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Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 19 - Just Relaxing.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about relaxing. 阿偉 (aa3 wai5) relaxes in a beautiful place, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 好耐冇試過咁hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: Meaning - "Haven't been this relaxed for so long! It's beyond excellent here!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 好耐冇試過咁hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
(clicking sound)
威仔: 好明顯你喺度晒命啦! (hou2 ming4 hin2 nei5 hai2 dou6 saai3 meng6 laa1!)
小儀: 好好享受咁好嘅天氣! (hou2 hou2 hoeng2 sau6 gam3 hou2 ge3 tin1 hei3!)
Maggie: 唔該下次帶埋我。 (m4 goi1 haa6 ci3 daai3 maai4 ngo5.)
Tommy: 你幾時返? (nei5 gei2 si4 faan1?)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 好耐冇試過咁hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: "Haven't been this relaxed for so long! It's beyond excellent here!"
(clicking sound)
威仔: 好明顯你喺度晒命啦! (hou2 ming4 hin2 nei5 hai2 dou6 saai3 meng6 laa1!)
Eric: "You're obviously showing off!"
小儀: 好好享受咁好嘅天氣! (hou2 hou2 hoeng2 sau6 gam3 hou2 ge3 tin1 hei3!)
Eric: "Enjoy the nice weather!"
Maggie: 唔該下次帶埋我。 (m4 goi1 haa6 ci3 daai3 maai4 ngo5.)
Eric: "Please bring me along next time."
Tommy: 你幾時返? (nei5 gei2 si4 faan1?)
Eric: "When are you coming back?"
Eric: Listen again to 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s post.
Siuling: 好耐冇試過咁hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: "Haven't been this relaxed for so long! It's beyond excellent here!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 好耐冇試過咁hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!) (Regular) 好耐冇試過咁 hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Haven't been this relaxed for a long time!"
Siuling: 好耐冇試過咁hea! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! )
Eric: The sentence ends with the word...
Siuilng: Hea (he3)
Eric: This is a Cantonese slang term that means "relaxed, laid-back" or "uncommitted, half-hearted" when used as an adjective. When used as a verb, it means "to chill out," "to hang around," "to loiter," or "to lounge around." Listen again "Haven't been this relaxed for a long time! " is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 好耐冇試過咁hea! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ) (REGULAR) 好耐冇試過咁hea! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! )
Eric: Then comes the phrase "It's beyond excellent here!"
Siuling: 呢度真係超正! (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: This sentence has the word…
Siuling: 超 (ciu1)
Eric: Which means "super, go beyond.” You can use it for exaggeration or emphasis. Listen again. "It's beyond excellent here!" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 呢度真係超正! (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!) (REGULAR) 呢度真係超正! (ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: All together, "Haven't been this relaxed for so long! It's beyond excellent here!"
Siuling: 好耐冇試過咁hea!呢度真係超正! (hou2 noi6 mou5 si3 gwo3 gam3 he3! ni1 dou6 zan1 hai6 ciu1 zeng3!)
Eric: In response, 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning "You're obviously showing off!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 好明顯你喺度晒命啦! (hou2 ming4 hin2 nei5 hai2 dou6 saai3 meng6 laa1!) (REGULAR) 好明顯你喺度晒命啦! (hou2 ming4 hin2 nei5 hai2 dou6 saai3 meng6 laa1!)
Siuling: 好明顯你喺度晒命啦! (hou2 ming4 hin2 nei5 hai2 dou6 saai3 meng6 laa1!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling annoyed.
Eric: His high school friend, 小儀 (siu2 ji4), uses an expression meaning "Enjoy the nice weather!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 好好享受咁好嘅天氣! (hou2 hou2 hoeng2 sau6 gam3 hou2 ge3 tin1 hei3!) (REGULAR) 好好享受咁好嘅天氣! (hou2 hou2 hoeng2 sau6 gam3 hou2 ge3 tin1 hei3!)
Siuling: 好好享受咁好嘅天氣! (hou2 hou2 hoeng2 sau6 gam3 hou2 ge3 tin1 hei3!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Eric: His wife's high school friend, Maggie (MAGGIE), uses an expression meaning "Please bring me along next time."
Siuling: (SLOW) 唔該下次帶埋我。 (m4 goi1 haa6 ci3 daai3 maai4 ngo5.) (REGULAR) 唔該下次帶埋我。 (m4 goi1 haa6 ci3 daai3 maai4 ngo5.)
Siuling: 唔該下次帶埋我。 (m4 goi1 haa6 ci3 daai3 maai4 ngo5.)
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.
Eric: His nephew, Tommy, uses an expression meaning "When are you coming back?"
Siuling: (SLOW) 你幾時返? (nei5 gei2 si4 faan1?) (REGULAR) 你幾時返? (nei5 gei2 si4 faan1?)
Siuling: 你幾時返? (nei5 gei2 si4 faan1?)
Eric: Use this expression to show you miss someone.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about relaxing, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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