
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar. (daai6 gaa1 hou2 , ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 4. Have You Been Made a Fool of in China?
Oscar: 你有冇俾人搵過笨呀? (nei5 jau5 mou5 bei2 jan4 wan2 gwo3 ban6 aa3?)
Echo: Right. You should be careful when you are shopping.
Oscar: 買嘢嗰陣,好容易俾人呃㗎。 (maai5 je5 go2 zan6, hou2 jung4 ji6 bei2 jan4 ngaak1 gaa3.)
Echo: Some stores try to take advantage of people which is why we have a lesson all about how you can avoid it. In our dialogue, we are going to hear conversation between two friends talking about shopping in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 我哋而家去聽下啦! (ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5 laa1!)
A: 喺私人鋪頭買嘢要小心!(A: hai2 si1 jan4 pou1 tau4 maai5 je5 jiu3 siu2 sam1!)
B: 佢哋揾過你笨? (B: keoi5 dei6 wan2 gwo3 nei5 ban6?)
A: 我上次俾人呃咗幾千蚊。 (A: ngo5 seong6 ci3 bei2 jan4 ngaak1 zo2 gei2 cin1 man1.)
B: 咁大貪?有冇搞錯!(B: gam3 daai6 taam1? jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3 aa3!)
A: 咪係囉!激死我。 (A: mai6 hai6 lo1! gik1 sei2 ngo5.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 喺私人鋪頭買嘢要小心!(A: hai2 si1 jan4 pou1 tau4 maai5 je5 jiu3 siu2 sam1!)
B: 佢哋揾過你笨? (B: keoi5 dei6 wan2 gwo3 nei5 ban6?)
A: 我上次俾人呃咗幾千蚊。 (A: ngo5 seong6 ci3 bei2 jan4 ngaak1 zo2 gei2 cin1 man1.)
B: 咁大貪?有冇搞錯! (B: gam3 daai6 taam1? jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3 aa3!)
A: 咪係囉!激死我。 (A: mai6 hai6 lo1! gik1 sei2 ngo5.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 喺私人鋪頭買嘢要小心!(A: hai2 si1 jan4 pou1 tau4 maai5 je5 jiu3 siu2 sam1!)
A: Be careful if you're shopping in private shops.
B: 佢哋揾過你笨? (B: keoi5 dei6 wan2 gwo3 nei5 ban6?)
B: Did someone cheat you?
A: 我上次俾人呃咗幾千蚊。 (A: ngo5 seong6 ci3 bei2 jan4 ngaak1 zo2 gei2 cin1 man1.)
A: I was taken for several thousand dollars last time.
B: 咁大貪?有冇搞錯! (B: gam3 daai6 taam1? jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3 aa3!)
B: That much? Were they crazy?
A: 咪係囉!激死我。 (A: mai6 hai6 lo1! gik1 sei2 ngo5.)
A: You bet! It really got me angry.
Echo: So Oscar, have you ever been cheated while shopping?
Oscar: 梗冇啦! 我咁醒. (gang2 mou5 laa1 ! ngo5 gam3 sing2.)
Echo: Umm maybe you just don’t know. In any case, our vocabulary today is all about shopping.
Oscar: 我哋經常都會用到, 而家去聽下。(ngo5 dei6 ging1 soeng4 dou1 wui2 jung6 dou3, ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5.)
Oscar: 私人 (si1 jan4)
Echo: Private.
Oscar: 私 人, 私人。舖頭 (si1 jan4, si1 jan4. pou3 tau2)
Echo: Shop.
Oscar: 舖 頭, 舖頭。呃 (pou3 tau2, pou3 tau2. ngaak1)
Echo: To cheat.
Oscar: 呃,呃。大貪 (ngaak1, ngaak1. daai6 taam1)
Echo: Greedy.
Oscar: 大 貪, 大貪。有冇攪錯 (daai6 taam1, daai6 taam1. jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3)
Echo: Is there a mistake?
Oscar: 有 冇 攪 錯, 有冇攪錯。激 (jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3, jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3. gik1)
Echo: To anger.
Oscar: 激, 激。搵笨 (gik1, gik1. wan2 ban6)
Echo: To take advantage of someone.
Oscar: 搵 笨, 搵笨 (wan2 ban6, wan2 ban6)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Oscar: 私人 (si1 jan4)
Echo: Private
Oscar: 私人 (si1 jan4)
Echo: As in private shop.
Oscar: 私人舖頭 (si1 jan4 pou3 tau2)
Echo: Private shop.
Oscar: 私 人 舖 頭 (si1 jan4 pou3 tau4)
Echo: In Hong Kong, there are ton of places to buy things.
Oscar: 我好鍾意香港嘅私人舖頭。(ngo5 hou2 zung1 ji3 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 si1 jan4 pou3 tau2.)
Echo: Yeah I really like the private stores too.
Oscar: 我好鍾意香港嘅私人舖頭。 (ngo5 hou2 zung1 ji3 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 si1 jan4 pou3 tau2.)
Echo: And that means, I really like private shops in Hong Kong. Our next word is
Oscar: 呃 (ngaak1)
Echo: To cheat.
Oscar: 呃 (ngaak1)
Echo: And you have to be careful because some shops might cheat you.
Oscar: 佢哋可能呃你。 (keoi5 dei6 ho2 nang4 ngaak1 nei5.)
