
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Melody: 大家好, 我係Melody (daai6 gaa1 hou2 , ngo5 hai6 Melody). Oscar 仲放緊假, 所以今日我就嚟代替佢啦。(Oscar zung6 fong3 gan2 gaa3, so2 ji5 gam1 jat6 ngo5 zau6 lei4 doi6 tai3 keoi5 laa1.)
Echo: Right, we are still getting back to normal after Chinese New Year’s.
Melody: 係呀! 真係一個好長嘅假期。(hai6 aa3 ! zan1 hai6 jat1 go3 hou2 coeng4 ge3 gaa3 kei4.)
Echo: Anyway, we are back today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 7. Looking for a Book.
Melody: 喺書店搵書。 (hai2 syu1 dim3 wan2 syu1.)
Echo: Right. So this lesson is about trying to find a book you want in a bookstore.
Melody: 我成日呢 都會係書店呢 搵唔到書, 揾到頭暈呀! (ngo5 sing4 jat6 ne1 dou1 wui2 hai6 syu1 dim3 ne1 wan2 m4 dou3 syu1 , wan2 dou3 tau4 wan4 aa3 !)
Echo: Right. So our dialogue takes place in a bookstore.
Melody: 咁就有一個客人啦,佢嗌服務員幫佢搵書. (gam3 zau6 jau5 jat1 go3 haak3 jan4 laa1, keoi5 aai3 fuk6 mou6 jyun4 bong1 keoi5 wan2 syu1.)
Echo: And they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Melody: 咁我哋而家就嚟聽下啦! (gam3 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 zau6 lei4 teng1 haa5 laa1 !)
A: 你可唔可以幫我搵本書? (A: nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 bong1 ngo5 wan2 bun2 syu1?)
B: 可以,係咩類型嘅書?小說? (B: ho2 ji5, hai6 me1 leoi6 jing4 ge3 syu1? siu2 syut3?)
A: 非小說,人物傳記。 (A: fei1 siu2 syut3, jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3.)
B: 喺二樓。 (B: hai2 ji6 lau2.)
A: 唔該。 (A: m4 goi1.)
B: 有需要嘅話,隨時嗌我。 (B: jau5 seoi1 jiu3 ge3 waa2, ceoi4 si4 aai3 ngo5.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 你可唔可以幫我搵本書? (A: nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 bong1 ngo5 wan2 bun2 syu1?)
B: 可以,係咩類型嘅書?小說? (B: ho2 ji5, hai6 me1 leoi6 jing4 ge3 syu1? siu2 syut3?)
A: 非小說,人物傳記。 (A: fei1 siu2 syut3, jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3.)
B: 喺二樓。 (B: hai2 ji6 lau2.)
A: 唔該。 (A: m4 goi1.)
B: 有需要嘅話,隨時嗌我。(B: jau5 seoi1 jiu3 ge3 waa2, ceoi4 si4 aai3 ngo5.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 你可唔可以幫我搵本書? (A: nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 bong1 ngo5 wan2 bun2 syu1?)
A: Can you help me find this book?
B: 可以,係咩類型嘅書?小說? (B: ho2 ji5, hai6 me1 leoi6 jing4 ge3 syu1? siu2 syut3?)
B: Sure, what kind of book is it? Fiction?
A: 非小說,人物傳記。 (A: fei1 siu2 syut3, jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3.)
A: Non-fiction. Biography.
B: 喺二樓。 (B: hai2 ji6 lau2.)
B: That's on the second floor.
A: 唔該。 (A: m4 goi1.)
A: Thanks.
B: 有需要嘅話,隨時嗌我。(B: jau5 seoi1 jiu3 ge3 waa2, ceoi4 si4 aai3 ngo5.)
B: If you need help just call me.
Echo: So Melody, do you like reading books?
Echo: 當然鐘意啦! 特別呢係鍾意去書店睇書. (dong1 jin4 zung1 ji3 laa1 ! dak6 bit6 ne1 hai6 zung1 ji3 heoi3 syu1 dim3 tai2 syu1.)
Echo: Yeah. I have an iPad, so I use it to read a lot these days.
Melody: 嘩! 你將你啲錢全部嘥哂喺Amazon (waa1 ! nei5 zoeng3 nei5 di1 cin2 cyun4 bou6 saai1 saai3 hai2 Amazon).
Echo: Right. Anyway our vocab today is all about bookstores. Let’s listen.
Melody: 類型 (leoi6 jing4)
Echo: Kind.
Melody: 類 型, 類型。小説 (leoi6 jing4, leoi6 jing4. siu2 syut3)
Echo: Novel, fiction.
Melody: 小 説, 小説。非小説 (siu2 syut3, siu2 syut3. fei1 siu2 syut3)
Echo: Nonfiction.
