
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to CantoneseClass101.com, I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係Melody. (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Melody.)
David: And Melody, we are here today with upper beginner, season 1, Lesson 4. Hong Kong Bank Security.
Melody: 喺度改緊銀行密碼。(hai2 dou6 goi2 gan2 ngan4 hong4 mat6 maa5.)
David: Yeah so it’s about passwords. We are not teaching you how to rob banks in Hong Kong. Our dialogue here, Melody who is in it?
Melody: 銀行嘅工作人員,同埋個客戶。(ngan4 hong4 ge3 gung1 zok3 jan4 jyun4, tung4 maai4 go3 haak3 wu6.)
David: Right. So it’s between a bank customer and a bank teller.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: And they are speaking casual Cantonese as always. Let’s get to the dialogue.
A:你好,有咩可以幫到你? (nei5 hou2, jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5?)
B:我張銀行卡壞咗。 (ngo5 zoeng1 ngan4 hong4 kaat1 waai6 zo2)
A:請你輸入密碼我幫你檢查下。 (cing2 nei5 syu1 jap6 mat6 maa5 ngo5 bong1 nei5 gim2 caa4 haa5.)
B:我唔記得咗個密碼。 (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go3 mat6 maa5. )
A:咁你需要重新修改密碼。 (gam2 nei5 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 sau1 goi2 mat6 maa5. )
B:咁改成九九九啦。 (gam2 goi2 sing4 gau2 gau2 gau2 laa1. )
A:密碼越複雜越安全。 (mat6 maa5 jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 on1 cyun4. )
B:哦,咁改成六個九啦。(o4, gam2 goi2 sing4 luk6 go3 gau2 laa1.)
David: Once more, a bit more slowly.
A:你好,有咩可以幫到你? (nei5 hou2, jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5?)
B:我張銀行卡壞咗。 (ngo5 zoeng1 ngan4 hong4 kaat1 waai6 zo2)
A:請你輸入密碼我幫你檢查下。(cing2 nei5 syu1 jap6 mat6 maa5 ngo5 bong1 nei5 gim2 caa4 haa5.)
B:我唔記得咗個密碼。 (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go3 mat6 maa5. )
A:咁你需要重新修改密碼。(gam2 nei5 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 sau1 goi2 mat6 maa5. )
B:咁改成九九九啦。 (gam2 goi2 sing4 gau2 gau2 gau2 laa1. )
A:密碼越複雜越安全。 (mat6 maa5 jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 on1 cyun4. )
B:哦,咁改成六個九啦。(o4, gam2 goi2 sing4 luk6 go3 gau2 laa1.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A:你好,有咩可以幫到你? (nei5 hou2, jau5 me1 ho2 ji5 bong1 dou2 nei5?)
A: Hello, how can I help you?
B:我張銀行卡壞咗。 (ngo5 zoeng1 ngan4 hong4 kaat1 waai6 zo2)
B: My debit card is not working.
A:請你輸入密碼我幫你檢查下。 (cing2 nei5 syu1 jap6 mat6 maa5 ngo5 bong1 nei5 gim2 caa4 haa5.)
A: Please input the password and I'll look into it for you.
B:我唔記得咗個密碼。 (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go3 mat6 maa5. )
B: I forgot the password.
A:咁你需要重新修改密碼。(gam2 nei5 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 sau1 goi2 mat6 maa5. )
A: You need to set a new password.
B:咁改成九九九啦。(gam2 goi2 sing4 gau2 gau2 gau2 laa1. )
B: Then change it to 999.
A:密碼越複雜越安全。(mat6 maa5 jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 on1 cyun4. )
A: The more complex the password is, the more secure it is.
B:哦,咁改成六個九啦。(o4, gam2 goi2 sing4 luk6 go3 gau2 laa1.)
B: You're right. Make it six nines.
Melody: 所以呢個客戶呢,佢嘅銀行卡壞咗。(so2 ji3 ni1 go3 haak3 wu6 ne1, keoi5 ge3 ngan4 hong4 kaat1 waai6 zo2.)
