
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係Nicole. (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Nicole.)
David: And we are here today with upper beginner, season 1, Lesson 16. In A Hong Kong Emergency Room.
Nicole: 冇錯,係關於睇病嘅。(mou5 co3, hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 tai2 beng6 ge3.)
David: Right. So our dialogue today is about going to the emergency room. In it, we are going to hear someone who is admitted because they are bleeding heavily.
Nicole: 冇錯,流好多血呀。(mou5 co3, lau4 hou2 do1 hyut3 aa3.)
David: Yeah. So while we hope this isn’t you, it does have a lot of really useful medical vocab, right?
Nicole: 希望你哋唔會用得上。(hei1 mong6 nei5 dei6 m4 wui5 jung6 dak1 soeng5.)
David: Yes and it's casual Cantonese as always. So very useful. Let’s get to the show.
Nicole: 好。(hou2.)
A:醫生,快啲睇下我個傷口啦。 (ji1 sang1, faai3 di1 tai2 haa5 ngo5 go3 soeng1 hau2 laa1. )
B:你去排隊掛號先啦。 (nei5 heoi3 paai4 deoi2 gwaa3 hou6 sin1 laa1. )
A:流咁多血仲要我排隊?(lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3 zung6 jiu3 ngo5 paai4 deoi2? )
B:急症室大家都急㗎啦。 (gap1 zing3 sat1 daai6 gaa1 dou1 gap1 gaa3 laa1. )
A:有冇搞錯,咁都得?(jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3, gam2 dou1 dak1?)
David: Once more, a bit more slowly.
A:醫生,快啲睇下我個傷口啦。 (ji1 sang1, faai3 di1 tai2 haa5 ngo5 go3 soeng1 hau2 laa1. )
B:你去排隊掛號先啦。 (nei5 heoi3 paai4 deoi2 gwaa3 hou6 sin1 laa1. )
A:流咁多血仲要我排隊? (lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3 zung6 jiu3 ngo5 paai4 deoi2? )
B:急症室大家都急㗎啦。(gap1 zing3 sat1 daai6 gaa1 dou1 gap1 gaa3 laa1. )
A:有冇搞錯,咁都得?(jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3, gam2 dou1 dak1?)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A:醫生,快啲睇下我個傷口啦。 (ji1 sang1, faai3 di1 tai2 haa5 ngo5 go3 soeng1 hau2 laa1. )
A: Doctor, please come check my wound quickly.
B:你去排隊掛號先啦。 (nei5 heoi3 paai4 deoi2 gwaa3 hou6 sin1 laa1. )
B: Please line up and register first.
A:流咁多血仲要我排隊? (lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3 zung6 jiu3 ngo5 paai4 deoi2? )
A: I'm bleeding so much, and you want me to line up?
B:急症室大家都急㗎啦。(gap1 zing3 sat1 daai6 gaa1 dou1 gap1 gaa3 laa1. )
B: It's the emergency room, everybody needs help urgently.
A:有冇搞錯,咁都得?(jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3, gam2 dou1 dak1?)
A: What? I don't believe it.
David: So hopefully this doesn’t happen to you.
Nicole: 係呀,希望你哋唔會遇到咁嘅情況啦。(hai6 aa3, hei1 mong6 nei5 dei6 m4 wui5 jyu6 dou2 gam3 ge3 cing4 fong3 laa1.)
David: Yeah. Anyway, there is a ton of medical vocab as we’ve said in this show. So let’s get right to the vocab.
Nicole: 醫生 (ji1 sang1)
David: Doctor.
Nicole: 醫生 (ji1 sang1) [slow] 醫生 (ji1 sang1) [normal speed]。傷口 (soeng1 hau2)
David: Wound.
Nicole: 傷口 (soeng1 hau2) [slow] 傷口 (soeng1 hau2) [normal speed]。排隊 
(paai4 deoi2)
David: To line up.
Nicole: 排隊 (paai4 deoi2) [slow] 
排隊 (paai4 deoi2) 

 [normal speed]。掛號
 (gwaa3 hou4)
David: To take a number.

