
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好,我係 Oscar。(daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6 Oscar.)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 12. The Best Yoga Class in Hong Kong.
Oscar: 最好嘅瑜伽班, 喺香港。 (zeoi3 hou2 ge3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1, hai2 hoeng1 gong2.)
Echo: That’s right. Yoga is so popular that it can be hard to find a good class. So our dialogue here takes places in a gym between a salesperson and a customer who wants to learn Yoga.
Oscar: 發生喺工作人員同埋顧客嘅身上。(faat3 saang1 hai2 gung1 zok3 jan4 jyun4 tung4 maai4 gu3 haak3 ge3 san1 soeng6.)
Echo: And they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁我哋而家去睇下啦。 (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 tai2 haa5 laa1.)
A: 我想報名上呢個瑜伽班。 (ngo5 soeng2 bou3 meng2 soeng5 ni1 go3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1.)
B: 唔好意思,呢班已經滿咗。(m4 hou2 ji3 si1, ni1 baan1 ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
A: 啊,我真係好想學喎。(aa2, ngo5 zan1 hai6 hou2 soeng2 hok6 wo3.)
B: 芭蕾舞班仲有位,你想唔想試下?(baa1 leoi4 mou5 baan1 zung6 jau5 wai2, nei5 soeng2 ng4 soeng2 si3 haa5 ?)
A: 瑜伽班幾時再開班?(jyu4 gaa1 baan1 gei2 si4 zoi3 hoi1 baan1 ?)
B: 下個月。(haa6 go3 jyut6.)
A: 我都係等啦。(ngo5 dou1 hai6 dang2 laa1.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 我想報名上呢個瑜伽班。 (ngo5 soeng2 bou3 meng2 soeng5 ni1 go3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1.)
B: 唔好意思,呢班已經滿咗。(m4 hou2 ji3 si1, ni1 baan1 ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
A: 啊,我真係好想學喎。(aa2, ngo5 zan1 hai6 hou2 soeng2 hok6 wo3.)
B: 芭蕾舞班仲有位,你想唔想試下?(baa1 leoi4 mou5 baan1 zung6 jau5 wai2, nei5 soeng2 ng4 soeng2 si3 haa5 ?)
A: 瑜伽班幾時再開班?(jyu4 gaa1 baan1 gei2 si4 zoi3 hoi1 baan1 ?)
B: 下個月。(haa6 go3 jyut6.)
A: 我都係等啦。(ngo5 dou1 hai6 dang2 laa1.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 我想報名上呢個瑜伽班。(ngo5 soeng2 bou3 meng2 soeng5 ni1 go3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1.)
A: I would like to sign up for this Yoga class
B: 唔好意思,呢班已經滿咗。(m4 hou2 ji3 si1, ni1 baan1 ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
B: Sorry, that class is full.
A: 啊,我真係好想學喎。(aa2, ngo5 zan1 hai6 hou2 soeng2 hok6 wo3.)
A: Oh... I really wanted to learn.
B: 芭蕾舞班仲有位,你想唔想試下?(baa1 leoi4 mou5 baan1 zung6 jau5 wai2, nei5 soeng2 ng4 soeng2 si3 haa5 ?)
B: How about ballet? There are spaces available.
A: 瑜伽班幾時再開班?(jyu4 gaa1 baan1 gei2 si4 zoi3 hoi1 baan1 ?)
A: When does the next Yoga class start?
B: 下個月。(haa6 go3 jyut6.)
B: Next month.
A: 我都係等啦。(ngo5 dou1 hai6 dang2 laa1.)
A: Ok. I'll wait.
Oscar: Echo, 你最近身材 fit 咗好多喎。(Echo, nei5 zeoi3 gan6 san1 coi4 fit zo2 hou2 do1 wo3.)
Echo: Really. Well lately I’ve been learning yoga.
Oscar: 咁你覺得點呀?(gam3 nei5 gok3 dak1 dim2 aa3?)
Echo: It’s hard to start but it feels good when you are finished.
Oscar: 而家瑜伽 喺香港越嚟越受歡迎,好多人都報唔到班呀!(ji4 gaa1 jyu4 gaa1 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 jyut6 lei4 jyut6 sau6 fun1 jing4 ,hou2 do1 jan4 dou1 bou3 m4 dou2 baan1 aa3!)
