
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係Melody。(daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And we are here today with an intermediate, season 1, Lesson 13. A Hong Kong Airline with a Bad Track Record.
Melody: 唔,有個乘客呢佢喺機場聽到廣播話佢架飛機又要延遲呀!(m4 ,jau5 go3 sing4 haak3 ne1 keoi5 hai2 gei1 coeng4 teng1 dou2 gwong2 bo3 waa6 keoi5 gaa3 fei1 gei1 jau6 jiu3 jin4 ci4 aa3 !)
David: Right. So we have a passenger who is waiting to get on this plane in the airport and the announcement comes on, it’s been delayed.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Yes.
Melody: 所以你可能會聽到個乘客可能好激氣,可能佢嘅語速會有少少快。(so2 ji5 nei5 ho2 nang4 wui2 teng1 dou2 go3 sing4 haak3 ho2 nang4 hou2 gik1 hei3 ,ho2 nang4 keoi5 ge3 jyu5 cuk1 wui2 jau5 siu2 siu2 faai3 。)
David: Right. So our dialogue is in casual Cantonese as always but this is also – this is what you are going to hear in the airport. Let’s get to the dialogue.
A: 各位乘客請注意... (A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3 cing2 zyu3 ji3 ...)
B: 真係黑仔,冇一次唔延遲!(B: zan1 hai6 haak2 zai2, mou5 jat1 ci3 m4 jin4 ci4 !)
A: 你乘搭嘅班機OT9413前往亞拉斯加嘅航班,因飛機故障要延遲起飛。(A: nei5 sing4 daap3 ge3 baan1 gei1 OT9413 cin4 wong5 aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1 ge3 hong4 baan1, jan1 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 jiu3 jin4 ci4 hei2 fei1.)
B: 又遲,上次係大霧,今次係飛機故障!(B: jau6 ci4, soeng5 ci3 hai6 daai6 mou6, gam1 ci3 hai6 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 !)
A: 請你喺候機室等候通知。(A: cing2 nei5 hai2 hau6 gei1 sat1 dang2 hau6 tung1 zi1.)
B: 唉!我以後都唔搭OT航空嘅機! (B: aai1 ! ngo5 ji5 hau6 dou1 m4 daap3 OT hong4 hung1 ge3 gei1 !)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 各位乘客請注意...(A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3 cing2 zyu3 ji3 ...)
B: 真係黑仔,冇一次唔延遲!(B: zan1 hai6 haak2 zai2, mou5 jat1 ci3 m4 jin4 ci4 !)
A: 你乘搭嘅班機OT9413前往亞拉斯加嘅航班,因飛機故障要延遲起飛。(A: nei5 sing4 daap3 ge3 baan1 gei1 OT9413 cin4 wong5 aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1 ge3 hong4 baan1, jan1 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 jiu3 jin4 ci4 hei2 fei1.)
B: 又遲,上次係大霧,今次係飛機故障!(B: jau6 ci4, soeng5 ci3 hai6 daai6 mou6, gam1 ci3 hai6 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 !)
A: 請你喺候機室等候通知。(A: cing2 nei5 hai2 hau6 gei1 sat1 dang2 hau6 tung1 zi1.)
B: 唉!我以後都唔搭OT航空嘅機! (B: aai1 ! ngo5 ji5 hau6 dou1 m4 daap3 OT hong4 hung1 ge3 gei1 !)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 各位乘客請注意...(A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3 cing2 zyu3 ji3 ...)
A: All passengers, please pay attention...
B: 真係黑仔,冇一次唔延遲!(B: zan1 hai6 haak2 zai2, mou5 jat1 ci3 m4 jin4 ci4 !)
B: How unlucky, the flights are delayed every single time!
A: 你乘搭嘅班機OT9413前往亞拉斯加嘅航班,因飛機故障要延遲起飛。(A: nei5 sing4 daap3 ge3 baan1 gei1 OT9413 cin4 wong5 aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1 ge3 hong4 baan1, jan1 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 jiu3 jin4 ci4 hei2 fei1.)
A: Flight number OT9413 to Alaska will be delayed due to a mechanical malfunction.
B: 又遲,上次係大霧,今次係飛機故障!(B: jau6 ci4, soeng5 ci3 hai6 daai6 mou6, gam1 ci3 hai6 fei1 gei1 gu3 zoeng3 !)
