
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 我係 (ngo5 hai6 ) Melody。
David: And we are here today with an intermediate lesson, season 1, Lesson 7. Ride Chinese Trains at Your Own Risk.
Melody: 唔,有啲可怕,就嚟到放假啦!咁可能有個人佢想參加旅行團,咁佢而家喺度詢問緊旅行嘅套餐。(m4 ,jau5 di1 ho2 paa3 ,zau6 lai4 dou3 fong3 gaa3 laa3 !gam2 ho2 nang4 jau5 go3 jan4 keoi5 soeng2 caam1 gaa1 leoi5 hang4 tyun4 ,gam2 keoi5 ji4 gaa1 hai2 dou6 seon1 man6 gan2 leoi5 hang4 ge3 tou3 caan1 。)
David: So our dialogue today is between a customer and a travel agent and they are talking about leaving the safety of Hong Kong and going by train into Mainland China on vacation.
Melody: 其實個對話都幾搞笑,不如我哋一齊嚟聽下先。(kei4 sat6 go3 deoi3 waa6 dou1 gei2 gaau2 siu3 ,bat1 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 lei4 teng1 haa5 sin1 。)
David: This is casual Cantonese as always, so you shouldn’t have any problems. So let’s listen.
A: 呢個五日遊嘅套餐行程係點? (A: ni1 go3 ng5 jat6 jau4 ge3 tou3 caan1 hang4 cing4 hai6 dim2 ?)
B: 由香港坐火車到上海,運氣好嘅話,你會到達第一個目的地。 (B: jau4 hoeng1 gong2 co5 fo2 ce1 dou3 soeng6 hoi2, wan6 hei3 hou2 ge3 waa2, nei5 wui5 dou3 daat6 dai6 jat1 go3 muk6 dik1 dei6.)
A: 運氣好? (A: wan6 hei3 hou2 ?)
B: 喺上海停留三日,然後坐高速火車去杭州,一等軟座。 (B: hai2 soeng6 hoi2 ting4 lau4 saam1 jat6, jin4 hau6 co5 gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1 heoi3 hong4 zau1, jat1 dang2 jyun5 zo6.)
A: 由上海去杭州,普通嘅火車唔係一個鐘嘅咩? (A: jau4 soeng6 hoi2 heoi3 hong4 zau1, pou2 tung1 ge3 fo2 ce1 m4 hai6 jat1 go3 zung1 ge3 me1 ?)
B: 係,如果你有命去到杭州,喺嗰度遊覽兩日, 我哋會再安排你坐高速火車去溫州。(B: hai6, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 jau5 meng6 heoi3 dou3 hong4 zau1, hai2 go2 dou6 jau4 laam5 loeng5 jat6, ngo5 dei6 wui5 zoi3 on1 paai4 nei5 co5 gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1 heoi3 wan1 zau1.)
A: 我唔想去溫州喎。 (A: ngo5 m4 soeng2 heoi3 wan1 zau1 wo3.)
B: 唔洗擔心,你可能永遠去唔到嗰度。(B: m4 sai2 daam1 sam1, nei5 ho2 nang4 wing5 jyun5 heoi3 m4 dou2 go2 dou6.)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 呢個五日遊嘅套餐行程係點? (A: ni1 go3 ng5 jat6 jau4 ge3 tou3 caan1 hang4 cing4 hai6 dim2 ?)
B: 由香港坐火車到上海,運氣好嘅話,你會到達第一個目的地。 (B: jau4 hoeng1 gong2 co5 fo2 ce1 dou3 soeng6 hoi2, wan6 hei3 hou2 ge3 waa2, nei5 wui5 dou3 daat6 dai6 jat1 go3 muk6 dik1 dei6.)
A: 運氣好? (A: wan6 hei3 hou2 ?)
B: 喺上海停留三日,然後坐高速火車去杭州,一等軟座。 (B: hai2 soeng6 hoi2 ting4 lau4 saam1 jat6, jin4 hau6 co5 gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1 heoi3 hong4 zau1, jat1 dang2 jyun5 zo6.)
A: 由上海去杭州,普通嘅火車唔係一個鐘嘅咩? (A: jau4 soeng6 hoi2 heoi3 hong4 zau1, pou2 tung1 ge3 fo2 ce1 m4 hai6 jat1 go3 zung1 ge3 me1 ?)
B: 係,如果你有命去到杭州,喺嗰度遊覽兩日, 我哋會再安排你坐高速火車去溫州。 (B: hai6, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 jau5 meng6 heoi3 dou3 hong4 zau1, hai2 go2 dou6 jau4 laam5 loeng5 jat6, ngo5 dei6 wui5 zoi3 on1 paai4 nei5 co5 gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1 heoi3 wan1 zau1.)
