
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Melody。
David: And we are here today with an intermediate season 1, Lesson 25. How Early is Too Early in Hong Kong?
Melody: 唔,咁呢個對話呢應該係一個工作人員同個乘客之間嘅對話。 (m4 ,gam2 ni1 go3 deoi3 waa6 ne1 jing1 goi1 hai6 jat1 go3 gung1 zok3 jan4 jyun4 tung4 go3 sing4 haak3 zi1 gaan1 ge3 deoi3 waa6 。)
David: Right. So it’s a dialogue between an airport employee and a passenger.
Melody: 冇錯, 咁個乘客我覺得佢有少少唔正常, 佢點解會提前咁多去個機場。(mou5 co3 , gam2 go3 sing4 haak3 ngo5 gok3 dak1 keoi5 jau5 siu2 siu2 m4 zing3 soeng4 , keoi5 dim2 gaai2 wui2 tai4 cin4 gam3 do1 heoi3 go3 gei1 coeng4 。)
David: Yeah but it is in casual Cantonese as always, exactly the sort of thing you are going to hear at the airport. Let’s get to the dialogue.
A: AC3597航班吖,唔該. (A: AC3597 hong4 baan1 aa1, m4 goi1.)
B: 先生,你嘅機票係出年嘅喎! (B: sin1 saang1, nei5 ge3 gei1 piu3 hai6 ceot1 nin2 ge3 wo3!)
A: 我知,我驚到時會遲到,所以提早嚟囉。 (A: ngo5 zi1, ngo5 geng1 dou3 si4 wui5 ci4 dou3, so2 ji5 tai4 zou2 lei4 lo1.)
B: 對唔住,我哋冇辦法幫你提早一年辦手續。(B: deoi3 m4 zyu6, ngo5 dei6 mou5 baan6 faat3 bong1 nei5 tai4 zou2 jat1 nin4 baan6 sau2 zuk6.)
A: 唔緊要,我等囉。(A: m4 gan2 jiu3, ngo5 dang2 lo1.)
B: 喺呢度?等一年?(B: hai2 ni1 dou6? dang2 jat1 nin4?)
A: 橫掂機場都唔會閂門!(A: waang4 dim6 gei1 coeng4 dou1 m4 wui5 saan1 mun4!)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: AC3597航班吖,唔該. (A: AC3597 hong4 baan1 aa1, m4 goi1.)
B: 先生,你嘅機票係出年嘅喎! (B: sin1 saang1, nei5 ge3 gei1 piu3 hai6 ceot1 nin2 ge3 wo3!)
A: 我知,我驚到時會遲到,所以提早嚟囉。(A: ngo5 zi1, ngo5 geng1 dou3 si4 wui5 ci4 dou3, so2 ji5 tai4 zou2 lei4 lo1.)
B: 對唔住,我哋冇辦法幫你提早一年辦手續。(B: deoi3 m4 zyu6, ngo5 dei6 mou5 baan6 faat3 bong1 nei5 tai4 zou2 jat1 nin4 baan6 sau2 zuk6.)
A: 唔緊要,我等囉。(A: m4 gan2 jiu3, ngo5 dang2 lo1.)
B: 喺呢度?等一年?(B: hai2 ni1 dou6? dang2 jat1 nin4?)
A: 橫掂機場都唔會閂門!(A: waang4 dim6 gei1 coeng4 dou1 m4 wui5 saan1 mun4!)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: AC3597航班吖,唔該. (A: AC3597 hong4 baan1 aa1, m4 goi1.)
A: Flight AC3597, please.
B: 先生,你嘅機票係出年嘅喎! (B: sin1 saang1, nei5 ge3 gei1 piu3 hai6 ceot1 nin2 ge3 wo3!)
B: Sir, your ticket is for next year.
A: 我知,我驚到時會遲到,所以提早嚟囉。(A: ngo5 zi1, ngo5 geng1 dou3 si4 wui5 ci4 dou3, so2 ji5 tai4 zou2 lei4 lo1.)
A: I know. I'm worried that I'll be late next year, so I came early.
B: 對唔住,我哋冇辦法幫你提早一年辦手續。(B: deoi3 m4 zyu6, ngo5 dei6 mou5 baan6 faat3 bong1 nei5 tai4 zou2 jat1 nin4 baan6 sau2 zuk6.)
B: I'm sorry. We can't check you in one year in advance.
A: 唔緊要,我等囉。(A: m4 gan2 jiu3, ngo5 dang2 lo1.)
A: Doesn't matter. I'll wait.