Echo: They might cheat you.
Oscar: 佢哋可能呃你。 (keoi5 dei6 ho2 nang4 ngaak1 nei5.)
Echo: We have another word that means much the same.
Oscar: 搵笨 (wan2 ban6)
Echo: To take advantage of.
Oscar: 搵笨 (wan2 ban6)
Echo: To take advantage of.
Oscar: 小心俾人搵笨 (siu2 sam1 bei2 jan4 wan2 ban6)
Echo: Be careful not to be cheated.
Oscar: 小心俾人搵笨 (siu2 sam1 bei2 jan4 wan2 ban6)
Echo: Literally it should be, be careful to be cheated.
Oscar: 俾人搵笨, 激到我好嬲. (bei2 jan4 wan2 ban6 , gik1 dou3 ngo5 hou2 nau1.)
Echo: Exactly, and that’s actually one of the words in our dialogue too.
Oscar: 激 (gik1)
Echo: To anger.
Oscar: 激 (gik1)
Echo: So if you cheat me, you will anger me.
Oscar: 如果你呃我, 你會激嬲我. (jyu4 gwo2 nei5 ngaak1 ngo5 , nei5 wui2 gik1 nau1 ngo5.)
Echo: So if you cheat me, you will anger me.
Oscar: 如果你呃我, 你會激嬲我. (jyu4 gwo2 nei5 ngaak1 ngo5 , nei5 wui2 gik1 nau1 ngo5.)
Echo: Right. To review, in this lesson, we learned
Oscar: 私人, 呃, 搵笨, 激。 (si1 jan4 , ngaak1 , wan2 ban6 , gik1.)
Echo: Right and that’s all for our vocabulary today. Let’s move on to grammar point.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: In our vocabulary section, we taught you this word.
Oscar: 搵笨 (wan2 ban6)
Echo: To take advantage of.
Oscar: 搵笨 (wan2 ban6)
Echo: To take advantage of.
Oscar: 你可以話, 我尋日俾人搵笨。 (nei5 ho2 ji3 waa6, ngo5 cam4 jat6 bei2 jan4 wan2 ban6.)
Echo: I was tricked yesterday.
Oscar: 我尋日俾人搵笨。 (ngo5 cam4 jat6 bei2 jan4 wan2 ban6.)
Echo: But what if you want to say who like someone took advantage of me.
Oscar: 搵我笨。 (wan2 ngo5 ban6.)
Echo: Right take advantage of me.
Oscar: 搵我笨。 (wan2 ngo5 ban6.)
Echo: To take advantage of me.
Oscar: 搵我笨。 (wan2 ngo5 ban6.)
Echo: So we are splitting things up.
Oscar: 搵 我 笨 (wan2 ngo5 ban6.)
Echo: And putting the person who’s cheated right in the middle.
Oscar: 搵 人 笨 (wan2 jan4 ban6)
Echo: Make fool of other people.
Oscar: 你可以喺中間加任何人 (nei5 ho2 ji3 hai2 zung1 gaan1 gaa1 jam6 ho4 jan4)
Echo: Right. It could be a person like Brad Pitt.
Oscar: 搵 (wan2) Brad Pitt 笨. (ban6.)
Echo: Right. To make a fool of Brad Pitt.
Oscar: 搵 (wan2) Brad Pitt 笨. (ban6.)
Echo: What about my boss?
Oscar: 搵 我老細 笨. (wan2 ngo5 lou5 sai3 ban6.)
Echo: His coworker.
Oscar: 搵 佢同事 笨. (wan2 keoi5 tung4 si6 ban6.)
Echo: Your wife
Oscar: 搵 你老婆 笨. (wan2 nei5 lou5 po4 ban6.)
Echo: Okay. So what if I go shopping and someone tries to rip me off.
Oscar: 你可以話:唔好揾我笨 (nei5 ho2 ji5 waa6, m4 hou2 wan2 ngo5 ban6)
Echo: You better not try to cheat me.
Oscar: 你千祈唔好揾我笨。 (nei5 cin1 kei4 m4 hou2 wan2 ngo5 ban6.)
Echo: Right. You better not try to cheat me. So to review, there are lot of verbs in Cantonese just like this.
Oscar: 係呀! 分成兩個部份。 (hai6 aa3! fan1 sing4 loeng5 go3 bou6 fan6.)
Echo: Right. Our direct object goes right in the middle.
Oscar: 揾 我 笨(wan2 ngo5 ban6), 揾 你 笨wan2 nei5 ban6, 揾 Brad Pitt 笨。(wan2 Brad Pitt ban6).
Echo: It can be a bit confusing at first but you will get used to it in no time.
Oscar: 冇錯, 咁樣就冇人會 揾你笨啦! (mou5 co3 , gam2 joeng2 zau6 mou5 jan4 wui5 wan2 nei5 ban6 laa1 !)
Echo: Right. Okay before we go, we like to remind you. If you have any questions
Oscar: 去我哋網站留言啦! (heoi3 ngo5 dei6 mong5 zaam6 lau4 jin4 laa1 !)


Echo: Right and our address is cantoneseclass101.com
Oscar: 我哋網上見! (ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 !)
Echo: And we look forward to hearing from you. For now though, bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見! (haa6 ci3 gin3 !)

