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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 8 - Feeling Exhausted.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about being exhausted. 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1) feels exhausted after a long day at work, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: Meaning - "Why are there endless things to do at work? I'm dead tired." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
(clicking sound)
Maggie: 永遠十卜你! (wing5 jyun5 sap6 buk1 nei5!)
小儀: 加油!好快又放假㗎喇! (gaa1 jau2! hou2 faai3 jau6 fong3 gaa3 gaa3 laa3!)
Lisa姐: 我煲咗啲湯俾你,好好補吓。 (ngo5 bou1 zo2 di1 tong1 bei2 nei5, hou2 hou2 bou2 haa5.)
Tommy: 做大人真係辛苦。 (zou6 daai6 jan4 zan1 hai6 san1 fu2.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: "Why are there endless things to do at work? I'm dead tired."
(clicking sound)
Maggie: 永遠十卜你! (wing5 jyun5 sap6 buk1 nei5!)
Eric: "I'm cheering for you!"
小儀: 加油!好快又放假㗎喇! (gaa1 jau2! hou2 faai3 jau6 fong3 gaa3 gaa3 laa3!)
Eric: "Hang in there! The holiday will be here again soon!"
Lisa姐: 我煲咗啲湯俾你,好好補吓。 (ngo5 bou1 zo2 di1 tong1 bei2 nei5, hou2 hou2 bou2 haa5.)
Eric: "I made you some soup, it‘ll help restore your energy."
Tommy: 做大人真係辛苦。 (zou6 daai6 jan4 zan1 hai6 san1 fu2.)
Eric: "It's so tough being an adult."
Eric: Listen again to 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1)'s post.
Siuling: 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: "Why are there endless things to do at work? I'm dead tired."
Siuling: (SLOW) 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!) (Regular) 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Why are the tasks endless?"
Siuling: 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完, (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, )
Eric: The sentence starts with the word…
Siuling: 典解 (din2 gaai2)
Eric: This is the playful version of the word....
Siuling: 點解 (dim2 gaai2)
Eric: Which means "why". This word is often used by Hong Kong girls on social media. Listen again "Why are the tasks endless" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完, (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, ) (REGULAR) 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完, (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, )
Eric: Then comes a phrase that means "dead tired!"
Siuling: 攰死人咩! (gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: When you say an adjective and the word..
Siuling: 死人 (sei2 jan4)
Eric: which literally means “dead person,” so you are exaggerating the meaning. It’s commonly used in Hong Kong, so don’t be afraid to use it with your friends. Listen again- "dead tired!" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 攰死人咩! (gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!) (REGULAR) 攰死人咩! (gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: All together, "Why are there endless things to do at work? I'm dead tired."
Siuling: 典解啲嘢做極都做唔完,攰死人咩! (din2 gaai2 di1 je5 zou6 gik6 dou1 zou6 m4 jyun4, gui6 sei2 jan4 me1!)
Eric: In response, 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her high school friend, Maggie (MAGGIE), uses an expression meaning - "I'm cheering for you!" It literally means “Support you forever!”
Siuling: (SLOW) 永遠十卜你! (wing5 jyun5 sap6 buk1 nei5!) (REGULAR) 永遠十卜你! (wing5 jyun5 sap6 buk1 nei5!)
Siuling: 永遠十卜你! (wing5 jyun5 sap6 buk1 nei5!)
Eric: Use this expression to be funny and supportive.
Eric: Her boyfriend's high school friend, 小儀 (siu2 ji4), uses an expression meaning - "Hang in there! The holiday will be here again soon!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 加油!好快又放假㗎喇! (gaa1 jau2! hou2 faai3 jau6 fong3 gaa3 gaa3 laa3!) (REGULAR) 加油!好快又放假㗎喇! (gaa1 jau2! hou2 faai3 jau6 fong3 gaa3 gaa3 laa3!)
Siuling: 加油!好快又放假㗎喇! (gaa1 jau2! hou2 faai3 jau6 fong3 gaa3 gaa3 laa3!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Eric: Her neighbor, Lisa姐 (LISA ze2), uses an expression meaning - "I made you some soup, it‘ll help restore your energy."
Siuling: (SLOW) 我煲咗啲湯俾你,好好補吓。 (ngo5 bou1 zo2 di1 tong1 bei2 nei5, hou2 hou2 bou2 haa5.) (REGULAR) 我煲咗啲湯俾你,好好補吓。 (ngo5 bou1 zo2 di1 tong1 bei2 nei5, hou2 hou2 bou2 haa5.)
Siuling: 我煲咗啲湯俾你,好好補吓。 (ngo5 bou1 zo2 di1 tong1 bei2 nei5, hou2 hou2 bou2 haa5.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling warmhearted.
Eric: Her nephew, Tommy (TOMMY), uses an expression meaning - "It's so tough being an adult."
Siuling: (SLOW) 做大人真係辛苦。 (zou6 daai6 jan4 zan1 hai6 san1 fu2.) (REGULAR) 做大人真係辛苦。 (zou6 daai6 jan4 zan1 hai6 san1 fu2.)
Siuling: 做大人真係辛苦。 (zou6 daai6 jan4 zan1 hai6 san1 fu2.)
Eric: Use this expression to show sympathy.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being exhausted, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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