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Hi guys! Hi everybody! Welcome to Cantonese Top Words! Today we’re going to talk about Top 25 Cantonese Adjectives. Let’s go!
1. 好 (hou2) "good; well"
我係個好人。 (ngo5 hai6 go3 hou2 jan4.) "I am a good person."
Yes I am!
2. 大 (daai6) "big"
你間屋好大呀! (nei5 gaan1 uk1 hou2 daai6 aa3!) "Your house is so big!"
3. 細 (sai3) "little; small; tiny“
我對眼好細。 (ngo5 deoi3 ngaan5 hou2 sai3.) "My eyes are very small."
4. 長 (coeng4) "long"
長頭髮 (coeng4 tau4 faat3) "long hair"
長 (coeng4)
5. 短 (dyun2) "short"
我啲手指甲好短呀。 (ngo5 di1 sau2 zi2 gaap3 hou2 dyun2 aa3.) "My fingernails are short."
Let’s talk about me, all about me!
6. 熱 (jit6) "hot"
今日天氣好熱。 (gam1 jat6 tin1 hei3 hou2 jit6.) "Today the weather is very hot."
今日天氣好熱。 (gam1 jat6 tin1 hei3 hou2 jit6.)
7. 凍 (dung3) "cold"
我唔鍾意開冷氣,會好凍。 (ngo5 m4 zung1 ji3 hoi1 laang5 hei3, wui5 hou2 dung3.)
"I don't like to turn on the air-conditioner because it gets too cold."
And it’s bad for the environment.
8. 平 (peng4) "cheap"
When you go to a market, people will tell you to come over here, check it out, things are really here! 好平呀!(hou2 peng4 aa3!)
好平呀!過嚟睇下! (hou2 peng4 aa3! gwo3 lei4 tai2 haa5!) "Things are really cheap here! Come take a look!"
9. 貴 (gwai3) "expensive"
香港啲樓好貴。 (hoeng1 gong2 di1 lau2 hou2 gwai3.) "Apartments in Hong Kong are very expensive."
It’s sad.
10. 難 (naan4) "difficult"
法文好難。 (faat3 man2 hou2 naan4.) "French is difficult."
Je ne sais quoi, je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas.
法文好難。 (faat3 man2 hou2 naan4.)
11. 易 (ji6) "easy"
跟我學廣東話好易。 (gan1 ngo5 hok6 gwong2 dung1 waa2 hou2 ji6.) "Learn Cantonese with me is very easy."
12. 快 (faai3) "fast"
我跑得好快。 (ngo5 paau2 dak1 hou2 faai3.) "I run really fast."
快 (faai3)
13. 慢 (maan6) "slow"
"I like the concept of Slow-living."
我鍾意慢活嘅概念。 (ngo5 zung1 ji3 maan6 wut6 ge3 koi3 nim6.)
14. 新 (san1) "new"
新年快樂! (san1 nin4 faai3 lok6!) "Happy new year!"
15. 舊 (gau6) "old"
我間屋好舊。 (ngo5 gaan1 uk1 hou2 gau6.) "My house is really old"
揼晒啲舊衫! (dam2 saai3 di1 gau6 saam1!) "Throw away all your old clothings!"
Clear up space for new clothes!
16. 靚 (leng3) "beautiful"
林嘉欣好靚。 (lam4 gaa1 jan1 hou2 leng3.) "Karena Lam is very beautiful."
Karena Lam is a Hong Kong actress, you can check out her movies.
17. 核突 (wat6 dat6) "ugly"
There’s also another Hong Kong actor who is famous for being ugly, his name is Bobby Yip. He just has an iconic face of being an ugly guy in the movies.
18. 有用 (jau5 jung6) "useful"
學外語好有用。 (hok6 ngoi6 jyu5 hou2 jau5 jung6.) "Learning a new learning is very useful."
19. 冇用 (mou5 jung6) “useless”
一定唔可以做個冇用嘅人。 (jat1 ding6 m4 ho2 ji3 zou6 go3 mou5 jung6 ge3 jan4.) "We must not become an useless person. / We must not become an incompetent person."
20. 飽 (baau2) "full (stomach)"
So after every meal, we say 好飽呀! (hou2 baau2 aa3!) ”I’m so full!"
We only use 飽 (baau2) for the stomach.
21. 肚餓 (tou5 ngo6) "hungry"
Before every meal, I say 好肚餓呀! (hou2 tou5 ngo6 aa3!) "I'm so hungry!"
22. 開心 (hoi1 sam1) "happy"
"I'm so happy!" 我好開心呀! (ngo5 hou2 hoi1 sam1 aa3!)
So happy! 開心 (hoi1 sam1).
23. 得意 (dak1 ji3) "cute"
When you see a cute puppy, we’ll scream, like, 好得意呀! (hou2 dak1 ji3 aa3!) "So cute!"
24. 悶 (mun6) "boring"
My teenage cousin always say 好悶呀! (hou2 mun6 aa3!) "So boring!"
25. 攰 (gui6) "tired"
我錄咗成段片,好攰呀。 (ngo5 luk6 zo2 seng4 dyun6 pin2, hou2 gui6 aa3.) "I'm tired after recording this video." No, just kidding, I love it.
So these are the top 25 Cantonese adjectives that we use all the time, try to make a sentence with it and put it in the comments. Please subscribe, and check out the word list from our website, CantoneseClass101.com. See you next time, bye!