A: 我唔想去溫州喎。 (A: ngo5 m4 soeng2 heoi3 wan1 zau1 wo3.)
B: 唔洗擔心,你可能永遠去唔到嗰度。(B: m4 sai2 daam1 sam1, nei5 ho2 nang4 wing5 jyun5 heoi3 m4 dou2 go2 dou6.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 呢個五日遊嘅套餐行程係點? (A: ni1 go3 ng5 jat6 jau4 ge3 tou3 caan1 hang4 cing4 hai6 dim2 ?)
A: What does this five day package include?
B: 由香港坐火車到上海,運氣好嘅話,你會到達第一個目的地。(B: jau4 hoeng1 gong2 co5 fo2 ce1 dou3 soeng6 hoi2, wan6 hei3 hou2 ge3 waa2, nei5 wui5 dou3 daat6 dai6 jat1 go3 muk6 dik1 dei6.)
B: You take the train from Hong Kong to Shanghai. If you're lucky, you'll reach your first destination.
A: 運氣好? (A: wan6 hei3 hou2 ?)
A: Lucky?
B: 喺上海停留三日,然後坐高速火車去杭州,一等軟座。 (B: hai2 soeng6 hoi2 ting4 lau4 saam1 jat6, jin4 hau6 co5 gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1 heoi3 hong4 zau1, jat1 dang2 jyun5 zo6.)
B: You stay in Shanghai for three days, then take the high speed train to Hangzhou, first class.
A: 由上海去杭州,普通嘅火車唔係一個鐘嘅咩? (A: jau4 soeng6 hoi2 heoi3 hong4 zau1, pou2 tung1 ge3 fo2 ce1 m4 hai6 jat1 go3 zung1 ge3 me1 ?)
A: Doesn't it take only an hour to go from Shanghai to Hangzhou by regular train?
B: 係,如果你有命去到杭州,喺嗰度遊覽兩日, 我哋會再安排你坐高速火車去溫州。 (B: hai6, jyu4 gwo2 nei5 jau5 meng6 heoi3 dou3 hong4 zau1, hai2 go2 dou6 jau4 laam5 loeng5 jat6, ngo5 dei6 wui5 zoi3 on1 paai4 nei5 co5 gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1 heoi3 wan1 zau1.)
B: Yes, and if you're still alive, you'll stay in Hangzhou for two days. Then we'll arrange a high speed train to Wenzhou.
A: 我唔想去溫州喎。 (A: ngo5 m4 soeng2 heoi3 wan1 zau1 wo3.)
A: I don't want to go to Wenzhou.
B: 唔洗擔心,你可能永遠去唔到嗰度。(B: m4 sai2 daam1 sam1, nei5 ho2 nang4 wing5 jyun5 heoi3 m4 dou2 go2 dou6.)
B: Don't worry, you might never get there.
David: So people in Hong Kong have concerns about high speed rail in China.
Melody: 係呀!冇錯,因為知道咗之前嗰件事... (hai6 aa3 !mou5 co3 ,jan1 wai6 zi1 dou6 zo2 zi1 cin4 go2 gin6 si6 ...)
David: Yeah.
Melody: 所以佢哋可能大概都好驚。(so2 ji5 keoi5 dei6 ho2 nang4 daai6 koi3 dou1 hou2 geng1 。)
David: Right. So our travel agent is telling the customer not to take the trains or maybe – maybe she’s just got a more expensive package elsewhere that she wants to sell.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. I will fly to the states or Australia. Anyway, our vocab today is about traveling internationally. We are going to teach you how to arrange travel plans with a travel agent in Cantonese.
Melody: Let`s go. 旅行。(leoi5 hang4。)
David: To travel.
Melody:旅 行, 旅行, 套餐。(leoi5 hang4, leoi5 hang4, tou3 caan1。)
David: Package.
Melody: 套 餐, 套餐, 運氣。(tou3 caan1, tou3 caan1, wan6 hei3。)
David: To be lucky.
Melody: 運 氣, 運氣, 到達。(wan6 hei3, wan6 hei3, dou3 daat6。)
David: To arrive.
Melody: 到 達, 到達, 目的地。(dou3 daat6, dou3 daat6, muk6 dik1 dei6。)
David: Destination.
Melody: 目 的 地, 目的地, 高速火車。(muk6 dik1 dei6, muk6 dik1 dei6, gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1。)
David: High speed train.
Melody: 高 速 火 車, 高速火車, 停留。(gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1, gou1 cuk1 fo2 ce1, ting4 lau4。)
David: To stay.
Melody: 停 留, 停留, 有命。(ting4 lau4, ting4 lau4, jau5 meng6。)
David: To be alive.
