
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Melody: 大家好,我係Melody。(daai6 gaa1 hou2 ,ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And today we are here with intermediate season 1, Lesson 11. Dealing with a Frustrating Chinese Classmate.
Melody: 唔,呢個對話入面呢應該係個女仔好似同個男仔抱怨緊隔離班個 Elaine。(m4 ,ni1 go3 deoi3 waa6 jap6 min6 ne1 jing1 goi1 hai6 go3 neoi5 zai2 hou2 ci3 tung4 go3 naam4 zai2 pou5 jyun3 gan2 gaak3 lei4 baan1 go3 Elaine 。)
David: Yeah and she is a piece of work. And this is a really tricky dialogue here because a lot of this is really colloquial Cantonese.
Melody: 冇錯,如果你想同香港人呢可以打成一片呢,我諗呢個對話應該好有用。(mou5 co3 ,jyu4 gwo2 nei5 soeng2 tung4 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 ne1 ho2 ji5 daa2 sing4 jat1 pin3 ne1 ,ngo5 lam2 ni1 go3 deoi3 waa6 jing1 goi1 hou2 jau5 jung6 。)
David: Yeah. So let’s get to the dialogue now.
A: 你做乜嬲爆爆咁?(A: nei5 zou6 mat1 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 ?)
B: 隔離班個Elaine又踩我。(B: gaak3 lei4 baan1 go3 Elain jau6 caai2 ngo5.)
A: 當佢發噏瘋,佢成日牙擦擦。(A: dong3 keoi5 faat3 ap1 fung1, keoi5 sing4 jat6 ngaa4 caat3 caat3.)
B: 不過佢的確又叻又靚⋯⋯ (B: bat2 gwo3 keoi5 dik1 kok3 jau6 lek1 jau6 leng3...)
A: 佢踩你乜?(A: keoi5 caai2 nei5 mat1 ?)
B: 佢話我影印份資料都做唔好。(B: keoi5 waa6 ngo5 jing2 jan3 fan6 zi1 liu2 dou1 zou6 m4 hou2.)
A: 佢有口話人,冇口話自己。(A: keoi5 jau5 hau2 waa6 jan4, mou5 hau2 waa6 zi6 gei2.)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
A: 你做乜嬲爆爆咁?(A: nei5 zou6 mat1 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 ?)
B: 隔離班個Elaine又踩我。(B: gaak3 lei4 baan1 go3 Elain jau6 caai2 ngo5.)
A: 當佢發噏瘋,佢成日牙擦擦。(A: dong3 keoi5 faat3 ap1 fung1, keoi5 sing4 jat6 ngaa4 caat3 caat3.)
B: 不過佢的確又叻又靚⋯⋯(B: bat2 gwo3 keoi5 dik1 kok3 jau6 lek1 jau6 leng3...)
A: 佢踩你乜?(A: keoi5 caai2 nei5 mat1 ?)
B: 佢話我影印份資料都做唔好。(B: keoi5 waa6 ngo5 jing2 jan3 fan6 zi1 liu2 dou1 zou6 m4 hou2.)
A: 佢有口話人,冇口話自己。(A: keoi5 jau5 hau2 waa6 jan4, mou5 hau2 waa6 zi6 gei2.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 你做乜嬲爆爆咁?(A: nei5 zou6 mat1 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 ?)
A: Why do you look so angry?
B: 隔離班個Elaine又踩我。(B: gaak3 lei4 baan1 go3 Elain jau6 caai2 ngo5.)
B: Elaine from our neighboring class criticized me again.
A: 當佢發噏瘋,佢成日牙擦擦。(A: dong3 keoi5 faat3 ap1 fung1, keoi5 sing4 jat6 ngaa4 caat3 caat3.)
A: Take it as nonsense! She's always bragging about herself.
B: 不過佢的確又叻又靚⋯⋯(B: bat2 gwo3 keoi5 dik1 kok3 jau6 lek1 jau6 leng3...)
B: But she IS smart and pretty...
A: 佢踩你乜?(A: keoi5 caai2 nei5 mat1 ?)
A: What did she say to you?
B: 佢話我影印份資料都做唔好。(B: keoi5 waa6 ngo5 jing2 jan3 fan6 zi1 liu2 dou1 zou6 m4 hou2.)
B: She said I couldn't even handle things like copying materials.
A: 佢有口話人,冇口話自己。(A: keoi5 jau5 hau2 waa6 jan4, mou5 hau2 waa6 zi6 gei2.)
A: She only knows how to criticize others but never criticizes herself.
