
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係Melody。(daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And our lesson today is in intermediate season 1, Lesson 12. Barking up the Wrong Tree in Hong Kong.
Melody: 唔,應該係一個好有趣嘅對話,係關於兩個打劫銀行嘅匪徒喺度傾緊偈?(m4 ,jing1 goi1 hai6 jat1 go3 hou2 jau5 ceoi3 ge3 deoi3 waa6 ,hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 loeng5 go3 daa2 gip3 ngan4 hong4 ge3 fei2 tou4 hai2 dou6 king1 gan2 gai2 ?)
David: Right. So it’s two thieves who’ve already robbed a bank but one of them just can’t stop thinking about it.
Melody: 唔,唔係因為錢,係因為愛情。(m4 ,m4 hai6 jan1 wai6 cin2 ,hai6 jan1 wai6 ngoi3 cing4 。)
David: Right. It’s because of love. So we’ve got a conversation here between the two robbers. They are speaking casual Cantonese as always. Let’s go listen.
A: 喂! 你打電話俾邊個呀?(A: wai3 ! nei5 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 bin1 go3 aa3 ?)
B: 啊...(B: aa6 ...)
A: 唔係嗰日銀行個女警呀?(A: m4 hai6 go2 jat6 ngan4 hong4 go3 neoi5 ging2 aa5 ?)
B: 我對佢一見鍾情,唔可以忘記佢!(B: ngo5 deoi3 keoi5 jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4, m4 ho2 ji5 mong4 gei3 keoi5 !)
A: 你癡咗線咩? 我哋嗰日打劫緊銀行㗎!(A: nei5 ci1 zo2 sin3 me1 ? ngo5 dei6 go2 jat6 daa2 gip3 gan2 ngan4 hong4 gaa3 !)
B: 我哋戴咗頭套,佢唔認得我哋㗎。(B: ngo5 dei6 daai3 zo2 tau4 tou3, keoi5 m4 jing6 dak1 ngo5 dei6 gaa3.)
A: 你係唔係想自投羅網?(A: nei5 hai6 m4 hai6 soeng2 zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 ?)
B: 佢嗰時已經放咗工,而且係佢自己俾佢嘅電話號碼我。(B: keoi5 go2 si4 ji5 ging1 fong3 zo2 gung1, ji4 ce2 hai6 keoi5 zi6 gei2 bei2 keoi5 din6 waa2 hou6 maa5 ngo5.)
A: 咩呀!係因為你當時用槍指住佢個頭呀!(A: me1 aa3 ! hai6 jan1 wai6 nei5 dong1 si4 jung6 coeng1 zi2 zyu6 keoi5 go3 tau4 aa3 !)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 喂! 你打電話俾邊個呀?(A: wai3 ! nei5 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 bin1 go3 aa3 ?)
B: 啊... (B: aa6 ...)
A: 唔係嗰日銀行個女警呀?(A: m4 hai6 go2 jat6 ngan4 hong4 go3 neoi5 ging2 aa5 ?)
B: 我對佢一見鍾情,唔可以忘記佢!(B: ngo5 deoi3 keoi5 jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4, m4 ho2 ji5 mong4 gei3 keoi5 !)
A: 你癡咗線咩? 我哋嗰日打劫緊銀行㗎!(A: nei5 ci1 zo2 sin3 me1 ? ngo5 dei6 go2 jat6 daa2 gip3 gan2 ngan4 hong4 gaa3 !)
B: 我哋戴咗頭套,佢唔認得我哋㗎。(B: ngo5 dei6 daai3 zo2 tau4 tou3, keoi5 m4 jing6 dak1 ngo5 dei6 gaa3.)
A: 你係唔係想自投羅網?(A: nei5 hai6 m4 hai6 soeng2 zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 ?)
B: 佢嗰時已經放咗工,而且係佢自己俾佢嘅電話號碼我。(B: keoi5 go2 si4 ji5 ging1 fong3 zo2 gung1, ji4 ce2 hai6 keoi5 zi6 gei2 bei2 keoi5 din6 waa2 hou6 maa5 ngo5.)
