
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係 (daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6) Melody。
David: And we are here today with an intermediate, season 1, Lesson 24. A Different Kind of Mid-air Crisis in Hong Kong.
Melody: 唔,呢個對話呢應該係個空務人員同個乘客之間嘅,我諗。(m4 ,ni1 go3 deoi3 waa6 ne1 jing1 goi1 hai6 go3 hung1 mou6 jan4 jyun4 tung4 go3 sing4 haak3 zi1 gaan1 ge3 ,ngo5 lam2 。)
David: Right. So the dialogue is between an airline employee and a passenger.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. They are making an announcement actually.
Melody: 冇錯, 不過我覺得呢件事冇乜可能會發生囉。(mou5 co3 , bat1 gwo3 ngo5 gok3 dak1 ni1 gin6 si6 mou5 mat1 ho2 nang4 wui2 faat3 sang1 lo1 。)
David: Yes it’s – it is a bit strange but it’s in the kind of colloquial casual Cantonese you are going to hear everywhere including at airports. So let’s get to our dialogue.
A: 各位乘客,由於特殊嘅原因,飛機將會馬上掉頭,飛返出發地機場。為各位帶嚟嘅不便,非常抱歉。 (A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3, jau4 jyu1 dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1, fei1 gei1zoeng1 wui5 maa5 soeng6 diu6 tau4, fei1 faan2 ceot1 faat3 dei6gei1 coeng4. wai6 gok3 wai2 daai3 lei4 ge3 bat1 bin6, fei1soeng4 pou5 hip3.)
B: 特殊原因?有幾特殊啊?你解釋俾我聽! (B: dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1? jau5 gei2 dak6 syu4 aa3? nei5 gaai2 sik1bei2 ngo5 teng1!)
A: 機長老婆打電話嚟,話就快生得。(A: gei1 zoeng2 lou5 po4 daa2 din6 waa2 lei4, waa6 zau6 faai3 saang1 dak1.)
B: 飛機唔係唔准打電話嘅咩?(B: fei1 gei1 m4 hai6 m4 zeon2 daa2 din6 waa2 ge3 me1?)
A: 係你哋唔准啫! (A: hai6 nei5 dei6 m4 zeon2 ze1!)
B: 但係...生仔關取消航班咩事呀? (B: daan6 hai6... saang1 zai2 gwaan1 ceoi2 siu1 hong4 baan1 me1 si6 aa3?)
A: 因為機長已經成年冇返過屋企喇。 (A: jan1 wai6 gei1 zoeng2 ji5 ging1 seng4 nin4 mou5 faan1 gwo3 uk1kei2 laa3.)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 各位乘客,由於特殊嘅原因,飛機將會馬上掉頭,飛返出發地機場。為各位帶嚟嘅不便,非常抱歉。(A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3, jau4 jyu1 dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1, fei1 gei1zoeng1 wui5 maa5 soeng6 diu6 tau4, fei1 faan2 ceot1 faat3 dei6gei1 coeng4. wai6 gok3 wai2 daai3 lei4 ge3 bat1 bin6, fei1soeng4 pou5 hip3.)
B: 特殊原因?有幾特殊啊?你解釋俾我聽!(B: dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1? jau5 gei2 dak6 syu4 aa3? nei5 gaai2 sik1bei2 ngo5 teng1!)
A: 機長老婆打電話嚟,話就快生得。(A: gei1 zoeng2 lou5 po4 daa2 din6 waa2 lei4, waa6 zau6 faai3 saang1 dak1.)
B: 飛機唔係唔准打電話嘅咩? (B: fei1 gei1 m4 hai6 m4 zeon2 daa2 din6 waa2 ge3 me1?)
A: 係你哋唔准啫! (A: hai6 nei5 dei6 m4 zeon2 ze1!)
B: 但係...生仔關取消航班咩事呀? (B: daan6 hai6... saang1 zai2 gwaan1 ceoi2 siu1 hong4 baan1 me1 si6 aa3?)