Melody: 非 小 説, 非小説。人物傳記 (fei1 siu2 syut3, fei1 siu2 syut3. jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3)
Echo: Biography.
Melody: 人 物 傳 記, 人物傳記。自傳 (jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3, jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3. zi6 zyun2)
Echo: Autobiography.
Melody: 自 傳, 自傳。歷史 (zi6 zyun2, zi6 zyun2. lik6 si2)
Echo: History.
Melody: 歷 史, 歷史。愛情小説 (lik6 si2, lik6 si2. oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3)
Echo: Romance.
Melody: 愛 情 小 説, 愛情小説。文學 (oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3, oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3. man4 hok6)
Echo: Literature.
Melody: 文 學, 文學。哲學 (man4 hok6, man4 hok6. zit3 hok6)
Echo: Philosophy.
Melody: 哲 學, 哲學 (zit3 hok6, zit3 hok6)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson.
Melody: 所有嘅單詞呢,都係關於書嘅類型嘅。 (so2 jau5 ge3 daan1 ci4 ne1 ,dou1 hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 syu1 ge3 leoi6 jing4 ge3.)
Echo: That’s right and the first one is fiction.
Melody: 小説 (siu2 syut3)
Echo: Fiction.
Melody: 小説 (siu2 syut3)
Echo: It is either a fiction or novel.
Melody: 佢嘅反義詞係 非小說. (keoi5 ge3 faan2 ji6 ci4 hai6 fei1 siu2 syut3.)
Echo: Nonfiction.
Melody: 非小說 (fei1 siu2 syut3)
Echo: Nonfiction.
Melody: 跟住落嚟,我哋有幾種其他唔同類型嘅書. (gan1 zyu6 lok6 lei4 ,ngo5 dei6 jau5 gei2 zung2 kei4 taa1 m4 tung4 leoi6 jing4 ge3 syu1.)
Echo: Like biography.
Melody: 人物傳記 (jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3)
Echo: Biography.
Melody: 人物傳記, 記載一個人 嘅一生嘅書。 (jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3, gei3 zoi3 jat1 go3 jan4 ge3 jat1 sang1 ge3 syu1.)
Echo: That’s right. It is a history of what someone has accomplished.
Melody: 冇錯,人物傳記 係其他人寫嘅, 如果係自己寫嘅話 就叫自傳。 (mou5 co3, jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3 hai6 kei4 taa1 jan4 se2 ge3 , jyu4 gwo2 hai6 zi6 gei2 se2 ge3 waa2 zau6 giu3 zi6 zyun2.)
Echo: And that’s autobiography.
Melody: 人物傳記 同埋 自傳. (jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3 tung4 maai4 zi6 zyun2.)
Echo: Biography and autobiography.
Melody: 跟住落嚟係 愛情小説 (gan1 zyu6 lok6 lei4 hai6 oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3)
Echo: Romance.
Melody: 愛情小説 (oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3)
Echo: Romance.
Melody: 譬如話:佢唔會同人講佢睇愛情小説。 (pei3 jyu4 waa6, keoi5 m4 wui2 tung4 jan4 gong2 keoi5 tai2 oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3.)
Echo: He doesn’t tell anyone he reads romance novels.
Melody: 佢唔會同人講佢睇愛情小説。 (keoi5 m4 wui2 tung4 jan4 gong2 keoi5 tai2 oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3.)
Echo: He doesn’t tell anyone he reads romance novels and you do need to be a bit embarrassed if you are a guy and you read romance novels right.
Melody: 咁就要講大話喇! 同人講話你睇緊哲學? (gam2 zau6 jiu3 gong2 daai6 waa6 laa3! tung4 jan4 gong2 waa6 nei5 tai2 gan2 zit3 hok6?)
Echo: Philosophy.
Melody: 哲學 (zit3 hok6)
Echo: Philosophy.
Melody: 呢度就係所有常用書嘅類型 (ni1 dou6 zau6 hai6 so2 jau5 soeng4 jung6 syu1 ge3 leoi6 jing4)
Echo: Well, maybe not philosophy.
Echo: Okay, 咁除咗哲學, 尤其係愛情小説, 特别係喺香港。 (gam2 ceoi4 zo2 zit3 hok6, jau4 kei4 hai6 oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3, dak6 bit6 hai6 hai2 hoeng1 gong2.)
Echo: That’s like everywhere.
Echo: Yeah.
Echo: Anyway, that’s our vocab section. Let’s move on to our grammar point today.

Lesson focus

Echo: Today we are going to teach you how to say if in Cantonese.
Melody: 嘅話 (ge3 waa2)
Echo: In the dialogue, we see it in this sentence.
Melody: 有需要嘅話,隨時嗌我。(jau5 seoi1 jiu3 ge3 waa2, ceoi4 si4 aai3 ngo5.)
