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Hi, guys! Welcome back to Cantonese Top Words. I’m Olivia and today, we’re going to talk about 10 sad words. Sad...so here we go!
1. 心煩意亂 (sam1 faan4 ji3 lyun6) “upset”
心 (sam1) means “heart”, 煩 (faan4) is “troubled”, 意 (ji3) is “mind”, 亂 (lyun6) is “messy” so my heart and my mind is troubled and it’s messy, it means upset like I’m just really upset.
In a sentence...收唔到男朋友嘅電話令佢心煩意亂,冇辦法集中精神做嘢。 (sau1 m4 dou2 naam4 pang4 jau5 ge3 din6 waa2 ling6 keoi5 sam1 faan4 ji3 lyun6, mou5 baan6 faat3 zaap6 zung1 zing1 san4 zou6 je5.) “She was upset and could not concentrate on her work because her boyfriend did not call her.”
聽到呢個消息,我好心煩意亂。 (teng1 dou2 ni1 go3 siu1 sik1, ngo5 hou2 sam1 faan4 ji3 lyun6.) “I'm very upset hearing that news.”
2. 傷心 (soeng1 sam1) “hurt”
傷 (soeng1) is “to be injured”, 心 (sam1) is “heart” so your heart is injured so you are hurt.
媽媽發現個仔吸毒,非常傷心。 (maa4 maa1 faat3 jin6 go3 zai2 kap1 duk6, fei1 soeng4 soeng1 sam1.) “The mother was hurt deeply when she found out her son was taking drugs.”
Say no to drugs!
So 傷心 (soeng1 sam1), 媽媽好傷心。 (maa4 maa1 hou2 soeng1 sam1.) “The mother is hurt deeply.”
3. 寂寞 (zik6 mok6) “lonely”
冇朋友嘅人最寂寞。 (mou5 pang4 jau5 ge3 jan4 zeoi3 zik6 mok6.) “The person without any friend is the loneliest.”
冇朋友 (mou5 pang4 jau5) “without friends” like no friends, 嘅人 (ge3 jan4) “the people”, 最 (zeoi3) “the most”, 寂寞 (zik6 mok6) “lonely”, 冇朋友嘅人最寂寞。 (mou5 pang4 jau5 ge3 jan4 zeoi3 zik6 mok6.) “The person without any friend is the loneliest.”
4. 悲傷 (bei1 soeng1) “sad”
戰爭只會為人類帶嚟悲傷。 (zin3 zang1 zi2 wui5 wai6 jan4 leoi6 daai3 lei4 bei1 soeng1.) “The war only brings sadness to human beings.”
There are way too many wars that bring sadness to human beings. All the wars, 戰爭 (zin3 zang1) is “war”.
戰爭只會為人類帶嚟悲傷。 (zin3 zang1 zi2 wui5 wai6 jan4 leoi6 daai3 lei4 bei1 soeng1.) “War only brings sadness.”
5. 淒涼 (cai1 loeng4) “miserable”
This is very colloquial. We use it a lot in speech, but not that much in writing although you can still use it. So in a sentence, 淒涼 (cai1 loeng4)...
做乜佢喊得咁淒涼? (zou6 mat1 keoi5 haam3 dak1 gam3 cai1 loeng4?) “Why did he cry so miserably?”
For example, if a kid got lost on the street, he’ll probably cry a lot and the other people might say, 做乜佢喊得咁淒涼? (zou6 mat1 keoi5 haam3 dak1 gam3 cai1 loeng4?) and they will try to help.
6. 喊 (haam3) “to cry”
細路仔食唔飽就會喊。 (sai3 lou6 zai2 sik6 m4 baau2 zau6 wui5 haam3.) “The kid will cry when he is hungry.”
喊 (haam3) “to cry”
你細個係咪成日喊? (nei5 sai3 go3 hai6 mai6 sing4 jat6 haam3?) “Did you cry a lot when you were young?”
Were you a crybaby? Let us know in the comment. Even now, many adults would cry a lot.
7. 灰心 (fui1 sam1) “discouraged”
灰(fui1) is “gray” like the color gray and 心 (sam1) is “heart” so 灰心 (fui1 sam1) is having a gray heart. It means discouraged.
In a sentence...雖然比賽輸咗,但係我哋唔會灰心。 (seoi1 jin4 bei2 coi3 syu1 zo2, daan6 hai6 ngo5 dei6 m4 wui5 fui1 sam1.) “Although we lost the game, we did not feel discouraged.”
That’s good! That’s good sportsmanship.
8. 唔開心 (m4 hoi1 sam1) “unhappy”
唔 (m4) is “not” like the negation, 開心 (hoi1 sam1) is “happy”, so 唔開心 (m4 hoi1 sam1) “not happy / unhappy”.
In a sentence...中唔到六合彩,梗係唔開心啦。 (zung3 m4 dou2 luk6 hap6 coi2, gang2 hai6 m4 hoi1 sam1 laa1.) “I did not win the lottery. Of course I am unhappy.”
中唔到六合彩 (zung3 m4 dou2 luk6 hap6 coi2)...
六合彩 (luk6 hap6 coi2) is “lottery” in Hong Kong, the official English name is Mark Six, 六合彩 (luk6 hap6 coi2).
中六合彩 (zung3 luk6 hap6 coi2) “to win a lottery”
9. 好慘 (hou2 caam2) “wretched”
好慘 (hou2 caam2) “wretched” or “miserable”
好慘呀! 佢輸晒啲錢喺股票市場。 (hou2 caam2 aa3! keoi5 syu1 saai3 di1 cin2 hai2 gu2 piu3 si5 coeng4.) “He was in wretched conditions because he lost all his money in the stock market.”
That sucks. That actually happens to a lot of people. They have to claim bankruptcy. They become bankrupt because they lost all their money in the stock market. That’s why I don’t like buying stock.
10. 心痛 (sam1 tung3) “heartbroken”
心 (sam1) is “heart”, 痛 (tung3) is “pain” or “to ache” so 心痛 (sam1 tung3) is “heartache” or “heartbroken”.
In a sentence...俾最好嘅朋友出賣,令佢好心痛。 (bei2 zeoi3 hou2 ge3 pang4 jau5 ceot1 maai6, ling6 keoi5 hou2 sam1 tung3.) “He was so heartbroken because he was betrayed by his best friend.”
出賣 (ceot1 maai6) is “betrayed”, 令佢好心痛 (ling6 keoi5 hou2 sam1 tung3) “it makes him very heartbroken” or “it makes his heart in a lot of pain”.
So that’s it for today. Today, we talked about 10 sad words. I hope you never get to use them. Please leave us a comment if you think of any other sad words or ways to cheer up people who are sad. Please subscribe and check out CantoneseClass101.com for the work list and I’ll see you next time. I’m Olivia. Bye-bye!

