
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 9 - Talking About an Injury.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about being injured. 阿偉 (aa3 wai5) suffers a painful injury, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: Meaning - "I got hurt again, my knees are so painful." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
(clicking sound)
威仔: 真係唔認老都唔得。 (zan1 hai6 m4 jing6 lou5 dou1 m4 dak1.)
Lisa姐: 睇咗醫生未? (tai2 zo2 ji1 sang1 mei6?)
陳業生: 早日康復。 (zou2 jat6 hong1 fuk6.)
小儀: 有個幾好嘅物理治療師,幾時得閒?我帶你去。 (jau5 go3 gei2 hou2 ge3 mat6 lei5 zi6 liu4 si1, gei2 si4 dak1 haan4? ngo5 daai3 nei5 heoi3.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: "I got hurt again, my knees are so painful."
(clicking sound)
威仔: 真係唔認老都唔得。 (zan1 hai6 m4 jing6 lou5 dou1 m4 dak1.)
Eric: "We really have to admit that we've aged."
Lisa姐: 睇咗醫生未? (tai2 zo2 ji1 sang1 mei6?)
Eric: "Have you gone to the doctor's yet?"
陳業生: 早日康復。 (zou2 jat6 hong1 fuk6.)
Eric: "Get well soon."
小儀: 有個幾好嘅物理治療師,幾時得閒?我帶你去。 (jau5 go3 gei2 hou2 ge3 mat6 lei5 zi6 liu4 si1, gei2 si4 dak1 haan4? ngo5 daai3 nei5 heoi3.)
Eric: "There's a pretty good physiotherapist, when would you be free? I'll take you there."
Eric: Listen again to 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s post.
Siuling: 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: "I got hurt again, my knees are so painful."
Siuling: (SLOW) 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.) (Regular) 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "hurt again."
Siuling: 又整親, (jau6 zing2 can1, )
Eric: The sentence ends with the word...
Siuling: 親 (can1)
Eric: When you put this after a verb, you can describe something that unintentionally happened to someone's body and caused injury. For example..
Siuling: 淥親 (luk6 can1)
Eric: “get burnt by hot water."
Siuling: 凍親 (dung3 can1)
Eric: "catch a cold." Okay. "hurt again" in Cantonese is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 又整親, (jau6 zing2 can1, ) (REGULAR) 又整親, (jau6 zing2 can1, )
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "knees are so painful."
Siuling: 膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: To mean “kneecap" or "patella,” you can use another colloquial term.
Siuling: 菠蘿蓋 (bo1 lo4 goi3)
Eric: It literally means "pineapple lid." Listen again- "knees are so painful" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.) (REGULAR) 膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: All together, "I got hurt again, my knees are so painful."
Siuling: 又整親,膝頭哥痛到不得了。 (jau6 zing2 can1, sat1 tau4 go1 tung3 dou3 bat1 dak1 liu5.)
Eric: In response, 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning - "We really have to admit that we've aged."
Siuling: (SLOW) 真係唔認老都唔得。 (zan1 hai6 m4 jing6 lou5 dou1 m4 dak1.) (REGULAR) 真係唔認老都唔得。 (zan1 hai6 m4 jing6 lou5 dou1 m4 dak1.)
Siuling: 真係唔認老都唔得。 (zan1 hai6 m4 jing6 lou5 dou1 m4 dak1.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling discouraged.
Eric: His neighbor, Lisa姐 (LISA ze2), uses an expression meaning - "Have you gone to the doctor's yet?"
Siuling: (SLOW) 睇咗醫生未? (tai2 zo2 ji1 sang1 mei6?) (REGULAR) 睇咗醫生未? (tai2 zo2 ji1 sang1 mei6?)
Siuling: 睇咗醫生未? (tai2 zo2 ji1 sang1 mei6?)
Eric: Use this expression to show concern.
Eric: His supervisor, 陳業生 (can4 jip6 sang1), uses an expression meaning - "Get well soon."
Siuling: (SLOW) 早日康復。 (zou2 jat6 hong1 fuk6.) (REGULAR) 早日康復。 (zou2 jat6 hong1 fuk6.)
Siuling: 早日康復。 (zou2 jat6 hong1 fuk6.)
Eric: Use this expression to be sympathetic and kind.
Eric: His high school friend, 小儀 (siu2 ji4), uses an expression meaning - "There's a pretty good physiotherapist, when would you be free? I'll take you there."
Siuling: (SLOW) 有個幾好嘅物理治療師,幾時得閒?我帶你去。 (jau5 go3 gei2 hou2 ge3 mat6 lei5 zi6 liu4 si1, gei2 si4 dak1 haan4? ngo5 daai3 nei5 heoi3.) (REGULAR) 有個幾好嘅物理治療師,幾時得閒?我帶你去。 (jau5 go3 gei2 hou2 ge3 mat6 lei5 zi6 liu4 si1, gei2 si4 dak1 haan4? ngo5 daai3 nei5 heoi3.)
Siuling: 有個幾好嘅物理治療師,幾時得閒?我帶你去。 (jau5 go3 gei2 hou2 ge3 mat6 lei5 zi6 liu4 si1, gei2 si4 dak1 haan4? ngo5 daai3 nei5 heoi3.)
Eric: Use this expression to offer help and advice.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being injured, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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