David: Yeah I am betting that they just forgot the password in the first place and there is nothing wrong with the card.
Melody: 所以佢改三個九,容易記。(so2 ji3 keoi5 goi2 saam1 go3 gau2, jung4 ji6 gei3.)
David: Anyway the dialogue today it’s pretty long but we are getting up there and we’ve got a lot of vocab today that is bank specific. So if you need to open an account or do banking, this lesson is for you. Let’s get to the vocab.
Melody: 銀行卡 (ngan4 hong4 kaat1)
David: Bank card.
Melody: 銀行卡 (ngan4 hong4 kaat1) [slow] 銀行卡 (ngan4 hong4 kaat1) [normal speed]。信用卡 (seon3 jung6 kaat1)
David: Credit card.
Melody: 信用卡 (seon3 jung6 kaat1) [slow] 信用卡 (seon3 jung6 kaat1) [normal speed]。提款卡 (tai4 fun2 kaat1)
David: Debit card.
Melody: 提款卡 (tai4 fun2 kaat1) [slow] 提款卡 (tai4 fun2 kaat1) [normal speed]。儲蓄卡 (cyu5 cuk1 kaat1)
David: Saving card.
Melody: 儲蓄卡 (cyu5 cuk1 kaat1) [slow] 儲蓄卡 (cyu5 cuk1 kaat1) [normal speed]。 密碼 (mat6 maa5)
David: Password.
Melody: 密碼 (mat6 maa5) [slow] 密碼 (mat6 maa5) [normal speed]。重新 (cung4 san1)
David: Again.
Melody: 重新 (cung4 san1) [slow] 重新 (cung4 san1) [normal speed]。修改 (sau1 goi2)
David: To change, to modify.
Melody: 修改 (sau1 goi2) [slow] 修改 (sau1 goi2) [normal speed]。檢查 (gim2 caa4)
David: To check.
Melody: 檢查 (gim2 caa4) [slow] 檢查 (gim2 caa4) [normal speed]。
David: So our key vocab today it’s bank cards.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: And there are different names for these in Hong Kong. It’s never just as simple as bank card but that’s our first word. It’s the name of a general bank card.
Melody: 銀行卡 (ngan4 hong4 kaat1)
David: And that’s the word for bank...
Melody: 銀行 (ngan4 hong4)
David: And the word card...
Melody: 卡 。(kaat1) 銀行卡 。(ngan4 hong4 kaat1.)
David: I want to apply for a bank card.
Melody: 我想申請一張銀行卡。(ngo5 soeng2 san1 cing2 jat1 zoeng1 ngan4 hong4 kaat1.)
David: I want to apply for a bank card.
Melody: 我想申請一張銀行卡。(ngo5 soeng2 san1 cing2 jat1 zoeng1 ngan4 hong4 kaat1.)
David: And in Hong Kong, you are going to get a bank card when you open an account, a bank account.
Melody: 銀行帳戶(ngan4 hong4 zoeng3 wu6)。冇錯,如果開咗銀行賬戶,自然就有銀行卡。(mou5 co3, jyu4 gwo2 hoi1 zo2 ngan4 hong4 zoeng3 wu6, zi6 jin4 zau6 jau5 ngan4 hong4 kaat1.)
David: Right. Now there are other words for bank cards depending on what function they are serving, right?
Melody: 譬如話... (pei3 jyu4 waa6 ...)
David: For instance, credit cards.
Melody: 信用卡 (seon3 jung6 kaat1)
David: Credit cards.
Melody: 信用卡。 (seon3 jung6 kaat1.)
David: Debit cards
Melody: 提款卡。(tai4 fun2 kaat1.)
David: Debit cards
Melody: 提款卡。(tai4 fun2 kaat1.)
David: Most bank accounts in Hong Kong will give you a debit card and they will have a separate credit card.
Melody: 譬如話,你呢個帳戶有提款卡,但係冇信用咭。(pei3 jyu4 waa6, nei5 ni1 go3 zoeng3 wu6 jau5 tai4 fun2 kaat1, daan6 hai6 mou5 seon3 jung6 kaat1.)