Melody: 有 命, 有命, 遊覽。(jau5 meng6, jau5 meng6, jau4 laam5。)
David: To visit.
Melody: 遊 覽, 遊覽, 安排。(jau4 laam5, jau4 laam5, on1 paai4。)
David: To arrange.
Melody: 安 排, 安排。(on1 paai4, on1 paai4。)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. Our first is
Melody: 旅行。(leoi5 hang4 。)
David: To travel.
Melody: 旅行, David呀!聽講你之前去咗美國旅行喎!(leoi5 hang4 , David aa4 !teng1 gong2 nei5 zi1 cin4 heoi3 zo2 mei5 gwok3 leoi5 hang4 wo3 !)
David: Yeah I have been to the States.
Melody: 唔,但係如果我去旅行嘅話,我會揀去泰國或者去台灣?(m4 ,daan6 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 ngo5 heoi3 leoi5 hang4 ge3 waa2 ,ngo5 wui2 gaan2 heoi3 taai3 gwok3 waak6 ze2 heoi3 toi4 waan1 ?)
David: Yes they both have better beaches in the States but interestingly this is not the only word we can use for to travel.
Melody: 冇錯, 你亦都可以話去 旅遊。(mou5 co3 , nei5 jik6 dou1 ho2 ji5 waa6 heoi3 leoi5 jau4 。)
David: To travel.
Melody: 旅 遊。(leoi5 jau4 。)
David: So we have
Melody: 旅行。
David: And
Melody: 旅遊。(leoi5 hang4 。)
David: Interchangeable. Now our next word is
Melody: 目的地。(muk6 dik1 dei6 。)
David: Destination.
Melody: 目的地, 譬如話你去旅行社, 佢哋可能會問你今次旅行目的地係邊度?(muk6 dik1 dei6 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 nei5 heoi3 leoi5 hang4 se5 , keoi5 dei6 ho2 nang4 wui2 man6 nei5 gam1 ci3 leoi5 hang4 muk6 dik1 dei6 hai6 bin1 dou6 ?)
David: What is your travel destination this time?
Melody: 今次旅行目的地係邊度?(gam1 ci3 leoi5 hang4 muk6 dik1 dei6 hai6 bin1 dou6 ?)
David: Right. We can also use this in a cab.
Melody: 譬如我哋可以話司機 我嘅目的地係 IFC。(pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 waa6 si1 gei1 ngo5 ge3 muk6 dik1 dei6 hai6 IFC 。)
David: Right. Driver, my destination is IFC.
Melody: 而相對嘅係 出發點。(ji4 soeng1 deoi3 ge3 hai6 ceot1 faat3 dim2 。)
David: So that’s the opposite. That’s starting point.
Melody: 出發點 同埋 目的地。(ceot1 faat3 dim2 tung4 maai4 muk6 dik1 dei6 。)
David: Right. Next up, we have the word to arrive.
Melody: 到達。(dou3 daat6 。)
David: To arrive.
Melody: 到達。(dou3 daat6 。)
David: And this means to arrive in a specific place.
Melody:係呀!喺對話入面我哋聽到佢話到達上海, 到達杭州。(hai6 aa3 !hai2 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 ngo5 dei6 teng1 dou2 keoi5 waa6 dou3 daat6 soeng6 hoi2 , dou3 daat6 hong4 zau1 。)
David: Right. You also would be able to use this while traveling by plane say or at the airport.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: For instance, if you are on a plane, you might ask a stewardess or steward asks.
Melody:你知唔知班機到達時間?(nei5 zi1 m4 zi1 baan1 gei1 dou3 daat6 si4 gaan3 ?)
David: Do you know when the flight arrives.
Melody: 你知唔知班機到達時間?(nei5 zi1 m4 zi1 baan1 gei1 dou3 daat6 si4 gaan3 ?)
David: Right. And I always get confused when I am flying over the pacific. So I actually use this.
Melody: 係呀! 冇錯, 而且飛機成日都會延誤。(hai6 aa3 ! mou5 co3 , ji4 ce2 fei1 gei1 sing4 jat6 dou1 wui2 jin4 ng6 。)
David: Yeah. So that’s our vocab for today. A lot of stuff that’s going to help you at the travel agent or even when you are traveling. For now though, let’s get on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar point today is about the pattern.
Melody: 唔係...嘅咩?(m4 hai6 ...ge3 me1 ?)
David: This is a really common way to ask questions in Cantonese.
Melody: 唔係...嘅咩?(m4 hai6 ...ge3 me1 ?)
David: You’ve probably already heard questions like this before. We wanted to spend a bit of time today talking about this though to get the emotional part of this right. Now Melody, when do Cantonese speakers use this question?
