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Lesson Transcript

Hi! Welcome to Cantonese Top Words. I’m Olivia. Today, we’re going to talk about must-know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Here we go!
1. 我非常同意。 (ngo5 fei1 soeng4 tung4 ji3.) “I couldn't agree with you more.”
我 (ngo5 ) “me”, 非常 (fei1 soeng4 ) “very much”, 同意 (tung4 ji3) “agree”, so I agree with you a lot like I agree with you very much, I couldn’t agree with you more.
2. 我都唔肯定。 (ngo5 dou1 m4 hang2 ding6.) “Well, I’m not sure.”
肯定 (hang2 ding6) is “sure”, 唔肯定 (m4 hang2 ding6) is “not sure”, so “I’m not sure” 我都唔肯定。 (ngo5 dou1 m4 hang2 ding6.).
3. 當然。 (dong1 jin4.) “Of course.”
Or more casual way would be 梗係啦! (gang2 hai6 laa1!) “For sure!”.
4. 我諗係咁。 (ngo5 lam2 hai6 gam2.) “I guess so.”
我諗 (ngo5 lam2) is “I think”, 係咁 (hai6 gam2) “as is”, so I think so, I think that is the case.
5. 我正想講。 (ngo5 zing3 soeng2 gong2.) “I was just going to say that.”
正想 (zing3 soeng2) is “about to / I was going to” so 講 (gong2.) is “to say / to speak.”
6. 係呀,你講得啱。 (hai6 aa3, nei5 gong2 dak1 aam1.) “Yes, you’re right.”
啱 (aam1) is “correct or right” so, 係呀,你講得啱。 (hai6 aa3, nei5 gong2 dak1 aam1.) “Yes, you’re right.”.
7. 你錯喇! (nei5 co3 laa3!) “You’re wrong!”
錯 (co3) is “wrong or mistake” so 你錯喇! (nei5 co3 laa3!) “You’re wrong!”.
8. 我諗唔係。 (ngo5 lam2 m4 hai6.) “I don't think so.”
我諗 (ngo5 lam2) is “I think”, 唔係 (m4 hai6) is “to be not” so I think it’s not the case, I don’t think so.
9. 可能啦。 (ho2 nang4 laa1.) “Maybe.”
可能 (ho2 nang4) is “probably or maybe” so 可能啦。 (ho2 nang4 laa1.) “Maybe.”.
10. 我唔同意。唔得。 (ngo5 m4 tung4 ji3. m4 dak1.) “I don't agree. No.”
同意 (tung4 ji3) is “agree”, 唔同意 (m4 tung4 ji3) is “not agree” so 唔得 (m4 dak1) is like “no, that’s not possible / that’s not doable”.
So that’s it for today. Today, we talked about must-know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Do you have any more? Please leave us a comment. Please subscribe and check out the worklist on CantoneseClass101.com. I’m Olivia. See you next time. Bye!


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