A: 因為機長已經成年冇返過屋企喇。 (A: jan1 wai6 gei1 zoeng2 ji5 ging1 seng4 nin4 mou5 faan1 gwo3 uk1kei2 laa3.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 各位乘客,由於特殊嘅原因,飛機將會馬上掉頭,飛返出發地機場。為各位帶嚟嘅不便,非常抱歉。(A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3, jau4 jyu1 dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1, fei1 gei1zoeng1 wui5 maa5 soeng6 diu6 tau4, fei1 faan2 ceot1 faat3 dei6gei1 coeng4. wai6 gok3 wai2 daai3 lei4 ge3 bat1 bin6, fei1soeng4 pou5 hip3.)
A: Dear passengers, for exceptional reasons, our plane will fly back to the departure airport shortly. We apologize to all of you for the inconvenience, and we are very sorry.
B: 特殊原因?有幾特殊啊?你解釋俾我聽!(B: dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1? jau5 gei2 dak6 syu4 aa3? nei5 gaai2 sik1bei2 ngo5 teng1!)
B: Exceptional reasons? How exceptional? Explain to me!
A: 機長老婆打電話嚟,話就快生得。(A: gei1 zoeng2 lou5 po4 daa2 din6 waa2 lei4, waa6 zau6 faai3 saang1 dak1.)
A: The pilot's wife called and said she's going into labor.
B: 飛機唔係唔准打電話嘅咩? (B: fei1 gei1 m4 hai6 m4 zeon2 daa2 din6 waa2 ge3 me1?)
B: Aren't phone calls forbidden on planes?
A: 係你哋唔准啫! (A: hai6 nei5 dei6 m4 zeon2 ze1!)
A: Indeed, for passengers.
B: 但係...生仔關取消航班咩事呀? (B: daan6 hai6... saang1 zai2 gwaan1 ceoi2 siu1 hong4 baan1 me1 si6 aa3?)
B: But...why do we have to cancel the flight for that?
A: 因為機長已經成年冇返過屋企喇。 (A: jan1 wai6 gei1 zoeng2 ji5 ging1 seng4 nin4 mou5 faan1 gwo3 uk1kei2 laa3.)
A: Because the captain hasn't been home for a year.
Melody: 唔,我覺得因為機長老婆要生就要飛返去, 係咪唔係幾可能, 太誇張啦呢件事。 (m4 ,ngo5 gok3 dak1 jan1 wai6 gei1 zoeng5 lou5 po4 jiu3 saang1 zau6 jiu3 fei1 faan2 heoi3 , hai6 mai6 m4 hai6 gei2 ho2 nang4 , taai3 kwaa1 zoeng1 laa3 ni1 gin6 si6 。)
David: Yeah. It is a bit strange too. I mean if he hasn’t been back for a year, why is he rushing back now?
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right.
Melody: 而且飛機上咁多人,唔可以影響全部人㗎嘛! (ji4 ce2 fei1 gei1 soeng6 gam3 do1 jan4 ,m4 ho2 ji5 jing2 hoeng2 cyun4 bou6 jan4 gaa1 maa3 !)
David: Yeah. It might be a love-hate relationship. Anyway, I just hope the passengers get a refund on their tickets because it sounds like some of them are going to miss their connecting flights.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: So let’s get to our vocab section.
Melody: 特殊。(dak6 syu4。)
David: Exceptional.
Melody: 特 殊, 特殊, 簡單。 (dak6 syu4, dak6 syu4, gaan2 daan1。)
David: Simple.
Melody: 簡 單, 簡單, 掉頭。(gaan2 daan1, gaan2 daan1, diu3 tau4。)
David: To turn around.
Melody: 掉 頭, 掉頭, 出發地。(diu3 tau4, diu3 tau4, ceot1 faat3 dei6。)
David: Place of departure.