A: 咩呀!係因為你當時用槍指住佢個頭呀!(A: me1 aa3 ! hai6 jan1 wai6 nei5 dong1 si4 jung6 coeng1 zi2 zyu6 keoi5 go3 tau4 aa3 !)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 喂! 你打電話俾邊個呀?(A: wai3 ! nei5 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 bin1 go3 aa3 ?)
A: Hey! Who are you calling?
B: 啊...(B: aa6 ...)
B: Uhhh...
A: 唔係嗰日銀行個女警呀?(A: m4 hai6 go2 jat6 ngan4 hong4 go3 neoi5 ging2 aa5 ?)
A: Don't tell me it's the cop from the bank the other day?
B: 我對佢一見鍾情,唔可以忘記佢!(B: ngo5 deoi3 keoi5 jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4, m4 ho2 ji5 mong4 gei3 keoi5 !)
B: I fell in love with her at first sight, I can't forget her!
A: 你癡咗線咩? 我哋嗰日打劫緊銀行㗎!(A: nei5 ci1 zo2 sin3 me1 ? ngo5 dei6 go2 jat6 daa2 gip3 gan2 ngan4 hong4 gaa3 !)
A: Are you crazy? We were robbing the bank that day!
B: 我哋戴咗頭套,佢唔認得我哋㗎。(B: ngo5 dei6 daai3 zo2 tau4 tou3, keoi5 m4 jing6 dak1 ngo5 dei6 gaa3.)
B: We were wearing masks, she won't recognize us.
A: 你係唔係想自投羅網?(A: nei5 hai6 m4 hai6 soeng2 zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 ?)
A: Do you want to get caught?
B: 佢嗰時已經放咗工,而且係佢自己俾佢嘅電話號碼我。(B: keoi5 go2 si4 ji5 ging1 fong3 zo2 gung1, ji4 ce2 hai6 keoi5 zi6 gei2 bei2 keoi5 din6 waa2 hou6 maa5 ngo5.)
B: She was already off duty. And she gave me her phone number.
A: 咩呀!係因為你當時用槍指住佢個頭呀!(A: me1 aa3 ! hai6 jan1 wai6 nei5 dong1 si4 jung6 coeng1 zi2 zyu6 keoi5 go3 tau4 aa3 !)
A: What? It's because you were pointing a gun to her head!
Melody: 打劫咗之後仲有心情去溝女,實在太誇張啦!( daa2 gip3 zo2 zi1 hau6 zung6 jau5 sam1 cing4 heoi3 kau1 neoi5 ,sat6 zoi6 taai3 kwaa1 zoeng1 laa3 !)
David: Right. Well you know, love is a curious thing. Maybe, just maybe the woman likes him too…
Melody: 唔,我唔覺得囉!佢一定會比人捉。(m4 ,ngo5 m4 gok3 dak1 lo1 !keoi5 jat1 ding6 wui2 bei2 jan4 zuk1 。)
David: Melody is not romantic. Anyway our vocab today is about the cops and crime and love.
Melody: 女警。(neoi5 ging2。)
David: Female cop.
Melody: 女 警, 女警, 男警。(neoi5 ging2, neoi5 ging2, naam4 ging2。)
David: Male cop.
Melody: 男 警, 男警, 警署。(naam4 ging2, naam4 ging2, ging2 cyu5。)
David: Police station.
Melody: 警 署, 警署, 一見鍾情。(ging2 cyu5, ging2 cyu5, jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4。)
David: Love at first sight.
Melody: 一 見 鍾 情, 一見鍾情, 打劫。(jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4, jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4, daa2 gip3。)
David: To rob.
Melody: 打 劫, 打劫, 帶頭套。(daa2 gip3, daa2 gip3, daai3 tau4 tou3。)
David: To wear a mask.
Melody: 帶 頭 套, 帶頭套, 自投羅網。(daai3 tau4 tou3, daai3 tau4 tou3, zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5。)
David: To get caught due to one’s own fault.
Melody: 自 投 羅 網, 自投羅網, 認得。(zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5, zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5, jing6 dak1。)
David: To recognize.
Melody: 認 得, 認得, 當時。(jing6 dak1, jing6 dak1, dong1 si4。)
David: At that time.
Melody: 當 時, 當時, 槍。(dong1 si4, dong1 si4, coeng1。)
David: Gun.
