
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to CantoneseClass101.com. This is Business Cantonese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 23 - What's Stopping You From Getting to Work in Hong Kong? John here.
Siuling: 大家好!(daai6 gaa1 hou2!) I'm Siuling.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to leave a message. The conversation takes place at an office.
Siuling: It's between Mark and Linda.
John: The speakers are co-workers, therefore, they will speak both formal and informal Cantonese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
馬家輝: 喂,Linda,我有個請求,今日塞車我會遲少少,唔該你話畀Monica知。
(maa5 gaa1 fai1: wai2, Linda, ngo5 jau5 go3 cing2 kau4, gam1 jat6 sat1 ce1 ngo5 wui2 ci4 siu2 siu2, m4 goi1 nei5 waa6 bei2 Monica zi1.)
張麗珊: 好呀,冇問題 。[ 數秒之後 ]
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: hou2 aa3, mou5 man6 tai4. [sou3 miu5 zi1 hau6])
張麗珊: 喂?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: wai2?)
湯子華: 早晨,張小姐,我個女病咗,我今日返唔到工。你可唔可以幫我通知黃小姐呀? 唔該晒你。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zou2 san4, zoeng1 siu2 ze2, ngo5 go3 neoi5 beng6 zo2, ngo5 gam1 jat6 faan1 m4 dou2 gung1. nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 bong1 ngo5 tung1 zi1 wong4 siu2 ze2 aa3? m4 goi1 saai3 nei5.)
張麗珊: 哎吔!希望佢快啲好返。當然可以啦,我會話畀黃小姐知。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: aai1 jaa3! hei1 mong6 keoi5 faai3 di1 hou2 faan1. dong1 jin4 ho2 ji5 laa1, ngo5 wui2 waa6 bei2 wong4 siu2 ze2 zi1.)
張麗珊: (自言自語) Monica喺邊呢?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: (zi6 jin4 zi6 jyu5) Monica hai2 bin1 ne1?)
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
馬家輝: 喂,Linda,我有個請求,今日塞車我會遲少少,唔該你話畀Monica知。
(maa5 gaa1 fai1: wai2, Linda, ngo5 jau5 go3 cing2 kau4, gam1 jat6 sat1 ce1 ngo5 wui2 ci4 siu2 siu2, m4 goi1 nei5 waa6 bei2 Monica zi1.)
張麗珊: 好呀,冇問題 。[ 數秒之後 ]
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: hou2 aa3, mou5 man6 tai4. [sou3 miu5 zi1 hau6])
張麗珊: 喂?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: wai2?)
湯子華: 早晨,張小姐,我個女病咗,我今日返唔到工。你可唔可以幫我通知黃小姐呀? 唔該晒你。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zou2 san4, zoeng1 siu2 ze2, ngo5 go3 neoi5 beng6 zo2, ngo5 gam1 jat6 faan1 m4 dou2 gung1. nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 bong1 ngo5 tung1 zi1 wong4 siu2 ze2 aa3? m4 goi1 saai3 nei5.)
張麗珊: 哎吔!希望佢快啲好返。當然可以啦,我會話畀黃小姐知。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: aai1 jaa3! hei1 mong6 keoi5 faai3 di1 hou2 faan1. dong1 jin4 ho2 ji5 laa1, ngo5 wui2 waa6 bei2 wong4 siu2 ze2 zi1.)
張麗珊: (自言自語) Monica喺邊呢?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: (zi6 jin4 zi6 jyu5) Monica hai2 bin1 ne1?)
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
馬家輝: 喂,Linda,我有個請求,今日塞車我會遲少少,唔該你話畀Monica知。
(maa5 gaa1 fai1: wai2, Linda, ngo5 jau5 go3 cing2 kau4, gam1 jat6 sat1 ce1 ngo5 wui2 ci4 siu2 siu2, m4 goi1 nei5 waa6 bei2 Monica zi1.)
Mark: Hi Linda, I have a request. I will be a little bit late today because of the traffic. Could you tell that to Monica?
張麗珊: 好呀,冇問題 。[ 數秒之後 ]
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: hou2 aa3, mou5 man6 tai4. [sou3 miu5 zi1 hau6])
Linda: Sure, no problem.
[few seconds later]
張麗珊: 喂?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: wai2?)
Linda: Hello?
湯子華: 早晨,張小姐,我個女病咗,我今日返唔到工。你可唔可以幫我通知黃小姐呀? 唔該晒你。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zou2 san4, zoeng1 siu2 ze2, ngo5 go3 neoi5 beng6 zo2, ngo5 gam1 jat6 faan1 m4 dou2 gung1. nei5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 bong1 ngo5 tung1 zi1 wong4 siu2 ze2 aa3? m4 goi1 saai3 nei5.)
Tom: Good morning, Ms. Linda. My daughter got sick, and I won't make it to work today. Could you be so nice and let Ms. Wong know? I would be grateful.
張麗珊: 哎吔!希望佢快啲好返。當然可以啦,我會話畀黃小姐知。
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: aai1 jaa3! hei1 mong6 keoi5 faai3 di1 hou2 faan1. dong1 jin4 ho2 ji5 laa1, ngo5 wui2 waa6 bei2 wong4 siu2 ze2 zi1.)
Linda: Oh no, I hope she will get better soon. Of course, I will let Ms. Wong know.
張麗珊: (自言自語) Monica喺邊呢?
(zoeng1 lai6 saan1: (zi6 jin4 zi6 jyu5) Monica hai2 bin1 ne1?)
Linda: (to herself) Where is Monica....?
John: In the conversation, we heard both Mark and Tom need to take a day off due to an emergency.
