? (hai6 me1 ?hoeng1 gong2 daai6 gaa4 ?)
David: Yes. So if you are unlucky, you may stumble on to massive snakes on the island.
Nicole: 同埋植物園係免費,係咪?入場費係全免。 ( tung4 maai4 zik6 mat6 jyun4 hai6 min5 fai3 ,hai6 mai5 ?jap6 coeng4 fai3 hai6 cyun4 min5 。)
David: Yeah. Anyway that’s my recommendation. If you get a chance, go to the Hong Kong Botanical gardens. That said, let’s get on to our vocab for this lesson.
Nicole: 輕手小小。 (heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2 。)
David: To be careful.
Nicole: 輕 手 小 小, 輕手小小, 易碎品。 (heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2, heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2, ji6 seoi3 ban2.)
David: Fragile item.
Nicole: 易 碎 品, 易碎品, 雞腸。 (ji6 seoi3 ban2, ji6 seoi3 ban2, gai1 coeng2.)
David: English.
Nicole: 雞 腸, 雞腸, 嘆號。 (gai1 coeng2, gai1 coeng2, taan3 hou2.)
David: Exclamation mark.
Nicole: 嘆 號, 嘆號, 物流公司。 (taan3 hou2, taan3 hou2, mat6 lau4 gung1 si1.)
David: Logistics Company.
Nicole: 物 流 公 司, 物流公司, 負全責。 (mat6 lau4 gung1 si1, mat6 lau4 gung1 si1, fu6 cyun4 zaak3.)
David: To take full responsibility.
Nicole: 負 全 責, 負全責, 密實。 (fu6 cyun4 zaak3, fu6 cyun4 zaak3, mat6 sat6.)
David: Seamless.
Nicole: 密 實, 密實, 貴重。 (mat6 sat6, mat6 sat6, gwai3 zung6.)
David: Valuable.
Nicole: 貴 重, 貴重, 速遞。 (gwai3 zung6, gwai3 zung6, cuk1 dai6.)
David: Courier.
Nicole: 速 遞, 速遞, 速遞仔。 (cuk1 dai6, cuk1 dai6, cuk1 dai6 zai2.)
David: Courier guy.
Nicole: 速 遞 仔, 速遞仔, 快件。 (cuk1 dai6 zai2, cuk1 dai6 zai2, faai3 gin2.)
David: Package.
Nicole: 快 件, 快件。 (faai3 gin2, faai3 gin2.)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. First up, we have the verb to be careful.
Nicole: 輕手小小。 (heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2 。)
David: Which is a tongue twister.
Nicole: 輕手小小。 ( heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2 。)
David: So it literally means you should put your hand more carefully.
Nicole: 冇錯, 輕手小小 (mou5 co3 , heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2 ) Just a little bit.
David: Yeah. There are other ways of saying to be careful.
Nicole: 係!譬如話 小心啲。 (hai6 !pei3 jyu4 waa6 siu2 sam1 di1 。)
David: And then we have the opposite which is to be careless.
Nicole: 唔覺意。 (m4 gok3 ji3 。)
David: So again, three ways of talking about being careful or careless.
Nicole: 輕手小小, 小心, 唔覺意。 (heng1 sau2 siu2 siu2 , siu2 sam1 , m4 gok3 ji3 。)
David: Our dialogue is about someone who might be shipping a fragile item.
Nicole: 易碎品。 (ji6 seoi3 ban2 。)
David: Fragile item.
Nicole: 易碎品, 而前面一部份 易碎嘅意思即係好容易破碎。 (ji6 seoi3 ban2 , ji4 cin4 min6 jat1 bou6 fan6 ji6 seoi3 ge3 ji3 si1 zik1 hai6 hou2 jung4 ji6 po3 seoi3 。)
David: And the word itself is of course, it’s an adjective plus a noun but in this case, we rarely see them apart.
Nicole: 唔,佢經常係同埋易碎品一齊用。 ( m4 ,keoi5 ging1 soeng4 hai6 tung4 maai4 ji6 seoi3 ban2 jat1 cai4 jung6 。)
David: Yeah. Now we get to the chicken intestine part of the lesson.
Nicole: 哈哈哈!雞腸, 即係英語咁解。 (haa1 haa1 haa1 !gai1 coeng2 , zik1 hai6 jing1 jyu5 gam3 gaai2 。)
David: Yeah it – literally it means English.
Nicole: 英文,雞腸, 因為睇起身好似雞腸。 (jing1 man2 ,gai1 coeng2 , jan1 wai4 tai2 hei2 san1 hou2 ci5 gai1 coeng2 。)
David: Yes because apparently cursive writing is not as easy to understand as Chinese characters.
Nicole: 梗係啦! ( gang2 hai6 laa1 !)
David: So we’ve got chicken intestines. People are talking about the English language.
Nicole: 冇錯,雞腸,即係英文。 (mou5 co3 ,gai1 coeng2 ,zik1 hai6 jing1 man2 。)
David: Yeah. Last but not least, if you do need to get a courier, you are going to be looking for a logistics company.
Nicole: 物流公司。 (mat6 lau4 gung1 si1 。)
David: Logistics Company.
Nicole: 物流公司。 ( mat6 lau4 gung1 si1 。)
David: And there is lot of useful vocab for dealing with these companies in this lesson. For instance, you are going to ask for a courier.
Nicole: 速遞, 你同時亦都可以講 “物流公司” 係 “速遞公司”。 (cuk1 dai6 , nei5 tung4 si4 jik6 dou1 ho2 ji5 gong2 “mat6 lau4 gung1 si1 ” hai6 “cuk1 dai6 gung1 si1 ”。)
David: So courier and Logistics Company are interchangeable. The people who actually deliver the packages though are known as courier men.
Nicole: 速遞仔。 (cuk1 dai6 zai2 。)
David: And I take it, they don’t have courrier women here.
Nicole: 我從來 …... 從來未見過。 (ngo5 cung4 loi4 …... cung4 loi4 mei6 gin3 gwo3 。)
David: Okay. So anyway, a lot of useful vocab if you are dealing with couriers. Of course, there is tons more in the dialogue. We don’t have time to talk about everything though because we have a great grammar point coming up. It’s grammar time. Okay Nicole, we are talking about conjunctions today.

