
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to cantoneseclass101.com. I am David.
Nicole: 大家好,我係Nicole。(daai6 gaa1 hou2, ngo5 hai6 Nicole.)
David: And we are here with another upper beginner lesson, season 1, lesson 21. Hong Kong Noodles.
Nicole: 冇錯,關於麵嘅。(mou5 co3, gwaan1 jyu1 min6 ge3.)
David: Nicole is all excited at the topic. You have a lot to tell us about noodles today Nicole.
Nicole: 冇錯,因為呢個對話呢,係發生喺麵店。(mou5 co3, jan1 wai6 ni1 go3 deoi3 waa6 ne1, hai6 faat3 sang1 hai2 min6 dim3.)
David: Yes. So it takes place in a restaurant. People are speaking casual Cantonese as always. Let’s go here to this noodle story.
Nicole: 好!(hou2 !)
A:唔該我要碗牛肉拉麵。(m4 goi1 ngo5 jiu3 wun2 ngau4 juk6 laai1 min6.)
B:唔好意思,拉麵賣晒。(m4 hou2 ji3 si6, laai1 min6 maai6 saai3.)
A:咁要牛肉炒麵啦。(gam2 jiu3 ngau4 juk6 caau2 min6 laa1.)
B:牛肉都賣晒喇。(ngau4 juk6 dou1 maai6 saai3 laa3.)
A:咁嚟碗雞肉拉麵。(gam2 lei4 wun2 gai1 juk6 laai1 min6.)
B:我都話拉麵賣晒囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lo3.)
David: Once more, a bit more slowly.
A:唔該我要碗牛肉拉麵。(m4 goi1 ngo5 jiu3 wun2 ngau4 juk6 laai1 min6.)
B:唔好意思,拉麵賣晒。(m4 hou2 ji3 si6, laai1 min6 maai6 saai3.)
A:咁要牛肉炒麵啦。(gam2 jiu3 ngau4 juk6 caau2 min6 laa1.)
B:牛肉都賣晒喇。(ngau4 juk6 dou1 maai6 saai3 laa3.)
A:咁嚟碗雞肉拉麵。(gam2 lei4 wun2 gai1 juk6 laai1 min6.)
B:我都話拉麵賣晒囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lo3.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A:唔該我要碗牛肉拉麵。(m4 goi1 ngo5 jiu3 wun2 ngau4 juk6 laai1 min6.)
A: Excuse me, I would like a beef soup noodle.
B:唔好意思,拉麵賣晒。(m4 hou2 ji3 si6, laai1 min6 maai6 saai3.)
B: Sorry, soup noodles are sold out.
A:咁要牛肉炒麵啦。(gam2 jiu3 ngau4 juk6 caau2 min6 laa1.)
A: Then beef fry noodle.
B:牛肉都賣晒喇。(ngau4 juk6 dou1 maai6 saai3 laa3.)
B: Beef is sold out too.
A:咁嚟碗雞肉拉麵。(gam2 lei4 wun2 gai1 juk6 laai1 min6.)
A: Then a chicken soup noodle.
B:我都話拉麵賣晒囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lo3.)
B: I told you soup noodles are sold out.
David: Okay so Nicole, this is your favorite dialogue to date.
Nicole: Yeah, silly dialogue.
David: We have all of these noodles. So our vocab today Nicole.
Nicole: 全部都係關於麵嘅。(cyun4 bou6 dou1 hai6 gwaan1 jyu1 min6 ge3.)
David: Yes we have all kinds of noodles and you are going to tell us what they are. So this is our noodle show.
Nicole: I will try to.
David: First though, we are just going to go through these words one by one as always.
Nicole: 炒麵 (caau2 min6)
David: Fried noodles.
Nicole: 炒麵 (caau2 min6) [slow] 炒麵 (caau2 min6) [normal speed]。 
賣晒 (maai6 saai3)
David: To sell out.
賣晒 (maai6 saai3)
 [slow] 賣晒 (maai6 saai3)
 [normal speed]。拉麵 (laai1 min6)
David: Noodles.
拉麵 (laai1 min6)
 [slow] 拉麵 (laai1 min6) [normal speed]。河粉 (ho2 fan2)
David: River noodles
Nicole: 河粉 (ho2 fan2) [slow] 河粉 (ho2 fan2) [normal speed]。米粉 (mai5 fan2)
David: Rice noodles.
