
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar, 又同大家見面喇! (daai6 gaa1 hou2 , ngo5 hai6 Oscar , jau6 tung4 daai6 gaa1 gin3 min6 laa3!)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 25. Is Someone Nagging You in Cantonese?
Oscar: 係咪有人好長氣呢? (hai6 mai6 jau5 jan4 hou2 coeng4 hei3 ne1?)
Echo: So this is our last lesson of this season.
Oscar: 係呀! 眨下眼就到最後一課囉! (hai6 aa3 ! zaam2 haa6 ngaan5 zau6 dou3 zeoi3 hau6 jat1 fo3 lo3 !)
Echo: Right. So anyway Oscar, what is our lesson about today?
Oscar: 今日嘅故事 係發生喺一對小情侣身上嘅. (gam1 jat6 ge3 gu3 si6 hai6 faat3 sang1 hai2 jat1 deoi3 siu2 cing4 leoi5 san1 soeng6 ge3.)
Echo: Yes this dialogue is about a couple that is fighting.
Oscar: 冇錯, 佢哋就好似以前一樣, 用嘅都係地道嘅粤語, 我哋一齊去聽吓. (mou5 co3 , keoi5 dei6 zau6 hou2 ci5 ji5 cin4 jat1 joeng6 , jung6 ge3 dou1 hai6 dei6 dou6 ge3 jyut6 jyu5 , ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 heoi3 teng1 haa5.)
A: 我行開一陣. (ngo5 haang4 hoi1 jat1 zan6.)
B: 又出去買零食?(jau6 ceot1 heoi3 maai5 ling4 sik6?)
A: 係又點?(hai6 jau6 dim2?)
B: 好心你食少啲立雜嘢啦!(hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 di1 laap6 zaap6 je5 laa1!)
A: 好心你出少句聲啦!我自己有分數. (hou2 sam1 nei5 ceot1 siu2 geoi3 seng1 laa1! ngo5 zi6 gei2 jau5 fan1 sou3.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 我行開一陣. (ngo5 haang4 hoi1 jat1 zan6.)
B: 又出去買零食?(jau6 ceot1 heoi3 maai5 ling4 sik6?)
A: 係又點?(hai6 jau6 dim2?)
B: 好心你食少啲立雜嘢啦!(hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 di1 laap6 zaap6 je5 laa1!)
A: 好心你出少句聲啦!我自己有分數. (hou2 sam1 nei5 ceot1 siu2 geoi3 seng1 laa1! ngo5 zi6 gei2 jau5 fan1 sou3.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 我行開一陣. (ngo5 haang4 hoi1 jat1 zan6.)
A: I am going out.
B: 又出去買零食?(jau6 ceot1 heoi3 maai5 ling4 sik6?)
B: Out to buy snacks again?
A: 係又點?(hai6 jau6 dim2?)
A: So what?
B: 好心你食少啲立雜嘢啦!(hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 di1 laap6 zaap6 je5 laa1!)
B: Please cut down on junk food.
A: 好心你出少句聲啦!我自己有分數. (hou2 sam1 nei5 ceot1 siu2 geoi3 seng1 laa1! ngo5 zi6 gei2 jau5 fan1 sou3.)
A: Please cut down on your nagging! I know what I'm doing.
Oscar: 嗱, 我知道呢條友食緊乜. (naa4 , ngo5 zi1 dou6 ni1 tiu4 jau2 sik6 gan2 mat1.)
Echo: It better be Dim sum.
Oscar: 係呀! 我都好鍾意食點心㗎! 成日去茶樓飲茶. (hai6 aa3 ! ngo5 dou1 hou2 zung1 ji3 sik6 dim2 sam1 gaa3 ! sing4 jat6 heoi3 caa4 lau4 jam2 caa4.)
Echo: Me too. So we are going to talk about food today but first, let’s take a look at our
Oscar: 行開. (haang4 hoi1)
Echo: To go away.
Oscar: 行 開, 行開, 一陣. (hang4 hoi1 , hang4 hoi1 , jat1 zan6.)
Echo: A while.
Oscar: 一 陣, 一陣, 零食. (jat1 zan6 , jat1 zan6 , ling4 sik6.)
Echo: Snacks.
Oscar: 零 食, 零食, 好心. (ling4 sik6 , ling4 sik6 , hou2 sam1.)
Echo: Please
Oscar: 好 心, 好心, 點心. (hou2 sam1 , hou2 sam1 , dim2 sam1.)
Echo: Dim sum.
Oscar: 點 心, 點心, 立雜嘢. (dim2 sam1 , dim2 sam1 , lap6 zaap6 je5.)
