
Vocabulary (Review)

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John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to CantoneseClass101.com. This is Business Cantonese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 20 - Securing a Hong Kong Job Interview. John here.
Siuling: 大家好!(daai6 gaa1 hou2!) I'm Siuling.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn about getting a job interview. The conversation takes place at an office.
Siuling: It's between Monica and Tom.
John: The speakers are a boss and potential employee therefore, they will speak formal Cantonese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
黃小芬: 唔該介紹下你自己。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: m4 goi1 gaai3 siu6 haa5 nei5 zi6 gei2.)
湯子華: 我喺香港大學主修市場及管理學系。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: ngo5 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 daai6 hok6 zyu2 sau1 si5 coeng4 kap6 gun2 lei5 hok6 hai6.)
湯子華: 直至現時為止,我係清爽水果公司嘅營業代表,我仲做過商業顧問。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zik6 zi3 jin6 si4 wai4 zi2, ngo5 hai6 cing1 song2 seoi2 gwo2 gung1 si1 ge3 jing4 jip6 doi6 biu2, ngo5 zung6 zou6 gwo3 soeng1 jip6 gu3 man6.)
黃小芬: 點解你想嚟我哋公司做嘢?
(wong4 siu2 fan1: dim2 gaai2 nei5 soeng2 lei4 ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 zou6 je5?)
湯子華: 我鍾意接受挑戰,同埋想嘗試其他嘢。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: ngo5 zung1 ji3 zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3, tung4 maai4 soeng2 soeng4 si3 kei4 taa1 je5.)
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
黃小芬: 唔該介紹下你自己。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: m4 goi1 gaai3 siu6 haa5 nei5 zi6 gei2.)
湯子華: 我喺香港大學主修市場及管理學系。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: ngo5 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 daai6 hok6 zyu2 sau1 si5 coeng4 kap6 gun2 lei5 hok6 hai6.)
湯子華: 直至現時為止,我係清爽水果公司嘅營業代表,我仲做過商業顧問。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zik6 zi3 jin6 si4 wai4 zi2, ngo5 hai6 cing1 song2 seoi2 gwo2 gung1 si1 ge3 jing4 jip6 doi6 biu2, ngo5 zung6 zou6 gwo3 soeng1 jip6 gu3 man6.)
黃小芬: 點解你想嚟我哋公司做嘢?
(wong4 siu2 fan1: dim2 gaai2 nei5 soeng2 lei4 ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 zou6 je5?)
湯子華: 我鍾意接受挑戰,同埋想嘗試其他嘢。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: ngo5 zung1 ji3 zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3, tung4 maai4 soeng2 soeng4 si3 kei4 taa1 je5.)
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
黃小芬: 唔該介紹下你自己。
(wong4 siu2 fan1: m4 goi1 gaai3 siu6 haa5 nei5 zi6 gei2.)
Monica: Tell us something about yourself, please.
湯子華: 我喺香港大學主修市場及管理學系。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: ngo5 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 daai6 hok6 zyu2 sau1 si5 coeng4 kap6 gun2 lei5 hok6 hai6.)
Tom: I majored in marketing and management at the University of Hong Kong.
湯子華: 直至現時為止,我係清爽水果公司嘅營業代表,我仲做過商業顧問。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: zik6 zi3 jin6 si4 wai4 zi2, ngo5 hai6 cing1 song2 seoi2 gwo2 gung1 si1 ge3 jing4 jip6 doi6 biu2, ngo5 zung6 zou6 gwo3 soeng1 jip6 gu3 man6.)
Tom: Until now, I was working as a sales representative for Cool Fruit. I also have experience as a business consultant.
黃小芬: 點解你想嚟我哋公司做嘢?
(wong4 siu2 fan1: dim2 gaai2 nei5 soeng2 lei4 ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 zou6 je5?)
Monica: Why do you want to work for us?
湯子華: 我鍾意接受挑戰,同埋想嘗試其他嘢。
(tong1 zi2 waa4: ngo5 zung1 ji3 zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3, tung4 maai4 soeng2 soeng4 si3 kei4 taa1 je5.)
Tom: I like challenges, and I wanted to try something else.
John: This time, we heard a very nerve-racking conversation.
Siuling: Yes, a job interview! I hate those.
John: Me too, but they’re a necessity! What is the job hiring process like in Hong Kong?
Siuling: If you’re considering getting a job in Hong Kong, then I recommend researching the job market.
John: Look at the current job trends, examine your own situation, and see where you can fit in. Where can you find job opportunities?
Siuling: Job websites, headhunting agencies, and international schools are good starting points.
John: If you work for an international company that has a Hong Kong branch already, maybe you can get transferred there.
Siuling: If you’re fluent in Mandarin or Cantonese, there will be more opportunities for you.
John: Chinese companies will be more open to hiring you.
Siuling: Prepare your resume, or CV, with a professional photo.
John: Remember that the dress code for business and interviews is neat and conservative.
Siuling: Formal, dark simple color suits are considered suitable for both women and men.