David: Right. That’s probably a very basic account.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: Your account has a debit card but not a credit card.
Melody: 你呢個帳戶有提款卡,冇信用咭。(nei5 ni1 go3 zoeng3 wu6 jau5 tai4 fun2 kaat1, mou5 seon3 jung6 kaat1.)
David: We got another card here which is it’s literally it’s a savings card.
Melody: 儲蓄卡。(cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: Savings card.
Melody: 儲蓄卡。 (cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: Melody, what is this?
Melody: 你係可以將錢存入呢個帳戶,到用嗰陣時直接取錢出嚟。(nei5 hai6 ho2 ji3 zoeng1 cin2 cyun4 jap6 ni1 go3 zoeng3 wu6, dou3 jung6 go2 zan6 si4 zik6 zip3 ceoi2 cin2 ceot1 lai4.)
David: Yeah so people are going to use this at ATMs.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: And you are going to hear it when you are depositing money using one of the electronic machines.
Melody: 冇錯。儲蓄卡。(mou5 co3. cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: Right. If you are not used to this, it’s perfectly safe. It’s really common. It’s how most people deposit money in Hong Kong.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: Right. For instance, you might hear a machine tell you to deposit money, use your savings card.
Melody: 如果要提款,請用儲蓄卡。(jyu4 gwo2 jiu3 tai4 fun2, cing2 jung6 cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: To deposit money, use your savings card.
Melody: 如果要提款,請用儲蓄卡。(jyu4 gwo2 jiu3 tai4 fun2, cing2 jung6 cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: So to put money into your account, you use a
Melody: 儲蓄卡。(cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: And to take it out, you use either
Melody: 提款卡。(tai4 fun2 kaat1.)
David: Or
Melody: 儲蓄卡。(cyu5 cuk1 kaat1.)
David: Right. You can use the savings card at ATMs as well.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: Okay. And generally speaking, all of these are kind of bank card.
Melody: 冇錯。呢啲全部都係銀行卡。(mou5 co3. ni1 di1 cyun4 bou6 dou1 hai6 ngan4 hong4 kaat1.)
David: Right. So you will hear them used interchangeably. Moving on, importantly we have the word password here.
Melody: 密碼 (mat6 maa5)
David: Password.
Melody: 密碼 (mat6 maa5)
David: At banks like HSBC, they will give you separate passwords for your card and for telephone banking and for internet banking.
Melody: 太麻煩喇。(taai3 maa4 faan4 laa3.)
David: It’s really easy to forget. So if you are like me, you will one day need to go into the bank and tell them, I forgot my password.
Melody: 用同一個密碼,或者話:我唔記得咗個密碼。(jung6 tung4 jat1 go3 mat6 maa5, waak6 ze2 waa6: ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go3 mat6 maa5.)
David: Let’s hear that again a bit more slowly.
Melody: 我唔記得咗個密碼。(ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go3 mat6 maa5.)
David: I don’t remember the password.
Melody: 我唔記得咗個密碼。(ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 go3 mat6 maa5.)
David: Right. We hope you don’t forget your passwords and of course if you forget your passwords, you will need to change it.
Melody: 修改 (sau1 goi2)
David: To change.
Melody: 修改 (sau1 goi2)
David: To change a password.
Melody: 修改密碼(sau1 goi2 mat6 maa5)。譬如話:重新修改密碼。(pei3 jyu4 waa6: cung4 san1 sau1 goi2 mat6 maa5.)
David: Please change your password again.
Melody: 重新修改密碼。(cung4 san1 sau1 goi2 mat6 maa5.)
David: And with that, let’s get to your grammar point.

Lesson focus

David: So this is a tricky dialogue for this level.
Melody: 係呀。(hai6 aa3.)
David: But it means we’ve got a fantastic grammar point we want to cover. It’s this pattern.
Melody: 越 ... 越 … (jyut6 ... jyut6 ...)
David: Right. We hear this in this line of the dialogue.