B: 喺呢度?等一年?(B: hai2 ni1 dou6? dang2 jat1 nin4?)
B: Here? For a year?
A: 橫掂機場都唔會閂門!(A: waang4 dim6 gei1 coeng4 dou1 m4 wui5 saan1 mun4!)
A: But of course, airports don't close, right?
Melody: 太瘋狂啦!我其實都會驚遲到, 但係如果提前一年去 check in 會唔會太誇張呀!(taai3 fung1 kong4 laa3 !ngo5 kei4 sat6 dou1 wui2 geng1 ci4 dou3 , daan6 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 tai4 cin4 jat1 nin4 heoi3 check in wui2 m4 wui2 taai3 kwaa1 zoeng1 aa3 !)
David: Right. Well maybe – maybe it is December 31st and his flight is on January 1st.
Melody: 啊! 唔, 有可能。(aa3 ! m4 , jau5 ho2 nang4 。)
David: Right? That could happen.
Melody: 有可能, 有可能。(jau5 ho2 nang4 , jau5 ho2 nang4 。)
David: But otherwise it is a bit weird. Anyway our vocab section for today is all about time particularly relative time.
Melody: 機票。(gei1 piu3。)
David: Airplane ticket.
Melody: 機 票, 機票, 出年。(gei1 piu3, gei1 piu3, ceot1 nin2。)
David: Next year.
Melody: 出 年, 出年, 舊年。(ceot1 nin2, ceot1 nin2, gau6 nin2。)
David: Last year.
Melody: 舊 年, 舊年, 後年。(gau6 nin2, gau6 nin2, hau6 nin2。)
David: The year after next.
Melody: 後 年, 後年, 遲到。(hau6 nin2, hau6 nin2, ci4 dou3。)
David: To be late.
Melody: 遲 到, 遲到, 辦手續。(ci4 dou3, ci4 dou3, baan6 sau2 zuk6。)
David: To take care of procedures.
Melody: 辦 手 續, 辦手續, 登機。(baan6 sau2 zuk6, baan6 sau2 zuk6, dang1 gei1。)
David: To board an airplane.
Melody: 登 機, 登機, 橫掂。(dang1 gei1, dang1 gei1, waang4 dim6。)
David: In any case.
Melody: 橫 掂, 橫掂。(waang4 dim6, waang4 dim6。)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. To start off, we have three words for talking about years.
Melody: 舊年。(gau6 nin2。)
David: Last year.
Melody: 舊年。(gau6 nin2。)
David: Last year or old year.
Melody: 唔, 今年。(m4 , gam1 nin2 。)
David: This year.
Melody: 今年, 出年。(gam1 nin2 , ceot1 nin2 。)
David: Next year.
Melody: 出年。(ceot1 nin2 。)
David: So these are the three big ones.
Melody: 舊年, 今年, 出年。(gau6 nin2 , gam1 nin2 , ceot1 nin2 。)
David: Right. Now what if we want to say something a bit more complex like the year after next.
Melody: 後年。(hau6 nin2 。)
David: The year after next.
Melody: 後年。(hau6 nin2 。)
David: And the opposite, the year before last.
Melody: 前年。(cin4 nin2 。)
David: The year before last.
Melody: 前年。(cin4 nin2 。)
David: So we can use these two to be a bit more precise when we are talking about when events happened.
Melody: 冇錯, 譬如話我前年第一次到香港。(mou5 co3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 ngo5 cin4 nin2 dai6 jat1 ci3 dou3 hoeng1 gong2 。)
David: My first time in Hong Kong was the year before last.
Melody: 我前年第一次去香港。(ngo5 cin4 nin2 dai6 jat1 ci3 heoi3 hoeng1 gong2 。)
David: Or
Melody: 我打算後年買層樓。(ngo5 daa2 syun3 hau6 nin2 maai5 cang4 lau2 。)
David: I will be buying a house the year after next.
Melody: 我後年打算買層樓。(ngo5 hau6 nin2 daa2 syun3 maai5 cang4 lau2 。)
David: Right. Now when you get to the airport, you’ve got the check-in procedures and this is a pretty general thing. It’s going through steps to do something.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: The word for this in Cantonese is
Melody: 辦手續。(baan6 sau2 zuk6 。)
David: To take care of procedures.
Melody: 辦手續。(baan6 sau2 zuk6 。)
David: And checking in for a plane is a perfect example.