B: Again! Last time it was heavy fog, and this time it's a malfunction.
A: 請你喺候機室等候通知。(A: cing2 nei5 hai2 hau6 gei1 sat1 dang2 hau6 tung1 zi1.)
A: Please wait for further notice in the waiting area.
B: 唉!我以後都唔搭OT航空嘅機! (B: aai1 ! ngo5 ji5 hau6 dou1 m4 daap3 OT hong4 hung1 ge3 gei1 !)
B: *sigh* I will never take OT flights ever again!
Melody: 唉! 飛機呢延遲真係好令人頭痛呀,我試過呢因為飛機延遲喺機場等咗一日一夜呀!(aai1 ! fei1 gei1 ne1 jin4 ci4 zan1 hai6 hou2 ling6 jan4 tau4 tung3 aa3 ,ngo5 si3 gwo3 ne1 jan1 wai6 fei1 gei1 jin4 ci4 hai2 gei1 coeng4 dang2 zo2 jat1 jat6 jat1 je6 aa3 !)
David: One day and one night.
Melody: 冇錯, 一日一夜。(mou5 co3 , jat1 jat6 jat1 je6 。)
David: So 24 hours. Did you guys have to stay in the airport the whole time?
Melody: 坐喺嗰度等。(co5 hai2 go2 dou6 dang2 。)
David: Oh ouch! I was delayed three days once but they let us leave.
Melody: Ah!
David: So that was – that was okay.
Melody: 好啲可以去瞓覺。(hou2 di1 ho2 ji5 heoi3 fan3 gaau3 。)
David: Yeah. Anyway it is worse when you don’t know when the plane is going to take off. Let’s move on to our vocab though which has lot of airport terminology.
Melody: 乘客。(sing4 haak3。)
David: Passenger.
Melody: 乘 客, 乘客, 黑仔。(sing4 haak3, sing4 haak3, haak1 zai2。)
David: Unlucky.
Melody: 黑 仔, 黑仔, 故障。(haak1 zai2, haak1 zai2, gu3 zoeng3。)
David: Malfunction.
Melody: 故 障, 故障, 延遲。(gu3 zoeng3, gu3 zoeng3, jin4 ci4。)
David: To delay.
Melody: 延 遲, 延遲, 起飛。(jin4 ci4, jin4 ci4, hei2 fei1。)
David: To take off.
Melody: 起 飛, 起飛, 以後。(hei2 fei1 , hei2 fei1 , ji5 hau6。)
David: From now on.
Melody: 以 後, 以後, 搭。(ji5 hau6, ji5 hau6, daap3。)
David: To ride.
Melody: 搭, 搭, 阿拉斯加。(daap3, daap3, aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1。)
David: Alaska.
Melody: 阿 拉 斯 加, 阿拉斯加。(aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1, aa3 laai1 si1 gaa1。)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. Our first word is
Melody: 黑仔。(hak1 zai2 。)
David: Unlucky.
Melody: 黑仔。(hak1 zai2 。)
David: Literally this means black man.
Melody:唔,黑其實係一種顏色,但係佢唔係指呢個人嘅皮膚好黑,佢係指示佢好唔好彩。(m4 ,hak1 kei4 sat6 hai6 jat1 zung2 ngaan4 sik1 ,daan6 hai6 keoi5 m4 hai6 zi2 ni1 go3 jan4 ge3 pei4 fu1 hou2 hak1 ,keoi5 hai6 zi2 si6 keoi5 hou2 m4 hou2 coi2 。)
David: Right. So it’s not actually a person, it’s just a word that means unlucky.
Melody: 冇錯,譬如話 唉!今日真係黑仔呀!唔見咗一百蚊。(mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 aai1 !gam1 jat6 zan1 hai6 hak1 zai2 aa3 !m4 gin3 zo2 jat1 baak3 man1 。)
David: Today is really unlucky, I lost USD100.
Melody: 今日真係黑仔呀!唔見咗一百蚊。(gam1 jat6 zan1 hai6 hak1 zai2 aa3 !m4 gin3 zo2 jat1 baak3 man1 。)
David: Today is really unlucky. I lost USD100 and Melody, as you said, this isn’t male, it’s not female. You can use this to describe anything.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: Right. In our dialogue, we heard this used to describe a flight delay.