Melody: 唔, 譬如話我本身知道一件事, 但係我唔肯定, 咁我就會問 唔係乜嘢乜嘢, 最後加上 嘅咩?(m4 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 ngo5 bun2 san1 zi1 dou6 jat1 gin6 si6 , daan6 hai6 ngo5 m4 hang2 ding6 , gam2 ngo5 zau6 wui2 man6 m4 hai6 mat1 je5 mat1 je5 , zeoi3 hau6 gaa1 soeng5 ge3 me1 ?)
David: Right. So this tells people that you’ve got suspicions of what the right answer is.
Melody: 係呀! 啱喇!所以你係本來以為你啱, 為咗更加去肯定, 你就會咁樣問。(hai6 aa3 ! ngaam1 laa3 !so2 ji5 nei5 hai6 bun2 loi4 ji5 wai4 nei5 ngaam1 , wai4 zo2 gang3 gaa1 heoi3 hang2 ding6 , nei5 zau6 wui2 gam3 joeng2 man6 。)
David: So it’s not just a straight question. There is something hidden here.
Melody: 唔係, 冇錯。(m4 hai6 , mou5 co3 。)
David: We think we know the answer and we want to confirm that this is the case. Let’s have some examples of this.
Melody: 佢唔係坐火車去深圳嘅咩?(keoi5 m4 hai6 co5 fo2 ce1 heoi3 sam1 zan3 ge3 me1 ?)
David: Didn’t he take the train to Shenzhen?
Melody: 佢唔係坐火車去深圳嘅咩?(keoi5 m4 hai6 co5 fo2 ce1 heoi3 sam1 zan3 ge3 me1 ?)
David: Right. Let’s look at that sentence. Clearly we think he’s gone to Shenzhen.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right but we can’t be sure.
Melody: 唔肯定。(m4 hang2 ding6 。)
David: Right. We heard it but maybe it was gossip. So this is something like didn’t he take the train or I think he took the train. Isn’t that right?
Melody: 唔, 冇錯。(m4 , mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. We are expecting the answer yes.
Melody: 係呀! 但係我哋唔肯定 所以我哋再去問多一次, 譬如話呢個旅行套餐唔係五日嘅咩? (hai6 aa3 ! daan6 hai6 ngo5 dei6 m4 hang2 ding6 so2 ji5 ngo5 dei6 zoi3 heoi3 man6 do1 jat1 ci3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 ni1 go3 leoi5 hang4 tou3 caan1 m4 hai6 ng5 jat6 ge3 me1 ?)
David: Is this the five-day travel package?
Melody: 呢個旅行套餐唔係五日嘅咩? (ni1 go3 leoi5 hang4 tou3 caan1 m4 hai6 ng5 jat6 ge3 me1 ?)
David: So we think this is five days.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: But we can’t be sure. Maybe the price is low.
Melody: 或者太高。(waak6 ze2 taai3 gou1 。)
David: But yes its way too high. I mean this is not for only five days. So the pattern isn’t just about asking a question.
Melody: 唔係,佢仲可以去肯定一件事。(m4 hai6 ,keoi5 zung6 ho2 ji5 heoi3 hang2 ding6 jat1 gin6 si6 。)
David: Yes it’s confirming things and it’s also it’s expressing your own opinion on something.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. So that’s why it’s at the elementary level here.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: Because it’s not just the language, it’s knowing how to use it to communicate emotion.
Melody: 而且帶啲少少嘅感覺同埋表情喺入面。(ji4 ce2 daai3 di1 siu2 siu2 ge3 gam2 gok3 tung4 maai4 biu2 cing4 hai2 jap6 min6 。)
David: Yeah. So remember, if you think you already know the answer but want to be sure, use the pattern.
Melody: 唔係。。。嘅咩?(m4 hai6 。。。ge3 me1 ?)
David: Isn’t this the case? Can you confirm that?
Melody: 譬如話,佢唔係坐火車去深圳嘅咩?或者呢個旅行套餐唔係五日嘅咩?(pei3 jyu4 waa6 ,keoi5 m4 hai6 co5 fo2 ce1 heoi3 sam1 zan3 ge3 me1 ?waak6 ze2 ni1 go3 leoi5 hang4 tou3 caan1 m4 hai6 ng5 jat6 ge3 me1 ?)


David: And with that, we are at the end of our lesson. I am David.
Melody: 我係 (ngo5 hai6 ) Melody。
David: Thanks for listening.
Melody: 希望下次我哋可以再見。(hei1 mong6 haa6 ci3 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 zoi3 gin3 。)
David: And we will see you on the site.

