
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar. (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 19. Making Last Minute Travel Plans in China.
Oscar: 臨出門口先買票. (lam4 ceot1 mun4 hau2 sin1 maai5 piu3.)
Echo: Last class, we talked about going away to have a white Christmas but as we learned today, it’s best to plan ahead. This lesson is about someone who makes last minute plans in Hong Kong and has trouble getting a good deal. So tell us about our dialogue today Oscar.
Oscar: 係一個 發生喺一個學生同機場人員之間嘅事. (hai6 jat1 go3 faat3 sang1 hai2 jat1 go3 hok6 saang1 tung4 gei1 coeng4 jan4 jyun4 zi1 gaan1 ge3 si6.)
Echo: Yes we have a student buying a ticket in an airport and speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁即刻去睇下發生咩事啦! (gam2 zik1 hak1 heoi3 tai2 haa5 faat3 sang1 me1 si6 laa1!)
A: 唔該,而家仲有冇學生機票剩? (m4 goi1, ji4 gaa1 zung6 jau5 mou5 hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 zing6?)
B: 打算咩時間飛邊度? (daa2 syun3 me1 si4 gaan3 fei1 bin1 dou6?)
A: 下個 月,北京到香港. (haa6 go3 jyut6, bak1 ging1 dou3 hoeng1 gong2.)
B: 稍等,我幫你查下. (saau2 dang2, ngo5 bong1 nei5 caa4 haa5.)
A: …
B: 唔好意思,學生機票已經賣晒喇. (m4 hou2 ji3 si1, hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 唔該,而家仲有冇學生機票剩? (m4 goi1, ji4 gaa1 zung6 jau5 mou5 hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 zing6?)
B: 打算咩時間飛邊度? (daa2 syun3 me1 si4 gaan3 fei1 bin1 dou6?)
A: 下個月,北京到香港. (haa6 go3 jyut6, bak1 ging1 dou3 hoeng1 gong2.)
B: 稍等,我幫你查下. (saau2 dang2, ngo5 bong1 nei5 caa4 haa5.)
A: …
B: 唔好意思,學生機票已經賣晒喇. (m4 hou2 ji3 si1, hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 唔該,而家仲有冇學生機票剩? (m4 goi1, ji4 gaa1 zung6 jau5 mou5 hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 zing6?)
A: Excuse me, are there any student plane tickets left?
B: 打算咩時間飛邊度? (daa2 syun3 me1 si4 gaan3 fei1 bin1 dou6?)
B: When do you want to take the flight and to where?
A: 下個月,北京到香港. (haa6 go3 jyut6, bak1 ging1 dou3 hoeng1 gong2.)
A: Next month, from Beijing to Hong Kong.
B: 稍等,我幫你查下. (saau2 dang2, ngo5 bong1 nei5 caa4 haa5.)
B: Please wait for a moment. I'll check it out for you.
A: ...
A: …
B: 唔好意思,學生機票已經賣晒喇. (m4 hou2 ji3 si1, hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3.)
B: Sorry, all the student tickets are sold out.
Echo: So Oscar, you often travel to Beijing. Do you always fly?
Oscar: 其實我經常坐火車, 從九龍坐火車去北京都好方便. (kei4 sat6 ngo5 ging1 soeng4 co5 fo2 ce1, cung4 gau2 lung4 co5 fo2 ce1 heoi3 bak1 ging1 dou1 hou2 fong1 bin6.)
Echo: Right. I will be on that train too. So our vocabulary today is all about buying tickets in Cantonese.
Oscar: 買票嘅時候要問清楚, 因為有好多種唔同嘅票價. (maai5 piu3 ge3 si4 hau6 jiu3 man6 cing1 co2, jan1 wai6 jau5 hou2 do1 zung2 m4 tung4 ge3 piu3 gaa3.)
Echo: So let’s get to the vocab section.
Oscar: 學生票. (hok6 saang1 piu3.)
Echo: Student ticket.
Oscar: 學 生 票, 學生票, 成人票. (hok6 saang1 piu3, hok6 saang1 piu3, sing4 jan4 piu3.)
Echo: Adult ticket.
Oscar: 成 人 票, 成人票, 兒童票. (sing4 jan4 piu3, sing4 jan4 piu3, ji4 tung4 piu3.)
Echo: Children’s ticket.