Siuling: I hope everything works out and that Tom’s daughter will be okay!
John: Me, too! What should you do if you need to be absent from work?
Siuling: You should contact your employer to explain.
John: Is there anything special to do if you’re sick?
Siuling: You’ll need to submit an application for leave and also a doctor’s note.
John: What happens if you don’t let them know in advance?
Siuling: It’s classed as an unauthorised absence and might be seen as a resignation.
John: Do you have any tips on what to say?
Siuling: You can use 因為(jan1 wai6), which means "because."
John: Good start! Then you can say that you want to have the day off, which is:
Siuling: 我想請假。(ngo5 soeng2 ceng2 gaa3.)
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 請求(cing2 kau4) [natural native speed]
John: "request"
Siuling: 請求(cing2 kau4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 請求(cing2 kau4) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 塞車(sat1 ce1) [natural native speed]
John: "traffic jam"
Siuling: 塞車(sat1 ce1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 塞車(sat1 ce1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 病咗(beng6 zo2) [natural native speed]
John: "to have gotten sick"
Siuling: 病咗(beng6 zo2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 病咗(beng6 zo2) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 通知(tung1 zi1) [natural native speed]
John: "to notify; notification"
Siuling: 通知(tung1 zi1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 通知(tung1 zi1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 遲(ci4) [natural native speed]
John: "late"
Siuling: 遲(ci4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 遲(ci4) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 少少(siu2 siu2 ) [natural native speed]
John: "a little bit"
Siuling: 少少(siu2 siu2 ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 少少(siu2 siu2 ) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 希望(hei1 mong6) [natural native speed]
John: "to hope"
Siuling: 希望(hei1 mong6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 希望(hei1 mong6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 快啲(faai3 di1) [natural native speed]
John: "faster"
Siuling: 快啲(faai3 di1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 快啲(faai3 di1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 好返(hou2 faan1) [natural native speed]
John: "recover"
Siuling: 好返(hou2 faan1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 好返(hou2 faan1) [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Siuling: 喺邊 [natural native speed]
John: "where"
Siuling: 喺邊 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 喺邊 [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 希望你快啲好返。(hei1 mong6 nei5 faai3 di1 hou2 faan1)
John: meaning "I hope you get well soon."
John: Let’s break this phrase down.
Siuling: First is 希望 (hei1 mong6), meaning "hope, wish." Next is 你(nei5), which is "you." Then is 快啲 (faai3 di1)
John: This is "faster, sooner." The last part means "recover, get well."
Siuling: That is 好返(hou2 faan1).
John: You can say this when you want to give good wishes to someone who is ill.
Siuling: You can also say 祝你早日康復! (zuk1 nei5 zou2 jat6 hong1 fuk6!)
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 我已經幫你請病假, 希望你快啲好返。(nog5 ji5 ging1 bong1 nei5 ceng2 beng6 gaa3, hei1 mong6 nei5 faai3 di1 hou2 faan1.)
John: … which means "I have notified the company that you would have sick leave. I hope you get well soon."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Siuling: 你喺邊?(nei5 hai2 bin1?)
John: meaning "Where are you?"
John: This is our last phrase for this lesson.
Siuling: First is 你(nei5), which means "you." Next is 喺(hai2).
John: That means "at." The last part is 邊(bin1).
Siuling: That means "edge, where."
John: This is a common way to ask for someone’s location.
Siuling: You can also say 你喺邊度? (nei5 hai2 bin1 dou6?)
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 會議就快開始, 你喺邊?(wui6 ji5 zau6 faai3 hoi1 ci2, nei5 hai2 bin1?)
John: ... which means "The meeting will start soon. Where are you?"
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about getting an urgent day off.
John: There may be times when you need to take a day off work due to a sudden event. Here are some sentences you can use if you’re in that situation to explain what is happening.
Siuling: 我個女病咗。(ngo5 go3 neoi5 beng6 zo2.)
John: "My daughter got sick."
Siuling: 我今日發燒。(ngo5 gam1 jat6 faat3 siu1.)
John: "I have a fever today."
Siuling: 我要去睇醫生。(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 tai2 ji1 sang1.)
John: "I have to go to the doctor."
Siuling: 我要去市政廳。(ngo5 jiu3 heoi3 si5 zing3 teng1.)
John: "I have to go to the city office." After you’ve stated what is happening, you’ll need to ask for the day off.
Siuling: The best verb for this is 需要 (seoi1 jiu3).
John: That means "to need."
Siuling: So you can then say 我需要請假 (ngo5 seoi1 jiu3 ceng2 gaa3)
John: "I need a day off." This sentence doesn’t specify how many days are required.
Siuling: To do that, you can say something like 我需要請三日假 (ngo5 seoi1 jiu3 ceng2 saam1 jat6 gaa3)
John: "I need to take three days off." If you’re late to work, here are some sentences you can use to explain why.
Siuling: 好塞車。(hou2 sat1 ce1.)
John: "There is bad traffic."
Siuling: 巴士遲嚟。(baa1 si2 ci4 lei4.)
John: "The bus came late."
Siuling: 火車停駛。(fo2 ce1 ting4 sai2.)
John: "The train service was suspended."
Siuling: 我遲咗起身。(ngo5 ci4 zo2 hei2 san1.)
John: "I overslept." How can you apologize for being late?
Siuling: 真係好對唔住 (zan1 hai6 hou2 deoi3 m4 zyu6)
John: "I’m terribly sorry."
Siuling: Or a simple 唔好意思 (m4 hou2 ji3 si1)
John: "Excuse me."


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Siuling: 拜拜!(baai1 baai3!)

