
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好,我係Oscar (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 15. Are You an Expert on Chinese Tea?
Oscar: 你識唔識嘆茶先?(nei5 sik1 m4 sik1 taan3 caa4 sin1?)
Echo: So our dialogue today is all about tea.
Oscar: 發生喺兩個朋友嘅身上 (faat3 sang1 hai2 loeng5 go3 pang4 jau5 ge3 san1 soeng6.)
Echo: Yes it takes place between two friends, one of them is an expert on Chinese tea.
Oscar: 咁我哋而家去聽下 (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5.)
A: 呢隻茶好香喔!(Ni1 zek3 caa4 hou2 hoeng1 wo3!)
B: 你對茶有研究?(Nei5 deoi3 caa4 jau5 jin4 gau3?)
A: 茉莉、烏龍... 我好有研究 (Mut6 lei6, wu1 lung4... ngo5 hou2 jau5 jin4 gau3.)
B: 咁呢隻係咩茶?(Gam2 ni1 zek3 hai6 me1 caa4?)
A: 應該係普洱加菊花 (Jing1 goi1 hai6 pou2 lei5 gaa1 guk1 faa1.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 呢隻茶好香喔!(Ni1 zek3 caa4 hou2 hoeng1 wo3!)
B: 你對茶有研究?(Nei5 deoi3 caa4 jau5 jin4 gau3?)
A: 茉莉、烏龍... 我好有研究 (Mut6 lei6, wu1 lung4... ngo5 hou2 jau5 jin4 gau3.)
B: 咁呢隻係咩茶?(Gam2 ni1 zek3 hai6 me1 caa4?)
A: 應該係普洱加菊花 (Jing1 goi1 hai6 pou2 lei5 gaa1 guk1 faa1.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 呢隻茶好香喔!(Ni1 zek3 caa4 hou2 hoeng1 wo3!)
A: This tea is so...fragrant!
B: 你對茶有研究?(Nei5 deoi3 caa4 jau5 jin4 gau3?)
B: You know a lot about tea?
A: 茉莉、烏龍... 我好有研究 (Mut6 lei6, wu1 lung4... ngo5 hou2 jau5 jin4 gau3.)
A: Jasmine Tea, Oolong tea... I'm an expert.
B: 咁呢隻係咩茶?(Gam2 ni1 zek3 hai6 me1 caa4?)
B: So what tea is this?
A: 應該係普洱加菊花 (Jing1 goi1 hai6 pou2 lei5 gaa1 guk1 faa1.)
A: It should be Pu'er with chrysanthemum.
Echo: So this is a lesson all about different kinds of teas.
Oscar: 真㗎?我都好鍾意飲茶個喎!(zan1 gaa4? ngo5 dou1 hou2 zung1 ji3 jam2 caa4 go3 wo3!)
Echo: And by the end of this lesson, you will know the differences between the many kinds. So let’s take a closer look at this vocabulary.
Oscar: 茶 ( caa4.)
Echo: Tea.
Oscar: 茶, 茶, 咖琲 (caa4 , caa4 , gaa1 pui3.)
Echo: Coffee.
Oscar: 咖 琲, 咖琲, 茉莉茶 (gaa1 pui3 , gaa1 pui3 , mut6 lei2 caa4.)
Echo: Jasmine tea.
Oscar: 茉 莉 茶, 茉莉茶, 烏龍茶 (mut6 lei2 caa4 , mut6 lei2 caa4 , wu1 lung2 caa4.)
Echo: Oolong tea.
Oscar: 烏 龍 茶, 烏龍茶, 普洱茶 (wu1 lung2 caa4 , wu1 lung2 caa4 , pou2 lei2 caa4.)
Echo: Pu-erh tea.
Oscar: 普 洱 茶, 普洱茶, 菊花茶 (pou2 lei2 caa4 , pou2 lei2 caa4 , guk1 faa1 caa4.)
Echo: Chrysanthemum tea
Oscar: 菊 花 茶, 菊花茶, 硏究 (guk1 faa1 caa4 , guk1 faa1 caa4 , jin4 gau3.)
Echo: Research.