Echo: Junk food.
Oscar: 立 雜 嘢, 立雜嘢, 有分數. (lap6 zaap6 je5 , lap6 zaap6 je5 , jau5 fan1 sou3.)
Echo: To know fairly well.
Oscar: 有 分 數, 有分數, 長氣. (jau5 fan1 sou3 , jau5 fan1 sou3 , coeng4 hei3.)
Echo: Verbose.
Oscar: 長 氣, 長氣. (coeng4 hei3 , coeng4 hei3.)
Echo: So this lesson is all about fast food and dim sum.
Oscar: 嘻, 講到食我就最鍾意喇! (hi1 , gong2 dou3 sik6 ngo5 zau6 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 laa3 !)
Echo: Hong Kong people love fast food. So Oscar, which is your favorite type of food?
Oscar: 我最鍾意嘅就係點心. (ngo5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 ge3 zau6 hai6 dim2 sam1.)
Echo: That’s dim sum.
Oscar: 點心. (dim2 sam1.)
Echo: Dim sum. It is a classic kind of Hong Kong food.
Oscar: 冇錯, 香港人呢特別鍾意去茶樓食 點心. (mou5 co3 , hoeng1 gong2 jan4 ne1 dak6 bit6 zung1 ji3 heoi3 caa4 lau4 sik6 dim2 sam1.)
Echo: So what kind of dim sum is your favorite?
Oscar: 嘩! 咁呀, 有好多喎, 譬如話 蘿蔔糕啦! (waa1 ! gam2 aa4 , jau5 hou2 do1 wo3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 lo4 baak6 gou1 laa1 !)
Echo: Carrot cake.
Oscar: 鳳爪啦! (fung6 zaau2 laa1 !)
Echo: Chicken feet.
Oscar: 排骨啦! (paai4 gwat1 laa1 !)
Echo: Spare ribs.
Oscar: 仲有好多好多呀! 一時間都數唔哂. (zung6 jau5 hou2 do1 hou2 do1 aa3! jat1 si4 gaan1 dou1 sou2 m4 saai3.)
Echo: So is carrot cake really? I think you guys stole that from elsewhere.
Oscar: 唔緊要啦! 至緊要係好昧吖嘛! (m4 gan2 jiu3 laa1 ! zi3 gan2 jiu3 hai6 hou2 mui6 aa1 maa3 !)
Echo: Anyway you guys already know how great dim sum is. So let’s move on to our next word. It’s snack.
Oscar: 零食. (ling4 sik6.)
Echo: Snack.
Oscar: 零食. (ling4 sik6.) 無論係大人或者小朋友, 都一樣鍾意食零食. (mou4 leon6 hai6 daai6 jan4 waak6 ze2 siu2 pang4 jau5 , dou1 jat1 joeng6 zung1 ji3 sik6 ling4 sik6.)
Echo: Yes , both adults and children love snacks.
Oscar: 無論係大人或者小朋友, 都一樣鍾意食零食. (mou4 leon6 hai6 daai6 jan4 waak6 ze2 siu2 pang4 jau5 , dou1 jat1 joeng6 zung1 ji3 sik6 ling4 sik6.)
Echo: Adults and children both love eating snacks and there is another word for this kind of unhealthy foods.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! 關於快速食品就不得不提一個詞 - 立雜嘢. (mou5 co3 laa3 ! gwaan1 jyu1 faai3 cuk1 sik6 ban2 zau6 bat1 dak1 bat1 tai4 jat1 go3 ci4 - lap6 zaap6 je5.)
Echo: Junk food.
Oscar: 的確係幾立雜嘅, 一啲營養都冇. (dik1 kok3 hai6 gei2 lap6 zaap6 ge2 , jat1 di1 jing4 joeng5 dou1 mou5.)
Echo: Right. So you have to be careful when you eat a lot of junk food because it can make you fat.
Oscar: 你就係因為食太多立雜嘢先變到咁肥. (nei5 zau6 hai6 jan1 wai6 sik6 taai3 do1 lap6 zaap6 je5 sin1 bin3 dou3 gam3 fei4.)
Echo: You are so fat because of eating so much junk food.
Oscar: 你就係因為食太多 立雜嘢 先變到咁肥 . (nei5 zau6 hai6 jan1 wai6 sik6 taai3 do1 lap6 zaap6 je5 sin1 bin3 dou3 gam3 fei4.)
Echo: You are so fat because of eating so much junk food.
Oscar: 我哋唔係話緊你哋呀! (ngo5 dei6 m4 hai6 waa6 gan2 nei5 dei6 aa3 !)