Melody: 冇錯,佢唔一定係指男仔,所以我哋會聽到 咁黑仔㗎!飛機又要延遲。(mou5 co3 ,keoi5 m4 jat1 ding6 hai6 zi2 naam4 zai2 ,so2 ji5 ngo5 dei6 wui2 teng1 dou2 gam3 hak1 zai2 gaa3 !fei1 gei1 jau6 jiu3 jin4 ci4 。)
David: Let’s hear that again a bit slower.
Melody: 咁黑仔㗎!飛機又要延遲。(gam3 hak1 zai2 gaa3 !fei1 gei1 jau6 jiu3 jin4 ci4 。)
David: Why are we so unlucky, the plane is delayed again?
Melody: 咁黑仔㗎!飛機又要延遲。(gam3 hak1 zai2 gaa3 !fei1 gei1 jau6 jiu3 jin4 ci4 。)
David: Why so unlucky, the plane is delayed again and it’s delayed because it’s got a malfunction, right.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: So our next word is the word for delay.
Melody: 延遲。(jin4 ci4 。)
David: To delay.
Melody: 延遲, 除咗用喺飛機上面呢,我哋亦都可以話 會議延遲。(jin4 ci4 , ceoi4 zo2 jung6 hai2 fei1 gei1 soeng6 min6 ne1 ,ngo5 dei6 jik6 dou1 ho2 ji5 waa6 wui2 ji5 jin4 ci4 。)
David: The meeting is delayed.
Melody: 會議延遲。(wui2 ji5 jin4 ci4 。)
David: Or the meeting is postponed. So in addition to delaying things and in addition to delaying things, we can also push them up.
Melody: 提前。(tai4 cin4 。)
David: To move forward.
Melody: 提前。(tai4 cin4 。)
David: So you could say, the flight has been delayed.
Melody: 飛機延遲。(fei1 gei1 jin4 ci4 。)
David: Or the flight has been moved forward.
Melody: 飛機 提前。(fei1 gei1 tai4 cin4 。)
David: Note the way we put these verbs after this thing that’s been delayed or moved forward. So we are saying flight delayed.
Melody: 飛機延遲。(fei1 gei1 jin4 ci4 。)
David: Meeting moved forward.
Melody: 會議提前。(wui2 ji5 tai4 cin4 。)
David: This is a bit different than in English. The nouns go first in Cantonese.
Melody: 係呀!咁不如我比你一個句子咁嘅例子吖!譬如話聽日個會議提前到今日。(hai6 aa3 !gam2 bat1 jyu4 ngo5 bei2 nei5 jat1 go3 geoi3 zi2 gam2 ge3 lai6 zi2 aa1 !pei3 jyu4 waa6 ting1 jat6 go3 wui2 ji5 tai4 cin4 dou3 gam1 jat6 。)
David: Tomorrow’s meeting has been pushed up to today.
Melody: 聽日個會議提前到今日。(ting1 jat6 go3 wui2 ji5 tai4 cin4 dou3 gam1 jat6 。)
David: Tomorrow’s meeting has been pushed up to today.
Melody: 唔, 我哋下一個詞呢通常會喺飛機場入面聽到嘅,起飛。(m4 , ngo5 dei6 haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 ne1 tung1 soeng4 wui2 hai2 fei1 gei1 coeng4 jap6 min6 teng1 dou2 ge3 ,hei2 fei1 。)
David: To take off.
Melody: 起飛。(hei2 fei1 。)
David: To take off.
Melody: 佢嘅相反詞呢係 降落。(keoi5 ge3 soeng1 faan2 ci4 ne1 hai6 gong3 lok6 。)
David: To land.
Melody: 降落。(gong3 lok6 。)
David: To land. And let’s put these in a sample sentence.
Melody: 飛機幾點起飛?(fei1 gei1 gei2 dim2 hei2 fei1 ?)
David: What time does the plane take off?
Melody: 飛機幾點降落?(fei1 gei1 gei2 dim2 gong3 lok6 ?)
David: What time does the plane land? Useful vocab for airports. In our grammar point today, we want to remind you of something that a lot of intermediate students get wrong. Let’s get to it.

Lesson focus

David: What’s our grammar point today?
