
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Echo: Welcome to CantoneseClass101.com. I am Echo.
Melody: 大家好, 我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6) Melody, Oscar 呢仲放緊假,我又要代替佢。 (ne1 zung6 fong3 gan2 gaa3, ngo5 jau6 jiu3 doi6 tai3 keoi5.)
Echo: Right. And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 8. Don’t Forget Your Password.
Melody: 係關於如果你唔記得咗你嘅Gmail密碼會有幾麻煩。 (hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 jyu4 gwo2 nei5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 nei5 ge3 Gmail mat6 maa5 wui2 jau5 gei2 maa4 faan4.)
Echo: Yeah I am fine for most other things, but not Gmail.
Melody: 咁我諗你最好準備兩個郵箱啦! (gam3 ngo5 lam2 nei5 zeoi3 hou2 zeon2 bei6 loeng5 go3 jau4 soeng1 laa1 !)
Echo: Maybe you are right. Anyway, our dialogue today takes place in the office.
Melody: 發生喺兩個同事之間,其中一個呢,唔記得咗佢嘅密碼。(faat3 sang1 hai2 loeng5 go3 tung4 si6 zi1 gaan1, kei4 zung1 jat1 go3 ne1, m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 keoi5 ge3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: And they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Melody: 咁我哋而家就去聽下啦!(gam3 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 zau6 heoi3 teng1 haa5 laa1 !)
A: 救命呀,我登入唔到啊!(A: gau3 meng6 aa6, ngo5 dang1 jap6 ng4 dou3 aa3 !)
B: 個密碼係咩? (B: go3 mat6 maa5 hai6 me1 ?)
A: 我唔可以話俾你知。 (A: ngo5 ng4 ho2 ji5 waa6 bei2 nei5 zi1.)
B: 咁我幫唔到你喇。 (B: gam2 ngo5 bong1 ng4 dou3 nei5 laa6.)
A: 咁我應該點做呀? (A: gam2 ngo5 jing1 goi1 dim2 zou6 aa3 ?)
B: 你試下重新開個瀏覽器? (B: nei5 si3 haa5 cung4 san1 hoi1 go3 lau4 laam5 hei3 ?)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 救命呀,我登入唔到啊! (A: gau3 meng6 aa6, ngo5 dang1 jap6 ng4 dou3 aa3 !)
B: 個密碼係咩? (B: go3 mat6 maa5 hai6 me1 ?)
A: 我唔可以話俾你知。 (A: ngo5 ng4 ho2 ji5 waa6 bei2 nei5 zi1.)
B: 咁我幫唔到你喇。 (B: gam2 ngo5 bong1 ng4 dou3 nei5 laa6.)
A: 咁我應該點做呀? (A: gam2 ngo5 jing1 goi1 dim2 zou6 aa3 ?)
B: 你試下重新開個瀏覽器? (B: nei5 si3 haa5 cung4 san1 hoi1 go3 lau4 laam5 hei3 ?)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 救命呀,我登入唔到啊! (A: gau3 meng6 aa6, ngo5 dang1 jap6 ng4 dou3 aa3 !)
A: Help. I can't login.
B: 個密碼係咩? (B: go3 mat6 maa5 hai6 me1 ?)
B: What is your password?
A: 我唔可以話俾你知。 (A: ngo5 ng4 ho2 ji5 waa6 bei2 nei5 zi1.)
A: I can't tell you my password.
B: 咁我幫唔到你喇。 (B: gam2 ngo5 bong1 ng4 dou3 nei5 laa6.)
B: Then I can't help you.
A: 咁我應該點做呀? (A: gam2 ngo5 jing1 goi1 dim2 zou6 aa3 ?)
A: So what should I do?
B: 你試下重新開個瀏覽器? (B: nei5 si3 haa5 cung4 san1 hoi1 go3 lau4 laam5 hei3 ?)
B: Why don't you restart your browser?
Echo: This is a pretty life like dialogue.
Melody: 冇錯!尤其是係嗰句 我唔可以話比你知。 (mou5 co3! jau4 kei4 si6 hai6 go2 geoi3 ngo5 m4 ho2 ji5 waa6 bei2 nei5 zi1.)