Melody: 出 發 地, 出發地, 目的地。 (ceot1 faat3 dei6, ceot1 faat3 dei6, muk6 dik1 dei6。)
David: Destination.
Melody: 目 的 地, 目的地, 不便。 (muk6 dik1 dei6, muk6 dik1 dei6, bat1 bin6。)
David: Inconvenient.
Melody: 不 便, 不便, 就快。 (bat1 bin6, bat1 bin6, zau6 faai3。)
David: Almost.
Melody: 就 快, 就快, 取消。 (zau6 faai3, zau6 faai3, ceoi2 siu1。)
David: To cancel.
Melody: 取 消, 取消, 延誤。 (ceoi2 siu1, ceoi2 siu1, jin4 ng6。)
David: To delay.
Melody: 延 誤, 延誤。 (jin4 ng6, jin4 ng6。)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. Our first word is
Melody: 特殊。(dak6 syu4 。)
David: Special.
Melody: 特殊。 (dak6 syu4 。)
David: Special or exceptional and we hear this in a lot of special phrases.
Melody: 特殊原因。 (dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1 。)
David: Special reasons.
Melody: 特殊原因。(dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1 。)
David: Special reasons.
Melody: 特殊情況。(dak6 syu4 cing4 fong3 。)
David: Exceptional circumstances.
Melody: 特殊情況。(dak6 syu4 cing4 fong3 。)
David: Right. Once more
Melody: 特殊原因, 特殊情況。(dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1 , dak6 syu4 cing4 fong3 。)
David: Okay Melody, what’s next?
Melody: 我哋下一個詞呢係 掉頭。(ngo5 dei6 haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 ne1 hai6 diu6 tau4 。)
David: To turn around.
Melody: 掉頭。(diu6 tau4 。)
David: To turn around.
Melody: 唔, 咁其實除咗飛機之外呢 , 揸車都可以用㗎! 譬如話喺前面紅綠燈掉頭。(m4 , gam2 kei4 sat6 ceoi4 zo2 fei1 gei1 zi1 ngoi6 ne1 , zaa1 ce1 dou1 ho2 ji5 jung6 gaa3 ! pei3 jyu4 waa6 hai2 cin4 min6 hung4 luk6 dang1 diu6 tau4 。)
David: And that would be, turn around at the traffic light.
Melody: 喺前面紅綠燈掉頭。(hai2 cin4 min6 hung4 luk6 dang1 diu6 tau4 。)
David: Turn around at the traffic light. So you’ve run into this in a lot of cabs. You are giving directions, right?
Melody: 係,冇錯。(hai6 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: Now how about turnaround and return to one’s starting point.
Melody: 掉頭返回出發地。(diu6 tau4 faan1 wui4 ceot1 faat3 dei6 。)
David: Turn around and return to the starting point.
Melody: 掉頭返回出發地, 出發地。(diu6 tau4 faan1 wui4 ceot1 faat3 dei6 , ceot1 faat3 dei6 。)
David: Right. That’s starting point.
Melody: 出發地。(ceot1 faat3 dei6 。)
David: And the opposite of this is destination.
Melody: 目的地。(muk6 dik1 dei6 。)
David: Destination.
Melody: 目的地。(muk6 dik1 dei6 。)
David: And that’s a physical place. We are talking about a physical location. If we are talking about a more general set of goals like my goal is to lose 5 kilograms, you are going to use a different word.
Melody: 目標。(muk6 biu1 。)
David: Goal.
Melody: 目標, 我嘅目標係減五公斤。(muk6 biu1 , ngo5 ge3 muk6 biu1 hai6 gaam2 ng5 gung1 gan1 。)
David: My goal is to lose 5 kilograms.
Melody: 我嘅目標係減五公斤。(ngo5 ge3 muk6 biu1 hai6 gaam2 ng5 gung1 gan1 。)
David: Right. So someone is overweight and they want to lose weight, but in our dialogue here, again we had starting point.
