
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Melody: 大家好,我係 Melody, 又同大家見面喇! (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Melody , jau6 tung4 daai6 gaa1 gin3 min6 laa3! )
Echo: Right and we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 9. You Should Do As You Are Told in China.
Melody: 按人哋同你講嘅去做。(on3 jan4 dei6 tung4 nei5 gong2 ge3 heoi3 zou6.)
Echo: That’s right. Our dialogue today takes place in the copy shop.
Melody: 係發生喺店主同埋顧客之間嘅。(hai6 faat3 sang1 hai2 dim3 zyu2 tung4 maai4 gu3 haak3 zi1 gaan1 ge3.)
Echo: And they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Melody: 咁我哋而家就去聽下啦!(gam3 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 zau6 heoi3 teng1 haa5 laa1!)
A: 可唔可以影印呢張?(ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 jing2 jan3 ni1 zoeng1?)
B: 得。要幾多份?(dak1. jiu3 gei2 do1 fan6?)
A: 我要十份,雙面。(ngo5 jiu3 sap6 fan6, soeng1 min2.)
B: 彩色定黑白?(coi2 sik1 ding6 hak1 sik1?)
A: 黑白啦。(hak1 baak6 laa1.)
B: 黑白可能唔清楚喎。(hak1 baak6 ho2 nang4 m4 cing1 co2 o6.)
A: 唔緊要,照印啦。(m4 gan2 jiu3, ziu3 jan3 laa1.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 可唔可以影印呢張?(ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 jing2 jan3 ni1 zoeng1?)
B: 得。要幾多份?(dak1. jiu3 gei2 do1 fan6?)
A: 我要十份,雙面。(ngo5 jiu3 sap6 fan6, soeng1 min2.)
B: 彩色定黑白?(coi2 sik1 ding6 hak1 sik1?)
A: 黑白啦。(hak1 baak6 laa1.)
B: 黑白可能唔清楚喎。(hak1 baak6 ho2 nang4 m4 cing1 co2 o6.)
A: 唔緊要,照印啦。(m4 gan2 jiu3, ziu3 jan3 laa1.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 可唔可以影印呢張?(ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 jing2 jan3 ni1 zoeng1?)
A: Can you photocopy this?
B: 得。要幾多份?(dak1. jiu3 gei2 do1 fan6?)
B: Sure. How many copies?
A: 我要十份,雙面。(ngo5 jiu3 sap6 fan6, soeng1 min2.)
A: I need 10 copies, double-sided.
B: 彩色定黑白?(coi2 sik1 ding6 hak1 sik1?)
B: Color or black and white?
A: 黑白啦。(hak1 baak6 laa1.)
A: Black and white is fine.
B: 黑白可能唔清楚喎。(hak1 baak6 ho2 nang4 m4 cing1 co2 o6.)
B: Black and white might not be as clear.
A: 唔緊要,照印啦。(m4 gan2 jiu3, ziu3 jan3 laa1.)
A: Doesn't matter, just do it.
Echo: I like that last sentence.
Melody: 照印啦!(ziu3 jan3 laa1!)
Echo: Just do it.
Melody: 其實係指照我講嘅去印。(kei4 sat6 hai6 zi2 ziu3 ngo5 gong2 ge3 heoi3 jan3.)
Echo: Right but we will get into this once we are back from our vocabulary section.
Melody: 冇錯,而家我哋一齊去睇下今日嘅單詞啦!(mou5 co3, ji4 gaa1 ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 heoi3 tai2 haa5 gam1 jat6 ge3 daan1 ci4 laa1!)
Echo: The first word is
Melody: 黑白。(hak1 baak6.)
Echo: Black and white.
Melody: 黑 白, 黑白, 彩色。(hak1 baak6 , hak1 baak6 , coi2 sik1.)
Echo: Colored.
Melody: 彩 色, 彩色, 雙面。(coi2 sik1 , coi2 sik1 , soeng1 min2.)
Echo: Double-sided.
Melody: 雙 面, 雙面, 單面。(soeng1 min6 , soeng1 min2 , daan1 min2.)
Echo: Single-sided.
Melody: 單 面, 單面, 份 。( daan1 min6 , daan1 min2 , fan6.)
Echo: Measure word for copies.
Melody: 份, 份, 影印。 (fan6 , fan6 , jing2 jan3 。 )
Echo: To photocopy.
Melody: 影 印, 影印, 照。(jing2 jan3 , jing2 jan3 , ziu3.)
Echo: Do as you are told.
Melody: 照, 照。 (ziu3 , ziu3 。 )
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Melody: 黑 白。( hak1 baak6.)
Echo: Black and white.
Melody: 黑 白。(hak1 baak6.)
Echo: Black and white.
