
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am Echo.
Oscar: 大家好,我係Oscar, 好耐冇見喇!(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Oscar , hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 laa3!)
Echo: And we are here today with lower intermediate, season 1, Lesson 11. An Important Chinese Shipment.
Oscar: 一份重要嘅中國貨物。(jat1 fan6 zung6 jiu3 ge3 zung1 gwok3 fo3 mat6.)
Echo: That’s right. Our dialogue today takes place in a shipping company.
Oscar: 發生喺工作人員同埋顧客之間。(faat3 sang1 hai2 gung1 zok3 jan4 jyun4 tung4 maai4 gu3 haak3 zi1 gaan1.)
Echo: Yes. It’s between a company employee and a customer who is trying to export stuff to the United States and they are speaking casual Cantonese as always.
Oscar: 咁我哋而家去聽下。 (gam2 ngo5 dei6 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 teng1 haa5.)
A: 你要訂五百件? (nei5 jiu3 deng6 ng5 baak3 gin6?)
B: 係。(hai6)
A: 仲要運去三藩市? (zung6 jiu3 wan6 heoi3 saam1 faan4 si5?)
B: 係。(hai6.)
A: 十二月度可以運到。(sap6 ji6 jyu6 dou2 ho2 ji5 wan6 dou6.)
B: 可唔可以快啲? (ho2 ng4 ho2 ji5 faai3 di1?)
A: 可以,但係會貴啲。(ho2 ji5, daan6 hai6 wui5 gwai3 di1.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A: 你要訂五百件? (nei5 jiu3 deng6 ng5 baak3 gin6?)
B: 係。(hai6)
A: 仲要運去三藩市? (zung6 jiu3 wan6 heoi3 saam1 faan4 si5?)
B: 係。(hai6.)
A: 十二月度可以運到。(sap6 ji6 jyu6 dou2 ho2 ji5 wan6 dou6.)
B: 可唔可以快啲? (ho2 ng4 ho2 ji5 faai3 di1?)
A: 可以,但係會貴啲。(ho2 ji5, daan6 hai6 wui5 gwai3 di1.)
David: And now with the English translation.
A: 你要訂五百件? (nei5 jiu3 deng6 ng5 baak3 gin6?)
A: You want to order 500 units?
B: 係。(hai6)
B: Yes.
A: 仲要運去三藩市? (zung6 jiu3 wan6 heoi3 saam1 faan4 si5?)
A: And ship them to San Francisco?
B: 係。(hai6)
B: Yes.
A: 十二月度可以運到。(sap6 ji6 jyu6 dou2 ho2 ji5 wan6 dou6.)
A: It can be done... around December.
B: 可唔可以快啲? (ho2 ng4 ho2 ji5 faai3 di1?)
B: Can't you do this faster?
A: 可以,但係會貴啲。(ho2 ji5, daan6 hai6 wui5 gwai3 di1.)
A: Yes, but it will cost more.
Echo: A lot of people will export products from Hong Kong.
Oscar: 係呀,因為喺香港出口會好方便。(hai6 aa3, jan1 wai6 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 ceot1 hau2 wui2 hou2 fong1 bin6.)
Echo: Right. That’s because a lot of stuff gets produced in China up in Shenzhen
Oscar: 正如我哋所知,深圳就喺香港隔離。( zing3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 so2 zi1, sam1 zan3 zau6 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 gaak3 lei4.)
Echo: Right. So this vocabulary should be useful if you ever go into business or need to ship items internationally.
Oscar: 而家去睇下啦! (ji4 gaa1 heoi3 tai2 haa5 laa1!)
Oscar: 件。(gin6.)
Echo: Unit.
Oscar: 件, 件, 訂。 (gin6, gin6, deng6.)
Echo: To order.
Oscar: 訂, 訂, 運。(deng6, deng6, wan6.)
Echo: To ship.
Oscar: 運, 運, 收。(wan6, wan6, sau1.)
Echo: To receive.
Oscar: 收, 收, 空運。(sau1, sau1, hung1 wan6.)
Echo: Air transport.
Oscar: 空 運, 空運, 海運。(hung1 wan6, hung1 wan6, hoi2 wan6)
Echo: Ocean shipping.