Melody: 辦手續, 咁我哋通常搭飛機呢都會有好多流程, 譬如話登記呀!過安檢呀!加上辦登機手續等等。(baan6 sau2 zuk6 , gam2 ngo5 dei6 tung1 soeng4 daap3 fei1 gei1 ne1 dou1 wui2 jau5 hou2 do1 lau4 cing4 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 dang1 gei3 aa3 !gwo3 ngon1 gim2 aa3 !gaa1 soeng5 baan6 dang1 gei1 sau2 zuk6 dang2 dang2 。)
David: Right. The word itself makes a sound like there is a lot of stuff that needs to be done.
Melody: 係,冇錯。(hai6 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: And with this word, pay attention to the way we can break it up and we can put a verb phrase in the middle to describe exactly what we are doing.
Melody: 譬如我哋可以話 辦登機手續。(pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 waa6 baan6 dang1 gei1 sau2 zuk6 。)
David: To handle the procedures for checking in.
Melody: 辦登機手續。(baan6 dang1 gei1 sau2 zuk6 。)
David: To handle the check-in procedures.
Melody: 唔,你講得啱。(m4 ,nei5 gong2 dak1 ngaam1 。)
David: Okay. So that’s the vocab for this lesson. Let’s quickly review.
Melody: 舊年, 今年, 出年 , 後年 , 前年, 辦手續, 辦登機手續。(gau6 nin2 , gam1 nin2 , ceot1 nin2 , hau6 nin2 , cin4 nin2 , baan6 sau2 zuk6 , baan6 dang1 gei1 sau2 zuk6 。)

Lesson focus

David: Okay Melody, our grammar pattern for today comes from this line in the dialogue.
Melody: 橫掂機場都唔會閂門。(waang4 dim6 gei1 coeng4 dou1 m4 wui2 saan1 mun4 。)
David: But in any case, airports don’t close, right?
Melody: 橫掂機場都唔會閂門。(waang4 dim6 gei1 coeng4 dou1 m4 wui2 saan1 mun4 。)
David: The grammar pattern here is
Melody: 橫掂 …… 都 …….。(waang4 dim6 …… dou1 …….。)
David: Right. So it’s another split pattern where we are putting something in the middle. Let’s hear that sentence again.
Melody: 橫掂機場都唔會閂門。(waang4 dim6 gei1 coeng4 dou1 m4 wui2 saan1 mun4 。)
David: And this is really hard to translate which is why we wanted to focus on it in this lesson. The translation we gave you was in any case, airports don’t close, right?
Melody: 係呀!其實佢有少少同 反正或係 既然都係咁咯!有少少呢個意思。(hai6 aa3 !kei4 sat6 keoi5 jau5 siu2 siu2 tung4 faan2 zing3 waak6 hai6 gei3 jin4 dou1 hai6 gam2 lok3 !jau5 siu2 siu2 ni1 go3 ji3 si1 。)
David: Right. So we want to use this when we are disagreeing with someone a little bit or we are stating something that maybe a bit surprising or we are explaining why we are doing something that other people might not agree with.
Melody: 唔, 冇錯, 有可能係順便, 即係橫掂都係咁咯!順便我就咁樣做啦!(m4 , mou5 co3 , jau5 ho2 nang4 hai6 seon6 bin2 , zik1 hai6 waang4 dim6 dou1 hai6 gam2 lok3 !seon6 bin2 ngo5 zau6 gam2 joeng2 zou6 laa1 !)
David: Right. So it’s also fortuitous. It’s like saying well, you know because things are like this, then I will do it this way, right?
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: I am explaining why I am doing something.
Melody: 唔,你講得啱。(m4 ,nei5 gong2 dak1 ngaam1 。)
David: Yeah. This is difficult. So I think the only way we can really clear it up is by looking at some examples. So Melody, can you get us started?
Melody: 譬如我哋成日都會聽到 橫掂我都唔趕時間。(pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 sing4 jat6 dou1 wui2 teng1 dou2 waang4 dim6 ngo5 dou1 m4 gon2 si4 gaan3 。)
David: So this is the start of a sentence. Something is going to come later but we are saying, well you know, in any case, I am not in a hurry.
Melody: 橫掂我都唔趕時間。(waang4 dim6 ngo5 dou1 m4 gon2 si4 gaan3 。)
David: Well you know, as it turns out, I am not that busy.
Melody: 唔,咁譬如我哋會話 橫掂我都唔趕時間, 等埋你啦!(m4 ,gam2 pei3 jyu4 ngo5 dei6 wui2 waa6 waang4 dim6 ngo5 dou1 m4 gon2 si4 gaan3 , dang2 maai4 nei5 laa1 !)
