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John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to CantoneseClass101.com. This is Business Cantonese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 25 - Giving a Business Presentation in Hong Kong. John here.
Siuling: 大家好!(daai6 gaa1 hou2!) I'm Siuling.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give a presentation. The conversation takes place at an office.
Siuling: The speaker is Linda.
John: The speaker is an employee, therefore, she will speak formal Cantonese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
張麗珊: 大家好,多謝大家畀呢個機會我哋。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: daai6 gaa1 hou2, do1 ze6 daai6 gaa1 bei2 ni1 go3 gei1 wui2 ngo5 dei6.)
張麗珊: 佳美公司一直擴展緊佢嘅業務,而且喺市場已經超過十年。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: gaai1 mei5 gung1 si1 jat1 zik6 kong3 zin2 gan2 keoi5 ge3 jip6 mou6, ji4 ce2 hai2 si5 coeng4 ji5 ging1 ciu1 gwo3 sap6 nin4.)
張麗珊: 我哋提供多類型嘅化妝及護膚產品。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: ngo5 dei6 tai4 gung1 do1 leoi6 jing4 ge3 faa3 zong1 kap6 wu6 fu1 caan2 ban2.)
張麗珊: 盡力滿足顧客嘅需求。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zeon6 lik6 mun5 zuk1 gu3 haak3 ge3 seoi1 kau4.)
張麗珊: 希望你會對本公司嘅產品有興趣。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: hei1 mong6 nei5 wui2 deoi3 bun2 gung1 si1 ge3 caan2 ban2 jau5 hing3 ceoi3.)
張麗珊: 請睇下第一張圖!
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: cing2 tai2 haa5 dai6 jat1 zoeng1 tou4!)
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
張麗珊: 大家好,多謝大家畀呢個機會我哋。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: daai6 gaa1 hou2, do1 ze6 daai6 gaa1 bei2 ni1 go3 gei1 wui2 ngo5 dei6.)
張麗珊: 佳美公司一直擴展緊佢嘅業務,而且喺市場已經超過十年。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: gaai1 mei5 gung1 si1 jat1 zik6 kong3 zin2 gan2 keoi5 ge3 jip6 mou6, ji4 ce2 hai2 si5 coeng4 ji5 ging1 ciu1 gwo3 sap6 nin4.)
張麗珊: 我哋提供多類型嘅化妝及護膚產品。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: ngo5 dei6 tai4 gung1 do1 leoi6 jing4 ge3 faa3 zong1 kap6 wu6 fu1 caan2 ban2.)
張麗珊: 盡力滿足顧客嘅需求。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zeon6 lik6 mun5 zuk1 gu3 haak3 ge3 seoi1 kau4.)
張麗珊: 希望你會對本公司嘅產品有興趣。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: hei1 mong6 nei5 wui2 deoi3 bun2 gung1 si1 ge3 caan2 ban2 jau5 hing3 ceoi3.)
張麗珊: 請睇下第一張圖!
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: cing2 tai2 haa5 dai6 jat1 zoeng1 tou4!)
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
張麗珊: 大家好,多謝大家畀呢個機會我哋。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: daai6 gaa1 hou2, do1 ze6 daai6 gaa1 bei2 ni1 go3 gei1 wui2 ngo5 dei6.)
Linda: Hello and thank you for giving us this opportunity.
張麗珊: 佳美公司一直擴展緊佢嘅業務,而且喺市場已經超過十年。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: gaai1 mei5 gung1 si1 jat1 zik6 kong3 zin2 gan2 keoi5 ge3 jip6 mou6, ji4 ce2 hai2 si5 coeng4 ji5 ging1 ciu1 gwo3 sap6 nin4.)
Linda: KameCo is a growing company which has been on the market for over ten years.
張麗珊: 我哋提供多類型嘅化妝及護膚產品。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: ngo5 dei6 tai4 gung1 do1 leoi6 jing4 ge3 faa3 zong1 kap6 wu6 fu1 caan2 ban2.)
Linda: We offer a wide range of cosmetics and skincare products.
張麗珊: 盡力滿足顧客嘅需求。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: zeon6 lik6 mun5 zuk1 gu3 haak3 ge3 seoi1 kau4.)
Linda: We make efforts to meet the demands of our customers.
張麗珊: 希望你會對本公司嘅產品有興趣。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: hei1 mong6 nei5 wui2 deoi3 bun2 gung1 si1 ge3 caan2 ban2 jau5 hing3 ceoi3.)
Linda: We hope that you will be interested in our products.
張麗珊: 請睇下第一張圖!
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: cing2 tai2 haa5 dai6 jat1 zoeng1 tou4!)
Linda: Please look at the first slide.
John: This time instead of a conversation, we heard a presentation from Linda.
Siuling: Public speaking isn’t easy, but Linda did a good job.
John: She did! What tips do you have for public speaking?
Siuling: Build a connection with your audience.
John: That’s a good idea. Pay attention to how you speak, and how that comes across to the audience.
Siuling: It’s good to practice your public speaking.
John: It’s also important to be well prepared.
Siuling: Yes, draft your speech and be willing to edit it until you’re confident with it.
John: The more confident and comfortable you are with your speech, the easier it will be to stand in front of an audience and say it.
Siuling: Remember to smile!
John: Yes, that gives a really good impression.
