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Lesson Transcript

Hello! Welcome to Cantonese weekly words! I’m Olivia, and we are in Hong Kong, but it’s raining today. We are going to talk about a bunch of Cantonese words, let’s see what’s the topic.
This week’s theme is Hobbies.
跳舞 (tiu3 mou5)
跳舞 (tiu3 mou5) is to dance, dancing. 我細個有學跳舞㗎。(ngo5 sai3 go3 jau5 hok6 tiu3 mou5 gaa3.)”I used to learn dancing when I was younger.” I did jazz dance.
玩樂器 (waan2 ngok6 hei3)
玩樂器 (waan2 ngok6 hei3) is to play a musical instrument.
樂器 (ngok6 hei3) is music instrument.
Again, “I used to play music instrument when I was younger. I used to play the saxophone.” 我細個都有玩樂器。我係吹SAXOPHONE嘅。(ngo5 sai3 go3 dou1 jau5 waan2 ngok6 hei3. ngo5 hai6 ceoi1 SAXOPHONE ge3.)
影相 (jing2 soeng2)
影相 (jing2 soeng2) is to take photo or photography. That’s one of my hobbies too.
影相 (jing2 soeng2) in a sentence: 我鍾意影相,但係唔鍾意拎住好大部相機。(ngo5 zung1 ji3 jing2 soeng2, daan6 hai6 m4 zung1 ji3 lik1 zyu6 hou2 daai6 bou6 soeng2 gei1.) ”I like taking photos but I don't like carrying a heavy camera.”
唱歌 (coeng3 go1)
唱歌 (coeng3 go1) is to sing. La-la-la, to sing.
我都學過唱歌,但係我唔鍾意。(ngo5 dou1 hok6 gwo3 coeng3 go1, daan6 hai6 ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3.) “I learned singing but I didn't like it.” and I’m tone deaf.
書法 (syu1 faat3)
書法 (syu1 faat3) is calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy, we hold the pen like this, it’s vertical; we hold it vertically.
書法 (syu1 faat3)
我媽媽有寫書法。(ngo5 maa4 maa1 jau5 se2 syu1 faat3.) “My mother does calligraphy.” It’s true, and she’s pretty good at it.
That’s it for today, today we talked about hobbies. What kind of hobbies do you have? And I’ll see you next time at Cantonese weekly words. Bye!