Melody: 密碼越複雜越安全。(mat6 maa5 jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 ngon1 cyun4.)
David: The more complex your password is, the more secure it is.
Melody: 密碼越複雜越安全。(mat6 maa5 jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 ngon1 cyun4.)
David: So the start of the sentence is the subject, password in this case.
Melody: 密碼 (mat6 maa5)
David: And then we follow it with this phrase.
Melody: 越複雜越安全 (jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 ngon1 cyun4 )
David: This literally means the more complex, the more secure.
Melody: 越複雜越安全。(jyut6 fuk1 zaap6 jyut6 ngon1 cyun4.)
David: Now we can put any adjectives we want into this pattern. For instance, the more, the better.
Melody: 越多越好 (jyut6 do1 jyut6 hou2)
David: The more expensive, the better.
Melody: 越貴越好 (jyut6 gwai3 jyut6 hou2)
David: How about the longer, the better.
Melody: 越長越好 (jyut6 coeng4 jyut6 hou2)
David: Right. And these aren’t sentences on their own because they are missing a subject.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: But what we do is we state the subject and then we make a statement about using this pattern. Melody, you’ve got some simple examples for us.
Melody: 譬如話:經驗越多越好。(pei3 jyu4 waa6: ging1 jim6 jyut6 do1 jyut6 hou2.)
David: You might hear this at a job interview.
Melody: 經驗越多越好。(ging1 jim6 jyut6 do1 jyut6 hou2.)
David: Experience, the more the better.
Melody: 經驗越多越好。(ging1 jim6 jyut6 do1 jyut6 hou2.)
David: Right. So they are saying, we are looking for a staff member and the more experience they have, the better.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: Let’s take a look at another example.
Melody: 譬如話:密碼越長越好。(pei3 jyu4 waa6: mat6 maa5 jyut6 coeng4 jyut6 hou2.)
David: A password. The longer it is, the better.
Melody: 密碼越長越好。(mat6 maa5 jyut6 coeng4 jyut6 hou2.)
David: Or you could say, if you are buying something, the cheaper it is, the worse it is.
Melody: 買嘢嘅時候,越平越唔好。(maai5 je5 ge3 si4 hau6, jyut6 peng4 jyut6 m4 hou2.)
David: And there, our subject is, it’s a time phrase, when you are buying things.
Melody: 買嘢嘅時候 (maai5 je5 ge3 si4 hau6)
David: The cheaper, the worse.
Melody: 越平越唔好。(jyut6 peng4 jyut6 m4 hou2.)
David: So this is a really flexible pattern.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
David: Right. It is
Melody: 越... (jyut6 ...)
David: Adjective.
Melody: 越... (jyut6 ...)
David: Adjective. You are going to hear this all the time.
Melody: 好有用。(hou2 jau5 jung6.)
David: Right and especially when you change your password because you will be told
Melody: 密碼越長越好。(mat6 maa5 jyut6 coeng4 jyut6 hou2.)
David: The longer your password is, the better it is. So remember, the structure here is the subject or time phrase and then this pattern. And we can use this pattern with any adjective we want.
Melody: 冇錯,非常之有用。(mou5 co3, fei1 soeng4 zi1 jau5 jung6.)
David: Right and so that’s our grammar point for today. It brings us to the end of this lesson. Before we go Melody, you wanted to remind people.
Melody: 唔好唔記得上嚟我哋個網站,睇我哋嘅文件。(m4 hou2 m4 gei3 dak1 soeng5 lai4 ngo5 dei6 go3 mong5 zaam6, tai2 ngo5 dei6 ge3 man4 gin2.)
David: Right. The transcripts have a copy of the dialogue. They have got a copy of the vocab including the . and we’ve got our grammar points and cultural notes all written out for you.
Melody: 非常之有用。(fei1 soeng4 zi1 jau5 jung6.)
David: Yeah. It makes it such an easy way to review. So be sure to check those out and if you have any questions, leave a note on our site. Again our address is
Melody: CantoneseClass101.com.
David: See you online. Bye bye.


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