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Cantonese Survival phrases, Lesson 45. Do You Have an English Guide? In today’s lesson, we will introduce you to crucial phrase for travelers. Today we will cover, do you have an English information guide. In Cantonese, do you have an English information guide is, 有冇英文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4) Let’s break it down by syllable. 有 冇 英 文 導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4) Now let’s hear it one more time. 有冇英文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4). 有冇(jau5 mou5) means to have or have not, 有冇(jau5 mou5) have or have not. In the sentence 有冇英文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4) we have 有冇(jau5 mou5) followed by 英文(jing1 man2) which means English, 英文(jing1 man2) English. Let’s break it down by syllable. 英 文(jing1 man2), 英文(jing1 man2) English. Finally we have 導遊(dou6 jau4) which is information guide or tourist guide, 導遊(dou6 jau4), 導遊(dou6 jau4) information guide. Now to recap, we have 有冇英文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4) Do you have an English guide? 有冇英文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4) Do you have an English guide? Of course if you want to practice Cantonese and ask for a Cantonese guide, you can simply accomplish this by asking 有冇廣東話導遊?(jau5 mou5 gwong2 dung1 waa2 dou6 jau4), 有冇廣東話導遊?(jau5 mou5 gwong2 dung1 waa2 dou6 jau4). Do you have a Cantonese guide? To ask for a different language, we can just replace the word for English with any other word for another language. Let’s try French or 法文(faat3 man2) French 法文(faat3 man2). Do you have a French guide is 有冇法文導遊?(jau5 mou5 faat3 man2 dou6 jau4) Let’s break it down by syllable. 有 冇 法 文 導 遊?(jau5 mou5 faat3 man2 dou6 jau4), 有冇法文導遊?(jau5 mou5 faat3 man2 dou6 jau4) Do you have a French guide? The only thing that changes here is the thing you were looking for. In this case is 法文(faat3 man2) or French,法文(faat3 man2) French. Now let’s try with the Japanese guide. It’s not unlikely for information guides to even be in Japanese because a huge number of Japanese tourists visit Hong Kong every year and at every time of the year. Do you have a Japanese guide is 有冇日文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jat6 man2 dou6 jau4) Now let’s break it down by syllable. 有 冇 日 文 導 遊?(jau5 mou5 jat6 man2 dou6 jau4) Do you have a Japanese guide? The Cantonese word for Japanese and for English sounds quite similar. Let’s compare both of them 英文(jing1 man2) English, 日文(jat6 man2) Japanese, 英文(jing1 man2) English, 日文(jat6 man2) Japanese. So altogether we have 有冇日文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jat6 man2 dou6 jau4). Do you have a Japanese guide, piece of cake, very easy. All right, let’s move to our regular test today and see if you can translate my English into Cantonese. Do you have an English information guide? 有冇英文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jing1 man2 dou6 jau4) Do you have a Cantonese guide? 有冇廣東話導遊?(jau5 mou5 gwong2 dung1 waa2 dou6 jau4) Do you have a Japanese guide? 有冇日文導遊?(jau5 mou5 jat6 man2 dou6 jau4) Do you have a French information guide? 有冇法文導遊?(jau5 mou5 faat3 man2 dou6 jau4) All right, that’s about does it for today. Remember to stop by cantoneseclass101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF and if you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Bye bye.