Melody: 槍, 槍。(coeng1, coeng1。)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. Our first word is
Melody: 女警。(neoi5 ging2 。)
David: Female police officer.
Melody: 女警。(neoi5 ging2 。)
David: A female cop.
Melody: 但係如果你唔知係男仔呀定係女仔嘅話,就直接可以叫警察。(daan6 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 nei5 m4 zi1 hai6 naam4 zai2 aa3 ding6 hai6 neoi5 zai2 ge3 waa6 ,zau6 zik6 zip3 ho2 ji5 giu3 ging2 caat3 。)
David: So the gender neutral term is
Melody: 警察。(ging2 caat3 。)
David: But if we know it’s a man, we can also say
Melody: 男警。(naam4 ging2 。)
David: Male police officer.
Melody: 男警。(naam4 ging2 。)
David: Male cop.
Melody: 男警, 下一個詞係 警署。(naam4 ging2 , haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 hai6 ging2 cyu5 。)
David: Police station.
Melody: 警署。(ging2 cyu5。)
David: Police station.
Melody: 或者可以話 警局。(waak6 ze2 ho2 ji5 waa6 ging2 guk2 。)
David: So there are two words for saying the police station.
Melody: 警署, 警局。(ging2 cyu5 , ging2 guk2 。)
David: Which is more common?
Melody: 唔,警局係比較常用啲。(m4 ,ging2 guk2 hai6 bei2 gaau3 soeng4 jung6 di1 。)
David: Right. So the one in our dialogue, it’s a bit more formal.
Melody: 係呀!警署就正式啲。(hai6 aa3! ging2 cyu5 zau6 zing3 sik1 di1 。)
David: Yeah. Are they of the same size?
Melody: 冇錯,佢哋係一摸一樣㗎。不如我比你個例子吖!如果你而家去警署, 就等如自投羅網。(mou5 co3 ,keoi5 dei6 hai6 jat1 mo2 jat1 joeng6 gaa3 。bat1 jyu4 ngo5 bei2 nei5 go3 lai6 zi2 aa1 !jyu4 gwo2 nei5 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 ging2 cyu5 , zau6 dang2 jyu4 zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 。)
David: If you go to the police station now, you will be giving yourself up.
Melody: 如果你而家去警局, 就等如自投羅網。(jyu4 gwo2 nei5 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 ging2 guk2 , zau6 dang2 jyu4 zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 。)
David: If you go to the police station now, you will be giving yourself up.
Melody: 下一個詞係 打劫。(haa6 jat1 go3 ci4 hai6 daa2 gip3 。)
David: To rob.
Melody: 打劫。(daa2 gip3 。)
David: You can also say
Melody: 搶劫。(coeng2 gip3 。)
David: To rob.
Melody: 搶劫。(coeng2 gip3 。)
David: Let’s hear those two together.
Melody: 打劫, 搶劫。( daa2 gip3 , coeng2 gip3。)
David: Both of these mean to rob as in to rob a bank.
Melody: 打劫銀行或者搶劫銀行。(daa2 gip3 ngan4 hong4 waak6 ze2 coeng2 gip3 ngan4 hong4 。)
David: And both of these are pretty serious. It implies that you are doing something with a weapon.
Melody: 冇錯,都係幾嚴重 攞住武器㗎!(mou5 co3 ,dou1 hai6 gei2 jim4 zung6 lo2 zyu6 mou5 hei3 gaa3 !)
David: Right. Now our next word describes what the robbers were doing in the bank. Specifically they were wearing masks.
Melody: 帶頭套。(daai3 tau4 tou3 。)
David: To wear a mask.
Melody: 帶頭套。(daai3 tau4 tou3 。)
David: The noun there is
Melody: 頭套。(tau4 tou3 。)
David: The noun there is
Melody: 頭套。(tau4 tou3 。)
David: Mask.
Melody: 頭套。(tau4 tou3 。)
David: And we wear masks.
Melody: 帶頭套, 我哋可以加好多其他唔同嘅嘢喺後面,譬如話帶耳環,帶頸鏈,帶帽。(daai3 tau4 tou3 , ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 gaa1 hou2 do1 kei4 taa1 m4 tung4 ge3 je5 hai2 hau6 min6 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 daai3 ji5 waan2 ,daai3 geng2 lin2 ,daai3 mou2 。)
David: Right. It’s the verb for wear. Now our last piece of vocab is the set phrase.