Oscar: 硏 究, 硏究, 專家 (jin4 gau3 , jin4 gau3 , zyun1 gaa1.)
Echo: Expert.
Oscar: 專 家, 專家 (zyun1 gaa1 , zyun1 gaa1.)
Oscar: 正喎!我都好鍾意飲茶㗎! (zeng3 wo3! ngo5 dou1 hou2 zung1 ji3 jam2 caa4 gaa3!)
Echo: And so we are talking about different kinds of tea. Oscar, which is your favorite?
Oscar: 我最鍾意呢 就係茉莉茶 (ngo5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 ne1 zau6 hai6 mut6 lei2 caa4.)
Echo: That’s Jasmine tea.
Oscar: 茉莉茶 (mut6 lei2 caa4.)
Echo: Jasmine tea.
Oscar: 茉莉茶 (mut6 lei2 caa4.)
Echo: It’s fragrant and smells a little bit sweet like perfume.
Oscar: 係呀!茉莉茶 係香港最受歡迎嘅茶之一 (hai6 aa3! mut6 lei2 caa4 hai6 hoeng1 gong2 zeoi3 sau6 fun1 jing4 ge3 caa4 zi1 jat1.)
Echo: In our vocabulary section, we also have another type of tea.
Oscar: 烏龍茶 (wu1 lung2 caa4.)
Echo: What kind of tea is this?
Oscar: 烏龍茶 (wu1 lung2 caa4.)
Echo: Right Oolong tea.
Oscar: 烏龍茶係有助於減肥㗎!(wu1 lung2 caa4 hai6 jau5 zo6 jyu1 gaam2 fei4 gaa3!)
Echo: It’s name is literally black dragon tea.
Oscar: 烏龍茶 (wu1 lung2 caa4.)
Echo: And this is grown in China. It’s a weight loss tea.
Oscar: 烏龍茶係有助於減肥㗎!(wu1 lung2 caa4 hai6 jau5 zo6 jyu1 gaam2 fei4 gaa3!)
Echo: Right and this type of tea tends to taste more bitter.
Oscar: 係呀!烏龍茶呢就比茉莉茶要苦少少 (hai6 aa3! wu1 lung2 caa4 ne1 zau6 bei2 mut6 lei2 caa4 jiu3 fu2 siu2 siu2.)
Echo: Okay moving on, what’s next?
Oscar: 唔,另一種好受歡迎嘅茶就應該係普洱茶 (m4 ,ling6 jat1 zung2 hou2 sau6 fun1 jing4 ge3 caa4 zau6 jing1 goi1 hai6 pou2 lei5 caa4.)
Echo: This is pu-erh tea.
Oscar: 普洱茶 (pou2 lei5 caa4.)
Echo: Pu-erh tea.
Oscar: 一種嚟自西南部嘅茶 (jat1 zung2 lai4 zi6 sai1 naam4 bou6 ge3 caa4.)
Echo: It’s mostly grown near Vietnam and it’s a darker tea.
Oscar: 普洱茶比烏龍茶同埋 茉莉茶嘅顏色都要深 (pou2 lei5 caa4 bei2 wu1 lung2 caa4 tung4 maai4 mut6 lei2 caa4 ge3 ngaan4 sik1 dou1 jiu3 sam1.)
Echo: And it’s really common in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 係㗎!不過普洱茶唔係產自於香港,只不過五十年代之後,就越嚟越受歡迎喇!(hai6 gaa3! bat1 gwo3 pou2 lei5 caa4 m4 hai6 caan2 zi6 jyu1 hoeng1 gong2 ,zi2 bat1 gwo3 ng5 sap6 nin4 doi6 zi1 hau6 ,zau6 jyut6 lei4 jyut6 sau6 fun1 jing4 laa3!)
Echo: And that gives us three kinds of tea.
Oscar: 茉莉茶, 烏龍茶同埋普洱茶 (mut6 lei2 caa4 , wu1 lung2 caa4 tung4 maai4 pou2 lei5 caa4.)
Echo: And our last word is a special kind of tea.
Oscar: 菊花茶 (guk1 faa1 caa4.)
