
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好,我係 Oscar。(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 13. A Glass of Hong Kong Whisky.
Oscar: 唔該 比杯威士忌我。(m4 goi1 bei2 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2 ngo5.)
Echo: That’s right. If you like whisky like me, you will like this lesson. Our dialogue here takes place in a restaurant between a waitress and a customer.
Oscar: 發生喺 顧客同埋服務員之間嘅故事。(faat3 saang1 hai2 gu3 haak3 tung4 maai4 fuk6 mou6 jyun4 zi1 gaan1 ge3 gu3 si6.)
Echo: And they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁我哋而家去聽下啦。 (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5 laa1.)
A: 先生,請問有冇訂位?(sin1 saang1, cing2 man6 jau5 mou5 deng6 wai2?)
B: 我訂咗間房。(ngo5 deng6 zo2 gaan1 fong2.)
A: 請問貴姓?(cing2 man6 gwai3 sing3?)
B: 姓龍。(sing3 lung4.)
A: 跟我嚟呢邊吖,龍生。(gan1 ngo5 lei4 ni1 bin1 aa1, lung4 saang1.)
B: 同我攞杯威士忌,落三粒冰。(tung4 ngo5 lo5 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2, lok6 saam1 lap1 bing1.)
A: 冇問題。(mou5 man6 tai4.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 先生,請問有冇訂位?(sin1 saang1, cing2 man6 jau5 mou5 deng6 wai2?)
B: 我訂咗間房。(ngo5 deng6 zo2 gaan1 fong2.)
A: 請問貴姓?(cing2 man6 gwai3 sing3?)
B: 姓龍。(sing3 lung4.)
A: 跟我嚟呢邊吖,龍生。(gan1 ngo5 lei4 ni1 bin1 aa1, lung4 saang1.)
B: 同我攞杯威士忌,落三粒冰。(tung4 ngo5 lo5 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2, lok6 saam1 lap1 bing1.)
A: 冇問題。(mou5 man6 tai4.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 先生,請問有冇訂位?(sin1 saang1, cing2 man6 jau5 mou5 deng6 wai2?)
A: Sir, have you made a reservation?
B: 我訂咗間房。(ngo5 deng6 zo2 gaan1 fong2.)
B: I've booked a private room.
A: 請問貴姓?(cing2 man6 gwai3 sing3?)
A: Your family name, please?
B: 姓龍。(sing3 lung4.)
B: Long.
A: 跟我嚟呢邊吖,龍生。(gan1 ngo5 lei4 ni1 bin1 aa1, lung4 saang1.)
A: Mr. Long, please follow me this way.
B: 同我攞杯威士忌,落三粒冰。(tung4 ngo5 lo5 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2, lok6 saam1 lap1 bing1.)
B: Bring me a glass of whiskey with three ice cubes.
A: 冇問題。(mou5 man6 tai4.)
A: No problem.
Echo: Oscar, do you drink whisky with ice or without?
Oscar: 我真係一啲都唔飲威士忌。(ngo5 zan1 hai6 jat1 di1 dou1 m4 jam2 wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: Okay. I guess that makes it cheaper to eat out.
Oscar: 非常贊成啦!咁 我哋而家去睇下今日嘅單詞先啦!(fei1 soeng4 zaan3 sing4 laa1! gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 tai2 haa6 gam1 jat6 ge3 daan1 ci4 sin1 laa1!)
Echo: Okay.
Oscar: 訂位。(deng6 wai2.)
Echo: To make a reservation.
Oscar: 訂 位, 訂位, 貴姓?(deng6 wai2 , deng6 wai2 , gwai3 sing3 ?)
Echo: Honorable name.
Oscar: 貴 姓, 貴姓, 跟我嚟。 (gwai3 sing3 , gwai3 sing3 , gan1 ngo5 lai4.)
Echo: Follow me.
Oscar: 跟 我 嚟, 跟我嚟, 落。(gan1 ngo5 lai4 , gan1 ngo5 lai4 , lok6.)
Echo: With.
Oscar: 落, 落, 幾粒冰?(lok6 , lok6 , gei2 lap1 bing1 ?)
Echo: A few pieces of ice.