Melody: 自投羅網。(zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 。)
David: To give oneself up.
Melody: 自投羅網。(zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 。)
David: And it literally means yourself to throw into the net.
Melody: 冇錯,我諗係好蠢嘅人先會去咁做囉!自己去俾人捉,自投羅網。(mou5 co3 ,ngo5 lam2 hai6 hou2 ceon2 ge3 jan4 sin1 wui2 heoi3 gam2 zou6 lo1 !zi6 gei2 heoi3 bei2 jan4 zuk1 ,zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 。)
David: Right. So it implies doing something stupid or doing something foolish.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: You don’t need to do it. You are giving yourself up, you are throwing yourself into the net.
Melody: 唔,好蠢。(m4 ,hou2 ceon2 。)
David: Right. So it means to do something stupid, to give yourself up.
Melody: 係呀!譬如話如果佢打電話去警局,一定係自投羅網。(hai6 aa3 !pei3 jyu4 waa6 jyu4 gwo2 keoi5 daa2 din6 waa2 heoi3 ging2 guk2 ,jat1 ding6 hai6 zi6 tau4 lo4 mong5 。)
David: Right. So with that vocab, let’s move on to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

David: Melody, what’s our grammar point today?
Melody: 唔,我哋今日嘅 grammar point 唔係真係講語法,而係講點樣去溝女仔。(m4 ,ngo5 dei6 gam1 jat6 ge3 grammar point m4 hai6 zan1 hai6 gong2 jyu5 faat3 ,ji4 hai6 gong2 dim2 joeng2 heoi3 kau1 neoi5 zai2 。)
David: Right. So we are going to take a break from a grammar pattern this week to talk about love.
Melody: 太好啦!(taai3 hou2 laa3 !)
David: And we are going to talk particularly about passion and some set phrases in Cantonese you can use to impress people with the depth of your emotion.
Melody: 唔,冇錯,譬如喺對話入面有一個 一見鍾情。(m4 ,mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 hai2 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 jau5 jat1 go3 jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4 。)
David: Love at first sight.
Melody: 一見鍾情, 通常係形容第一次見面就愛上對方, 一見鍾情。(jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4 , tung1 soeng4 hai6 jing4 jung4 dai6 jat1 ci3 gin3 min6 zau6 ngoi3 soeng5 deoi3 fong1 , jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4 。)
David: So what’s the verb there? It means, as soon as you see someone, you…
Melody: 鍾情, 我鍾情於你 等於我愛上你。(zung1 cing4 , ngo5 zung1 cing4 jyu1 nei5 dang2 jyu1 ngo5 ngoi3 soeng5 nei5 。)
David: Right. It means to fall in love.
Melody: 冇錯, 譬如話第一次見女仔你可以同佢講 我對你一見鍾情, 比個電話號碼我吖!(mou5 co3 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 dai6 jat1 ci3 gin3 neoi5 zai2 nei5 ho2 ji5 tung4 keoi5 gong2 ngo5 deoi3 nei5 jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4 , bei2 go3 din6 waa2 hou6 maa5 ngo5 aa3 !)
David: And that actually I think will scare people off. If the first time you meet them, you ask and you tell them you are in love with them and you ask their number. However we have some other set phrases here that you can use that are a bit less scary.
Melody: 冇錯,譬如話你希望永遠同一個人喺埋一齊,可以話 天長地久。(mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 nei5 hei1 mong6 wing5 jyun5 tung4 jat1 go3 jan4 hai2 maai4 jat1 cai4 ,ho2 ji5 waa6 tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 。)
David: For a very long time.
Melody: 天長地久。(tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 。)
David: Literally this means, the heavens and the earth last a long time.
Melody: 唔,好浪漫, 天長地久。(m4 ,hou2 long6 maan6 , tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 。)
David: What it’s really saying that makes it romantic is, I will love you forever.
Melody: 譬如你可以同你女朋友講 希望我哋能夠 天長地久。(pei3 jyu4 nei5 ho2 ji5 tung4 nei5 neoi5 pang4 jau5 gong2 hei1 mong6 ngo5 dei6 nang4 gau3 tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 。)
David: Right which will be saying to her, I hope that we are together for a very long time.