Echo: Yeah. It stops being a good password if you just tell it to other people right?
Melody: 唔,冇錯。(m4, mou5 co3.)
Echo: I bet he had the caps lock keyed on. That’s what my problem usually is.
Melody: 咁我哋而家一齊嚟睇下單詞啦。 (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 jat1 cai4 lai4 tai2 haa5 daan1 ci4 laa1.)
Melody: 救命!( gau3 meng6!)
Echo: Help.
Melody: 救 命, 救命, 登入。 (gau3 meng6, gau3 meng6, dang1 jap6.)
Echo: To log in.
Melody: 登 入, 登入, 密碼。 (dang1 jap6, dang1 jap6, mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Password.
Melody: 密 碼, 密碼, 試。 (mat6 maa5, mat6 maa5, si3.)
Echo: To try.
Melody: 試, 試, 重新。 (si3, si3. cung4 san1.)
Echo: Once again.
Melody: 重 新, 重新, 溜覽器 。 (cung4 san1, cung4 san1, lau1 laam5 hei3.)
Echo: Browser.
Melody: 瀏 覽 器, 瀏覽器, 重設。 (lau1 laam5 hei3, lau1 laam5 hei3, cung4 cit3.)
Echo: To reset.
Melody: 重 設, 重設, 電腦。 (cung4 cit3, cung4 cit3, din6 nou5.)
Echo: Computer.
Melody: 電 腦, 電腦, 郵件。 (din6 nou5, din6 nou5, jau4 gin2.)
Echo: Email.
Melody: 郵 件, 郵件。 (jau4 gin2, jau4 gin2.)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Melody: 密碼。(mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Password.
Melody: 密碼。(mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Password.
Melody: 我唔記得咗密碼。 (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: I don’t remember the password.
Melody: 我唔記得咗密碼。 (ngo5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Right which means that this guy can’t
Melody: 登入。 (dang1 jap6.)
Echo: To log in.
Melody: 登入。 (dang1 jap6.)
Echo: To log in or sign in and you can’t do that without your password.
Melody: 冇密碼 我登入唔到。 (mou5 mat6 maa5 ngo5 dang1 jap6 m4 dou2.)
Echo: I can’t lock in without my password.
Melody: 冇密碼 我登入唔到。 (mou5 mat6 maa5 ngo5 dang1 jap6 m4 dou2.)
Echo: In our dialogue, the first login fails. So the man tries again and this is the standard way to say to try in Cantonese.
Melody: 試。 (si3.)
Echo: To try.
Melody: 試。(si3.)
Echo: Although we would usually say
Melody: 試一下。 (si3 jat1 haa5.)
Echo: That’s a bit more common.
Melody: 試一下。 (si3 jat1 haa5.)
Echo: Right. Try it again.
Melody: 試一下, 再試一下, 我已經試咗三次。 (si3 jat1 haa5, zoi3 si3 jat1 haa5, ngo5 ji5 ging1 si3 zo2 saam1 ci3.)
Echo: I’ve already tried three times.
Melody: 我已經試咗三次。下一個詞係解决問題嘅, 最好嘅辦法呢,就係全部删除,再重新整過新嘅。就係重設。 (ngo5 ji5 ging1 si3 zo2 saam1 ci3. haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 hai6 gaai2 kyut3 man6 tai4 ge3, zeoi3 hou2 ge3 baan6 faat3 ne1, zau6 hai6 cyun4 bou6 saan1 ceoi4, zoi3 cung4 san1 zing2 gwo3 san1 ge3. zau6 hai6 cung4 cit3.)
Echo: To reset.
Melody: 重設。 (cung4 cit3.)
Echo: You can say
Melody: 重設系统。 (cung4 cit3 hai6 tung2.)
Echo: Reset your system.
Melody: 你都可以話,重設密碼。 (nei5 dou1 ho2 ji5 waa6, cung4 cit3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Or you can say reset your password. Let’s hear those again.
Melody: 重設系统, 重設密碼。 (cung4 cit3 hai6 tung2, cung4 cit3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Reset system, reset password. And with that, let’s go to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

Echo: There is something interesting in our dialogue today.
