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Cantonese Survival phrases, lesson 27. Riding the Rails Part 3. In our last lesson, we learned how to buy a train ticket. Once you have established a destination, it is time to select the type of seats you want. Normally in Hong Kong, you can choose between 頭等(tau4 dang2) first class and 普通(pou2 tung1) regular class. 頭等(tau4 dang2) first class, 普通(pou2 tung1) regular class. Let’s hear both of them again. 頭等(tau4 dang2) first class 普通(pou2 tung1) regular class. Let’s look at the word 頭等(tau4 dang2) first class. 頭(tau4) literally means head. 等(dang2) means class. 頭等(tau4 dang2) means head class or first class. You also hear this in the lottery. First prize is called 頭等獎(tau4 dang2 zoeng2), first prize 頭等獎(tau4 dang2 zoeng2). Now in the lesson, we will cover first class ticket which is 頭等飛(tau4 dang2 fei1), first class ticket 頭等飛(tau4 dang2 fei1). Let’s say you want to buy a first class ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4). 羅湖( lo4 wu4) is a port in 深圳(sam1 zan3). When you want to go from Hong Kong to Mainland China, you have to get pass 羅湖( lo4 wu4). So let’s learn how to say a first class ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4), please. 唔該, 一張頭等飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 tau4 dang2 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Please, a first class ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4). 唔該, 一張頭等飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 tau4 dang2 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Please, a first class ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4). Now let’s hear it one more time. 唔該, 一張頭等飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 tau4 dang2 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). The structure of the sentence is the same as we’ve seen in previous lessons. We just add 頭等(tau4 dang2) first class. 唔該, 一張飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Please one ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4). 唔該, 一張頭等飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 tau4 dang2 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Please, one first class ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4).
Now let’s take a look at another type of seat 普通(pou2 tung1), 普通(pou2 tung1). This 普通(pou2 tung1) means regular. In this context, it means economy class. Economy ticket is 普通飛(pou2 tung1 fei1), 普通飛(pou2 tung1 fei1),普通飛(pou2 tung1 fei1) . Simply add the word ticket or 飛(fei1) to the end. Let’s hear it again. 普通飛(pou2 tung1 fei1) economy ticket. You can also say 經濟飛(ging1 zai3 fei1) when you want to use the term economy class 經濟飛(ging1 zai3 fei1). You also see economy class cabin 經濟艙(ging1 zai3 cong1) economy class cabin 經濟艙(ging1 zai3 cong1). I am sure you’ve noticed the new sounded at the end. 艙(cong1), 艙(cong1). This 艙(cong1) means cabin and it’s a term for seat in ships or planes. So you can say 頭等艙(tau4 dang2 cong1) first class cabin, 普通艙(pou2 tung1 cong1) regular cabin, 經濟艙(ging1 zai3 cong1) economy class cabin. Let’s hear all of them again 頭等艙(tau4 dang2 cong1), 普通艙(pou2 tung1 cong1), 經濟艙(ging1 zai3 cong1). If you are a business man, you can also say 商務艙(soeng1 mou6 cong1) or business cabin. Let’s hear it again 商務艙(soeng1 mou6 cong1), 商務艙(soeng1 mou6 cong1) business cabin. Now if you wish to buy a roundtrip ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4), you can say 唔該, 一張來回飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 loi4 wui4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). I’d like a roundtrip ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4), please. 唔該, 一張來回飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 loi4 wui4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). This is just like our last sentence. We have just replaced 頭等(tau4 dang2) with 來回(loi4 wui4). Now let’s hear this word again 來回(loi4 wui4), roundtrip 來回(loi4 wui4), roundtrip. 唔該, 一張來回飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 loi4 wui4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Please, one roundtrip ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4). Finally if you just need a simple one way ticket, you can accomplish it by asking, I will like a one way ticket to 羅湖(lo4 wu4), please. 唔該, 一張單程飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 daan1 cing4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Let’s hear it again. 唔該, 一張單程飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 daan1 cing4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Here we say 單程(daan1 cing4) instead of 來回(loi4 wui4) means single way. 來回(loi4 wui4) means roundtrip. So the whole sentence sounds like 唔該, 一張單程飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 daan1 cing4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4).Please, one single ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4). 唔該, 一張單程飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 daan1 cing4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). Please, one single ticket to羅湖( lo4 wu4). And that’s our lesson for today. Now let’s go on to our regular test. I will give you the English and you say the Cantonese. First class ticket 頭等飛(tau4 dang2 fei1), regular ticket 普通飛(pou2 tung1 fei1), first class cabin 頭等艙(tau4 dang2 cong1), regular cabin 普通艙(pou2 tung1 cong1), economy class cabin 經濟艙(ging1 zai3 cong1), business cabin 商務艙(soeng1 mou6 cong1). I’d like a roundtrip ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4), please. 唔該, 一張來回飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 loi4 wui4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). I like a single ticket to 羅湖( lo4 wu4), please. 唔該, 一張單程飛去羅湖(m4 goi1, jat1 zoeng1 daan1 cing4 fei1 heoi3 lo4 wu4). 好喇(hou2 laa1), that’s about does it for today. Remember to stop by cantoneseclass101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF and if you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment. Bye bye.

