
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好, 我係Oscar, 又同大家見面喇! (daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar, jau6 tung4 daai6 gaa1 gin3 min6 laa3!)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 18. A White Christmas in China.
Oscar: 白色聖誕節.(baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3.)
Echo: Yes. Our dialogue today is about having a White Christmas in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 你有冇過過白色聖誕節先? (nei5 jau5 mou5 gwo3 gwo3 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3 sin1?)
Echo: Not yet but a sunny Christmas is good too. So tell us about our dialogue today.
Oscar: 發生喺兩個朋友身上嘅事. (faat3 sang1 hai2 loeng5 go3 pang4 jau5 san1 soeng6 ge3 si6.)
Echo: Right. It’s between two friends, one of whom wants to go skiing on Christmas and they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁我哋而家去聽下先啦! (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5 sin1 laa1!)
A: 聖誕節去邊度玩呀? (sing3 daan3 zit3 heoi3 bin1 dou6 waan2 aa3?)
B: 我想去有雪落嘅地方. (ngo5 seong2 heoi3 jau5 syut3 lok6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
A: 去做咩啊? (heoi3 zo6 me1 aa3?)
B: 落雪好浪漫,仲可以去滑雪. (lok6 syut3 hou2 long6 maan6, zung6 ho2 ji5 heoi3 waat6 syut3.)
A: 你識滑雪咩?(nei5 sik1 waat6 syut3 me1?)
B: 唔識呀!可以學吖嘛! (m4 sik1 aa3! ho2 ji5 hok6 aa1 maa3!)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 聖誕節去邊度玩呀? (sing3 daan3 zit3 heoi3 bin1 dou6 waan2 aa3?)
B: 我想去有雪落嘅地方. (ngo5 seong2 heoi3 jau5 syut3 lok6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
A: 去做咩啊? (heoi3 zo6 me1 aa3?)
B: 落雪好浪漫,仲可以去滑雪. (lok6 syut3 hou2 long6 maan6, zung6 ho2 ji5 heoi3 waat6 syut3.)
A: 你識滑雪咩?(nei5 sik1 waat6 syut3 me1?)
B: 唔識呀!可以學吖嘛! (m4 sik1 aa3! ho2 ji5 hok6 aa1 maa3!)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 聖誕節去邊度玩呀? (sing3 daan3 zit3 heoi3 bin1 dou6 waan2 aa3?)
A: Where are you going for Christmas?
B: 我想去有雪落嘅地方. (ngo5 seong2 heoi3 jau5 syut3 lok6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
B: I want to go somewhere that snows.
A: 去做咩啊? (heoi3 zo6 me1 aa3?)
A: What for?
B: 落雪好浪漫,仲可以去滑雪.(lok6 syut3 hou2 long6 maan6, zung6 ho2 ji5 heoi3 waat6 syut3.)
B: It's very romantic when it snows, I can also go skiing.
A: 你識滑雪咩?(nei5 sik1 waat6 syut3 me1?)
A: Do you know how to ski?
B: 唔識呀!可以學吖嘛! (m4 sik1 aa3! ho2 ji5 hok6 aa1 maa3!)
B: No, but I can learn!
Echo: Oscar, have you ever had a white Christmas?
Oscar: 冇呀! 我好想過白色聖誕節㗎, 不過你知啦, 香港永遠都唔會落雪. (mou5 aa3! ngo5 hou2 soeng2 gwo3 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3 gaa3, bat1 gwo3 nei5 zi1 laa1, hoeng1 gong2 wing5 jyun5 dou1 m4 wui2 lok6 syut3.)
Echo: That’s right. Okay our lesson today is all about winter romance. Let’s go to the vocab right now.
Oscar: 真㗎? 咁一齊去睇下. (zan1 gaa4? gam2 jat1 cai4 heoi3 tai2 haa5.)
Oscar: 聖誕節. (sing3 daan3 zit3.)
Echo: Christmas.
