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Cantonese Survival phrases, Lesson 49. Medical Assistance. In today’s lesson, we will introduce you to some phrases you will find useful in case you need medical assistance. We will go over some phrases that will help get you to a location where you can get medical assistance. We will start with the phrase, please take me to the hospital. 唔該帶我去醫院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) Let’s break it down by syllable. 唔 該 帶 我 去 醫 院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) Let’s hear it again. 唔該帶我去醫院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) The first word is 唔該(m4 goi1) and you know it very well. It means please 唔該(m4 goi1) Next we have 帶我(daai3 ngo5) to take me, 帶我(daai3 ngo5) take me. To recap here, we have 唔該帶我(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5) literally this means, please take me. Let’s look at the next word 去(heoi3) to 去(heoi3) to. 唔該帶我去(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3) Please take me to and finally we have the location 醫院(ji1 jyun2) Hospital 醫院(ji1 jyun2) hospital. 唔該帶我去醫院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) Please take me to the hospital. 唔該帶我去醫院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) Please take me to the hospital. Now if you would like someone to take you to visit a doctor, you can use the following phrase, please take me to see the doctor which is 唔該帶我去睇醫生(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1) let’s break it down by syllable. 唔 該 帶 我 去 睇 醫 生(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1) and here it again. 唔該帶我去睇醫生(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1) Please take me to see the doctor. As you can see, this phrase is very similar to the previous one. You have 唔該帶我去(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3), please take me to. This is completely the same as the previous sentence. 唔該帶我去(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3) Please take me to and then the location or the things you want to do, 睇醫生(tai2 ji1 sang1) which literally means see the doctor, 睇醫生(tai2 ji1 sang1) see the doctor. Now let’s break down this phrase, 睇 醫 生(tai2 ji1 sang1) to see the doctor. 睇(tai2) is to see, 睇(tai2) to see. 醫生(ji1 sang1) the doctor, 醫生(ji1 sang1) doctor, 睇醫生(tai2 ji1 sang1) to see a doctor. 唔該帶我去睇醫生(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1) Please take me to see the doctor. If things aren’t too bad, perhaps you only need to go to the pharmacy. In Cantonese, I need to go to the pharmacy is 我要去藥房(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 joek6 fong4) Now let’s break it down by syllable. 我 要 去 藥 房(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 joek6 fong4), 我要去藥房(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 joek6 fong4) I need to go to the pharmacy. The first word 我要(ngo5 jiu3) means I want or I need. Once again 我要(ngo5 jiu3) Next we have 去(heoi3) which means to 去(heoi3) to. And finally the location 藥房(joek6 fong4) pharmacy, 藥房(joek6 fong4) pharmacy. We’ve learned this word in an earlier lesson. 藥房(joek6 fong4) means pharmacy. 藥(joek6) means medicine. 房(fong4) means boutique, medicine boutique 藥房(joek6 fong4), pharmacy. Altogether we have 我要去藥房(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 joek6 fong4). I need or I want to go to the pharmacy. 我要去藥房(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 joek6 fong4) Now let me ask you. How do you say I need to go to the hospital? That’s right. Simply change the location of the sentence. 我要去醫院(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) I need to go to the hospital. So please take me to the hospital. 唔該帶我去醫院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) See, it’s very simple. You can combine all the sentences together. Now how do you say I need to go to see a doctor? That’s right. 我要去睇醫生(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1) I need to go to see a doctor or you can simplify it by saying 我要睇醫生(ngo5 jiu3 tai2 ji1 sang1) I need to see a doctor. 我要睇醫生(ngo5 jiu3 tai2 ji1 sang1) Now be careful because for some medicine, you might need the medical prescription. Then you might be asked 有冇處方?(jau5 mou5 cyu2 fong1) Do you have the medical prescription. Let’s break it down by syllable. 有 冇 處 方?(jau5 mou5 cyu2 fong1) Do you have the medical prescription? 有冇處方?(jau5 mou5 cyu2 fong1) The first half of the sentence is 有冇?(jau5 mou5) have or not have. 處方?(cyu2 fong1) means medical prescription, 處 方?(cyu2 fong1), 處方?(cyu2 fong1) medical prescription. So the entire sentence is 有冇處方?(jau5 mou5 cyu2 fong1) Do you have the medical prescription?
All right, today we’ve learned phrases that will help you get medical assistance. Let’s move to our regular test and see if you can remember. Please take me to the hospital. 唔該帶我去醫院(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 ji1 jyun2) Please take me to see a doctor. 唔該帶我去睇醫生(m4 goi1 daai3 ngo5 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1) I need to go to the pharmacy. 我要去藥房(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 joek6 fong4) Do you have the medical prescription? 有冇處方?(jau5 mou5 cyu2 fong1) All right, that’s about does it for today. Remember to stop by cantoneseclass101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF and if you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Bye bye.