Oscar: 海 運, 海運, 度。(hoi2 wan6, hoi2 wan6, dou2)
Echo: About.
Oscar: 度, 度, 目的地。(dou2, dou2, muk6 dik1 dei6)
Echo: Destination.
Oscar: 目 的 地, 目的地, 地址。 (muk6 dik1 dei6, muk6 dik1 dei6, dei6 zi2)
Echo: Address.
Oscar: 地 址, 地址。(dei6 zi2, dei6 zi2)
Echo: Let’s have a closer look at some of the words from this lesson. The first word is
Oscar: 件。(gin6.)
Echo: This is a measure word for things.
Oscar: 件。(gin6.)
Echo: And it literally means pieces or units.
Oscar: 我想要三佰件呢個型號嘅。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 saam1 baak3 gin6 ni1 go3 jing4 hou6 ge3.)
Echo: I want 300 units of this model.
Oscar: 我想要三佰件呢個型號嘅。(ngo5 soeng2 jiu3 saam1 baak3 gin6 ni1 go3 jing4 hou6 ge3.)
Echo: I want 300 units of this model.
Oscar: 我想運 四佰件去三藩市。(ngo5 soeng2 wan6 sei3 baak3 gin6 heoi3 saam1 faan4 si5.)
Echo: I like to ship 400 units to San Francisco.
Oscar: 我想運 四佰件去三藩市。(ngo5 soeng2 wan6 sei3 baak3 gin6 heoi3 saam1 faan4 si5.)
Echo: I like to ship 400 units to San Francisco.
Oscar: 下一步, 運。(haa6 jat1 bou6 , wan6.)
Echo: To ship.
Oscar: 運。(wan6.)
Echo: To ship. And we can ship by air.
Oscar: 空 運。(hung1 wan6.)
Echo: That’s air shipping or air freight.
Oscar: 空 運。(hung1 wan6.)
Echo: And there is also ocean shipping.
Oscar: 海 運。(hoi2 wan6.)
Echo: Ocean shipping.
Oscar: 海 運。(hoi2 wan6.)
Echo: Ocean shipping usually takes a month or so.
Oscar: 係呀!喺香港用海運 運貨去美國要成個月㗎。(hai6 aa3!hai2 hoeng1 gong2 jung6 hoi2 wan6 wan6 fo3 heoi3 mei5 gwok3 jiu3 seng4 go3 jyut6 gaa3.)
Echo: Right so ocean shipping is cheap but air shipping is fast.
Oscar: 海運比較平,但係空運會比較快。(hoi2 wan6 bei2 gaau3 peng4, daan6 hai6 hung1 wan6 wui2 bei2 gaau3 faai3.)
Echo: Another way of saying the same thing is
Oscar: 空運好快,但係比較貴。(hung1 wan6 hou2 faai3, daan6 hai6 bei2 gaau3 gwai3.)
Echo: Air transport is fast but a little bit expensive.
Oscar: 空運好快,但係比較貴。(hung1 wan6 hou2 faai3, daan6 hai6 bei2 gaau3 gwai3.)
Echo: But this is Hong Kong so a lot of things ship by sea especially larger items.
Oscar: 係呀!大型嘅貨物通常會用海運。(hai6 aa3!daai6 jing4 ge3 fo3 mat6 tung1 soeng4 wui2 jung6 hoi2 wan6.)
Echo: Large goods usually go by ocean shipping.
Oscar: 大型嘅貨物 通常用海運。(daai6 jing4 ge3 fo3 mat6 tung1 soeng4 jung6 hoi2 wan6.)
Echo: Large goods usually go by ocean shipping. Finally when you are filling out forms to ship things internationally, you will need to know the destination.
Oscar: 目 的 地。(muk6 dik1 dei6.)
Echo: Destination.
Oscar: 目 的 地。(muk6 dik1 dei6.)
Echo: Destination.
Oscar: 喺我哋嘅對話裏面, 目的地就係三藩市。(hai2 ngo5 dei6 ge3 deoi3 waa6 lei5 min6 , muk6 dik1 dei6 zau6 hai6 saam1 faan4 si5.)
Echo: Right. And this means the same thing as we already know, address.