David: Right. So the full sentence there is, well you know, I am not in a rush. So I can wait for you.
Melody: 橫掂我都唔趕時間, 等埋你啦!(waang4 dim6 ngo5 dou1 m4 gon2 si4 gaan3 , dang2 maai4 nei5 laa1 !)
David: I am not in a rush anyway. So I can wait for you. So know what we are doing there. First, we are saying, well you know, as it turns out, I am not in a rush. Therefore, waiting is not a problem.
Melody:冇錯, 通常係安慰或者係話, 橫掂都係咁咯!咁我咪咁囉! (mou5 co3 , tung1 soeng4 hai6 ngon1 wai3 waak6 ze2 hai6 waa6 , waang4 dim6 dou1 hai6 gam2 lok3 !gam2 ngo5 mai6 gam2 lo1 !)
David: Yeah. Let’s hear that sentence one more time.
Melody: 橫掂我都唔趕時間, 等埋你啦!(waang4 dim6 ngo5 dou1 m4 gon2 si4 gaan3 , dang2 maai4 nei5 laa1 !)
David: Another example would be saying that tickets are cheap. So let’s take a vacation.
Melody: 橫掂飛機票咁平。(waang4 dim6 fei1 gei1 piu3 gam3 peng4 。)
David: And that’s the first bit. As it turns out, airplane tickets aren’t expensive.
Melody: 橫掂飛機票咁平。(waang4 dim6 fei1 gei1 piu3 gam3 peng4 。)
David: And we are going to add something to the end of that specifying why we are saying this.
Melody: 橫掂飛機票咁平, 我哋一齊去泰國啦!(waang4 dim6 fei1 gei1 piu3 gam3 peng4 , ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 heoi3 taai3 gwok3 laa1 !)
David: Well, as it turns out, tickets aren’t that expensive. So let’s go to Thailand.
Melody: 橫掂飛機票咁平, 我哋一齊去泰國啦! (waang4 dim6 fei1 gei1 piu3 gam3 peng4 , ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 heoi3 taai3 gwok3 laa1 !)
David: As it turns out, tickets are cheap. So let’s go to Thailand.
Melody: 唔,可能女朋友會同男朋友講話, 橫掂咁平, 我哋一齊去啦!(m4 ,ho2 nang4 neoi5 pang4 jau5 wui2 tung4 naam4 pang4 jau5 gong2 waa6 , waang4 dim6 gam3 peng4 , ngo5 dei6 jat1 cai4 heoi3 laa1 !)
David: Yeah. So the grammar structure here really is difficult to translate. It means as it turns out, in any case but the key is we are explaining to someone why we are doing something or why the situation is the way it is.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: And they might not agree with us.
Melody: 冇錯, 所以你要同佢解釋你咁樣做, 橫掂係咁樣,反正係咁樣樣。(mou5 co3 , so2 ji5 nei5 jiu3 tung4 keoi5 gaai2 sik1 nei5 gam2 joeng2 zou6 , waang4 dim6 hai6 gam2 joeng2 ,faan2 zing3 hai6 gam2 joeng2 joeng2 。)
David: Yeah. The pattern again is
Melody: 橫掂 …… 都 …….。(waang4 dim6 …… dou1 …….。)
David: And as always, if you have trouble with this or any of our lessons, go check out our online transcripts or our downloadable transcripts.
Melody: 你可以喺我哋嘅網站睇到。(nei5 ho2 ji5 hai2 ngo5 dei6 ge3 mong5 zaam6 tai2 dou2 。)
David: Right. Every lesson has a list of downloadable files including these transcripts. They are a fantastic way to make sure this stuff sticks.
Melody: 冇錯, 你一定會用到。(mou5 co3 , nei5 jat1 ding6 wui2 jung6 dou2 。)
David: Yeah and if you have any questions after reading them, of course Melody, people can give us comments.
Melody: 冇錯,我哋一定會回覆你哋。(mou5 co3 ,ngo5 dei6 jat1 ding6 wui2 wui4 fuk1 nei5 dei6 。)


David: Yeah and we are looking forward to hearing from you. For now though, that’s all the time we have. Congratulations on finishing season 1 and we will see you with some more difficult lessons in the future.
Melody: 希望下次仲可以見到你哋。(hei1 mong6 haa6 ci3 zung6 ho2 ji3 gin3 dou3 nei5 dei6 。)
David: Thanks for listening.
Melody: Bye bye.