Echo: This is flower tea or chrysanthemum tea.
Oscar: 菊花茶 (guk1 faa1 caa4.)
Echo: Does this count as tea Oscar?
Oscar: 唔,我諗應該算嘅,雖然佢係用花瓣做成,而唔係用茶葉 (m4 ,ngo5 lam2 jing1 goi1 syun3 ge2,seoi1 jin4 keoi5 hai6 jung6 faa1 faan2 zou6 sing4 ,ji4 m4 hai6 jung6 caa4 jip6.)
Echo: Right. So it’s made with flowers and has a light color.
Oscar: 而且更加香,菊花茶 對身體好好㗎! (ji4 ce2 gang3 gaa1 hoeng1, guk1 faa1 caa4 deoi3 san1 tai2 hou2 hou2 gaa3!)
Echo: Yes.
Oscar: 而最好嘅一點就係菊花茶 一啲咖琲因都冇㗎! (ji4 zeoi3 hou2 ge3 jat1 dim2 zau6 hai6 guk1 faa1 caa4 jat1 di1 gaa3 fe1 jan1 dou1 mou5 gaa3!)
Echo: Right and unlike other teas it has no caffeine.
Oscar: 菊花茶 一啲咖琲因都冇 (guk1 faa1 caa4 jat1 di1 gaa3 fe1 jan1 dou1 mou5.)
Echo: So you can drink it before bed and it won’t keep you awake and it’s often added to other teas to make the flavor a bit sweeter.
Oscar: 係喇!咁我哋再讀一次啦!菊花茶 (hai6 laa3! gam2 ngo5 dei6 zoi3 duk6 jat1 ci3 laa1! guk1 faa1 caa4.)
Echo: And with that, we are done our vocab section. Let’s get to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Our grammar point today is, in previous lessons, we taught you the verb
Oscar: 有 (jau5.)
Echo: We told you this means to have.
Oscar: 有間屋 (jau5 gaan1 uk1.)
Echo: To have a room.
Oscar: 有部車 (jau5 bou6 ce1.)
Echo: To have a car.
Oscar: 係喇!(hai6 laa3!)
Echo: But it’s also possible to use this with more asterisk nouns.
Oscar: 有硏究 (jau5 jin4 gau3.)
Echo: To be an expert.
Oscar: 有學問 (jau5 hok6 man6.)
Echo: To be knowledgeable.
Oscar: 有文化 (jau5 man4 faa3.)
Echo: To be cultured or educated.
Oscar: 有經驗 (jau5 ging1 jim6.)
Echo: To be experienced.
Oscar: 而所有嘅句子都係「有」, 然後加名詞嘅結構 (ji4 so2 jau5 ge3 geoi3 zi2 dou1 hai6 “jau5”, jin4 hau6 gaa1 ming4 ci4 ge3 git3 kau3.)
Echo: But we are not really talking about having something.
Oscar: 今日要講嘅 係一種新嘅用法 (gam1 jat6 jiu3 gong2 ge3 hai6 jat1 zung2 san1 ge3 jung6 faat3.)
Echo: We are talking about being something or maybe having certain qualities like an education. Let’s have a look at some simple examples.
Oscar: 有準備 (jau5 zeon2 bei6.)
Echo: To be ready.
Oscar: 有品味 (jau5 ban2 mei6.)
Echo: To be good taste.
Oscar: 有懷疑 (jau5 waai4 ji4.)
Echo: To be skeptical.
Oscar: 喺呢課 我哋就講咗好多關於茶嘅嘢 (hai2 ni1 fo3 ngo5 dei6 zau6 gong2 zo2 hou2 do1 gwaan1 jyu1 caa4 ge3 je5.)
Echo: And we learned how to talk about people too.
Oscar: 冇錯喇!(mou5 co3 laa3!)
Echo: So that’s all the time we have
Oscar: 今日我哋 就到呢度啦!(gam1 jat6 ngo5 dei6 zau6 dou3 ni1 dou6 laa1!)


Echo: Okay. We will see you on the website.
Oscar: 下次見. (haa6 ci3 gin3.)
Echo: Bye bye.


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