Melody: David, 我覺得個女仔應該係好嬲咁樣一路喺度抱怨緊 Elaine。(ngo5 gok3 dak1 go3 neoi5 zai2 jing1 goi1 hai6 hou2 nau1 gam2 joeng2 jat1 lou6 hai2 dou6 pou5 jyun3 gan2 Elaine 。)
David: Yeah. I think what’s interesting about this dialogue is, all of the casual, casual Cantonese here.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. This is really, really native local Cantonese that we are hearing.
Melody: 係呀! 可能只有香港人先聽得明。(hai6 aa3 ! ho2 nang4 zi2 jau5 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 sin1 teng1 dak1 ming4 。)
David: Okay. So let’s get on to our vocab section now. Melody, what’s our vocab for today’s lesson?
Melody: 嬲爆爆。(nau1 baau3 baau3。)
David: To be really angry.
Melody: 嬲 爆 爆, 嬲爆爆, 隔離。(nau1 baau3 baau3, nau1 baau3 baau3, gaak3 lei4。)
David: Neighbor.
Melody: 隔 離, 隔離, 踩。(gaak3 lei4, gaak3 lei4, caai2。)
David: To criticize.
Melody: 踩, 踩, 發噏風。(caai2, caai2, faat3 ap1 fung1。)
David: To talk nonsense.
Melody: 發 噏 風, 發噏風, 牙擦擦。(faat3 ap1 fung1, faat3 ap1 fung1, ngaa4 caat3 caat3。)
David: To brag.
Melody: 牙 擦 擦, 牙擦擦, 成日。(ngaa4 caat3 caat3, ngaa4 caat3 caat3, sing4 jat6。)
David: Always.
Melody: 成 日, 成日, 影印。(sing4 jat6, sing4 jat6, jing2 jan3。)
David: To photocopy.
Melody: 影 印, 影印, 做唔好。(jing2 jan3, jing2 jan3, zou6 m4 hou2。)
David: Not to do well.
Melody: 做 唔 好, 做唔好, 有口話人 冇口話自己。(zou6 m4 hou2, zou6 m4 hou2, jau5 hau2 waa6 jan4, mou5 hau2 waa6 zi6 gei2。)
David: To criticize others but not oneself.
Melody: 有口話人 冇口話自己, 有口話人 冇口話自己。(jau5 hau2 waa6 jan4, mou5 hau2 waa6 zi6 gei2, jau5 hau2 waa6 jan4, mou5 hau2 waa6 zi6 gei2。)
David: Okay. Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is
Melody: 嬲爆爆。(nau1 baau3 baau3 。)
David: To be really angry.
Melody: 嬲爆爆。(nau1 baau3 baau3 。)
David: To explode in anger really.
Melody: 冇錯,其實嬲即係好生氣,但係嬲可以單用。( mou5 co3 ,kei4 sat6 nau1 zik1 hai6 hou2 saang1 hei3 ,daan6 hai6 nau1 ho2 ji5 daan1 jung6 。)
David: Right and used alone, it means to get angry.
Melody: 冇錯,譬如話唔好嬲啦!我唔係有心㗎!(mou5 co3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 m4 hou2 nau1 laa1 !ngo5 m4 hai6 jau5 sam1 gaa3 !)
David: Right. That would be the sentence, don’t be angry, I didn’t do it on purpose.
Melody: 唔好嬲啦!我唔係有心㗎!(m4 hou2 nau1 laa1 !ngo5 m4 hai6 jau5 sam1 gaa3 !)
David: Don’t be angry, I didn’t do this on purpose. Don’t be angry, I didn’t do this on purpose but here we are not just using the verb alone.
Melody: 係呀!我哋後面加咗 爆爆, 爆係表示爆炸。(hai6 aa3 !ngo5 dei6 hau6 min6 gaa1 zo2 baau3 baau3 , baau3 hai6 biu2 si6 baau3 zaa3 。)
David: Right. It means to explode.
Melody: 所以可想而知嬲爆爆就係嬲到極點嗰種。(so2 ji5 ho2 soeng2 ji4 zi1 nau1 baau3 baau3 zau6 hai6 nau1 dou3 gik6 dim2 go2 zung2 。
David: Yeah. You are so angry, you are exploding.
Melody: 冇錯,嬲爆爆,譬如話你嬲爆爆咁樣,邊個都唔敢靠近你啦!(mou5 co3 ,nau1 baau3 baau3 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 nei5 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 joeng2 ,bin1 go3 dou1 m4 gam2 kaau3 gan6 nei5 laa1 !)
David: If you are always exploding in anger, who is going to get near you.
Melody: 你嬲爆爆咁樣,邊個都唔敢靠近你啦!(nei5 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 joeng2 ,bin1 go3 dou1 m4 gam2 kaau3 gan6 nei5 laa1 !)
David: If you are always getting so angry that you are exploding on people, who is going to get near you?