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 介紹(gaai3 siu6) [natural native speed]
John: to introduce
Siuling: 介紹(gaai3 siu6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 介紹(gaai3 siu6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 主修(zyu2 sau1) [natural native speed]
John: major in
Siuling: 主修(zyu2 sau1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 主修(zyu2 sau1) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 市場及管理(si5 coeng4 kap6 gun2 lei5) [natural native speed]
John: marketing and management
Siuling: 市場及管理(si5 coeng4 kap6 gun2 lei5) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 市場及管理(si5 coeng4 kap6 gun2 lei5) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 學系(hok6 hai6) [natural native speed]
John: department
Siuling: 學系(hok6 hai6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 學系(hok6 hai6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 營業代表(jing4 jip6 doi6 biu2) [natural native speed]
John: sales representative
Siuling: 營業代表(jing4 jip6 doi6 biu2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 營業代表(jing4 jip6 doi6 biu2) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 顧問(gu3 man6) [natural native speed]
John: consultant
Siuling: 顧問(gu3 man6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 顧問(gu3 man6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 挑戰(tiu1 zin3) [natural native speed]
John: challenge
Siuling: 挑戰(tiu1 zin3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 挑戰(tiu1 zin3) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 接受(zip3 sau6) [natural native speed]
John: to receive
Siuling: 接受(zip3 sau6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 接受(zip3 sau6) [natural native speed]
John: Next we have...
Siuling: 同埋(tung4 maai4) [natural native speed]
John: and
Siuling: 同埋(tung4 maai4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 同埋(tung4 maai4) [natural native speed]
John: And last...
Siuling: 嘗試 [natural native speed]
John: to try
Siuling: 嘗試 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Siuling: 嘗試 [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Siuling: 營業顧問(jing4 jip6 gu3 man6)
John: meaning "sales consultant"
John: Let’s break down this phrase.
Siuling: First is 營業(jing4 jip6), meaning "sales, do business." Next is 顧問(gu3 man6).
John: "advisor, consultant." You can put other words in front of "advisor."
Siuling: Yes, for example 勞工顧問(lou4 gung1 gu3 man6)
John: This is a "labor advisor."
Siuling: Someone who looks after the rights of workers.
John: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 營業顧問專門解答客戶疑難。(jing4 jip6 gu3 man6 zyun1 mun2 gaai2 daap3 haak3 wu6 ji4 naan4.)
John: ...which means "The sales consultant specializes in solving and answering the problem and questions of the customer."
John: Okay, what's the next word?
Siuling: 接受挑戰
(zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3)
John: meaning "to take up a challenge."
John: Let’s take a closer look at this, too.
Siuling: First is 接受(zip3 sau6), meaning "to receive, to take." Next is 挑戰(tiu1 zin3).
John: This is "challenge." You can use this phrase for people that aren’t afraid of a difficult task.
Siuling: The antonym of 接受(zip3 sau6) is 拒絕(keoi5 zyut6).
John: This means "refuse, reject." Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Siuling: Sure. For example, you can say... 不怕艱辛,接受挑戰。(bat1 paa3 gaan1 san1, zip3 sau6 tiu1 zin3.)
John: ... which means "Not afraid of the difficulty and take the challenge."
John: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn about getting a job Interview.
John: A very common question you’ll hear at a job interview is...
Siuling: 唔該介紹下你自己。(m4 goi1 gaai3 siu6 haa5 nei5 zi6 gei2.)
John: "Tell us something about yourself, please." It’s a very standard question. You can answer by talking about your education. You can do this with the phrases...
Siuling: 我喺_____畢業。(ngo5 hai2 __________ bat1 jip6.)
John: "I graduated from…" Or...
Siuling: 我主修_____。(ngo5 zyu2 sau1 __________.)
John: "I majored in…" Let’s hear some examples of majors.
Siuling: 數學 (sou3 hok6)
John: "mathematics"
Siuling: 語言學 (jyu5 jin4 hok6)
John: "linguistics"
Siuling: 市場營銷 (si5 coeng4 jing4 siu1 )
John: "marketing." If you want to talk about your job experience, you can say...
Siuling: 直至現時為止,我係_____嘅_____。(zik6 zi3 jin6 si4 wai4 zi2, ngo5 hai6 ______ ge3 ______.)
John: "Until now, I have been working as ______ at ______."
Siuling: You can also say 我仲做過_____。(ngo5 zung6 zou6 gwo3 _________.)
John: "I also have experience as a(n)__________." Siuling, can you give us a couple of examples of professions?
Siuling: Sure! 項目經理 (hong6 muk6 ging1 lei5)
John: "project manager"
Siuling: 會計 (wui6 gai3)
John: "accountant"
Siuling: 經理 (ging1 lei5)
John: "manager." Another common question in job interviews is...
Siuling: 點解你想嚟我哋公司做嘢?(dim2 gaai2 nei5 soeng2 lei4 ngo5 dei6 gung1 si1 zou6 je5?)
John: "Why did you choose our company?" How can we answer this?
Siuling: You can say something like 因為我想增值自己。(jan1 wai6 ngo5 soeng2 zang1 zik6 zi6 gei2.)
John: "Because I want to progress myself."
Siuling: If you’re asked a question directly, you can omit 因為 (jan1 wai6).
John: That means "because." What would the sentence be then?
Siuling: 我想增值自己。(ngo5 soeng2 zang1 zik6 zi6 gei2.)
John: "I want to progress myself."


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Siuling: 拜拜!(baai1 baai3!)