Melody: 我想要兩份 黑白嘅影印。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 loeng5 fan6 hak1 baak6 ge3 jing2 jan3.)
Echo: I’d like two copies black and white.
Melody: 我想要兩份 黑白嘅影印。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 loeng5 fan6 hak1 baak6 ge3 jing2 jan3.)
Echo: I’d like two copies black and white.
Melody: 再影印多幾份黑白嘅。(zoi3 jing2 jan3 do1 gei2 fan6 hak1 baak6 ge3.)
Echo: Please make more black and white copies.
Melody: 再影印多幾份黑白嘅。( zoi3 jing2 jan3 do1 gei2 fan6 hak1 baak6 ge3.)
Echo: Please make more black and white copies.
Melody: 我哋嘅下一個詞係 同黑白相反嘅, 彩色。 (ngo5 dei6 ge3 haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 hai6 tung4 hak1 baak6 soeng1 faan2 ge3 , coi2 sik1 。 )
Echo: Colored.
Melody: 彩 色。( coi2 sik1.)
Echo: Colored. That’s opposite of black and white. Right.
Melody: 黑白 同埋 彩色。(hak1 baak6 tung4 maai4 coi2 sik1.)
Echo: So you could say, a black and white copy.
Melody: 黑 白 影 印。(hak1 baak6 jing2 jan3.)
Echo: A colored copy.
Melody: 彩 色 影 印,譬如彩色墨水冇哂喇!用黑白嘅打印啦!( coi2 sik1 jing2 jan3, pei3 jyu4 coi2 sik1 mak6 seoi2 mou5 saai3 laa3! jung6 hak1 baak6 ge3 daa2 jan3 laa1!)
Echo: We are out of colored ink, use black and white to print.
Melody: 彩色墨水冇哂喇!用黑白嘅打印啦!( coi2 sik1 mak6 seoi2 mou5 saai3 laa3! jung6 hak1 baak6 ge3 daa2 jan3 laa1!)
Echo: We are out of colored ink, use black and white to print.
Melody: 喺打印嘅時侯,除咗彩色 同埋黑白之外, 你重可以選擇單面,或者係 雙面。 (hai2 daa2 jan3 ge3 si4 hau4, ceoi4 zo2 coi2 sik1 tung4 maai4 hak1 baak6 zi1 ngoi6, nei5 zung6 ho2 ji5 syun2 zaak6 daan1 min2, waak6 ze2 hai6 soeng1 min2.)
Echo: Right. These are two kinds of copying you can do.
Melody: 單 面, 雙 面。( daan1 min6 , soeng1 min6.)
Echo: Single-sided, double-sided.
Melody: 單 面, 雙 面, 香港人係好環保㗎,所以呢你最好唔好話你要打印單面嘅。 (daan1 min6 , soeng1 min6 , hoeng1 gong2 jan4 hai6 hou2 waan4 bou2 gaa3, so2 ji5 ne1 nei5 zeoi3 hou2 m4 hou2 waa6 nei5 jiu3 daa2 jan3 daan1 min2 ge3.)
Echo: Right or they will yell at you.
Melody: 唔, 可能唔至於鬧你,但係佢哋可能會講:單面影印有少少浪費,雙面更環保。(m4 , ho2 nang4 m4 zi3 jyu1 naau6 nei5, daan6 hai6 keoi5 dei6 ho2 nang4 wui2 gong2, daan1 min2 jing2 jan3 jau5 siu2 siu2 long6 fai3, soeng1 min2 gang3 waan4 bou2.)
Echo: Copying on one side is a bit wasteful. Double-sided is more environmental friendly.
Melody: 單面影印有少少浪費,雙面更環保。(daan1 min2 jing2 jan3 jau5 siu2 siu2 long6 fai3, soeng1 min2 gang3 waan4 bou2.)
Echo: Copying on one side is a bit wasteful. Double sided is more environmental friendly.
Melody: 最後一個詞,影印。(zeoi3 hau6 jat1 go3 ci4, jing2 jan3.)
Echo: Photocopy.
Melody: 影印。( jing2 jan3.)
Echo: So that’s photocopy but what if you need to print something?
Echo: Just print?
Melody: Yes.
Echo: From your computer.
Melody: Then just say, 打印。(daa2 jan3.)
Echo: To print.
Melody: 打 印。(daa2 jan3.) 影印同埋打印。(jing2 jan3 tung4 maai4 daa2 jan3.)
Echo: That’s right and we are back, let’s go to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

Echo: Okay. I really love the grammar point today.
Melody: 冇錯,因為今日嘅語法係喺你最鍾意嗰句入面。(mou5 co3, jan1 wai6 gam1 jat6 ge3 jyu5 faat3 hai6 hai2 nei5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 go2 geoi3 jap6 min6.)
Echo: Exactly. Let’s listen to the sentence in our dialogue.
