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Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 3 - Playing Sports.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about playing a sport. 阿偉 (aa3 wai5) plays with his friends at the beach, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: Meaning - "With good weather and full attendance, this beach party is really successful!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
(clicking sound)
威仔: 趁冬天之前搞多次啦。 (can3 dung1 tin1 zi1 cin4 gaau2 do1 ci3 laa1.)
陳業生: 年青人,真係開心,Enjoy! (nin4 cing1 jan4, zan1 hai6 hoi1 sam1, ENJOY!)
嘉欣: 邊個贏呀? (bin1 go3 jeng4 aa3?)
Tommy: 咁熱,我寧願喺屋企打機。 (gam3 jit6, ngo5 ning4 jyun2 hai2 uk1 kei2 daa2 gei1.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: "With good weather and full attendance, this beach party is really successful!"
(clicking sound)
威仔: 趁冬天之前搞多次啦。 (can3 dung1 tin1 zi1 cin4 gaau2 do1 ci3 laa1.)
Eric: "Let's do it again before winter starts."
陳業生: 年青人,真係開心,Enjoy! (nin4 cing1 jan4, zan1 hai6 hoi1 sam1, ENJOY!)
Eric: "All the young people being so happy, enjoy!"
嘉欣: 邊個贏呀? (bin1 go3 jeng4 aa3?)
Eric: "Who won?"
Tommy: 咁熱,我寧願喺屋企打機。 (gam3 jit6, ngo5 ning4 jyun2 hai2 uk1 kei2 daa2 gei1.)
Eric: "It's so hot, I would rather stay home and play video games."
Eric: Listen again to 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s post.
Siuling: 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: "With good weather and full attendance, this beach party is really successful!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!) (REGULAR) 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression literally meaning "weather is good and we have all people attending."
Siuling: 天氣咁好又咁齊人, (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, )
Eric: This sentence has a common sentence pattern, which is…
Siuling: 咁...又... (gam3... jau6...)
Eric: You can use this sentence pattern to describe two qualities about one subject. It's similar to "not only... but also...", or "... and...". Listen again- "weather is good and we have all people attending," is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 天氣咁好又咁齊人, (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, ) (REGULAR) 天氣咁好又咁齊人, (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, )
Eric: Then comes the phrase literally meaning "this time beach gathering is really successful!"
Siuling: 今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: Hong Kong has a long coastline with many public and private bays and beaches; however, more and more of them are becoming unsuitable for swimming because of poor water quality due to development and urbanization. A total of 41 beaches, about half of those suitable for swimming, are managed by the government. Listen again- "this beach gathering is really successful!" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!) (REGULAR) 今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: All together, "With good weather and full attendance, this beach party is really successful!"
Siuling: 天氣咁好又咁齊人,今次嘅沙灘聚會真係好成功! (tin1 hei3 gam3 hou2 jau6 gam3 cai4 jan4, gam1 ci3 ge3 saa1 taan1 zeoi6 wui6 zan1 hai6 hou2 sing4 gung1!)
Eric: In response, 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning - "Let's do it again before winter starts."
Siuling: (SLOW) 趁冬天之前搞多次啦。 (can3 dung1 tin1 zi1 cin4 gaau2 do1 ci3 laa1.) (REGULAR) 趁冬天之前搞多次啦。 (can3 dung1 tin1 zi1 cin4 gaau2 do1 ci3 laa1.)
Siuling: 趁冬天之前搞多次啦。 (can3 dung1 tin1 zi1 cin4 gaau2 do1 ci3 laa1.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling eager to do something.
Eric: His supervisor, 陳業生 (can4 jip6 sang1), uses an expression meaning "All the young people being so happy, enjoy!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 年青人,真係開心,Enjoy! (nin4 cing1 jan4, zan1 hai6 hoi1 sam1, ENJOY!) (REGULAR) 年青人,真係開心,Enjoy! (nin4 cing1 jan4, zan1 hai6 hoi1 sam1, ENJOY!)
Siuling: 年青人,真係開心,Enjoy! (nin4 cing1 jan4, zan1 hai6 hoi1 sam1, ENJOY!)
Eric: Use this expression to show encouragement.
Eric: His girlfriend, 嘉欣 (gaa1 jan1), uses an expression meaning - "Who won?"
Siuling: (SLOW) 邊個贏呀? (bin1 go3 jeng4 aa3?) (REGULAR) 邊個贏呀? (bin1 go3 jeng4 aa3?)
Siuling: 邊個贏呀? (bin1 go3 jeng4 aa3?)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are curious.
Eric: His nephew, Tommy (TOMMY), uses an expression meaning - "It's so hot, I’d rather stay home and play video games."
Siuling: (SLOW) 咁熱,我寧願喺屋企打機。 (gam3 jit6, ngo5 ning4 jyun2 hai2 uk1 kei2 daa2 gei1.) (REGULAR) 咁熱,我寧願喺屋企打機。 (gam3 jit6, ngo5 ning4 jyun2 hai2 uk1 kei2 daa2 gei1.)
Siuling: 咁熱,我寧願喺屋企打機。 (gam3 jit6, ngo5 ning4 jyun2 hai2 uk1 kei2 daa2 gei1.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling cynical.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about playing sports, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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