Oscar: 地址。( dei6 zi2.)
Echo: So you can say either.
Oscar: 目的地。(muk6 dik1 dei6.)
Echo: Or
Oscar: 地址。(dei6 zi2.)
Echo: That’s right. Now with that, let’s go to our grammar section today.

Lesson focus

Oscar: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Previously we learned two ways to say about in Cantonese.
Oscar: 大概。(daai6 koi3.)
Echo: And
Oscar: 大約。( daai6 joek3.)
Echo: About.
Oscar: 大概, 大約。(daai6 koi3 , daai6 joek3.)
Echo: For instance
Oscar: 大概兩個月。(daai6 koi3 loeng5 go3 jyut6.)
Echo: About two months.
Oscar: 大約 有三個人。(daai6 joek3 jau5 saam1 go3 jan4.)
Echo: About three people.
Oscar: 大概 兩個月。(daai6 koi3 loeng5 go3 jyut6.)
Echo: And
Oscar: 大約 有三個人。(daai6 joek3 jau5 saam1 go3 jan4.)
Echo: Today we are going to learn another way to say the same thing.
Oscar: 度。(dou2.)
Echo: About.
Oscar: 度。(dou2.)
Echo: We use this after numbers.
Oscar: 係呀!通常係跟喺數字後面嘅,譬如話 一年度。(hai6 aa3!tung1 soeng4 hai6 gan1 hai2 sou3 zi6 hau6 min6 ge3, pei3 jyu4 waa6 jat1 nin4 dou2.)
Echo: About a year.
Oscar: 四十件度。(sei3 sap6 gin6 dou2.)
Echo: About 40 units.
Oscar: 呢件衫 五佰蚊度。(ni1 gin6 saam1 ng5 baak3 man1 dou2.)
Echo: This shirt is about $500.
Oscar: 海運 要一個月度。(hoi2 wan6 jiu3 jat1 go3 jyut6 dou2.)
Echo: Ocean shipping takes about one month.
Oscar: 空運 要二十四小時度。(hung1 wan6 jiu3 ji6 sap6 sei3 siu2 si4 dou2.)
Echo: Air freight takes about 24 hours.
Oscar: 冇錯。(mou5 co3.)
Echo: So is this the only way to say this?
Oscar: 唔只,重有兩個㗎!左右。(m4 zi2, zung6 jau5 loeng5 go3 gaa3!zo2 jau2.)
Echo: Or
Oscar: 咁上下。(gam3 soeng6 haa5.)
Echo: And this means exactly the same thing.
Oscar: 係呀!七點左右。( hai6 aa3!cat1 dim2 zo2 jau2.)
Echo: Is the same as.
Oscar: 七點度。(cat1 dim2 dou2.)
Echo: Let’s listen to those two again.
Oscar: 七點左右, 七點度。(cat1 dim2 zo2 jau2 , cat1 dim2 dou2.)
Echo: Those are both about 7 o’ clock.
Oscar: 四日 咁上下。(sei3 jat6 gam3 soeng6 haa5.)
Echo: Is the same as
Oscar: 四日度。(sei3 jat6 dou2.)
Echo: Once again
Oscar: 四日 咁上下, 四日度。(sei3 jat6 gam3 soeng6 haa5 , sei3 jat6 dou2.)
Echo: And shipping by ocean takes either
Oscar: 一個月度。(jat1 go3 jyut6 dou2.)
Echo: Or
Oscar: 一個月左右。(jat1 go3 jyut6 zo2 jau2.)
Echo: Or
Oscar: 一個月咁上下。(jat1 go3 jyut6 gam3 soeng6 haa5.)
Echo: Right. So our focus today should come in useful if you ever want to export things from Hong Kong.
Oscar: 做出口你會賺好多錢㗎。( zou6 ceot1 hau2 nei5 wui2 zaan6 hou2 do1 cin2 gaa3.)


Echo: That’s right and if you have any questions, leave us a comment on our website. The address is cantoneseclass101.com
Oscar: 多謝收聽,我哋網上見啦!(do1 ze6 sau1 teng1, ngo5 dei6 mong5 soeng6 gin3 laa1!)
Echo: Bye bye.
Oscar: 下次見。(haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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