Echo: True. So let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases.
Oscar: 報名。 (bou3 meng2.)
Echo: To sign up.
Oscar: 報 名, 報名, 滿。 (bou3 meng2, bou3meng2, mun5)
Echo: Full.
Oscar: 滿, 滿, 瑜伽 。(mun5, mun5, jyu4 gaa1.)
Echo: Yoga.
Oscar: 瑜 伽, 瑜伽, 芭蕾舞。 (jyu4 gaa1, jyu4 gaa1, baa1 leoi4 mou5)
Echo: Ballet.
Oscar: 芭 蕾 舞, 芭蕾舞, 有位。(baa1 leoi4 mou5, baa1leoi4mou5, jau5 wai2)
Echo: To have space.
Oscar: 有 位, 有位, 開班。(jau5 wai2, jau5 wai2, hoi1 baan1)
Echo: To start class.
Oscar: 開 班, 開班, 健身房。(hoi1 baan1, hoi1 baan1 , gin6 san1 fong4)
Echo: Gym.
Oscar: 健 身 房, 健身房, 健身會員。(gin6 san1 fong4 , gin6 san1 fong4, gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4 )
Echo: Gym membership.
Oscar: 健 身 會 員, 健身會員。(gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4, gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Oscar: 報 名。 (bou3 meng2.)
Echo: To sign up.
Oscar: 報 名。 (bou3 meng2.)
Echo: To sign up. In most gyms, you have to sign up for classes.
Oscar: 我哋參加活動之前都要報名。 (ngo5 dei6 caam1 gaa1 wut6 dung6 zi1 cin4 dou1 jiu3 bou3 meng2.)
Echo: We need to sign up before participating in the activity.
Oscar: 我哋參加活動之前都要報名。 (ngo5 dei6 caam1 gaa1 wut6 dung6 zi1 cin4 dou1 jiu3 bou3 meng2.)
Echo: The reason for this is that gyms have limited space. So you need to confirm their space.
Oscar: 有位。 (jau5 wai2.)
Echo: To have space.
Oscar: 有位。 (jau5 wai2.)
Echo: To have space. If you are in a gym and want to ask if there is space in any class, you can try.
Oscar: 跳舞班仲有冇位呀? (tiu3 mou5 baan1 zung6 jau5 mou5 wai2 aa3?)
Echo: Is there any available space in the dancing class?
Oscar: 跳舞班仲有冇位呀? (tiu3 mou5 baan1 zung6 jau5 mou5 wai2 aa3?)
Echo: Is there any available space in the dancing class.
Oscar: 咁如果冇位,我哋就應該話「滿」。 (gam2 jyu4 gwo2 mou5 wai2, ngo5 dei6 zau6 jing1 goi1 waa6 “mun5”.)
Echo: If there isn’t space, you will hear that the class is full.
Oscar: 滿。(mun5.)
Echo: Full.
Oscar: 好似我哋嘅對話咁,你會聽到佢哋話:唔好意思呀!瑜伽班冇位,已經滿咗。 (hou2 ci5 ngo5 dei6 ge3 deoi3 waa6 gam2 ,nei5 wui2 teng1 dou2 keoi5 dei6 waa6, m4 hou2 ji3 si1 aa3 !jyu4 gaa1 baan1 mou5 wai2 ,ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
Echo: There is no space in the yoga class, it’s full.
Oscar: 瑜伽班冇位,已經滿咗。(jyu4 gaa1 baan1 mou5 wai2 ,ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
Echo: There is no space in the yoga class, it’s full. And that’s another keyword.
Oscar: 瑜伽。(jyu4 gaa1.)
Echo: Yoga.
Oscar: 瑜伽。(jyu4 gaa1.)
Echo: So that’s yoga. A yoga class is
Oscar: 瑜伽班。(jyu4 gaa1 baan1.)
Echo: All exercises classes work this way. So you have yoga class
Oscar: 瑜伽班。(jyu4 gaa1 baan1.)
Echo: Dance class
Oscar: 跳舞班。(tiu3 mou5 baan1.)
Echo: Boxing class
Oscar: 拳擊班。(kyun4 gik1 baan1.)
Echo: Ballet class.
Oscar: 芭蕾舞班。(baa1 leoi4 mou5 baan1.)
Echo: And there is a word for Ballet.