Echo: If you need help, call me at any time.
Melody: 有需要嘅話,隨時嗌我。(jau5 seoi1 jiu3 ge3 waa2, ceoi4 si4 aai3 ngo5.)
Echo: If you need any help, call me at any time.
Melody: 重點詞係「嘅話」, 我哋將佢放喺句子嘅最後面。 (zung6 dim2 ci4 hai6 “ge3 waa2”, ngo5 dei6 zoeng1 keoi5 fong3 hai2 geoi3 zi2 ge3 zeoi3 hau6 min6.)
Echo: Right. So the location is different than in English.
Melody: 冇錯,英文呢,我哋就將佢放喺最開頭, 粤語呢,我哋就將佢放喺最後面。 (mou5 co3, jing1 man4 ne1, ngo5 dei6 zau6 zoeng1 keoi5 fong3 hai2 zeoi3 hoi1 tau4, jyut6 jyu5 ne1, ngo5 dei6 zau6 zoeng1 keoi5 fong3 hai2 zeoi3 hau6 min6.)
Echo: Like in our dialogue
Melody: 有需要嘅話 (jau5 seoi1 jiu3 ge3 waa2)
Echo: If you need help.
Melody: 隨時嗌我 (ceoi4 si4 aai3 ngo5 )
Echo: Call me any time.
Melody: 咁一齊嚟睇下具體嘅例子。 (gam3 jat1 cai4 lei4 tai2 haa5 geoi6 tai2 ge3 lai6 zi2.)
Echo: Good. How about if you want to read books, you should go to bookstore.
Melody: 你想睇書嘅話,你應該去書店。 (nei5 soeng2 tai2 syu1 ge3 waa2, nei5 jing3 goi1 heoi3 syu1 dim3.)
Echo: If you want to read books, you should go to a bookstore.
Melody: 你想睇書嘅話,你應該去書店。 (nei5 soeng2 tai2 syu1 ge3 waa2, nei5 jing3 goi1 heoi3 syu1 dim3.)
Echo: If you want to read a biography, how above the Steve Jobs book?
Melody: 你想睇人物傳記嘅話, Steve Jobs 嘅點呀? (nei5 soeng2 tai2 jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3 ge3 waa2, Steve Jobs ge3 dim2 aa3?)
Echo: If you want to read a biography, how about the Steve Jobs book?
Melody: 你想睇人物傳記嘅話, Steve Jobs 嘅點呀? (nei5 soeng2 tai2 jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3 ge3 waa2, Steve Jobs ge3 dim2 aa3?)
Echo: So Melody, have you read Steve Jobs Biography?
Melody: 冇, 冇睇過。 (mou5 , mou5 tai2 gwo3.)
Echo: It’s okay, but I really like nonfiction.
Melody: 你鍾意睇 非小說類嘅話, 試下睇哲學。 (nei5 zung1 ji3 tai2 fei1 siu2 syut3 leoi6 ge3 waa2, si3 haa5 tai2 zit3 hok6.)
Echo: If you prefer nonfiction, try reading some philosophy.
Melody: 你鍾意睇 非小說類嘅話, 試下睇哲學。 (nei5 zung1 ji3 tai2 fei1 siu2 syut3 leoi6 ge3 waa2, si3 haa5 tai2 zit3 hok6.)
Echo: If you prefer nonfiction, try reading some philosophy. So the structure is very simple.
Melody: 一個情况, 後面加上「嘅話」。 (jat1 go3 cing4 fong3, hau6 min6 gaa1 soeng5 “ge3 waa2”.)
Echo: And then what happens next?
Melody: A嘅話 B (A ge3 waa2 B)
Echo: If A then B.
Melody: 呢度就係今日嘅課堂內容。 (ni1 dou6 zau6 hai6 gam1 jat6 ge3 fo3 tong4 noi6 jung4.)
Echo: Right. It is all about types of books.
Melody: 就好似 人物傳記, 愛情小説, 歷史。 (zau6 hou2 ci5 jan4 mat2 zyun6 gei3 , oi3 cing4 siu2 syut3 , lik6 si2.)
Echo: Right and then the grammar point on how to say if.
Melody: 如果你有任何問題嘅話,隨時發e-mail到... (jyu4 gwo2 nei5 jau5 jam6 ho4 man6 tai4 ge3 waa2,ceoi4 si4 faat3 e-mail dou3 ...)
Echo: contactus@cantoneseclass101.com and we encourage you to check out our lesson notes if you have any trouble following along by ear.
Melody: 今日嘅課堂就到呢度。 (gam1 jat6 ge3 fo3 tong4 zau6 dou3 ni1 dou6.)
Echo: Thanks for listening and be sure to drop by our website.
Melody: 網上見! (mong5 soeng6 gin3 !)


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