Nicole: 米粉 (mai5 fan2) [slow] 米粉 (mai5 fan2) [normal speed]。粗面 (cou1 min6)
David: Thick pasta.
Nicole: 粗面 (cou1 min6) [slow] 粗面 (cou1 min6) [normal speed]。幼面 (jau6 min6)
David: Thin pasta.
Nicole: 幼面 (jau6 min6) [slow] 幼面 (jau6 min6) [normal speed]。車仔麵 (ce1 zai2 min6) [normal speed]
David: Mixed noodles.
Nicole: 車仔麵 (ce1 zai2 min6) [slow] 車仔麵 (ce1 zai2 min6) [normal speed]。 碗 (wun2) [normal speed]
David: Bowl
Nicole: 碗 (wun2) [slow] 碗 (wun2)
 碟 (
dip6) [normal speed]
David: Plate
碟 (dip6) [slow] 
碟 (dip6) [normal speed]。
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these noodles. At least most of our vocab list is noodles, right? This is the lesson Nicole where you are going to tell us what these kinds of noodles are.
Nicole: Alright, I will try not to confuse listeners.
David: So we are all clear. First obviously, there is the most generic. There is just this word for noodles.
Nicole: 麵 (min6)
David: Right which we often see in the two character phrase
Nicole: 拉麵 (laai1 min6)
David: Which is literally it’s pulled noodles.
Nicole: Yeah, yeah.
David: So technically you are asking for something that’s handmade.
Nicole: Yes.
David: But these days, it’s just generic for pasta.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: Right. If you want to get more specific, you are going to need the other words we taught you today.
Nicole: That’s right.
David: The next of these is, it is River noodles.
Nicole: 河粉 (ho2 fan2)
David: River noodles.
Nicole: 河粉 (ho2 fan2 )
David: I really like these Nicole. What are they?
Nicole: I love 河粉 (ho2 fan2 ) as well. They are wide and flat noodles.
David: Yeah and with wide and flat, it’s like a river.
Nicole: Yeah, yeah that’s how it got its name.
David: Yeah so river noodles.
Nicole: 河粉 (ho2 fan2 )
David: And you are often going to see them fried. So moving on past river noodles, next is what?
Nicole: 米粉 (mai5 fan2)
David: Rice noodles.
Nicole: 米粉 (mai5 fan2)
David: These are very small.
Nicole: Yeah very thin and transparent.
David: Yes transparent is the key.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: Right?
Nicole: Look really nice.
David: Yeah from Southern China too. So river noodles is
Nicole: 河粉 (ho2 fan2)
David: And rice noodles is
Nicole: 米粉 (mai5 fan2)
David: Next we have some advanced noodles.
Nicole: 粗麵 (cou1 min6)
David: Yes that’s thick pasta.
Nicole: 粗麵 (cou1 min6)
David: It’s like Spaghetti but it’s usually handmade.
Nicole: Yeah it’s like 拉麵。(laai1 min6.)
David: But it’s a bit thicker.
Nicole: It’s a bit thicker yes.
David: Yeah the opposite of it if you are asking for pasta like Spaghetti that’s quite thin, it is
Nicole: 幼麵 (jau3 min6)
David: Right. So they are kind of opposites.
Nicole: Yeah because 粗 (cou1) is the opposite of 幼 (jau3)
David: Right, thick versus thin.
Nicole: 粗(cou1) and 幼(jau3)
David: And we are just adding the word for pasta.
Nicole: 麵(min6)。粗麵,幼麵。(cou1 min6, jau3 min6.)
David: Our last kind of pasta, Nicole, this is your contribution.
Nicole: Oh I love this one. It’s 車仔麵。(ce1 zai2 min6.)
David: Right literally that’s small car noodles.
Nicole: Yeah or trailer noodles. It’s not specific kind of noodles. It’s a way of eating noodles. So you kind of mix all kinds of noodles together if you want and then you add you know, all kind of ingredients or meatballs or you know, just anything.
David: So this is kind of like leftover noodles, whatever is left in the kitchen gets put in the ball.
Nicole: Kind of yeah.
David: Yeah. It’s good though and again the name is
Nicole: 車仔麵。(ce1 zai2 min6.)
David: Which is literally kind of a car trailer noodles.
Nicole: Yeah it’s a cute name.