Melody: 照印啦!(ziu3 jan3 laa1!)
Echo: Just do it.
Melody: 照印啦!(ziu3 jan3 laa1!)
Echo: Just do it.
Melody: 係指 照我講嘅去印。(hai6 zi2 ziu3 ngo5 gong2 ge3 heoi3 jan3.)
Echo: Right. Copy the way I told you, not some other way, not that way, this way, this way, my way.
Melody: 冇錯,照印係一個簡單嘅講法。(mou5 co3, ziu3 jan3 hai6 jat1 go3 gaan2 daan1 ge3 gong2 faat3.)
Echo: Okay. So we are saying
Melody: 照印。(ziu3 jan3.)
Echo: This means do it the way I said or like copy it the way I said.
Melody: 冇錯,你可以喺後面加你想用嘅動詞。( mou5 co3, nei5 ho2 ji5 hai2 hau6 min6 gaa1 nei5 soeng2 jung6 ge3 dung6 ci4.)
Echo: Right. For example
Melody: 照去。( ziu3 heoi3.)
Echo: Go the way you’ve been told.
Melody: 照 去。(ziu3 heoi3.)
Echo: Go the way you’ve been told.
Melody: 照用。(ziu3 jung6.)
Echo: Use it the way you’ve been told.
Melody: 照 用。( ziu3 jung6.)
Echo: Use it the way you’ve been told.
Melody: 照做。(ziu3 zou6.)
Echo: Do it the way you’ve been told.
Melody: 照 做。(ziu3 zou6.)
Echo: You can use this to boss people around. Do it, do it my way.
Melody: 有少少攪笑。( jau5 siu2 siu2 gaau2 siu3.)
Echo: Right. We don’t pay you to think. Just do it our way.
Melody: 唔,有少少唔客氣囉 咁樣。( m4, jau5 siu2 siu2 m4 haak3 hei3 lo1 gam2 joeng2.)
Echo: Well it’s just telling people to follow directions. Let’s look at some other examples.
Melody: 我同你講咗個地址啦!你照去就得啦!( ngo5 tung4 nei5 gong2 zo2 go3 dei6 zi2 laa1 !nei5 ziu3 heoi3 zau6 dak1 laa1!)
Echo: I told you the address. Just follow them.
Melody: 我同你講咗個地址啦!你照去就得啦!(ngo5 tung4 nei5 gong2 zo2 go3 dei6 zi2 laa1 !nei5 ziu3 heoi3 zau6 dak1 laa1!)
Echo: I told you the address, just follow them.
Melody: 如果你照用呢個方法去減肥,一定唔會有問題。(jyu4 gwo2 nei5 ziu3 jung6 ni1 go3 fong1 faat3 heoi3 gaam2 fei4, jat1 ding6 m4 wui2 jau5 man6 tai4.)
Echo: If you use it the way I said, you won’t have any trouble losing weight.
Melody: 如果你照用呢個方法去減肥,一定唔會有問題。(jyu4 gwo2 nei5 ziu3 jung6 ni1 go3 fong1 faat3 heoi3 gaam2 fei4, jat1 ding6 m4 wui2 jau5 man6 tai4.)
Echo: If you use it the way I said, you won’t have any trouble losing weight.
Melody: 唔好驚出錯,你照做就得喇! (m4 hou2 geng1 ceot1 co3, nei5 ziu3 zou6 zau6 dak1 laa3!)
Echo: Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Just do it like I said.
Melody: 唔好驚出錯,你照做就得喇! (m4 hou2 geng1 ceot1 co3, nei5 ziu3 zou6 zau6 dak1 laa3!)
Echo: Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Just do it like I said.
Melody: Okay, 有一點我哋要小心, 唔好放兩個字嘅動詞喺後面,通常我哋只放一個字。(jau5 jat1 dim2 ngo5 dei6 jiu3 siu2 sam1 , m4 hou2 fong3 loeng5 go3 zi6 ge3 dung6 ci4 hai2 hau6 min6, tung1 soeng4 ngo5 dei6 zi2 fong3 jat1 go3 zi6.)
Echo: Right. You can only use this with single character verbs like
Melody: 去,用,做。(heoi3, jung6, zou6.) 照去,照用,照做。 (ziu3 heoi3, ziu3 jung6, ziu3 zou6.)


Echo: All right. That’s our grammar point for today. If you have any questions, just leave us comment on our website. The address is cantoneseclass101.com
Melody: 冇錯,多謝收聽今日我哋嘅節目,我哋網上見。( mou5 co3, do1 ze6 sau1 teng1 gam1 jat6 ngo5 dei6 ge3 zit3 muk6, ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3.)
Echo: Bye bye.
Melody: 拜拜。( baai1 baai3.)


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