掛號 (gwaa3 hou4)

 [slow] 掛號 (gwaa3 hou4) [normal speed]。
急 (gap1)
David: Urgent.
Nicole: 急 (gap1) [slow] 急 (gap1) [normal speed]。急診室 (gap1 can2 sat1)
David: Emergency room.
Nicole: 急診室 (gap1 can2 sat1) [slow] 急診室 (gap1 can2 sat1) [normal speed]。流血 (lau4 hyut3)
David: To bleed.
Nicole: 流血 (lau4 hyut3) [slow] 流血 (lau4 hyut3) [normal speed]。 醫院 (ji1 jyun2)
David: Hospital.
Nicole: 醫院 (ji1 jyun2) [slow] 醫院 (ji1 jyun2) [normal speed]。
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is the word for hospital.
Nicole: 醫院 (ji1 jyun2)
David: Hospital.
Nicole: 醫院 (ji1 jyun2)
David: As in asking, where is the nearest hospital?
Nicole: 最近嘅醫院喺邊呀?(zeoi3 gan6 ge3 ji1 jyun2 hai2 bin1 aa3?)
David: Where is the nearest hospital?
Nicole: 最近嘅醫院喺邊呀?(zeoi3 gan6 ge3 ji1 jyun2 hai2 bin1 aa3?)
David: Now if it’s late at night, hospitals close but the emergency rooms are usually open.
Nicole: 急診室(gap1 can2 sat1) (nowadays it’s more common to say 急症室(gap1 zing3 sat1)
David: Emergency room.
Nicole: 急診室 (gap1 can2 sat1)
David: So we could say where is the emergency room?
Nicole: 急診室喺邊呀?(gap1 can2 sat1 hai2 bin1 aa3?) Or more naturally, 急症室喺邊呀?(gap1 zing3 sat1 hai2 bin1 aa3?)
David: Where is the emergency room?
Nicole: 急症室喺邊呀?(gap1 zing3 sat1 hai2 bin1 aa3?)
仲有另外一個方法講emergency room,就係「急症室」。(zung6 jau5 ling6 ngoi6 jat1 go3 fong1 faat3 gong2 Emergency Room, zau6 hai6 「 gap1 zing3 sat1 」.)
David: Right. Now in Hong Kong, when you go to the hospital, they are going to ask you to take a number.
Nicole: 掛號 (gwaa3 hou6)
David: To take a number.
Nicole: 掛號 (gwaa3 hou6)
David: And that’s literally to hang a number of some kind.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: But you take the number and you are going to line up to see the doctor.
Nicole: 掛號,排隊睇醫生 (gwaa3 hou6, paai4 deoi2 tai2 ji1 sang1)
David: Take a number to line up and see the doctor.
Nicole: 掛號,排隊睇醫生 (gwaa3 hou6, paai4 deoi2 tai2 ji1 sang1)
David: Right and don’t be scared because of our dialogue because if the situation is urgent
Nicole: 急 (gap1)
David: Urgent.
Nicole: 急 (gap1)
David: Which is an adjective.
Nicole: 係呀,所以如果情況好急 (hai6 aa3, so2 ji3 jyu4 gwo2 cing4 fong3 hou2 gap1)
David: Right very urgent or how about extremely urgent?
Nicole: 非常急。(fei1 soeng4 gap1.)
David: Yeah and as we were saying, if the situation is urgent, you will be able to see a doctor right away.
Nicole: 梗係啦。(gang2 hai6 laa1.)
David: So again key vocab here is hospital.
Nicole: 醫院。(ji1 jyun2.)
David: Emergency room.
Nicole: 急診室 (gap1 can2 sat1)
David: To take a number.
Nicole: 掛號 (gwaa3 hou6)
David: And to line up.
Nicole: 排隊 (paai4 deoi2)
David: And don’t forget that the word urgent
Nicole: 急 (gap1)
David: Can be used as a standalone adjective.
Nicole: 急 (gap1)
David: Okay and with that, let’s get on to our grammar section which is all about bleeding.
Nicole: 流血。(lau4 hyut3.)