Oscar: 芭蕾舞。(baa1 leoi4 mou5.)
Echo: Ballet.
Oscar: 芭蕾舞。(baa1 leoi4 mou5.)
Echo: And if you want to get all of these classes, you have to go to the gym.
Oscar: 健身房。(gin6 san1 fong4.)
Echo: Gym
Oscar: 健身房。(gin6 san1 fong4.)
Echo: And get a gym membership.
Oscar: 健身會員。(gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4.)
Echo: Gym membership.
Oscar: 健身會員。(gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4.)
Echo: Get a gym membership and you can join all the classes in the gym.
Oscar: 買一個健身會員,就可以參加健身房入面所有嘅班。(maai5 jat1 go3 gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4, zau6 ho2 ji5 caam1 gaa1 gin6 san1 fong4 jap6 min6 so2 jau5 ge3 baan1.)
Echo: Get a gym membership and you can join all the classes in the gym.
Oscar: 買一個健身會員,就可以參加健身房入面所有嘅班。(maai5 jat1 go3 gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4, zau6 ho2 ji5 caam1 gaa1 gin6 san1 fong4 jap6 min6 so2 jau5 ge3 baan1.)
Echo: All right. That’s our vocabulary section today. Let’s go to the grammar section now.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: We have learned that in Cantonese, we can add
Oscar: 咗。 (zo2.)
Echo: To a verb to put it in the past tense.
Oscar: 係呀!譬如話 我買咗一年嘅健身會員。 (hai6 aa3! pei3 jyu4 waa6, ngo5 maai5 zo2 jat1 nin4 ge3 gin6 san1 wui2 jyun4.)
Echo: I bought a gym membership for a year.
Oscar: 你瘦咗好多喎。(nei5 sau3 zo2 hou2 do1 wo3.)
Echo: You have lost a lot of weight. In this lesson, we see another use of this.
Oscar: 喺形容詞後面加個「咗」。(hai2 jing4 jung4 ci4 hau6 min6 gaa1 go3 “zo2”.)
Echo: And that tells us the adjective has been reached.
Oscar: 係喇!譬如話:星期三個瑜伽班已經滿咗。(hai6 laa3! pei3 jyu4 waa6, sing1 kei4 saam1 go3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1 ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
Echo: The yoga class on Wednesday is already full.
Oscar: 星期三 個瑜伽班已經滿咗。(sing1 kei4 saam1 go3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1 ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
Echo: The yoga class on Wednesday is already full.
Oscar: 如果你準備好咗就叫我。(jyu4 gwo2 nei5 zeon2 bei6 hou2 zo2 zau6 giu3 ngo5.)
Echo: If you are ready give me a shot. So this is close to the past tense.
Oscar: 咁 又唔係完全相同嘅。(gam2 jau6 m4 hai6 jyun4 cyun4 soeng1 tung4 ge3.)
Echo: We are putting the adjective in the past tense. It was full in the past.
Oscar: 係呀!(hai6 aa3!)
Echo: We are saying that the state has changed. It’s now full.
Oscar: 而家滿咗。(ji4 gaa1 mun5 zo2.)
Echo: Or it is now empty.
Oscar: 而家空咗。(ji4 gaa1 hung1 zo2.)
Echo: Something is now finished or ready.
Oscar: 攪掂咗。(gaau2 dim6 zo2.)
Echo: Or it’s broken.
Oscar: 壞咗。(waai6 zo2.)
Echo: And well, you’ve been to the gym for a while, you will be fit.
Oscar: fit 咗。(Fit zo2.)
Echo: Right. In Cantonese, people will use the English word for fit.
Oscar: fit 咗。(Fit zo2.)
Echo: So remember, we will see an adjective followed by
Oscar: 咗。(zo2.)
Echo: That usually means a change of state as in our dialogue.
Oscar: 呢個瑜伽班 已經滿咗。(ni1 go3 jyu4 gaa1 baan1 ji5 ging1 mun5 zo2.)
Echo: Right. Hopefully you won’t run into that problem.
Oscar: 記得啦!(gei3 dak1 laa3!)


Echo: For now though, that is all the time we have and if you have any questions, leave us a comment on the website. The address is cantoneseclass101.com
Oscar: 多謝收聽,我哋網上見。(do1 ze6 sau1 teng1 ,ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3.)
Echo: Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見。(haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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