Lesson focus

Nicole: 冇錯,係講關於連詞。 (mou5 co3 ,hai6 gong2 gwaan1 jyu1 lin4 ci4 。)
David: Right and we are talking about one specific conjunction.
Nicole: 況且, 況且。 咁喺個 dialogue 入便呢,我哋聽到呢個句子,”況且人哋包到咁密實,你點知入便有乜嘢呀。” (fong3 ce2 , fong3 ce2 , gam2 hai2 go3 dialogue jap6 bin6 ne1 ,ngo5 dei6 teng1 dou2 ni1 go3 geoi3 zi2 ,”fong3 ce2 jan4 dei6 baau1 dou3 gam3 mat6 sat6 ,nei5 dim2 zi1 jap6 bin1 jau5 mat1 je5 aa3 。”)
David: And also people wrap it up so well. You never know what you’ve got inside.
Nicole: 況且人哋包到咁密實,你點知入便有乜嘢呀。況且。 (fong3 ce2 jan4 dei6 baau1 dou3 gam3 mat6 sat6 ,nei5 dim2 zi1 jap6 bin6 jau5 mat1 je5 aa3. fong3 ce2 。)
David: Now as we’ve said, the meaning of this is additionally.
Nicole: 況且。 (fong3 ce2 。)
David: It also carries the tone of not to mention or I shouldn’t need to tell you this but I am going to say it anyway.
Nicole: 譬如話 送快件太貴啦!況且易碎品嚟個喎! (pei3 jyu4 waa6 sung3 faai3 gin6 taai3 gwai3 laa3 !fong3 ce2 ji6 seoi3 ban2 lei4 go3 wo3!)
David: Sending a package by courier is too expensive and also we are not to mention, this object is very fragile.
Nicole: 送快件太貴啦!況且易碎品嚟個喎! (sung3 faai3 gin6 taai3 gwai3 laa3 !fong3 ce2 ji6 seoi3 ban2 lei4 go3 wo3!)
David: One last point we want to make about this is that there is a subtle tone change to sentences which use this.
Nicole: 係!當你用 “況且” 嘅時候,第二句嘅語氣可能更加重要。 (hai6 !dong1 nei5 jung6 “fong3 ce2 ” ge3 si4 hau6 ,dai6 ji6 geoi3 ge3 jyu5 hei3 ho2 nang4 gang3 gaa1 zung6 jiu3 。)
David: Yeah. This second sentence might be more important but also really importantly, you are talking about two reasons that are different and often they stand in opposition to each other. We see this in the dialogue. Let’s take another look at that sentence.
Nicole: 爛咗我哋物流公司要負全責㗎。況且人哋包到咁密實,你點知入便有乜嘢呀。 (laan6 zo2 ngo5 dei6 mat6 lau4 gung1 si1 jiu3 fu6 cyun4 zaak3 gaa3 。fong3 ce2 jan4 dei6 baau1 dou3 gam3 mat6 sat6 ,nei5 dim2 zi1 jap6 bin6 jau5 mat1 je5 aa3 。)
David: So we’ve got two reasons that are being offered and they are standing in opposition. The first reason is an appeal to the company’s benefit.
Nicole: 爛咗我哋物流公司要負全責㗎。 (laan6 zo2 ngo5 dei6 mat6 lau4 gung1 si1 jiu3 fu6 cyun4 zaak3 gaa3 。)
David: The second reason is an appeal to the person’s benefit.
Nicole: 況且人哋包到咁密實,你點知入便有乜嘢呀。 (fong3 ce2 jan4 dei6 baau1 dou3 gam3 mat6 sat6 ,nei5 dim2 zi1 jap6 bin6 jau5 mat1 je5 aa3 。)
David: We see this again in our last example sentence.
Nicole: 佢係一個好有責任心嘅僱員, 況且佢唔使好高工資㗎咋! (keoi5 hai6 jat1 go3 hou2 jau5 zaak3 jam6 sam1 ge3 gu3 jyun4 , fong3 ce2 keoi5 m4 sai2 hou2 gou1 gung1 zi1 gaa3 zaa3 !)
David: Someone might say this to you if they are recommending someone for temporary work.
Nicole: 佢係一個好有責任心嘅僱員, 況且佢唔使好高工資㗎咋! (keoi5 hai6 jat1 go3 hou2 jau5 zaak3 jam6 sam1 ge3 gu3 jyun4 , fong3 ce2 keoi5 m4 sai2 hou2 gou1 gung1 zi1 gaa3 zaa3 !)
David: He or she is a very responsible employee and moreover
Nicole: 佢唔使好高工資㗎咋! (keoi5 m4 sai2 hou2 gou1 gung1 zi1 gaa3 zaa3 !)
David: He or she won’t work for much money. So there is an appeal first to the affix, it’s a responsible employee but maybe the more important thing is the second bit.
Nicole: 冇錯,佢嘅人工係最緊要嘅。 (mou5 co3 ,keoi5 ge3 jan4 gung1 hai6 zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 ge3 。)
David: Yeah. For now though, that’s all the time we have. Coming to you from right near Festival Walk.
Nicole: Why are we always doing commercials for Festival Walk? I mean, they are not giving us money or something.


David: I am sold on that place too. Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this show. We’d love to hear from you.

