
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 7 - Getting Bored.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about being bored. 阿偉 (aa3 wai5) gets bored at home, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: Meaning - "Didn't realize it'd be so boring to have nothing to do on a holiday." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 悶?又話要執屋? (mun6? jau6 waa6 jiu3 zap1 uk1?)
Maggie: 啊!阿偉,你死喇! (o3! aa3 wai5, nei5 sei2 laa3!)
陳業生: 下個禮拜會好忙,你而家有得唞好唞吓。 (haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 wui5 hou2 mong4, nei5 ji4 gaa1 jau5 dak1 tau2 hou2 tau2 haa5.)
威仔: 你可以過嚟幫我執屋。 (nei5 ho2 ji3 gwo3 lei4 bong1 ngo5 zap1 uk1.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: "Didn't realize it'd be so boring to have nothing to do on a holiday."
(clicking sound)
嘉欣: 悶?又話要執屋? (mun6? jau6 waa6 jiu3 zap1 uk1?)
Eric: "Boring? You told me you were gonna clean up the house!"
Maggie: 啊!阿偉,你死喇! (o3! aa3 wai5, nei5 sei2 laa3!)
Eric: "Uh-oh! Ah Wai, you're in trouble!"
陳業生: 下個禮拜會好忙,你而家有得唞好唞吓。 (haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 wui5 hou2 mong4, nei5 ji4 gaa1 jau5 dak1 tau2 hou2 tau2 haa5.)
Eric: "It's gonna be a hectic next week, you’d better rest up while you can."
威仔: 你可以過嚟幫我執屋。 (nei5 ho2 ji3 gwo3 lei4 bong1 ngo5 zap1 uk1.)
Eric: "You can come clean up my house."
Eric: Listen again to 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s post.
Siuling: 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: "Didn't realize it'd be so boring to have nothing to do on a holiday."
Siuling: (SLOW) 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.) (Regular) 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression literally meaning "Actually."
Siuling: 原來 (jyun4 loi4 )
Eric: This term indicates that the following statement is a newly found idea that was unknown to the person before. Listen again- "Actually" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 原來 (jyun4 loi4 ) (REGULAR) 原來 (jyun4 loi4 )
Eric: Then comes the phrase "having nothing to do on a holiday is quite boring."
Siuling: 放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: According to the 2015 Survey of Hong Kong consumer travel spending patterns, Hong Kong people spend around 70% of their holidays traveling abroad. The most popular destinations are Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan. Listen again- "having nothing to do on a holiday is quite boring" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.) (REGULAR) 放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: All together, "Didn't realize it'd be so boring to have nothing to do on a holiday."
Siuling: 原來放假冇嘢做都幾悶。 (jyun4 loi4 fong3 gaa3 mou5 je5 zou6 dou1 gei2 mun6.)
Eric: In response, 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His girlfriend, 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1), uses an expression meaning - "Boring? You told me you were gonna clean up the house!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 悶?又話要執屋? (mun6? jau6 waa6 jiu3 zap1 uk1?) (REGULAR) 悶?又話要執屋? (mun6? jau6 waa6 jiu3 zap1 uk1?)
Siuling: 悶?又話要執屋? (mun6? jau6 waa6 jiu3 zap1 uk1?)
Eric: Use this expression to show sarcasm.
Eric: His girlfriend's high school friend, Maggie (MAGGIE), uses an expression meaning "Uh-oh! Ah Wai, you're in trouble!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 啊!阿偉,你死喇! (o3! aa3 wai5, nei5 sei2 laa3!) (REGULAR) 啊!阿偉,你死喇! (o3! aa3 wai5, nei5 sei2 laa3!)
Siuling: 啊!阿偉,你死喇! (o3! aa3 wai5, nei5 sei2 laa3!)
Eric: Use this expression to imply someone is in big trouble in a humorous way.
Eric: His supervisor, 陳業生 (can4 jip6 sang1), uses an expression meaning "It's gonna be a hectic next week, you’d better rest up while you can."
Siuling: (SLOW) 下個禮拜會好忙,你而家有得唞好唞吓。 (haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 wui5 hou2 mong4, nei5 ji4 gaa1 jau5 dak1 tau2 hou2 tau2 haa5.) (REGULAR) 下個禮拜會好忙,你而家有得唞好唞吓。 (haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 wui5 hou2 mong4, nei5 ji4 gaa1 jau5 dak1 tau2 hou2 tau2 haa5.)
Siuling: 下個禮拜會好忙,你而家有得唞好唞吓。 (haa6 go3 lai5 baai3 wui5 hou2 mong4, nei5 ji4 gaa1 jau5 dak1 tau2 hou2 tau2 haa5.)
Eric: Use this expression to give advice.
Eric: His college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning "You can come clean up my house."
Siuling: (SLOW) 你可以過嚟幫我執屋。 (nei5 ho2 ji3 gwo3 lei4 bong1 ngo5 zap1 uk1.) (REGULAR) 你可以過嚟幫我執屋。 (nei5 ho2 ji3 gwo3 lei4 bong1 ngo5 zap1 uk1.)
Siuling: 你可以過嚟幫我執屋。 (nei5 ho2 ji3 gwo3 lei4 bong1 ngo5 zap1 uk1.)
Eric: Use this expression to tease someone.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being bored, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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