
Vocabulary (Review)

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Cantonese Survival phrases, Lesson 50. Expressing Symptoms. Once you are in the pharmacy, you need to explain how you feel in order to let the pharmacist give you the right medicines. In today’s lesson, we work on explaining symptoms so you can get the proper treatment and any medicine you may need. Let’s start with the most common medicine. In Cantonese, cold medicine is 感冒藥(gam2 mou6 joek6) cold medicine 感冒藥(gam2 mou6 joek6). Let’s break it down 感 冒 藥(gam2 mou6 joek6) and hear it one more time 感冒藥(gam2 mou6 joek6). 感冒(gam2 mou6) means a cold, 感冒(gam2 mou6) a cold. So if you want to say I have a cold, you can say 我感冒(ngo5 gam2 mou6). Literally translated as I cold, I cold but it means I have a cold. 我感冒(ngo5 gam2 mou6), 我感冒(ngo5 gam2 mou6). And the final sound is 藥(joek6) which means medicine, 藥(joek6) medicine. Do you remember the word for pharmacy? 藥房(joek6 fong4) It’s made of 藥(joek6) and 房(fong4), 藥(joek6) and 房(fong4), medicine and boutique, so it’s pharmacy, 藥房(joek6 fong4). A cold medicine please in Cantonese is 感冒藥, 唔該(gam2 mou6 joek6, m4 goi1), 感冒藥, 唔該(gam2 mou6 joek6, m4 goi1) let’s break it down by syllable. 感 冒藥, 唔 該(gam2 mou6 joek6, m4 goi1), 感冒藥, 唔該(gam2 mou6 joek6, m4 goi1) A cold medicine please. Now let’s see how to explain your symptoms. In Cantonese, I have a headache is 我頭痛(ngo5 tau4 tung3) let’s break it down by syllable. 我 頭 痛(ngo5 tau4 tung3) Now let’s hear it one more time. 我頭痛(ngo5 tau4 tung3) The first word 我(ngo5) is I, 我(ngo5) I and then we have 頭痛(tau4 tung3) which means headaches, 頭痛(tau4 tung3) headaches. It is made of 頭(tau4) head and 痛(tung3) pain. So your head is in pain. Therefore you are having a headache. 頭痛(tau4 tung3) Altogether we have 我頭痛(ngo5 tau4 tung3). I have a headache. 我頭痛(ngo5 tau4 tung3) I have a headache. Now this 痛(tung3) is the most common word in Cantonese to say you are in pain. For example, if you are having a stomachache, you can say 我肚痛(ngo5 tou5 tung3). Let’s break it down by syllable. 我 肚 痛(ngo5 tou5 tung3), 我肚痛(ngo5 tou5 tung3) I stomach ache. First sound 我(ngo5) is I and you know it very well and the next word is 肚(tou5) which means stomach and finally we have 痛(tung3) pain, 我肚痛(ngo5 tou5 tung3) Now what if you are taking a friend to hospital and want to explain their symptoms. Simply we replace 我(ngo5) with 佢(keoi5) which means he or she. For example, he has a headache. 佢頭痛(keoi5 tau4 tung3) He has a headache. 佢頭痛(keoi5 tau4 tung3) or she has a stomachache. 佢肚痛(keoi5 tou5 tung3) She has a stomachache. 佢肚痛(keoi5 tou5 tung3) Now let’s try combining these together. How do you say headache medicine please? This is very easy and straightforward. 頭痛藥, 唔該(tau4 tung3 joek6, m4 goi1),頭痛藥, 唔該(tau4 tung3 joek6, m4 goi1) Headache medicine please. Now how do you say stomachache medicine, 肚痛藥(tou5 tung3 joek6), stomach medicine 肚痛藥(tou5 tung3 joek6). Now you can express your symptoms and get the medicine you need. Now of course, there is another way to ask for medicine. You can say, I want something or I need something. 我要頭痛藥(ngo5 jiu1 tau4 tung3 joek6) I need or I want headache medicine. 我要頭痛藥(ngo5 jiu1 tau4 tung3 joek6) Now how do you say I want stomach medicine. 我要肚痛藥(ngo5 jiu1 tou5 tung3 joek6), 我要肚痛藥(ngo5 jiu1 tou5 tung3 joek6) Now last but not least, we will teach you the word for pain killer 止痛藥(zi2 tung3 joek6), painkiller 止痛藥(zi2 tung3 joek6). The first sound 止(zi2) means to stop, 止(zi2) to stop. 痛(tung3) as you already know means pain, 痛(tung3) pain. And lastly we have 藥(joek6), 藥(joek6) medicine. To recap here, we have 止痛藥(zi2 tung3 joek6) pain killer, 止痛藥(zi2 tung3 joek6) pain killer. All right, that’s it for today’s lesson. We will move to our regular test and make sure you remember all of the sentences. Please translate my English into Cantonese. A cold medicine please. 感冒藥, 唔該(gam2 mou6 joek6, m4 goi1) Headache medicine please. 頭痛藥, 唔該(tau4 tung3 joek6, m4 goi1) Stomach medicine please. 肚痛藥, 唔該(tou5 tung3 joek66, m4 goi1) Pain killer please. 止痛藥, 唔該(zi2 tung3 joek6, m4 goi1) I have a headache. 我頭痛(ngo5 tau4 tung3) I have a stomachache. 我肚痛(ngo5 tou5 tung3) All right, that’s about does it for today. Remember to stop by cantoneseclass101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF and if you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Bye bye!