Oscar: 聖 誕 節 ,聖誕節, 假期. (sing3 daan3 zit3 ,sing3 daan3 zit3, gaa3 kei4.)
Echo: Holiday.
Oscar: 假 期, 假期, 落雪. (gaa3 kei4, gaa3 kei4, lok6 syut3.)
Echo: To snow.
Oscar: 落 雪, 落雪, 浪漫. (lok6 syut3, lok6 syut3, long6 maan6.)
Echo: Romantic.
Oscar: 浪 漫, 浪漫, 滑雪. (long6 maan6, long6 maan6, waat6 syut3.)
Echo: To ski.
Oscar: 滑 雪, 滑雪, 溜冰. (waat6 syut3, waat6 syut3, lau4 bing1.)
Echo: To skate.
Oscar: 溜 冰, 溜冰, 砌雪人. (lau4 bing1, lau4 bing1, cai3 syut3 jan4.)
Echo: To build a snowman.
Oscar: 砌 雪 人, 砌雪人, 打雪戰 (cai3 syut3 jan4, cai3 syut3 jan4, daa2 syut3 zin3)
Echo: To have a snowball fight.
Oscar: 打 雪 戰, 打雪戰. (daa2 syut3 zin3, daa2 syut3 zin3.)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Oscar: 聖誕節, 香港重來都冇白色聖誕節. (sing3 daan3 zit3, hoeng1 gong2 cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3.)
Echo: So if you want a white Christmas, you need to leave Hong Kong.
Oscar: 係㗎! 如果呀 你想過白色聖誕節, 就一定要離開香港, 因為 香港永遠都唔會落雪.(hai6 gaa3 ! jyu4 gwo2 aa4 nei5 soeng2 gwo3 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3, zau6 jat1 ding6 jiu3 lei4 hoi1 hoeng1 gong2, jan1 wai6 hoeng1 gong2 wing5 jyun5 dou1 m4 wui2 lok6 syut3.)
Echo: And that’s our second word, to snow.
Oscar: 落雪. (lok6 syut3.)
Echo: To snow.
Oscar: 落雪. (lok6 syut3.) 香港嘅冬天從來都未落過雪. (hoeng1 gong2 ge3 dung1 tin1 cung4 loi4 dou1 mei6 lok6 gwo3 syut3.)
Echo: It never snows in Hong Kong in the winter.
Oscar: 香港嘅冬天從來都未落過雪. (hoeng1 gong2 ge3 dung1 tin1 cung4 loi4 dou1 mei6 lok6 gwo3 syut3.)
Echo: It never snows in Hong Kong in the winter.
Oscar: 所以我從來都未過過白色聖誕節. (so2 ji5 ngo5 cung4 loi4 dou1 mei6 gwo3 gwo3 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3.)
Echo: Because of this, everyone in Hong Kong thinks snow is wonderful and romantic.
Oscar: 係呀! 我從來都覺得白色聖誕節呀 好浪漫. (hai6 aa3! ngo5 cung4 loi4 dou1 gok3 dak1 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3 aa4 hou2 long6 maan6.)
Echo: Romantic.
Oscar: 浪漫. (long6 maan6.)
Echo: Romantic.
Oscar: 浪漫, 佢一直都期待過一個浪漫嘅白色聖誕節. (long6 maan6, keoi5 jat1 zik6 dou1 kei4 doi6 gwo3 jat1 go3 long6 maan6 ge3 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3.)
Echo: She has always wanted a romantic white Christmas.
Oscar: 佢一直都期待過一個浪漫嘅白色聖誕節. (keoi5 jat1 zik6 dou1 kei4 doi6 gwo3 jat1 go3 long6 maan6 ge3 baak6 sik1 sing3 daan3 zit3.)
Echo: She has always wanted a romantic white Christmas and the rest of our vocabulary is winter sports in Cantonese. First we have, to ski.
Oscar: 滑雪. (waat6 syut3.)
Echo: To ski.
Oscar: 滑雪. (waat6 syut3.)
Echo: Next we have to skate.