Lesson focus

David: Okay we were kidding. It’s not really about bleeding. It’s about bleeding a lot.
Nicole: 流好多血。(lau4 hou2 do1 hyut3.)
David: Yeah we’ve got this expression in the dialogue. Nicole, give it to us again a bit slower.
Nicole: 流咁多血。(lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3.)
David: Now this comes in this line in our dialogue.
Nicole: 流咁多血仲要我排隊?(lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3 zung6 jiu3 ngo5 paai4 deoi2?)
David: Now the word at the beginning there is the word for to bleed.
Nicole: 流血。(lau4 hyut3.)
David: To bleed.
Nicole: 流血。(lau4 hyut3.)
David: But we’ve stuck something in the middle.
Nicole: 咁多 (gam3 do1)
David: So it becomes
Nicole: 流咁多血 (lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3)
David: Which is literally it’s to flow so very much blood?
Nicole: 係呀,流咁多血。(hai6 aa3, lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3.)
David: Right and even if this is a bit of a morbid example, it’s a general pattern we see in Cantonese.
Nicole: 係呀,好有用嘅pattern。(hai6 aa3, hou2 jau5 jung6 ge3 pattern.)
David: Yeah. Here we are seeing a verb that’s a verb plus a noun.
Nicole: 流血。(lau4 hyut3.)
David: And we are splitting it apart and we are putting so very much in the middle.
Nicole: 咁多 (gam3 do1)
David: Right. Now we can do this with almost any verb-noun combo. For instance, eating food.
Nicole: 食嘢。(sik6 je5.)
David: You could say you are eating so much food.
Nicole: 食咁多嘢。(sik6 gam3 do1 je5.)
David: Right. This is a statement. You are eating so much food.
Nicole: 食咁多嘢。(sik6 gam3 do1 je5.)
David: I can’t believe it, you are eating this much food?
Nicole: 唔係呀嘛?食咁多嘢?(m4 hai6 aa3 maa3 ?sik6 gam3 do1 je5?)
David: Yeah what about to take medicine?
Nicole: 食藥 (sik6 joek6)
David: You could ask a rhetorical question, I am surprise, you are taking this much medicine?
Nicole: 你食咁多藥?(nei5 sik6 gam3 do1 joek6?)
David: You are taking this much medicine?
Nicole: 你食咁多藥?(nei5 sik6 gam3 do1 joek6?)
David: And there is an interesting thing here because technically this pattern is used to make a statement.
Nicole: 係呀。(hai6 aa3.)
David: Right. So if we are using it with a question, we are using it with a rhetorical question right?
Nicole: 你可以用成一個問題,但係就會係反問 (nei5 ho2 ji3 jung6 sing4 jat1 go3 man6 tai4, daan6 hai6 zau6 wui5 hai6 faan2 man6 ),Rhetorical.
David: Yeah and the other thing to note is we don’t need to use this with just two character verbs. We can use it with any verbs and any nouns. For instance, to raise animals.
Nicole: 養寵物 (joeng5 cung2 mat6)
David: Or to have a pet.
Nicole: 養寵物 (joeng5 cung2 mat6)
David: Right. So if you have a friend who is raising a lot of pets, you can say, you are raising so many pets.
Nicole: 你養咁多寵物?(nei5 joeng5 gam3 do1 cung2 mat6?)
David: Right and our noun, there is multiple characters. So it doesn’t just need to be a single character verb and a single character noun. Okay so to review, we take a verb/noun combo like
Nicole: 流血 (lau4 hyut3)
David: We split it apart and we put this in the middle.
Nicole: 咁多 (gam3 do1)
David: To create.
Nicole: 流咁多血 (lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3)
David: And the result of the statement meaning to verb so much of the noun.
Nicole: 流咁多血。(lau4 gam3 do1 hyut3.)
David: To bleed so much blood.


David: And with that, that’s our show for today. Before we go, there is something we want to remind people Nicole.
Nicole: If you haven’t got a chance to see our PDF yet, try it.
David: Yes you can find them in the premium learning center. In the site, they’ve got copies of the dialogues and the vocab list, cultural insight and the grammar note all written down.
Nicole: You have to see it.
David: Yes. You have to see it at least once. And with that, that’s our show. From Hong Kong, I am David.
Nicole: I am Nicole.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.
Nicole: Bye bye.


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