Melody: David,我覺得下一個有意思嘅詞係 牙擦擦。(ngo5 gok3 dak1 haa6 jat1 go3 jau5 ji3 si1 ge3 ci4 hai6 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 。)
David: That means to brag.
Melody: 牙擦擦。(ngaa4 caat3 caat3 。)
David: To brag, to show off, to maybe be a bit stubborn about things.
Melody: 係呀!(hai6 aa3 !)
David: Right. This is a tricky one. It’s – this is a really, really native local Hong Kong expression.
Melody: 冇錯,即係形容人自以為是,淨係成日識得話人。(mou5 co3 ,zik1 hai6 jing4 jung4 jan4 zi6 ji5 wai4 si6 ,zing6 hai6 sing4 jat6 sik1 dak1 waa6 jan4 。)
David: Yeah. Let’s hear this in an example sentence.
Melody: 佢識講唔識做,牙擦擦咁 好乞人憎。(keoi5 sik1 gong2 m4 sik1 zou6 ,ngaa4 caat3 caat3 gam2 hou2 hat1 jan4 zang1 。)
David: So that means he only talks about things and he never does stuff. He is a braggart and no one likes him.
Melody: 佢識講唔識做,牙擦擦咁好乞人憎。(keoi5 sik1 gong2 m4 sik1 zou6 ,ngaa4 caat3 caat3 gam2 hou2 hat1 jan4 zang1 。)
David: Right. So this is a really negative word. We are using it to criticize someone in the sentence.
Melody:冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. He only talks about stuff. He never does it, he is a braggart. No one likes him.
Melody: 唔, 好乞人憎。下一個例子係 佢成日都牙擦擦, 到處踩人。(m4 , hou2 hat1 jan4 zang1 。haa6 jat1 go3 lai6 zi2 hai6 keoi5 sing4 jat6 dou1 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 , dou3 cyu3 caai2 jan4 。)
David: He is always bragging and putting down others.
Melody: 佢成日都牙擦擦, 到處踩人。(keoi5 sing4 jat6 dou1 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 , dou3 cyu3 caai2 jan4 。)
David: Right. So it’s bragging. You know, you are putting yourself up in the same way that you might be putting someone down.
Melody: 係呀!其中有個字 踩。(hai6 aa3 !kei4 zung1 jau5 go3 zi6 caai2 。)
David: To criticize.
Melody: 踩。(caai2 。)
David: To criticize.
Melody: 喺呢度 踩嘅意思唔係真係用隻腳去踩人,而係話用語言去攻擊。(hai2 ni1 dou6 caai2 ge3 ji3 si1 m4 hai6 zan1 hai6 jung6 zek3 goek3 heoi3 caai2 jan4 ,ji4 hai6 waa6 jung6 jyu5 jin4 heoi3 gung1 gik1 。)
David: Yeah. So if our earlier word – right. So whereas earlier, we were bragging and we were putting ourselves up, here you are really stepping on someone or putting them down.
Melody: 冇錯, 踩。(mou5 co3 , caai2 。)
David: Yeah but as Melody said it’s rhetorical and you are not actually stepping on someone.
Melody: Right.
David: Right. Let’s have some example sentences.
Melody: 你咁踩佢法 佢一定記恨於你。(nei5 gam2 caai2 keoi5 faat3 keoi5 jat1 ding6 gei3 han6 jyu1 nei5 。)
David: If you criticize him, he will resent it for sure.
Melody: 你咁踩佢法 佢一定記恨於你。(nei5 gam2 caai2 keoi5 faat3 keoi5 jat1 ding6 gei3 han6 jyu1 nei5 。)
David: If you criticize him, he will resent it for sure. This brings us to our next word which means to talk nonsense.
Melody: 發噏風。(faat3 ngap1 fung1 。)
David: To talk nonsense.
Melody: 發噏風。(faat3 ngap1 fung1 。)
David: Right. Tell us a bit about this word Melody.
Melody: 唔,我比你個例子,譬如話佢成日發噏瘋,個個都好憎佢。(m4 ,ngo5 bei2 nei5 go3 lai6 zi2 ,pei3 jyu4 waa6 keoi5 sing4 jat6 faat3 ngap1 fung1 ,go3 go3 dou1 hou2 zang1 keoi5 。)
David: Right. So this is – it’s kind of like bragging as well.
Melody: 係, 冇錯。(hai6 , mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. You are putting yourself up but there is nothing behind it. So that meant, he is always talking nonsense, no one likes him.
Melody: 佢成日都發噏瘋,個個都好憎佢。(keoi5 sing4 jat6 dou1 faat3 ngap1 fung1 ,go3 go3 dou1 hou2 zang1 keoi5 。)
David: Yeah. He is always putting himself up and showing off, but there is nothing behind it. So no one likes him.
Melody: 可能係個癲佬?(ho2 nang4 hai6 go3 din1 lou2 ?)