Oscar: 兒 童 票, 兒童票, 折扣. (ji4 tung4 piu3, ji4 tung4 piu3, zit3 kau3.)
Echo: Discount.
Oscar: 折 扣, 折扣, 機票. (zit3 kau3, zit3 kau3, gei1 piu3.)
Echo: Plane ticket.
Oscar: 機 票, 機票, 剩. (gei1 piu3, gei1 piu3, zing6.)
Echo: To have left.
Oscar: 剩, 剩, 稍等 . (zing6, zing6, saau2 dang2.)
Echo: Wait for a moment.
Oscar: 稍 等, 稍等, 查. (saau2 dang2, saau2 dang2, caa4.)
Echo: To check.
Oscar: 查, 查, 賣哂. (caa4, caa4, maai6 saai3.)
Echo: To be sold out.
Oscar: 賣 哂, 賣哂. (maai6 saai3, maai6 saai3.)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. Our first word is
Oscar: 機票. (gei1 piu3.)
Echo: Plane ticket.
Oscar: 機票. (gei1 piu3.)
Echo: Plane ticket. And you can always buy discount plane tickets in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 係呀! 由香港飛去北京嘅機票經常打折. (hai6 aa3 ! jau4 hoeng1 gong2 fei1 heoi3 bak1 ging1 ge3 gei1 piu3 ging1 soeng4 daa2 zit3.)
Echo: Plane tickets from Hong Kong to Beijing are always on sale.
Oscar: 由香港飛去北京嘅機票經常打折. (jau4 hoeng1 gong2 fei1 heoi3 bak1 ging1 ge3 gei1 piu3 ging1 soeng4 daa2 zit3.)
Echo: And special types of riders can get extra discounts.
Oscar: 係幾平㗎! 不過我買學生票就更加平喇! (hai6 gei2 peng4 gaa3 ! bat1 gwo3 ngo5 maai5 hok6 saang1 piu3 zau6 gang3 gaa1 peng4 laa1!)
Echo: So student tickets are cheaper and that’s our second word.
Oscar: 學生票 . (hok6 saang1 piu3.)
Echo: Student tickets.
Oscar: 學生票 . (hok6 saang1 piu3.)
Echo: Student tickets. We will also have children’s tickets.
Oscar: 兒童票 . (ji4 tung4 piu3.)
Echo: Children’s tickets.
Oscar: 兒童票 . (ji4 tung4 piu3.)
Echo: And adult tickets.
Oscar: 成人票 . (sing4 jan4 piu3.)
Echo: Those are normal tickets. So there is no discount.
Oscar: 係呀! 做成人成本好大㗎! (hai6 aa3! zou6 sing4 jan4 sing4 bun2 hou2 daai6 gaa3!)
Echo: Right. These kind of tickets aren’t only for airplanes. Places like Hong Kong Disney also have discounted tickets.
Oscar: 冇錯, 如果你去香港迪士尼公園玩, 嗰到就有成人票, 兒童票 同埋仲有 團體票 .(mou5 co3, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 heoi3 hoeng1 gong2 dik6 si6 nei4 gung1 jyun2 waan2, go2 dou3 zau6 jau5 sing4 jan4 piu3, ji4 tung4 piu3 tung4 maai4 zung6 jau5 tyun4 tai2 piu3.)
Echo: Those are group tickets.
Oscar: 團體票. (tyun4 tai2 piu3.)
Echo: So if you want to go to Disney, go as a group and save money.
Oscar: 不過 你唔好話你自己一家人去, 就當買團體票, 佢哋唔會賣比你㗎! (bat1 gwo3 nei5 m4 hou2 waa6 nei5 zi6 gei2 jat1 gaa1 jan4 heoi3, zau6 dong1 maai5 tyun4 tai2 piu3, keoi5 dei6 m4 wui2 maai6 bei2 nei5 gaa3!)
Echo: Anyway, air tickets don’t usually sell out in Hong Kong unless it is Christmas or Chinese New Year’s and that’s our next verb to sell out.
Oscar: 賣哂. (maai6 saai3.)
Echo: To sell out.
Oscar: 賣哂, 七點嘅票已經賣哂, 你介唔介意九點嘅? (maai6 saai3, cat1 dim2 ge3 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3, nei5 gaa3 m4 gaa3 ji3 gau2 dim2 ge3?)