Siuling: Be clear and understandable and your audience will love your presentation.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 機會(gei1 wui6) [natural native speed]
John: "chance; possibility"
Siuling: 機會(gei1 wui6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 機會(gei1 wui6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 見面(gin3 min6) [natural native speed]
John: "to meet"
Siuling: 見面(gin3 min6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 見面(gin3 min6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 業務(jip6 mou6) [natural native speed]
John: "business"
Siuling: 業務(jip6 mou6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 業務(jip6 mou6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 超過(ciu1 gwo3) [natural native speed]
John: "over"
Siuling: 超過(ciu1 gwo3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 超過(ciu1 gwo3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 興趣(hing3 ceoi3) [natural native speed]
John: "interested in"
Siuling: 興趣(hing3 ceoi3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 興趣(hing3 ceoi3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 化妝(faa3 zong1) [natural native speed]
John: "cosmetics"
Siuling: 化妝(faa3 zong1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 化妝(faa3 zong1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 護膚(wu6 fu1) [natural native speed]
John: "skin care"
Siuling: 護膚(wu6 fu1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 護膚(wu6 fu1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 盡力(zeon6 lik6) [natural native speed]
John: "try the best"
Siuling: 盡力(zeon6 lik6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 盡力(zeon6 lik6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 滿足(mun5 zuk1) [natural native speed]
John: "to satisfy"
Siuling: 滿足(mun5 zuk1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 滿足(mun5 zuk1) [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Siuling: 圖 [natural native speed]
John: "picture"
Siuling: 圖 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 圖 [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 對... 有興趣。(deoi3... jau5 hing3 ceoi3.)
John: meaning "to be interested in...; to show interest in... "
John: Let’s break down this phrase.
Siuling: First is 對(deoi3), which means "to, towards." Next is 有(jau5).
John: This means "have, be present." The last part means "interest."
Siuling: That is 興趣(hing3 ceoi3).
John: When you’re interested in something and want to learn more about it, you can use this phrase.
Siuling: You can also say 對... 感興趣。 (gam2 hing3 ceoi3.)
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 如果你對我哋嘅產品有興趣, 可以免費獲得試用裝。(jyu4 gwo2 nei5 deoi3 ngo5 dei6 ge3 caan2 ban2 jau5 hing3 ceoi3, ho2 ji5 min5 fai3 wok6 dak1 si3 jung6 zong1.)
John: ... which means "If you are interested in our product, you can get the free sample of it."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Siuling: 化妝及護膚產品(faa3 zong1 kap6 wu6 fu1 caan2 ban2)
John: meaning "cosmetics and skincare products."
John: This is our last phrase for this series.
Siuling: First is 化妝(faa3 zong1), this means "make up, cosmetics." Next is 及(kap6).
John: That means "and, as well as." The next part means "skin care."
Siuling: That is 護膚(wu6 fu1). Finally is 產品(caan2 ban2) .
John: That means "product." You can use this phrase to cover any cosmetic or skincare products.
Siuling: You can also say 化妝品 (faa3 zong1 ban2) for "the make up product" and 護膚品(wu6 fu1 ban2) for "the skin care product".
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 有美白功能嘅化妝及護膚產品好受歡迎。(jau5 mei6 baak6 gung1 nang4 ge3 faa3 zong1 kap6 wu6 fu1 caan2 ban2 hou2 sau6 fun1 jing4.)
John: ... which means "The cosmetics and skincare products that come with the skin-whitening function are so popular."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about giving a presentation.
John: When you present your company in a presentation, it’s important to say how old your company is and how long it’s been in business. Here are some phrases you can use for this.
Siuling: 我哋公司喺市場已經超過二十五年。(ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 hai2 si5 coeng4 ji5 ging1 ciu1 gwo3 ji6 sap6 ng5 nin4.)
John: "Our company has been present on the market for 25 years."
Siuling: 我哋公司由一九五零年開始進入市場。(ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 jau4 jat1 gau2 ng5 ling4 nin4 hoi1 ci2 zeon3 jap6 si5 coeng4.)
John: "Our company has been present on the market since 1950."
Siuling: 我哋公司二十五年前創立。(ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 ji6 sap6 ng5 nin4 cin4 cong3 lap6.)
John: "Our company was established 25 years ago."
Siuling: 我哋公司喺一九五零年創立。(ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 hai2 jat1 gau2 ng5 ling4 nin4 cong3 lap6.)
John: "Our company was established in 1950." Next, you can introduce what kind of company it is. You can use phrases such as...
Siuling: 我哋專門... (ngo5 dei6 zyun1 mun4…)
John: "We specialise in…"
Siuling: 我哋有多款... (ngo5 dei6 jau5 do1 fun2...)
John: "We have a wide range of…"
Siuling: 我哋處理... (ngo5 dei6 cyu2 lei5...)
John: "We are dealing with…"
Siuling: 我哋喺...業界最歷史悠久。(ngo5 dei6 hai2 … jip6 gaai3 lik6 si2 zeoi3 jau4 gau5.)
John: "We are the longest-lasting in the…industry." Finally, here are some other phrases you can use to show how good your company is.
Siuling: XYZ 係一間傳統公司。(XYZ hai6 jat1 gaan1 cyun4 tung2 gung1 si1.)
John: "XYZ is a company with traditions."
Siuling: XYZ 注重顧客嘅滿意程度。(XYZ zyu3 zung6 gu3 haak6 ge3 mun5 ji3 cing4 dou6.)
John: "In XYZ, we care mostly about our customers’ satisfaction."
Siuling: XYZ 非常注重公司提供嘅服務質素。(XYZ fei1 soeng4 zyu3 zung6 gung1 si1 tai1 gung1 ge3 fuk6 mou6 zat1 sou3.)
John: "In XYZ, we care mostly about the quality of our service."


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson, and this series. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Siuling: 拜拜!(baai1 baai3!)

No Banter