Melody: 冇錯,喺下面呢兩個句子。個密嗎係咩? (mou5 co3, hai2 haa6 min6 ni1 loeng5 go3 geoi3 zi2. go3 mat6 maa1 hai6 me1?)
Echo: What’s your password?
Melody: 你試下重新開個瀏覽器。 (nei5 si3 haa5 cung4 san1 hoi1 go3 lau4 laam5 hei3.)
Echo: Why don’t you restart your browser. Listen to these phrases.
Melody: 個密碼。 (go3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: And.
Melody: 個瀏覽器。 (go3 lau4 laam5 hei3.)
Echo: Does anything sound strange here?
Melody: 個密碼。 (go3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: And
Melody: 個瀏覽器。 (go3 lau4 laam5 hei3.)
Echo: Notice that we have measure word and then a noun.
Melody: 個密碼。 (go3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: And
Melody: 個瀏覽器。(go3 lau4 laam5 hei3.)
Echo: But there is no number.
Melody: 無錯,之前嗰個呢 我哋聽過 一個音樂會, 或者 一部手提電腦。 (mou4 co3, zi1 cin4 go2 go3 ne1 ngo5 dei6 teng1 gwo3 jat1 go3 jam1 lok6 wui2, waak6 ze2 jat1 bou6 sau2 tai4 din6 nou5.)
Echo: Right. But here there aren’t any numbers. Why can’t we do this?
Melody: 因為大家都清楚你講嘅係乜嘢時候,就可以唔駛講數字。( jan1 wai4 daai6 gaa1 dou1 cing1 co2 nei5 gong2 ge3 hai6 mat1 je5 si4 hau6, zau6 ho2 ji5 m4 sai2 gong2 sou3 zi6.)
Echo: Right because we already know which one we are talking about.
Melody: 而且呢啲單詞嘅意思 都有一啲改變。 (ji4 ce2 ni1 di1 daan1 ci4 ge3 ji3 si1 dou1 jau5 jat1 di1 goi2 bin3.)
Echo: Let’s take a closer look.
Melody: 一個密碼。 (jat1 go3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Becomes
Melody: 個密碼, 我哋大家都知道 係指定嗰個密碼。(go3 mat6 maa5, ngo5 dei6 daai6 gaa1 dou1 zi1 dou6 hai6 zi2 ding6 go2 go3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: Right. We are actually saying this password.
Melody: 個密碼, 冇錯,係個簡單嘅方法表示特定嘅物件,我哋睇下具體嘅例子。 (go3 mat6 maa5, mou5 co3, hai6 go3 gaan2 daan1 ge3 fong1 faat3 biu2 si6 dak6 ding6 ge3 mat6 gin6, ngo5 dei6 tai2 haa5 geoi6 tai2 ge3 lai6 zi2.)
Echo: Okay.
Melody: 個密碼 係四個零。 (go3 mat6 maa5 hai6 sei3 go3 ling4.)
Echo: The password is four zeroes.
Melody: 個密碼 係四個零。 (go3 mat6 maa5 hai6 sei3 go3 ling4.)
Echo: The password is four zeroes.
Melody: 個瀏覽器 需要重新打開。 (go3 lau4 laam5 hei3 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 daa2 hoi1.)
Echo: The browser needs to be restarted.
Melody: 個瀏覽器 需要重新打開。(go3 lau4 laam5 hei3 seoi1 jiu3 cung4 san1 daa2 hoi1.)
Echo: The browser needs to be restarted.
Melody: 佢唔記得咗 佢嘅密碼。 (keoi5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 keoi5 ge3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: The person forgot her password.
Melody: 佢唔記得咗 佢嘅密碼。 (keoi5 m4 gei3 dak1 zo2 keoi5 ge3 mat6 maa5.)
Echo: The person forgot her password.
Melody: 好,今日就到呢度啦!(hou2, gam1 jat6 zau6 dou3 ni1 dou6 laa1!)


Echo: Right, but before you go, we like to remind you. If you have any questions, just leave us a comment on our website. The address is cantoneseclass101.com
Melody: 多謝收聽,我哋網上見。 (do1 ze6 sau1 teng1, ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3.)
Echo: Bye bye.


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