
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to CantoneseClass101.com. I’m David.
Gimmy: 大家好, 我係 Gimmy。(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Gimmy.)
David: And we’re here today with Beginner Season 1, Lesson 13.
Gimmy: At the Hong Kong Airport.
David: Right. So our dialogue today is about airplanes and airports and flights that are on time or late.
Gimmy: Yes.
David: So if you travel frequently, you are going to use this stuff.
Gimmy: Right.
David: The dialogue itself, it’s happening in the Hong Kong International Airport between two travelers.
Gimmy: And they’re speaking standard Cantonese…
David: As always.
Gimmy: Yes.
David: Let’s go listen.

Lesson conversation

我哋班機幾點呀?(ngo5 dei6 baan1 gei1 gei2 dim2 aa3?)
仲有半個鐘度。(zung6 jau5 bun3 go3 zung1 dou2.)
希望今次準時,唔好遲啦。(hei1 mong6 gam1 ci3 zeon2 si4, m4 hou2 ci4 laa1.)
遲咗,都冇辦法。(ci4 zo2, dou1 mou5 baan6 faat3.)
David: Once more, a bit slower.
我哋班機幾點呀?(ngo5 dei6 baan1 gei1 gei2 dim2 aa3?)
仲有半個鐘度。(zung6 jau5 bun3 go3 zung1 dou2.)
希望今次準時,唔好遲啦。(hei1 mong6 gam1 ci3 zeon2 si4, m4 hou2 ci4 laa1.)
遲咗,都冇辦法。(ci4 zo2, dou1 mou5 baan6 faat3.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
我哋班機幾點呀?(ngo5 dei6 baan1 gei1 gei2 dim2 aa3?)
What time is our flight?
仲有半個鐘度。(zung6 jau5 bun3 go3 zung1 dou2.)
Another half an hour or so.
希望今次準時,唔好遲啦。(hei1 mong6 gam1 ci3 zeon2 si4, m4 hou2 ci4 laa1.)
I hope it'll be on time this time, and not late.
遲咗,都冇辦法。(ci4 zo2, dou1 mou5 baan6 faat3.)
If it is, there's nothing that can be done.
David: So this is travel vocabulary. In this lesson…
Gimmy: …you’re going to learn all these words you can use at the airport.
David: Right. Well, hopefully you’re not going to use the “my flight is late”, but maybe. So let’s get to our vocab.
Gimmy: 登記 (dang1 gei3) [natural native speed]
David: To check-in.
Gimmy: 登記 (dang1 gei3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 登記 (dang1 gei3) [natural native speed].
Gimmy: 飛機 (fei1 gei1) [natural native speed].
David: Airplane.
Gimmy: 飛機 (fei1 gei1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 飛機 (fei1 gei1) [natural native speed].
Gimmy: 機場 (gei1 ceong4) [natural native speed].
David: Airport.
Gimmy: 機場 (gei1 ceong4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 機場 (gei1 ceong4) [natural native speed].
Gimmy: 班機 (baan1 gei1) [natural native speed].
David: Flight.
Gimmy: 班機 (baan1 gei1) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 班機 (baan1 gei1) [natural native speed].
Gimmy: 幾點 (gei2 dim2) [natural native speed].
David: What time.
Gimmy: 幾點 (gei2 dim2) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 幾點 (gei2 dim2) [natural native speed].
Gimmy 希望 (hei1 mong6) [natural native speed]
David: To hope.
Gimmy: 希望 (hei1 mong6) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 希望 (hei1 mong6) [natural native speed].
Gimmy: 準時 (zeon2 si4) [natural native speed].
David: To be on time.
Gimmy: 準時 (zeon2 si4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 準時 (zeon2 si4) [natural native speed]
Gimmy: 遲 (ci4) [natural native speed].
David: To be late.
Gimmy: 遲 (ci4) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 遲 (ci4) [natural native speed].
Gimmy: 辦法 (baan6 faat3) [natural native speed].
David: Method.
Gimmy: 辦法 (baan6 faat3) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. 辦法 (baan6 faat3) [natural native speed].
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Obviously, our first word is “airport.”
Gimmy: 機場. (gei1 ceong4.)
David: “Airport.”
Gimmy: 機場. (gei1 ceong4.)
David: If you’re going to the airport, one of the best ways to go is actually the subway. But in case you have a lot of luggage to move when you take a cab, you’re going to want to tell the cabbie, “To the airport, please.”
Gimmy: 去機場吖,唔該. (heoi3 gei1 coeng4 aa1 , m4 goi1.)
David: “To the airport, please.”
Gimmy: Gimmy: 去機場吖,唔該. (heoi3 gei1 coeng4 aa1, m4 goi1.)
David: When you get to the airport, you’re going to be looking for your flight.
Gimmy: 班機. (baan1 gei1.)
David: “Your flight.”
Gimmy: 班機. (baan1 gei1.)
David: And if you can’t find your flight on the information boards, you can always go to the information desk and ask, “What time is my flight?”
Gimmy: 我班機幾點呀?(ngo5 baan1 gei1 gei2 dim2 aa3?)
David: “What time is my flight.”
Gimmy: 我班機幾點呀?(ngo5 baan1 gei1 gei2 dim2 aa3?)
David: Another useful question is, “Where do I check in?”
Gimmy: 我喺邊度登記呀?(ngo5 hai2 bin1 dou6 dang1 gei3 aa3?)
David: “Where can I check in?”
Gimmy: 我去邊度登記呀?(ngo5 heoi3 bin1 dou6 dang1 gei3 aa3?)
David: Let’s hear those two sentences again. “What time is my flight?”
Gimmy: 我班機幾點呀?(ngo5 baan1 gei1 gei2 dim2 aa3?)
David: “Where can I check in?”
Gimmy: 我去邊度登記?(ngo5 heoi3 bin1 dou6 dang1 gei3?)
David: Right. Now, when you’re sitting waiting, it can often be frustrating in a foreign airport because the announcements are in a foreign language and you’re never quite sure what’s happening. There are two words to pay attention to. The first is “on time.”
Gimmy: 準時. (zeon2 si4.)
David: “On time.”
Gimmy: 準時. (zeon2 si4.)
David: We’ve learned this in the previous lesson so let’s review here.
Gimmy: 準時. (zeon2 si4)
David: If you’re listening to the announcements, you might hear, “Your flight is on time.”
Gimmy: 班機準時. (baan1 gei1 zeon2 si4.)
David: Right. You might hear an announcement telling you, “The flight is on time.”
Gimmy: 班機準時. (baan1 gei1 zeon2 si4.)
David: “The flight is on time.”
Gimmy: 班機準時. (baan1 gei1 zeon2 si4.)
David: Of course, if the flight’s late, you’re going to hear something different.
Gimmy: 遲. (ci4.)
David: “Late.”
Gimmy: 遲. (ci4.)
David: So let’s do a quick review, this vocab. First, we have “airport.”
Gimmy: 機場. (gei1 coeng4.)
David: “Flight.”
Gimmy: 班機. (baan1 gei1 .)
David: “What time?”
Gimmy: 幾點? (gei2 dim2?)
David: “Check in.”
Gimmy: 登記. (dang1 gei3.)
David: And finally the words “to be on time.”
Gimmy: 準時. (zeon2 si4.)
David: And “to be late.”
Gimmy: 遲. (ci4.)
David: We hope you don’t use that last one. And speaking of hope, that’s what our grammar focus is all about.
Gimmy: Yes.