Melody: 出發地。(ceot1 faat3 dei6 。)
David: And destination.
Melody: 目的地。(muk6 dik1 dei6 。)
David: And we are going to hear most of these while traveling at airports or train stations.
Melody: 係呀!譬如話有陣時我哋成日會聽到 就快到目的地啦! (hai6 aa3 !pei3 jyu4 waa6 jau5 zan6 si4 ngo5 dei6 sing4 jat6 wui2 teng1 dou2 zau6 faai3 dou3 muk6 dik1 dei6 laa3 !)
David: Right. That might be an announcement telling people we are almost at our destination.
Melody: 就快到目的地啦!(zau6 faai3 dou3 muk6 dik1 dei6 laa3 !)
David: Attention passengers! We are almost at our destination.
Melody: 各位乘客, 我哋就快到目的地啦! (gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3 , ngo5 dei6 zau6 faai3 dou3 muk6 dik1 dei6 laa3 !)
David: Right. One more word before we get to our grammar section and that’s the word for inconvenient.
Melody: 不便。(bat1 bin6 。)
David: Inconvenient.
Melody: 不便。(bat1 bin6 。)
David: And this is of course the opposite of
Melody: 方便。(fong1 bin6 。)
David: Convenient.
Melody: 方便。(fong1 bin6 。)
David: Right. If you want, you can still say
Melody: 唔方便。(m4 fong1 bin6 。)
David: Right but in Hong Kong, people are just going to say
Melody: 不便。(bat1 bin6 。)
David: Much easier.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Okay. And with that, let’s get to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

David: Okay Melody, we’ve got a grammar structure for people today.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: And this is such a useful one.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: What are we looking at?
Melody: 喺對話入面呢我哋會聽到 生仔關取消航班咩事呀?(hai2 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 ne1 ngo5 dei6 wui2 teng1 dou2 saang1 zai2 gwaan1 ceoi2 siu1 hong4 baan1 me1 si6 aa3 ?)
David: Our grammar structure here is
Melody: 關 ….... 咩事?(gwaan1 ….... me1 si6 ?)
David: And this literally means, with something what’s it have to do.
Melody: 關 ….... 咩事?(gwaan1 ….... me1 si6 ?)
David: What does that have to do with something? Now this is a pattern. So we are going to put something in the middle. For instance
Melody: 關我咩事?(gwaan1 ngo5 me1 si6 ?)
David: What does that have to do with me?
Melody: 關我咩事?(gwaan1 ngo5 me1 si6 ?)
David: What’s that have to do with me.
Melody: 或者可以話 關你咩事?(waak6 ze2 ho2 ji5 waa6 gwaan1 nei5 me1 si6 ?)
David: What’s that got to do with you?
Melody: 關你咩事?(gwaan1 nei5 me1 si6 ?)
David: How is this any of your business?
Melody: 關你咩事?(gwaan1 nei5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. It can be more than a pronoun. We can put any noun in the middle of it.
Melody: 冇錯, 所有名詞都可以放入去, 譬如話關部車咩事?(mou5 co3 , so2 jau5 ming4 ci4 dou1 ho2 ji5 fong3 jap6 heoi3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 gwaan1 bou6 ce1 me1 si6 ?)
David: Let’s hear that again.
Melody: 關部車咩事?(gwaan1 bou6 ce1 me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. So maybe you are driving and someone says, what does it have to do with that car?
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. Someone complains about their driving behavior. Well, it’s
Melody: 關部車咩事?(gwaan1 bou6 ce1 me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. What does it have to do with that car?
Melody: 冇錯, 通常放一個名詞喺入面, 或者一種情況。(mou5 co3 , tung1 soeng4 fong3 jat1 go3 ming4 ci4 hai2 jap6 min6 , waak6 ze2 jat1 zung2 cing4 fong3 。)
David: Right. So we are either putting a noun or a situation in the middle of this pattern. Now let’s hear some more complex examples to get a sense of how you are going to hear this in Hong Kong.