Melody: 今日我哋要教嘅係 係同埋喺。(gam1 jat6 ngo5 dei6 jiu3 gaau3 ge3 hai6 hai6 tung4 maai4 hai2 。)
David: It’s these two words that sound almost the same.
Melody: 係, 喺。(hai6 , hai2 。)
David: But they are different.
Melody: 冇錯, 第一個 係 通常會聽到 係唔係?(mou5 co3 , dai6 jat1 go3 hai6 tung1 soeng4 wui2 teng1 dou2 hai6 m4 hai6 ?)
David: To be or not to be.
Melody: 係唔係?(hai6 m4 hai6 ?)
David: Is it or isn’t it.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: Yes it is.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: Yeah sure yes it is.
Melody: 你係邊個?(nei5 hai6 bin1 go3 ?)
David: Who are you? So this is the first sound.
Melody: 係。(hai6 。)
David: You guys already know this. We covered this. We covered this in our beginning series, right. The second sound is deceptively similar.
Melody: 喺, 通常我哋會聽到 喺邊度?(hai2 , tung1 soeng4 ngo5 dei6 wui2 teng1 dou2 hai2 bin1 dou6 ?)
David: Where
Melody: 喺邊度?(hai2 bin1 dou6 ?)
David: Where
Melody: 喺呢度?(hai2 ni1 dou6 ?)
David: Right here.
Melody: 喺嗰度?(hai2 go2 dou6 ?)
David: Right there.
Melody: 唔, 就好似喺個對話入面呢我哋聽到 喺候機室。(m4 , zau6 hou2 ci5 hai2 go3 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 ne1 ngo5 dei6 teng1 dou2 hai2 hau6 gei1 sat1 。)
David: In the waiting room.
Melody: 喺候機室。(hai2 hau6 gei1 sat1 。)
David: And that’s what we heard in the dialogue. The announcement said, wait in the waiting room.
Melody: 冇錯, 所以第一個 係 表示肯定, 第二個 喺 後面要加一個地方。(mou5 co3 , so2 ji5 dai6 jat1 go3 hai6 biu2 si6 hang2 ding6 , dai6 ji6 go3 hai2 hau6 min6 jiu3 gaa1 jat1 go3 dei6 fong1 。)
David: Right. We’ve covered these in earlier lessons but we wanted to reemphasize them and put them together in this lesson because they confuse a lot of people. And this is one of the easy places where intermediate students go wrong. If you get your tones wrong on this point, people are going to understand you but you are going to sound not native.
Melody: 冇錯, 所以聽清楚, 第一個係 係, 第二個 喺。(mou5 co3 , so2 ji5 teng1 cing1 co2 , dai6 jat1 go3 hai6 hai6 , dai6 ji6 go3 hai2 。)
David: Different sounds. If you mix them up, you will be understood but you also sound nonnative. Let’s hear a couple more examples.
Melody: 喺唔喺?(hai2 m4 hai2 ?)
David: That’s the second one. Are you here?
Melody: 喺唔喺?(hai2 m4 hai2 ?)
David: Are you here?
Melody: 唔係。(m4 hai6 。)
David: That’s the first one, not to be.
Melody: 唔係。(m4 hai6 。)
David: Not to be.
Melody: 唔喺。(m4 hai2 。)
David: Tricky, that’s the second one again and it means not here.
Melody: 唔喺。(m4 hai2 。)
David: Let’s hear all three of those again.
Melody: 喺唔喺, 唔係, 唔喺。(hai2 m4 hai2 , m4 hai6 , m4 hai2 。)
David: The sound is very similar but the tones are different.
Melody: 冇錯,所以一定要注意。(mou5 co3 ,so2 ji5 jat1 ding6 jiu3 zyu3 ji3 。)


David: Yeah. So that’s our lesson for today. Before we go, I want to take the chance to remind you guys that tones are tricky in Cantonese. Now we don’t have time in this podcast to go over the tones of all of the words that we teach.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: But we have them in the transcripts and we have them on the site. So if you are learning Cantonese, go get those transcripts and look at them.
Melody: 太好啦!(taai3 hou2 laa3 !)
David: It’s going to make sure that you are speaking with the proper tone. For now though, it is all the time we have. I am David.
Melody: 我係 Melody。(ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Melody: 好希望下次再見。(hou2 hei1 mong6 haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 。)


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