Lesson focus

David: Okay, Gimmy, what are we learning today?
Gimmy: David, today we’re teaching how to wish for things.
David: Right. We’re teaching wishful thinking, which at the airport, well, I hope my flight is not late.
Gimmy: I hope it’s even going to be early.
David: Right. And that’s what we hear in our dialogue.
Gimmy: 希望今次準時. (hei1 mong6 gam1 ci3 zeon2 si4.)
David: “I hope this time it’s on time.”
Gimmy: 希望今次準時. (hei1 mong6 gam1 ci3 zeon2 si4.)
David: “I hope the flight is on time this time.” “At this time” suggests, of course…
Gimmy: This flight.
David: …they had bad experiences. Yeah.
Gimmy: Yeah.
David: But this grammar pattern, we’re just putting the word…
Gimmy: 希望. (hei1 mong6.)
David: …at the start our sentence.
Gimmy: Right.
David: Now, there’s a word missing at the start of this sentence, which is “I”.
Gimmy: 我. (ngo5.)
David: But you don’t need to include it because it’s assumed.
Gimmy: Yes.
David: So any time you start a sentence with…
Gimmy: 希望. (hei1 mong6.)
David: …you can just put what you hope after the fact.
Gimmy: Right.
David: For instance, “I hope the flight is on time.”
Gimmy: 希望班機準時. (hei1 mong6 baan1 gei1 zeon2 si4.)
David: “I hope there’s a solution.”
Gimmy: 希望有辦法. (hei1 mong6 jau5 baan6 faat3.)
David: “I hope there’s a solution.”
Gimmy: 希望有辦法. (hei1 mong6 jau5 baan6 faat3.)
David: “I hope I’m not late.”
Gimmy: 希望我冇遲到. (hei1 mong6 ngo5 mou5 ci4 dou3.)
David: “I hope I’m not late.”
Gimmy: 希望我冇遲到. (hei1 mong6 ngo5 mou5 ci4 dou3.)
David: “I hope he’s got a solution.”
Gimmy: 希望佢有辦法. (hei1 mong6 keoi5 jau5 baan6 faat3.)
David: Right, which is the word…
Gimmy: 希望. (hei1 mong6.)
David: Right. So to review, our grammar pattern today is…
Gimmy: 希望... (hei1 mong6...)
David: Followed by what we hope.
Gimmy: Yes.
David: And this expresses wishful desire or, as Gimmy says….
Gimmy: Wishful thinking.


David: Right. That brings us to the end of our lesson for today, though. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you on the site.
Gimmy: 多謝收聽, 下次見. (do1 ze6 sau1 teng1, haa6 ci3 gin3.)


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