Oscar: 幾 粒 冰, 幾粒冰, 冇問題。(gei2 lap1 bing1 , gei2 lap1 bing1 , mou5 man6 tai4.)
Echo: No problem.
Oscar: 冇 問 題, 冇問題, 威士忌。(mou5 man6 tai4 , mou5 man6 tai4 , wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: Whisky.
Oscar: 威 士 忌, 威士忌, 伏特加。(wai1 si6 gei2 , wai1 si6 gei2 , fuk6 dak6 gaa1.)
Echo: Vodka.
Oscar: 伏 特 加, 伏特加。(fuk6 dak6 gaa1 , fuk6 dak6 gaa1.)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Oscar: 訂 位。(deng6 wai2.)
Echo: To make a reservation.
Oscar: 訂 位。(deng6 wai2.)
Echo: And if you are going out to dinner in Hong Kong, you should make a reservation.
Oscar: 喺香港嘅餐廳食飯,通常會好多人,所以呢 你最好就預先訂位,咁就唔駛排隊喇!(hai2 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 caan1 teng1 sik6 faan6, tung1 soeng4 wui2 hou2 do1 jan4, so2 ji5 ne1 nei5 zeoi3 hou2 zau6 jyu6 sin1 deng6 wai2, gam3 zau6 m4 sai2 paai4 deoi2 laa3!)
Echo: Right. You will always need to make a reservation in Hong Kong. So let’s learn how to do this.
Oscar: 唔該 我想訂位,今晚八點嘅。(m4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 deng6 wai2, gam1 maan5 baat3 dim2 ge3.)
Echo: I would like to make a reservation for 8 PM.
Oscar: 唔該我想訂位,今晚八點嘅。如果你有訂位,就可以直接去點嘢飲㗎喇!(m4 goi1 ngo5 soeng2 deng6 wai2, gam1 maan5 baat3 dim2 ge3. jyu4 gwo2 nei5 jau5 deng6 wai2, zau6 ho2 ji5 zik6 zip3 heoi3 dim2 je5 jam2 gaa3 laa3!)
Echo: Right. If you don’t have a reservation, you will be asked to wait at the bar. So the first thing is always to order drinks. Let’s go over some of the more popular choices.
Oscar: 威士忌。(wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: Whisky.
Oscar: 威士忌。(wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: Whisky.
Oscar: 雞尾酒。(gai1 mei5 zau2.)
Echo: Cocktail.
Oscar: 雞尾酒。(gai1 mei5 zau2.)
Echo: Cocktail.
Oscar: 伏特加。(fuk6 dak6 gaa1.)
Echo: Vodka.
Oscar: 伏特加。(fuk6 dak6 gaa1.)
Echo: Vodka. And we usually have this with something else.
Oscar: 嗰杯伏特加 加橙汁。(go2 bui1 fuk6 dak6 gaa1 gaa1 caang2 zap1.)
Echo: That’s vodka with orange juice.
Oscar: 伏特加 加可樂。(fuk6 dak6 gaa1 gaa1 ho2 lok6.)
Echo: Vodka and coke. Or you could just ask for wine.
Oscar: 葡萄酒。(pou4 tou4 zau2.)
Echo: Wine.
Oscar: 葡萄酒。(pou4 tou4 zau2.)
Echo: Or water.
Oscar: 清水。(cing1 seoi2.)
Echo: Water.
Oscar: 清水。(cing1 seoi2.)
Echo: You usually want to tell the waiter if you want ice.
Oscar: 唔該,幫我落冰吖。(m4 goi1, bong1 ngo5 lok6 bing1 aa1.)
Echo: Or if you don’t want ice
Oscar: 唔好 落冰。(m4 hou2 lok6 bing1.)
Echo: I don’t want ice.
Oscar: 唔好 落冰。(m4 hou2 lok6 bing1.)
Echo: And we hear this in our dialogue when the speaker says, they want some ice.
Oscar: 同我攞杯威士忌,落三粒冰。(tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2, lok6 saam1 lap1 bing1.)
Echo: Once you’ve had a drink, you eventually get a table.
Oscar: 然之後 服務員就會同你講 跟我嚟。(jin4 zi1 hau6 fuk6 mou6 jyun4 zau6 wui2 tung4 nei5 gong2 gan1 ngo5 lai4.)