David: Yeah I know.
Nicole: 車仔麵。(ce1 zai2 min6.)
David: So again from the top, all of these different noodle kinds.
Nicole: 拉麵,河粉,米粉,粗麵,幼麵,車仔麵。(laai1 min6, ho2 fan2, mai5 fan2, cou1 min6, jau3 min6, ce1 zai2 min6.)
David: And with that, let’s get to our grammar point.

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar point today comes from this line in the dialogue.
Nicole: 我都話拉麵賣晒囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lo3.)
David: I told you the noodles are sold out.
Nicole: 我都話拉麵賣晒囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lo3.)
David: You can’t see Nicole but she looks angry delivering this line right?
Nicole: I think I sound angry as well, 我都話拉麵賣晒囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 laai1 min6 maai6 saai3 lo3.)
David: Yeah. What we want to talk about today is how to say things like I told you or he told you or she said where you are maybe a bit angry but you are definitely emphatic.
Nicole: 我都話 (ngo5 dou1 waa6)
David: I told you.
Nicole: 我都話 (ngo5 dou1 waa6)
David: Right. We have the subject and then
Nicole: 都話 (dou1 waa6)
David: Right. The 都 (dou1) there is – it’s emphatic.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: And then we are saying to say. I’ve said.
Nicole: Yeah 都話 (dou1 waa6)
David: For instance, you might hear someone say, I told you, the office is closed on Wednesday.
Nicole: 我都話辦公室星期三關囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 baan6 gung1 sat1 sing1 kei4 saam1 gwaan1 lo3.)
David: Right. That’s when you show up on Wednesday and you call angrily to find out why no one is here. And person on the other end of the line will say
Nicole: 我都話辦公室星期三關囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 baan6 gung1 sat1 sing1 kei4 saam1 gwaan1 lo3.)
David: Right. If you are on a date and the other person doesn’t show up, you might call a friend and complain. How about another example?
Nicole: 佢都話佢鍾意紅色囉。(keoi5 dou1 waa6 keoi5 zung1 ji3 hung4 sik1 lo3.)
David: You might hear that if you are shopping for someone and you buy the wrong thing.
Nicole: 佢都話佢鍾意紅色囉。(keoi5 dou1 waa6 keoi5 zung1 ji3 hung4 sik1 lo3.)
David: She said, she liked the red one.
Nicole: 佢都話佢鍾意紅色囉。(keoi5 dou1 waa6 keoi5 zung1 ji3 hung4 sik1 lo3.)
David: Right. So why did you buy the blue one. She said she liked the red one.
Nicole: That’s right and please pay attention to the ending particle 囉 (lo3 ). It often goes with a pattern 我都話 (ngo5 dou1 waa6), It shows that you are angry. You are upset.
David: Yeah. Let’s have another example.
Nicole: 我都話我要一碗車仔麵囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 ngo5 jiu3 jat1 wun2 ce1 zai2 min6 lo3.)
David: I told you I wanted a bowl of trailer noodles.
Nicole: 我都話我要一碗車仔麵囉。(ngo5 dou1 waa6 ngo5 jiu3 jat1 wun2 ce1 zai2 min6 lo3.)
David: Right. So why are you giving me rice noodles.
Nicole: That’s right.
David: Right. The important thing to note is you can use this with any pronoun. So you can say,
Nicole: 我都話 (ngo5 dou1 waa6)
David: Or
Nicole: 佢都話 (keoi5 dou1 waa6)
David: Or
Nicole: 佢哋都話 (keoi5 dei6 dou1 waa6)
David: Right. Works with singular, works with pleural and again, when you say this, you are a bit angry and you are a bit emphatic and don’t forget to add
Nicole: 囉。(lo3.)
David: At the end if you really want to sound like a native. And with that, we are done our show for today. Before we go, we do want to remind you that we have PDFs on the site.
Nicole: Yeah go check out the PDFs. It’s got the transcript and everything.
David: Yeah the transcript, the vocab. So you could see what these noodles look like.
Nicole: Yeah.
David: So that when you are looking at the menu, you will know whether or not you are ordering the trailer noodles.
Nicole: That’s right.


David: With that said that we are done. From Hong Kong, I am David.
Nicole: 我係Nicole。(ngo5 hai6 Nicole.)
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.
Nicole: Bye bye.


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