Oscar: 溜冰. (lau1 bing1.)
Echo: To skate.
Oscar: 溜冰. (lau1 bing1.)
Echo: And if you have children, don’t forget about building a snowman.
Oscar: 砌雪人. (cai3 syut3 jan4.)
Echo: Building a snowman.
Oscar: 砌雪人. (cai3 syut3 jan4.)
Echo: And having a snowball fight.
Oscar: 打雪戰. (daa2 syut3 zin3.)
Echo: To have a snowball fight.
Oscar: 打雪戰. (daa2 syut3 zin3.)
滑雪, 溜冰, 砌雪人, 打雪戰. (waat6 syut3, lau1 bing1, cai3 syut3 jan4, daa2 syut3 zin3.)
Echo: That’s right and with that, let’s get to our grammar point today.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: In our last lesson, we talked about things a person could be.
Oscar: 有米. (jau5 mai5.)
Echo: Rich.
Oscar: 有學問. (jau5 hok6 man6.)
Echo: Knowledgeable.
Oscar: 有米, 有學問. (jau5 mai5, jau5 hok6 man6.)
Echo: Today we want to talk about things a place can be.
Oscar: 有雪落嘅地方. (jau5 syut3 lok6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where it snows.
Oscar: 有雪落嘅地方. (jau5 syut3 lok6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: This is a simple pattern but let’s review what’s happening.
Oscar: 有雪落. (jau5 syut3 lok6.)
Echo: To have snow falling.
Oscar: 有雪落. (jau5 syut3 lok6.)
Echo: To have snow falling.
Oscar: 嘅. (ge3.)
Echo: Our subordinate particle
Oscar: 嘅. (ge3.)
Echo: And then the word for place
Oscar: 地方. (dei6 fong1.)
Echo: Place
Oscar: 地方. (dei6 fong1.)
Echo: The interesting thing here is our reversed verb phrase. Listen to this verb.
Oscar: 落雪. (lok6 syut3.)
Echo: That’s to snow.
Oscar: 落雪. (lok6 syut3.)
Echo: But in this sentence, we heard
Oscar: 有雪落.(jau5 syut3 lok6.)
Echo: Let’s have another example.
Oscar: 唱歌. (coeng3 go1.)
Echo: To sing songs.
Oscar: 有歌唱. (jau5 go1 coeng3.)
Echo: To have songs to sing.
Oscar: 有歌唱嘅地方. (jau5 go1 coeng3 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where one can sing songs. One more example
Oscar: 食嘢. (sik6 je5.)
Echo: To eat food.
Oscar: 有嘢食. (jau5 je5 sik6.)
Echo: To have food to eat.
Oscar: 完全正確呀! (jyun4 cyun4 zing3 kok3 aa3!)
Echo: Don’t forget to reverse these verbs and their objects if you want to sound like a native speaker. Let’s practice with some more examples.
Oscar: 有雪人砌嘅地方. (jau5 syut3 jan4 cai3 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where you can build a snowman.
Oscar: 有衫賣嘅地方. (jau5 saam1 maai6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where you can buy clothes.
Oscar: 有電影睇嘅地方. (jau5 din6 jing2 tai2 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where you can see a movie.
Oscar: 冇錯喇! 要記得多啲練習呀! (mou5 co3 laa3! jiu3 gei3 dak1 do1 di1 lin6 zaap6 aa3!)
Echo: Let’s listen to these sentences again.
Oscar: 有雪人砌嘅地方. (jau5 syut3 jan4 cai3 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where you can build a snowman.
Oscar: 有衫賣嘅地方. (jau5 saam1 maai6 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where you can buy clothes.
Oscar: 有電影睇嘅地方. (jau5 din6 jing2 tai2 ge3 dei6 fong1.)
Echo: A place where you can watch movie.
Oscar: 係喇! (hai6 laa3!)


Echo: And that’s our lesson for today. Thanks for listening and we will see you online.
Oscar: 我哋網上見. (ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3.)
Echo: Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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