Echo: Follow me.
Oscar: 跟我嚟, 張枱已經準備好。(gan1 ngo5 lai4 , zoeng1 toi2 ji5 ging1 zeon2 bei6 hou2.)
Echo: Follow me. Your table is ready.
Oscar: 跟我嚟, 張枱已經準備好。(gan1 ngo5 lai4 , zoeng1 toi2 ji5 ging1 zeon2 bei6 hou2.)
Echo: And this brings us to our grammar section where we are going to get food to go along with our drinks.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Our grammar focus today is on the real useful word.
Oscar: 同。 (tung4.)
Echo: With or and.
Oscar: 同。 (tung4.)
Echo: We’ve seen this before as a preposition which meant we put it in front of verbs.
Oscar: 我同佢 一齊去食飯。(ngo5 tung4 keoi5 jat1 cai4 heoi3 sik6 faan6.)
Echo: We are going eating together.
Oscar: 你同佢 去香港?(nei5 tung4 keoi5 heoi3 hoeng1 gong2 ?)
Echo: Are you going to Hong Kong with her?
Oscar: 喺我哋嘅對話入面,「同 」嘅意思係 叫人幫手做啲嘢。(hai2 ngo5 dei6 ge3 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6, “tung4” ge3 ji3 si1 hai6 giu3 jan4 bong1 sau2 zou6 di1 je5.)
Echo: Right. This is a really Cantonese way of speaking.
Oscar: 而我哋就聽到「同我攞杯威士忌」。(ji4 ngo5 dei6 zau6 teng1 dou2 “tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2”.)
Echo: Bring me a glass of whisky.
Oscar: 同我攞杯威士忌。(tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: Bring me a glass of whisky or you can say, bring me a cocktail.
Oscar: 同我 攞杯雞尾酒。(tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 gai1 mei5 zau2.)
Echo: Bring me a cocktail.
Oscar: 同我 攞杯雞尾酒。(tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 gai1 mei5 zau2.)
Echo: Or bring me a glass of wine.
Oscar: 同我 攞杯葡萄酒。(tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 pou4 tou4 zau2.)
Echo: Bring me a glass of wine.
Oscar: 同我 攞杯葡萄酒。(tung4 ngo5 lo2 bui1 pou4 tou4 zau2.)
Echo: In these cases
Oscar: 同。(tung4.)
Echo: Is being used to ask favors. It means for as in for me.
Oscar: 同我。(tung4 ngo5.)
Echo: For him
Oscar: 同佢。(tung4 keoi5.)
Echo: For them
Oscar: 同佢哋。(tung4 keoi5 dei6.)
Echo: Make a reservation at 8 PM for me.
Oscar: 同我訂位,今晚八點嘅, 而喺呢度 「同」 嘅意思同 「幫」 嘅意思係一樣㗎。(tung4 ngo5 deng6 wai2, gam1 maan5 baat3 dim2 ge3 , ji4 hai2 ni1 dou6 「 tung4 」 ge3 ji3 si1 tung4 「 bong1 」 ge3 ji3 si1 hai6 jat1 joeng6 gaa3.)
Echo: Right. Remember to help him buy a bottle whisky.
Oscar: 記得 同佢買枝威士忌。(gei3 dak1 tung4 keoi5 maai5 zi1 wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: Remember to help him buy a bottle whisky.
Oscar: 記得 同佢買枝威士忌。(gei3 dak1 tung4 keoi5 maai5 zi1 wai1 si6 gei2.)
Echo: So remember, when you are asking a favor, you can use the preposition
Oscar: 同。(tung4.)
Echo: Just like you use the preposition
Oscar: 幫。(bong1.)
Echo: And you can also use it to tell people to do things for others too.
Oscar: 同佢哋 攞幾杯葡萄酒。(tung4 keoi5 dei6 lo2 gei2 bui1 pou4 tou4 zau2.)


Echo: So that’s our lesson for today. Leave us a comment on our site. The address is cantoneseclass101.com.
Oscar: 冇錯喇!多謝收聽,我哋網上見。(mou5 co3 laa3! do1 ze6 sau1 teng1, ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3.)
Echo: Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見啦!(haa6 ci3 gin3 laa1!)


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