Echo: The seven tickets are sold out, how about nine?
Oscar: 七點嘅票已經賣哂, 你介唔介意九點嘅? (cat1 dim2 ge3 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3, nei5 gaa3 m4 gaa3 ji3 gau2 dim2 ge3?)
Echo: The seven tickets are sold out, how about nine?
Oscar:如果唔想直接去機場, 就可以好似我哋對話裏面嘅人咁,最好就先打電話去查清楚. (jyu4 gwo2 m4 soeng2 zik6 zip3 heoi3 gei1 coeng4, zau6 ho2 ji5 hou2 ci5 ngo5 dei6 deoi3 waa6 leio5 min6 ge3 jan4 gam2, zeoi3 hou2 zau6 sin1 daa2 din6 waa2 heoi3 caa4 cing1 co2.)
Echo: Right and when you call to check, you can use this verb, to check.
Oscar: 查. (caa4.)
Echo: To check.
Oscar: 查.(caa4.)
Echo: And you just need to put this at the start of your sentence.
Oscar: 我打嚟 係想查下你哋仲有冇票? (ngo5 daa2 lai4 hai6 soeng2 caa4 haa6 nei5 dei6 zung6 jau5 mou5 piu3?)
Echo: I am calling to check.
Oscar: 我打嚟 係想查下. (ngo5 daa2 lai4 hai6 soeng2 caa4 haa6.)
Echo: And then anything you want.
Oscar: 我打嚟 係想查下你哋仲有冇房? (ngo5 daa2 lai4 hai6 soeng2 caa4 haa6 nei5 dei6 zung6 jau5 mou5 fong2?)
Echo: That’s for hotels.
Oscar: 我打嚟 係想查下幾多人先算一個團體? (ngo5 daa2 lai4 hai6 soeng2 caa4 haa6 gei2 do1 jan4 sin1 syun3 jat1 go3 tyun4 tai2?)
Echo: Right and that’s for group tickets and with that, we are done our vocab section. Let’s move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Our grammar point today is about a verb complement you can use when you do something completely like sell all of your tickets. In our dialogue, we heard
Oscar: 學生機票已經賣哂喇! (hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3!)
Echo: All the student tickets are sold out.
Oscar: 學生機票已經賣哂喇! (hok6 saang1 gei1 piu3 ji5 ging1 maai6 saai3 laa3!)
Echo: All the student tickets are sold out.
Oscar: 賣哂. (maai6 saai3.)
Echo: To sell completely
Oscar: 賣哂. (maai6 saai3.)
Echo: To sell out. And this is a common pattern. We can put
Oscar: 哂. (saai3.)
Echo: After any verb like
Oscar: 做哂. (zou6 saai3.)
Echo: To finish completely.
Oscar: 做哂. (zou6 saai3.)
Echo: To finish completely.
Oscar: 食哂. (sik6 saai3.)
Echo: To eat everything.
Oscar: 食哂. (sik6 saai3.)
Echo: To eat everything.
Oscar: 冇錯, 賣哂, 睇哂, 叫哂. (mou5 co3, maai6 saai3, tai2 saai3, giu3 saai3.)
Echo: Let’s practice this pattern in some sentences. For example, you are late, everyone is gone.
Oscar: 你遲到咗, 啲人已經走哂. (nei5 ci4 dou3 zo2, di1 jan4 ji5 ging1 zau2 saai3.)
Echo: He’s finished all his work and needs some more.
Oscar: 佢已經做哂啲工作, 可以安排做其他. (keoi5 ji5 ging1 zou6 saai3 di1 gung1 zok3, ho2 ji5 ngon1 paai4 zou6 kei4 taa1.)
Echo: We’ve finished eating all the food. Let’s order some more.
Oscar: 我哋已經食哂啲食物,可以再叫多啲. (ngo5 dei6 ji5 ging1 sik6 saai3 di1 sik6 mat6, ho2 ji5 zoi3 giu3 do1 di1.)
Echo: So remember this pattern. Take any verb and add
Oscar: 哂. (saai3.)
Echo: And it means you are doing something completely.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! (mou5 co3 laa3!)


Echo: So that is all the time we have and we are looking forward to seeing you on the site.
Oscar: 咁我哋網上見啦! (gam2 ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 laa1!)
Echo: Thanks for listening. Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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