Melody: 譬如話你有陣時朋友唔開心, 你會問佢 你唔高興 關我咩事?(pei3 jyu4 waa6 nei5 jau5 zan6 si4 pang4 jau5 m4 hoi1 sam1 , nei5 wui2 man6 keoi5 nei5 m4 gou1 hing3 gwaan1 ngo5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Why are you blaming me if you are unhappy?
Melody: 你唔開心 關我咩事?(nei5 m4 hoi1 sam1 gwaan1 ngo5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. This is basically taken from a fight at Cantonese.
Melody: 係,冇錯, 佢可能真係話你點解要鬧我, 又唔關我事, 關我咩事?(hai6 ,mou5 co3 , keoi5 ho2 nang4 zan1 hai6 waa6 nei5 dim2 gaai2 jiu3 naau6 ngo5 , jau6 m4 gwaan1 ngo5 si6 , gwaan1 ngo5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Yeah. What’s it got to do with me if you are unhappy? How about another example?
Melody: 唔,譬如有陣時會同情敵講話, 我同佢拍拖, 關你咩事?(m4 ,pei3 jyu4 jau5 zan6 si4 wui2 tung4 cing4 dik6 gong2 waa6 , ngo5 tung4 keoi5 paak3 to1 , gwaan1 nei5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. So this is a love quarrel between maybe a daughter and her mother.
Melody: 有可能, 我同佢拍拖, 關你咩事?(jau5 ho2 nang4 , ngo5 tung4 keoi5 paak3 to1 , gwaan1 nei5 me1 si6 ?)
David: I am in love with him and what does that have to do with you.
Melody: 我同佢拍拖, 關你咩事?(ngo5 tung4 keoi5 paak3 to1 , gwaan1 nei5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Or how is my relationship with him or her any of your business?
Melody: 唔,但係如果用呢句嘅話呢,可能會令人覺得你有少少嬲,唔係幾高興。(m4 ,daan6 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 jung6 ni1 geoi3 ge3 waa6 ne1 ,ho2 nang4 wui2 ling6 jan4 gok3 dak1 nei5 jau5 siu2 siu2 nau1 ,m4 hai6 gei2 gou1 hing3 。)
David: Yeah it sounds angry or impatient. It sounds frustrated but it’s exactly like the English expression.
Melody: 係,冇錯。(hai6 ,mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. You are being a bit short with someone. So that’s our grammar point for today. It’s this pattern.
Melody: 關 ….... 咩事?(gwaan1 ….... me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. And we put a noun or a situation in the middle of that pattern.
Melody: 關我咩事?(gwaan1 ngo5 me1 si6 ?)
David: Right. And with that, we are at the end of our podcast. As always, if you have trouble getting these things to stick in your mind, there is something you could do that’s really easy.
Melody: 隨時下載我哋嘅文件,入面有好多嘢你哋可以學。(ceoi4 si4 haa6 zoi3 ngo5 dei6 ge3 man4 gin2 ,jap6 min6 jau5 hou2 do1 je5 nei5 dei6 ho2 ji5 hok6 。)
David: Our transcripts include a copy of the dialogue, the key vocab for the lesson and we write down the grammar point with lot of sample sentences too.
Melody: 冇錯, 一定會好有用。(mou5 co3 , jat1 ding6 wui2 hou2 jau5 jung6 。)
David: Yeah it’s really useful. A great way to review is to print this out and look at it the day after you listen to one of our shows.
Melody: 希望你哋可以學好粵語。(hei1 mong6 nei5 dei6 ho2 ji5 hok6 hou2 jyut6 jyu5 。)


David: For now though, that’s all the time we have. I am David.
Melody: 我係 Melody。(ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: Thanks a lot for listening and if you have any questions, we will see you on the site.
Melody:下次再見。 Bye bye. (haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 。 Bye bye .)

