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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 15 - At a Family Reunion.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Siuling: And I'm Siuling.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Cantonese about a family gathering. 阿偉 (aa3 wai5) goes to a family gathering, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Siuling: 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: Meaning "The most important thing in life is to have the whole healthy family together and peaceful." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4
cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
(clicking sound)
Tommy: 唔該唔好tag我。 (m4 goi1 m4 hou2 TAG ngo5.)
陳業生: 原來你屋企有咁多人,好熱鬧。(jyun4 loi4 nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gam2 do1 jan4, hou2 jit6 naau6.)
威仔: 好多潮童喎,你D姪嚟㗎? (hou2 do1 ciu4 tung4 wo3, nei5 D zat6 lei4 gaa4?)
小儀: 好耐冇見佢哋,大家睇嚟都好精神! (hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 keoi5 dei6, daai6 gaa1 tai2 lei4 dou1 hou2 zing1 san4!)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
阿偉: 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4
cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: "The most important thing in life is to have the whole healthy family together and peaceful."
(clicking sound)
Tommy: 唔該唔好tag我。 (m4 goi1 m4 hou2 TAG ngo5.)
Eric: "Please don't tag me."
陳業生: 原來你屋企有咁多人,好熱鬧。(jyun4 loi4 nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gam2 do1 jan4, hou2 jit6 naau6.)
Eric: "Didn't know you have such a big family, so lively."
威仔: 好多潮童喎,你D姪嚟㗎? (hou2 do1 ciu4 tung4 wo3, nei5 D zat6 lei4 gaa4?)
Eric: "There're a lot of hipsters there, are they your nieces and nephews?"
小儀: 好耐冇見佢哋,大家睇嚟都好精神! (hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 keoi5 dei6, daai6 gaa1 tai2 lei4 dou1 hou2 zing1 san4!)
Eric: "Haven't seen them in a long time, everyone looks great!"
Eric: Listen again to 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s post.
Siuling: 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: "The most important thing in life is to have the whole healthy family together and peaceful."
Siuling: (SLOW) 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.) (Regular) 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "the most important."
Siuling: 最緊要 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 )
Eric: This sentence starts with the word
Siuling: 最 (zeoi3)
Eric: Which means "the most.” It can be followed by an adjectives, a noun, or an adverb. In this case, the noun automatically becomes an adjective or adverb. For example,
Siuling: 最MAN (zeoi3 MAN)
Eric: Which means "the most manly person.” Listen again- "the most important" is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 最緊要 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 ) (REGULAR) 最緊要 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 )
Eric: Then comes a phrase literally meaning "whole family be healthy and together."
Siuling: 一家人齊齊整整。 (jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: The sentence ends with the word…
Siuling: 齊齊整整 (cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2)
Eric: Which means "neat and tidy" normally, but when used to describe a family or a group of people, it means that everyone is healthy, harmonious, and on good terms. Listen again. "whole family be healthy and together." is...
Siuling: (SLOW) 一家人齊齊整整。 (jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.) (REGULAR) 一家人齊齊整整。 (jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: All together, "The most important thing in life is to have the whole healthy family together and peaceful."
Siuling: 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 (zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2.)
Eric: In response, 阿偉 (aa3 wai5)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His nephew, Tommy (TOMMY), uses an expression meaning "Please don't tag me."
Siuling: (SLOW) 唔該唔好tag我。 (m4 goi1 m4 hou2 TAG ngo5.) (REGULAR) 唔該唔好tag我。 (m4 goi1 m4 hou2 TAG ngo5.)
Siuling: 唔該唔好tag我。 (m4 goi1 m4 hou2 TAG ngo5.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling annoyed.
Eric: His supervisor, 陳業生 (can4 jip6 sang1), uses an expression meaning "Didn't know you have such a big family, so lively."
Siuling: (SLOW) 原來你屋企有咁多人,好熱鬧。 (REGULAR) 原來你屋企有咁多人,好熱鬧。(jyun4 loi4 nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gam2 do1 jan4, hou2 jit6 naau6)
Siuling: 原來你屋企有咁多人,好熱鬧。(jyun4 loi4 nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gam2 do1 jan4, hou2 jit6 naau6)
Eric: Use this expression to comment on a family.
Eric: His college friend, 威仔 (wai1 zai2), uses an expression meaning "There're a lot of hipsters there, are they your nieces and nephews?"
Siuling: (SLOW) 好多潮童喎,你D姪嚟㗎? (hou2 do1 ciu4 tung4 wo3, nei5 D zat6 lei4 gaa4?) (REGULAR) 好多潮童喎,你D姪嚟㗎? (hou2 do1 ciu4 tung4 wo3, nei5 D zat6 lei4 gaa4?)
Siuling: 好多潮童喎,你D姪嚟㗎? (hou2 do1 ciu4 tung4 wo3, nei5 D zat6 lei4 gaa4?)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling impressed and curious.
Eric: His high school friend, 小儀 (siu2 ji4), uses an expression meaning "Haven't seen them in a long time, everyone looks great!"
Siuling: (SLOW) 好耐冇見佢哋,大家睇嚟都好精神! (hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 keoi5 dei6, daai6 gaa1 tai2 lei4 dou1 hou2 zing1 san4!) (REGULAR) 好耐冇見佢哋,大家睇嚟都好精神! (hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 keoi5 dei6, daai6 gaa1 tai2 lei4 dou1 hou2 zing1 san4!)
Siuling: 好耐冇見佢哋,大家睇嚟都好精神! (hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 keoi5 dei6, daai6 gaa1 tai2 lei4 dou1 hou2 zing1 san4!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about a family gathering, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Siuling: 拜拜 (baai1 baai3)


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