Echo: No of course not. Anyway, let’s review these last three words.
Oscar: 點心. (dim2 sam1.)
Echo: Dim sum.
Oscar: 零食. (ling4 sik6.)
Echo: Snack
Oscar: 立雜嘢. (lap6 zaap6 je5.)
Echo: Junk food.
Oscar: 點心, 零食, 立雜嘢. (dim2 sam1 , ling4 sik6 , lap6 zaap6 je5.)
Echo: If you are going to eat any of these, have some dim sum.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! 又健康又好味. (mou5 co3 laa3 ! jau6 gin6 hong1 jau6 hou2 mei6.)
Echo: Right. And with that, let’s move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Today we are going to learn how to talk someone into doing something.
Oscar: 又或者係叫人唔好做某啲嘢. (jau6 waak6 ze2 hai6 giu3 jan4 m4 hou2 zou6 mau5 di1 je5.)
Echo: It’s about manipulating other people. I love this lesson.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! (mou5 co3 laa3 !)
Echo: We see this in our dialogue.
Oscar: 好心你 食少啲立雜嘢啦! (hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 di1 lap6 zaap6 je5 laa1 !)
Echo: Please eat less junk food.
Oscar: 好心你. (hou2 sam1 nei5.)
Echo: Please
Oscar: 好心你. (hou2 sam1 nei5.)
Echo: Please, would you?
Oscar: 好心你 . (hou2 sam1 nei5.)
Echo: And then we add what we want people to do.
Oscar: 好心你 食少啲立雜嘢啦! (hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 di1 lap6 zaap6 je5 laa1 !)
Echo: Please eat less junk food. Let’s look at some other examples.
Oscar: 好心你 食少枝煙啦! (hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 zi1 jin1 laa1 !)
Echo: Please smoke fewer cigarettes.
Oscar: 好心你 食少枝煙啦! (hou2 sam1 nei5 sik6 siu2 zi1 jin1 laa1 !)
Echo: Please smoke less.
Oscar: 好心你 出少句聲啦! (hou2 sam1 nei5 ceot1 siu2 geoi3 seng1 laa1 !)
Echo: This is a useful one. It means please nag less.
Oscar: 好心 (hou2 sam1)
Echo: Please
Oscar: 你 (nei5)
Echo: You
Oscar: 出少句聲啦! (ceot1 siu2 geoi3 seng1 laa1 !)
Echo: Nag less.
Oscar: 好心你 出少句聲啦! (hou2 sam1 nei5 ceot1 siu2 geoi3 seng1 laa1 !)
Echo: Please nag less.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! 而喺呢度 唔一定要係用你㗎! (mou5 co3 laa3 ! ji4 hai2 ni1 dou6 m4 jat1 ding6 jiu3 hai6 jung6 nei5 gaa3 !)
Echo: Sure. It could also be him or her.
Oscar: 好心佢哋, 好心佢. (hou2 sam1 keoi5 dei6 , hou2 sam1 keoi5.)
Echo: Just put what you want people to do after this.
Oscar: 好心佢哋 就唔好成日食煙啦! (hou2 sam1 keoi5 dei6 zau6 m4 hou2 sing4 jat6 sik6 jin1 laa1 !)
Echo: Please don’t let them smoke all day.
Oscar: 好心佢哋 就唔好成日食煙啦! (hou2 sam1 keoi5 dei6 zau6 m4 hou2 sing4 jat6 sik6 jin1 laa1 !)
Echo: Please don’t let them smoke all day.
Oscar: 好心佢哋 就買少啲零食啦! (hou2 sam1 keoi5 dei6 zau6 maai5 siu2 di1 ling4 sik6 laa1 !)
Echo: Please let them buy less snacks.
Oscar: 好心佢哋 就買少啲零食啦! (hou2 sam1 keoi5 dei6 zau6 maai5 siu2 di1 ling4 sik6 laa1 !)
Echo: And there is one actual thing to remember.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! 要記得喺句子嘅最後面加個「啦」! (mou5 co3 laa3 ! jiu3 gei3 dak1 hai2 geoi3 zi2 ge3 zeoi3 hau6 min6 gaa1 go3 「 laa1 」 !)
Echo: Yes don’t forget to end your sentence with
Oscar: 啦! (laa1 !)
Echo: It sounds unnatural if you leave it out. So don’t forget.
Oscar: 好心啦! 好心啦! (hou2 sam1 laa1 ! hou2 sam1 laa1 !)


Echo: Okay. So that’s all the time we have today. Thanks for listening.
Oscar: 多謝收聽. (do1 ze6 sau1 teng1.)
Echo: We will see you on the site.
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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