David: Right. So our vocab today, really colloquial stuff describing people who are putting themselves up or putting other people down.
Melody: 係呀!冇錯。(hai6 aa3 !mou5 co3 。)

Lesson focus

David: With that, let’s get to our grammar section. It’s grammar time. Our grammar point today is about this pattern.
Melody: 做咩...咁。(zou6 me1 ...gam2 。)
David: We hear this in this line in our dialogue.
Melody: 你做咩嬲爆爆咁?(nei5 zou6 me1 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 ?)
David: Why do you look so angry?
Melody: 你做咩嬲爆爆咁?(nei5 zou6 me1 nau1 baau3 baau3 gam2 ?)
David: Right. So Melody, tell us a bit about this structure?
Melody: 做咩...咁。 我哋可以加個動詞,或者係程度喺佢哋中間。(zou6 me1… gam2 。 ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 gaa1 go3 dung6 ci4 ,waak6 ze2 hai6 cing4 dou6 hai2 keoi5 dei6 zung1 gaan1 。)
David: Right. So we put a verb phrase in the middle and the verb phrase is, it’s about a degree of emotion usually like to explode in anger. We’ve got some really simple examples of this pattern with these verb phrases in them.
Melody: 做咩攰成咁?(zou6 me1 gui6 sing4 gam2 ?)
David: Why are you so tired?
Melody: 做咩攰成咁?(zou6 me1 gui6 sing4 gam2 ?)
David: Why so tired?
Melody: 做咩牙擦擦咁?(zou6 me1 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 gam2 ?)
David: Why so self centered?
Melody: 做咩牙擦擦咁?(zou6 me1 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 gam2 ?)
David: Right. Why do you keep putting yourself up like this?
Melody: 做咩眼濕濕咁?(zou6 me1 ngaan5 sap1 sap1 gam2 ?)
David: Maybe you are watching a movie with someone.
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Why are you crying? It’s an action movie.
Melody: 做咩眼濕濕咁?(zou6 me1 ngaan5 sap1 sap1 gam2 ?)
David: Yeah. Why so many tears. So all of these, they are verb phrases that are really emotional.
Melody: 係呀!冇錯。(hai6 aa3 !mou5 co3 。)
David: Right.
Melody: 所以 做咩...咁 係一個問句, 我哋可以用另外一個詞去代替,點解....咁? (so2 ji5 zou6 me1 ...gam2 hai6 jat1 go3 man6 geoi3 , ngo5 dei6 ho2 ji5 jung6 ling6 ngoi6 jat1 go3 ci4 heoi3 doi6 tai3 ,dim2 gaai2 ....gam2 ?)
David: Right. This is another way of saying the same thing.
Melody: 點解....咁? (dim2 gaai2 ....gam2 ?)
David: And we can use these two patterns interchangeably.
Melody: 冇錯, 佢哋係完全一樣嘅。(mou5 co3 , keoi5 dei6 hai6 jyun4 cyun4 jat1 joeng6 ge3 。)
David: Right. Let’s hear our previous three sentences with this new pattern.
Melody: 點解 攰成咁?(dim2 gaai2 gui6 sing4 gam2 ?)
David: Why so tired.
Melody: 點解 牙擦擦咁?(dim2 gaai2 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 gam2 ?)
David: Why so full of yourself?
Melody: 點解 眼濕濕咁?(dim2 gaai2 ngaan5 sap1 sap1 gam2 ?)
David: Why so many tears?
Melody: 冇錯。(mou5 co3 。)
David: Right. So our grammar focus today has been two simple patterns.
Melody: 做咩...咁? (zou6 me1 ...gam2 ?)
David: And
Melody: 點解....咁? (dim2 gaai2 ....gam2 ?)
David: Use these when you want to ask why are you feeling so emotional.
Melody: 係呀!呢個句子好有用。(hai6 aa3 !ni1 go3 geoi3 zi2 hou2 jau5 jung6 。)
David: Yeah and remember that you want to use it with verb phrases that communicate an extreme of emotion like
Melody: 唔, 做咩眼濕濕咁?(m4 , zou6 me1 ngaan5 sap1 sap1 gam2 ?)
David: Or
Melody: 做咩眼濕濕咁?(zou6 me1 ngaan5 sap1 sap1 gam2 ?)
David: Or
Melody: 點解 牙擦擦咁?(dim2 gaai2 ngaa4 caat3 caat3 gam2 ?)


David: Right. So that’s all the time we have in our show for today. Thank you very much for listening. I am David.
Melody: 我係Melody。(ngo5 hai6 Melody 。)
David: And we will see you on the site.
Melody: 希望下次再見。(hei1 mong6 haa6 ci3 zoi3 gin3 。)