Melody: 希望我哋能夠 天長地久。(hei1 mong6 ngo5 dei6 nang4 gau3 tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 。)
David: So these are two really romantic phrases.
Melody: 一見鍾情, 天長地久。(jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4 , tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 。)
David: What’s our third phrase?
Melody: 海枯石爛。(hoi2 fu1 sek6 laan6 。)
David: And this means – it means the same sort of thing. It means for a long time.
Melody: 係呀!其實同天長地久係一樣嘅, 表示永遠喺埋一齊,海枯石爛。(hai6 aa3 !kei4 sat6 tung4 tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 hai6 jat1 joeng6 ge3 , biu2 si6 wing5 jyun5 hai2 maai4 jat1 cai4 ,hoi2 fu1 sek6 laan6 。)
David: Let’s hear it again.
Melody: 海枯石爛, 譬如話我希望能夠同你 天長地久 海枯石爛,佢哋兩個通常一齊用。我希望能夠同你 天長地久 海枯石爛。(hoi2 fu1 sek6 laan6 , pei3 jyu4 waa6 ngo5 hei1 mong6 nang4 gau3 tung4 nei5 tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 hoi2 fu1 sek6 laan6 ,keoi5 dei6 loeng5 go3 tung1 soeng4 jat1 cai4 jung6 。ngo5 hei1 mong6 nang4 gau3 tung4 nei5 tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 hoi2 fu1 sek6 laan6 。)
David: I hope that we will be together forever. We’ve got one more phrase for you.
Melody: 浪漫甜蜜。(long6 maan6 tim4 mat6 。)
David: Sweet and romantic.
Melody: 浪漫甜蜜。(long6 maan6 tim4 mat6 。)
David: And you can use this to describe a lot of things.
Melody: 冇錯,譬如話浪漫甜蜜嘅禮物,浪漫甜蜜嘅假期,浪漫甜蜜嘅約會。(mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 long6 maan6 tim4 mat6 ge3 lai5 mat6 ,long6 maan6 tim4 mat6 ge3 gaa3 kei4 ,long6 maan6 tim4 mat6 ge3 joek3 wui2 。)
David: Right. You can use it like an adjective in front of anything you want to make seem more romantic than it is.
Melody: 係呀!男仔呃女仔嘅技倆。(hai6 aa3 !naam4 zai2 aak1 neoi5 zai2 ge3 gei6 loeng5 。)
David: Right and you can’t get in trouble with this because in Hong Kong, romance in general, culturally it’s supposed to be excessive.
Melody: 係呀!冇錯,如果越浪漫可能會越容易得到女仔。(hai6 aa3 !mou5 co3 ,jyu4 gwo2 jyut6 long6 maan6 ho2 nang4 wui2 jyut6 jung4 ji6 dak1 dou3 neoi5 zai2 。)
David: Yeah. People are relatively reserved but then when they fall in love, they are supposed to fall in love forever and it’s supposed to be very, very romantic.
Melody: 你講得啱。(nei5 gong2 dak1 ngaam1 。)
David: Right. So if you are highly romantic, if you use these phrases, that’s a good thing. Let’s hear them again.
Melody: 一見鍾情, 天長地久, 海枯石爛, 浪漫甜蜜。(jat1 gin3 zung1 cing4 , tin1 coeng4 dei6 gau2 , hoi2 fu1 sek6 laan6 , long6 maan6 tim4 mat6 。)


David: Great. So that’s all the time we have today. Before we let you go, we do want to remind you, if you do not yet have a free account at cantoneseclass101.com
Melody: 你哋可以嚟我哋嘅網站註冊一個,好簡單㗎!(nei5 dei6 ho2 ji5 lai4 ngo5 dei6 ge3 mong5 zaam6 zyu3 caak3 jat1 go3 ,hou2 gaan2 daan1 gaa3 !)
David: Right. It’s easy. It takes as little as 5 seconds.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: And it’s totally free. So come by and check it out and if you have any questions, send us an email or leave a note on the site. We look forward to hearing from you.
Melody: 希望可以下次再見, 我係Melody。(hei1 mong6 ho2 ji5 haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 , ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And I am David and we will see you at cantoneseclass101.com

